Spring Attack: the Charleston Chew of pool powers.




I'm considering replacing Aid Other/Aid Self on my Ice/Fire Dominator with Spring Attack because there is very good synergy between Arctic Air and Spring Attack. AA has a one second delay before it affects enemies, so if they are face down when I appear on top of them it is a lot safer. (Plus cool looking).

Also does Spring Attack have a 25ft radius? That's something I haven't looked at yet. A 25ft radius on an AoE is very, very good--more than 4 times bigger than stuff like Fireball, which does more damage faster but requires tighter bunching.



If it where a t-shirt size, it would definately be extra-medium.

On my fire/shield that has a good singel target attack chain, I find that I am using this more than I would Aid Self especially now that I have Rebith Radial Epiph. The epicenter hits about like FSC albeit very small radius. It's fine looks cool, and is mostly for Freem purposes...mostly; min/maxers - this is not the power you are looking for *waves hand in Jedi-like manner.*

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Spring attack is just a failure of marketing. If it were sold as the "Catgirl Pounce Attack", they could charge a couple thousand paragon points and make serious bank.

The Bacon Compels You.



I quite like Spring Attack as a utility move for Tankers and Brutes. It can get you where you need to go on a leaper who's been slowed / -jumped, it lets you lay down some fast aggro in an area, and the knockdown is good for a bit of soft control. It's not bad.

As an attack, though, I'd say it's much less useful. The damage is pretty poor for a move with such a long cooldown.



I think all the new powers we got for the travel pools are better than all the old tier 4s, however, they still aren't anything I'm going to take on any character I own.

I had a few minutes of fun playing with Spring Attack on beta with a Controller who was a rabbit, but it's not really all that practical or useful. It might be okay on an Elec/Shield farming Scrapper, but it does like half the damage with a 33% longer recharge. So meh.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I'm working on my build for my SR/MA Tank, and since I'll have CJ, and Super Jump anyhow, this seems like a no-brainier to take. It's a PBAOE that also has some move build in. And I only have one other PBAOE available to me outside of Epics. And I have to wait till 35 to get that one? And it'll have a bit of mitigation on top of the extra aggro grabbing. And it does some damage? Sounds like win/win/win to me.



Quick question- Does it break hide for stalkers?

If not, that might make it worth it on my MA (i.e. not a single AOE attack)/sr stalker that would also fit thematically.



I too enjoy charleston chews

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)



The pool power rules (including APPs and PPPs):

* Increasing a primary or secondary power's base end cost by as much as 25% is okay for all pool powers.
* Increasing a primary or secondary power's base recharge by as much as 100% is okay, but only for especially useful pool powers.
* All other nerfs suck.

Spring Attack broke the rules.

Devs, if any of your coworkers are genuinely surprised that Spring Attack is as unpopular as other powers that break these rules, say, blaster Melt Armor or stalker snipes or the entire Presence pool, kindly direct them to this post. Thank you.



Originally Posted by DragonTiger View Post
Quick question- Does it break hide for stalkers?

If not, that might make it worth it on my MA (i.e. not a single AOE attack)/sr stalker that would also fit thematically.
No, it doesn't break hide. It uses the same mechanic as Lightning Rod/Shield Charge, by teleporting the character and summoning a pet to deal damage.

Will I take it on any of my existing characters? Probably not, if only because I'm too lazy to make new builds (heck, I've only used a respec for inherent fitness on 5 characters so far!). It's funny watching someone in Granite Armor use, though.

And for calling it the "catgirl pounce attack"... hm, maybe I will respec someone. Obligatory Catgirl (DP/MM Blaster) could pick it up just because I ran out of thematic powers I felt like taking, and it can set up Drain Psyche/Hail of Bullets.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
and it can set up Drain Psyche/Hail of Bullets.
Hmmm....I think i may have to burn a respec on my DP/Elec blaster now...

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Spring Attack does 2/3s the damage of Shield Charge, with 4/3s the recharge. For a pool power, that sounds reasonable.
I disagree. if it had 2/3 the dmg and the same recharge, I would be ok withit. If it had the same dmg, and 4/3 the recharge I would be ok with it. After all it is a pool power.

But it has both of those things.

It's like a christmas tree with only 2 good sides out of 4. No matter which way you turn it, you cant hide all the bad spots against the wall. So eventually you say f it and tell people it has character and you love it or throw it out and look for something else.

I am of the throw it out and use something better group. Not all people are in this group, but I am not alone in it either.

Liberty server
Eldagore lvl 50 Inv/ss, co-founder of The Legion of Smash
3.5 servers of alts....I need help.

May the rawk be with you.

Arc #'s
107020 Uberbots!
93496 A Pawn in Time



Sheesh, lot of negativity in this thread (and I like Charleston Chews as well).

Afterburner is a cheap place to put a LotG, and it's a nice travel boost. Someone said the rocket board is better? How so? The rocket board has to be purchased, AND it detoggles everything, which Afterburner does not. Basically, it's a quick boost when you're traveling long distances, which is nice. If you don't need it, oh well. There are a lot of pool powers that fall into the same category, and Afterburner has more use to more characters than other pool powers.

Burnout, eh, might have too much drawback to it, but they didn't want another Hasten issue. It's nice if you want it as well.

Spring Attack is a pool power Shield Charge (ie, a weaker version). You either like that idea or you don't. I like Shield Charge enough that I'm going to try and fit this power in when I can't. Most characters won't be able to, but so what. Acrobatics is useful for characters without mez protection, too, but I can't make it so they all fit in that power, either.

And fun is relative. I find the idea of Afterburner to be great fun. My victorian age time-rider, Eternal Albert (who is more than a little nutty after many time experiences and losing the love of his life in the mid-19th century) is going to be laughing uproariously when he clicks on that power to burn his way across Independence Port or some other zone.

So meh to the haters. The new powers have their uses, are thematic, and can be fun. Roll with it or don't, they still fit those descriptions.

I'm sure arguments can be made for slight tweaks to these powers (like the recharge on Spring Attack), but outside of small adjustments, they're good.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I'm liking Spring Attack on my brute. It lets me basically use foot stomp twice in a row, and I can use it every ~35s. It's also fun, and I had nothing else worth mentioning to take with my last power slot. I got pretty much exactly what I expected/hoped for from a pool attack.

Oh, and Charlestone Chews are excellent.



I took Spring Attack on my fire/fire tank; I concentrated on taking AoEs for him. I replaced Combustion with Spring Attack. I had already taken CJ, SJ, and Acro, so I didn't need to take additional powers to get to Spring Attack.

While the recharge could be better, I find it a good opening for damage, mitigation, and taunt; I then start up my regular chain of attack with it afterwards.

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



I haven't botheres to read the thread, but what I'm getting from the thread title is

Spring Attack is the greatest power in the game?!?!?
This pool power is better than Foot Stomp?

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Gobbledygook View Post
Spring Attack is the greatest power in the game?!?!?
This pool power is better than Foot Stomp?
It's like a shield charging foot stomp. So, short teleport hop plus a foot stomp, then if you have foot stomp on the character already?

That's right, double foot stomp.

And yes, Charleston Chews are awesome.



Although the damage for it isn't the best, It's a great opening attack and damage mitigation for my DP/Fire Blaster's attack chain.

I use that to get in close, and in turn fire off Hail of bullets, then bullet rain, then the rest of my AoEs. I find the knockdown to be great for negating that dreaded alpha strike, especially for blasters.

Also, chaining those two together looks simply badass



I sure do like it on my Warshade.

1. Spring Attack. Everything is knocked down.
2. Eclipse & Sunless Mire. I'm now resistance capped and damage bonused.
3. Beatdown.
4. I eat the corpses.

The knockdown keeps off the aggro in that short time between getting into the mob and hitting Eclipse.

Global name: @k26dp



Oh I love this power immensely. When I use this along with HoB/RoB along with a friend's Lightning Rod or some similar large area attack power, it's goddamned apocalyptic.



Before you hate on spring attack do this. Get a group of 8 ALL with SA. Count to 3 and have everyone SA into a group of baddies. Sure they won't all die, but for sure it's goodtimes. =)..

Check out this!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/LastRoninCoH/featured



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
I sure do like it on my Warshade.

1. Spring Attack. Everything is knocked down.
2. Eclipse & Sunless Mire. I'm now resistance capped and damage bonused.
3. Beatdown.
4. I eat the corpses.

The knockdown keeps off the aggro in that short time between getting into the mob and hitting Eclipse.
Curses... I could see that helping with my Fire/Fire Dom, as his long activation AOE mezzes usually miss someone in a mob, and then they all get signaled and get a shot off before the mez finally lands. But I don't think he has a power slot to send to Spring Attack, and certainly not the slots (until they get us another three, anyway).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



It looks like Mids' is all screwed up with regards to Spring Attack. For Scrappers, it's reporting that it does around 31 damage, while in the game, it's reported as doing 93.98 damage at 50 from the Real Numbers.

At 93.98 damage, that does a between Smite and Siphon Life on my DM/Regen Scrapper, which, while not amazing, dwarfs any other AoE attack I have (Mids' claims it does less damage than Soul Drain ). At this point, I'm debating whether I should use it as an opener, followed by Soul Drain, or open with Soul Drain, and then SA. The latter would definitely do more damage, but, as a /regen, the Alpha Strike would definitely be my biggest concern... I guess it's something I'd have to just figure out on the fly.

Seems a bit on the low side, but, I think I'll definitely like it on low-AoE sets.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



I took this on a respec of my Elec/Shield br00t I had to spec out of pool fitness anyways, so I had the extra power picks. I got it 5 slotted with minimal slot and set bonus shuffling.

It's fun It isn't the best power ever, but it's fun, especially in combination with my other two teleport attacks.

Lightning Rod! Shield Charge! Spring attack!


I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Tonight I gave it a whirl on my Sonic/En Blaster to add a bit more AoE. It seems.... a bit lacklustre.

The damage was better than what was suggested on Mids but it was the knockdown that I found unreliable. Out of a spawn of six, I knocked down two and found myself in the middle of four rather annoyed Freakshow. Bit of a shame really.

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