Spring Attack: the Charleston Chew of pool powers.




Technically it's a treat, but my lord, who would want one?

More to the point, this power is pretty lame. I understand it's a pool power and by no means should be as good as something like Shield Charge, but it's stats are terrible.

I was looking at it on my Blaster and saw that it does:

83 base damage at level 50.
13.~ endurance
120 second recharge.

It requires 2 Leaping powers to access and demands ample slotting just to make it worthwhile which robs you from putting slots into other, vastly more worthwhile powers. I seem to remember this power having a 90 second recharge on the Beta server. Even if the damage scale stays the same I think the recharge should be reduced to 90 seconds. That is unless it's balanced differently on other ATs and Blasters got stuck with a longer recharge for some reason.

I just see no reason why anyone would currently take this power. It's also pretty annoying that we got these now pool powers, which I appreciate and think is a great idea, but they come with so many caveats and kinda... suck.

Dude: "Hey! I got you a candy bar!"
Bro: "Woohoo!"

*hands over a Charleston Chew*

Bro: "Gee... um. Thanks."



But I like Charleston Chews, especially frozen.

Devs would post more if they could say "hi!" without people whining because they wanted them to say "hello".



Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
But I like Charleston Chews, especially frozen.
I know right?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
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You know whats great about power pools is if you don't like the power or the pool itself you don't have to take it.

Onibi---Fire/Fire/fire Blaster

I'm ready to burn it all.

Lets Fight!

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Anticharlestonshewism is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.



It uses a pseudo-pet to do the damage, and I've no idea whether or not it uses the same one across the ATs? Certainly on my Ice/Thorns domi it does more damage than Fling Thorns or Thornburst and gets me into melee range.

I think it's fine personally, and if the damage is the same across the board it's really attractive to some Brutes, Tanks and other low base damage ATs (I'm planning to make a Fire/Time/Stone controller with it at some point maybe)



i am in agreement that a majority of the new powers suck, in fact i think the only one worth taking is long range teleport since its essentially an instant ferry/tram to just about anywhere, rech is 5 min but do you really need to be porting to different zone that fast? and it may have a 10 sec interrupt period but again its a minor thing for the convenience it gives

afterburner is definitly meh, its .6 end/sec extra consumption and you cant even attack while using it, and rocket board is just better in general lol

burnout is cool, but its massive rech time isnt helpful to most toons and the massive end penalty sours the power for me instantly

spring attack i think would be find if you needed an extra AoE power, yeah its dmg is a little low, but think if your a toon using an extremely single target based set such as energy melee, instead of only whirling hands and maybe an epic power you will have another AoE



Sadly it's the best of the new powers, long range teleport? I have a base teleporter and can go to any zone, Afterburner? can't attack while using it so essentially it's a "run away!" power. Burnout has such a huge recharge is it really worth it (and by that I mean does it insta recharge incarnate abilities?). I'm planning to take it on my DM/SD scrapper to improve spike AoE damage, for ATs who have ample AoE I can see it not being as beneficial but overall of the new powers it's still the best, with burnout being second. At least to my play style.



Heh, I didn't know the fly speed power put you in only affecting self mode. I guess that means the Dev's shortchanged Peacebringers (there's a first time for everything )- It sounds like Quantum Flight should've just had +speed added to it.



Originally Posted by B_Nix View Post
Sadly it's the best of the new powers, long range teleport? I have a base teleporter and can go to any zone,
You have a base teleporter that can send you to any zone in Praetoria, any non hazard zone blueside and every zone redside?



Originally Posted by B_Nix View Post
Sadly it's the best of the new powers, long range teleport? I have a base teleporter and can go to any zone, Afterburner? can't attack while using it so essentially it's a "run away!" power. Burnout has such a huge recharge is it really worth it (and by that I mean does it insta recharge incarnate abilities?). I'm planning to take it on my DM/SD scrapper to improve spike AoE damage, for ATs who have ample AoE I can see it not being as beneficial but overall of the new powers it's still the best, with burnout being second. At least to my play style.
afterburner only works on primary and secondary powers, no pool, no incarnate, no epic

and for long range tp, the base tp has like a 30 min rech while long range tp is only like 5 min and is 1 less zone you have to go through essentially



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
You have a base teleporter that can send you to any zone in Praetoria, any non hazard zone blueside and every zone redside?
You have a hero or villain that can access the enemies territory? And I really don't feel like heading to Praetoria often enough to waste a power pick (or 3) on it.

Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
afterburner only works on primary and secondary powers, no pool, no incarnate, no epic

and for long range tp, the base tp has like a 30 min rech while long range tp is only like 5 min and is 1 less zone you have to go through essentially
I figure you save about a minute when heading to a standard zone (O portal to IP then train to where you want) and maybe 5 minutes if you're switching from hazard zone to hazard zone if your base TP is down.



You have a hero or villain that can access the enemies territory?
They are called vigilantes and rogues. They've been in the game for a year now.



Originally Posted by ZedOmega View Post
Anticharlestonshewism is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Seconded. Thou shant blaspheme the Charleston Chew.

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Spring Attack is a wonderful skill on my DM/ELA Brute.

Now, whether Spring Attack itself is a good skill or the AoE damage of Dark Melee is astoundingly terrible is up for debate...



Spring attack = LOL. I took one of my less played characters and switched to a 2nd build I never used and leveled him up to include it. Stuck SO's in it and ran around trying it out for a little bit.

My guess is it is balanced around AT's that arent supposed to do significant damage, because the recharge time on it is flat out crippling to the power.

It is an aoe dmg power that moves you into a spawn. It doesnt do anything really fancy, give you some kind of self buff, or really do anything besides some mediocre pbaoe dmg.

Given this, is there any other pbaoe power in the game that is remotely close, I mean even in the parking lot of the ball park in terms or rech time? I mean fireball in the epic pools has what, 25% of the rech time, and its a ranged aoe. I dunno, after using it a few times I just shook my head and added it to the ignore list.

Really, all the new pool additions are like that. Which is too bad, I was really hoping for some new toys.

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The devs are so focused into not making overpowered powers that forget make powers fun. I guess is a Positron thing.
Those could have been great additions but... Nothing awesome. All new tier 5 are pretty lame. If at least we could have power pool customization...



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
They are called vigilantes and rogues. They've been in the game for a year now.
That's why I said hero and villain not vigilante or rogue. I agree rogues and vigilantes would benefit from it (I've hit the O portal as a rogue playing blueside to just have to run a longer route to get where I needed to go). My point was that if you only have access to one side the benefit is minimized, and if you carry went TP and O portal the benefit is further minimized (not to mention base TP and mission porter).

If it was a team zone port it would be much better (you wait for your team to run a mission normally anyway) and for a team build would be very nice.



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
burnout is cool, but its massive rech time isnt helpful to most toons and the massive end penalty sours the power for me instantly
I think it's a wonderful power for sets with long recharging powers. I LOVE it on my /regen scrapper, my /elec brute and even my Ice/Em blaster. Also while using powers like CP, burnout uses alot less endurance. You can bring the recharge down alot. On the scrapper and the brute I treat it like an extra panic button and on the blaster I treat it like a multi-spawn killing button.

Also Neo, that is a terrible analogy....

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Originally Posted by Revanchist View Post
But I like Charleston Chews, especially frozen.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




I find Burnout to be the most useful of the 4 new powers, actually.



Hey, now! I love Charleston Chew! It's a little piece of the 1920s and if you ask me, it's great!

Also, try Spring Attack on a SS/INV Brute at 50% Fury with Rage double or triple stacked. I've got SA with only two slots (both recharge) on mine and it's so worth having it in the build! And don't forget, it brings mitigation, not just damage!

Best of all, it's one hell of a way to make an entrance! The fun factor of this power is set to 11!

P.S. SS/Fiery Brute, 50% Fury, double Rage, Fiery Embrace>Spring Attack>Foot Stomp!

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Originally Posted by Eldagore View Post
Given this, is there any other pbaoe power in the game that is remotely close, I mean even in the parking lot of the ball park in terms or rech time? I mean fireball in the epic pools has what, 25% of the rech time, and its a ranged aoe. I dunno, after using it a few times I just shook my head and added it to the ignore list.
Spring Attack does 2/3s the damage of Shield Charge, with 4/3s the recharge. For a pool power, that sounds reasonable.

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Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Spring Attack does 2/3s the damage of Shield Charge, with 4/3s the recharge. For a pool power, that sounds reasonable.

My toon is running close perma-hasten, the recharge of Spring Attack really aint that bad and Fury boost the damage pretty sweet. Its a pool power, not a 'core' power, it should be somewhat gimped compared to the primairy/secondairy powers.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

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I agree that the new Tier 5 pool powers are not nearly as exciting as they sounded like they were going to be. However, with that said I still see value to most of them if you've got the room in your build.

Afterburner is pointless. I loved the idea, but don't really have a huge problem with the speed of Fly as is. I may take it on some characters if I have the slot free, but I certainly won't give up anything even remotely useful to get it.

Burnout is something I can see taking on a /regen scrapper or blaster who needs/wants to drop 2 back to back nukes, but the recharge is far too high to make it a must have.

Long Range TP is fairly nice for things like TFs where you have to go from Crey's Folly to Kings Row in short order and could also be useful for a team build that is already intended to be a taxi service. It can really speed things up if you've got a character with Recall Friend already standing at the mission door when the rest of the team Zones. Yet again though, it's not a must have and I will likely be skipping it in most builds.

Spring Attack also does knockdown which is sweet when followed with Foot Stomp and adds some much needed additional PBAoE to my WP/SS tank. I've also made great use of it on my spines/dark scrapper. It's pretty decent when slotted for Rech and Damage. The only real complaint I have is that the range is terrible. You practically have to get close enough to aggro the mob just to use it. Sure the range is Enhanceable, but that's just another slot this pool power is eating that could be better spent elsewhere. If the range were increased by as little as 25% it would be better, and a 50% increase would make it kind of awesome.

Don't hate on Charleston Chew.