Spring Attack: the Charleston Chew of pool powers.




I find this power...fun. And useful.

As a DP/energy blaster, i'm able to use it with boost range, jump in the middle of the fight and play as a trigger happy to bring mobs to their knees (viva HoB).

Fun, great cosmetic asset...I just love it.



I've been respecing my melee toons to put this power in and trying to 5 slot Force Feedback if I can spare the slots. The damage is pretty good and it's great for additional AoE on my SS tank and MA scrapper.



Originally Posted by RaikenX View Post
Hmmm....I think i may have to burn a respec on my DP/Elec blaster now...
I did and it is awesome.

This is how I do it,

Hit Buildup then Spring Attack into the middle of a mob,

A good chunk of the mob is now on it back,

Hit Drain psyche, then hail Of Bullets fallowed by psychic shockwave.


NeoSaturn-L50 Kat/Regen Scrapper

Paragon Family Swift
NeoSaturn's Deviations



Chewy Louie. But not TOO chewy...

Larry: Owen, what the hell did you do to my wife?
Owen: Well I don't want to say on the phone - all I can tell you is that I killed her last night.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Definitely don't go by Mid's yet with Spring Attack, as the damage numbers are off. On my Dominator, it does more damage at base than Fireball does from the APP, albeit with a much higher recharge.

Also, the animation is hilariously awesome. You spring straight up off the screen, and land in the middle of the spawn, making a crater far more impressive than that piddly thing Footstomp does.
Take THAT Footstomp!

Stupid Footstomp...



OP maybe you should make a tank and try it....been having nothing but fun with it. It's clearly intended for melee and tanks.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



I've taken it on my SS/SD brute, Double Rage, AAo + Fury then see the numbers it's putting out... Hits harder than Fireball from epic and goes nice with SC and FS.


Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
More importantly, why is it not in the Teleport pool?
Because you don't teleport and instead Spring (or leap) at the enemies.

Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
And why doesn't Teleport Foe cause damage, even if the target isn't teleported?
Why doesn't recall friend do damage?



Recall friend does or rather can do damage. They implemented the "accept team teleport" option when joining a team because people were griefing by teleporting teammates to just off the edge of a skyscraper and watching them fall.



Originally Posted by BigBlackAfrica View Post
Recall friend does or rather can do damage. They implemented the "accept team teleport" option when joining a team because people were griefing by teleporting teammates to just off the edge of a skyscraper and watching them fall.
I still TP blind inviters, accept and Assemble team into ferry from pi is my fav.

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Because you don't teleport and instead Spring (or leap) at the enemies.
That's just fluff. The description could just as easily have said that you teleport at the enemies. It's a teleportation effect, it should be a teleport power. In fact the same power could be in both pools, just with different special effects.

Why doesn't recall friend do damage?
What kind of question is that? I'm going to answer anyway because I can't tell if you're serious: because we don't need powers that cause damage to allies.

I meant that the Teleport pool could use a real attack power like all the other travel pools have had since the start. The easiest way would be to add damage to Teleport Foe. Damage and possibly a disorient or immobilize effect.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
That's just fluff. The description could just as easily have said that you teleport at the enemies. It's a teleportation effect, it should be a teleport power. In fact the same power could be in both pools, just with different special effects.
Because they'd designed Long Range TP for Teleport already? They didn't need to add another power.

It's mechanically a teleport effect, since that's the only way you can do this sort of thing, but in-game it's intended to be a jump attack (in the same way Shield Charge is a Running-charge arrack)

Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post

What kind of question is that? I'm going to answer anyway because I can't tell if you're serious: because we don't need powers that cause damage to allies.

I meant that the Teleport pool could use a real attack power like all the other travel pools have had since the start. The easiest way would be to add damage to Teleport Foe. Damage and possibly a disorient or immobilize effect.
You want to add potentially spawn-alerting, aggro-causing damage to what was intended to be a pulling maneuver?



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
That's just fluff. The description could just as easily have said that you teleport at the enemies. It's a teleportation effect, it should be a teleport power. In fact the same power could be in both pools, just with different special effects.

What kind of question is that? I'm going to answer anyway because I can't tell if you're serious: because we don't need powers that cause damage to allies.

I meant that the Teleport pool could use a real attack power like all the other travel pools have had since the start. The easiest way would be to add damage to Teleport Foe. Damage and possibly a disorient or immobilize effect.
I can see where you are coming from since every other travel power pool has a damage power. It would have made sense to add one to the teleport powers.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
That's just fluff. The description could just as easily have said that you teleport at the enemies. It's a teleportation effect, it should be a teleport power. In fact the same power could be in both pools, just with different special effects.
It's not a teleport, it's a leap attack.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
More importantly, why is it not in the Teleport pool?

And why doesn't Teleport Foe cause damage, even if the target isn't teleported?
Y fred

y u hate on my spring attack D:



Originally Posted by Donna_ View Post
I still TP blind inviters, accept and Assemble team into ferry from pi is my fav.

If this were facebook I would click "Like" for this post. I HATE blind invites. How hard is it to send someone a tell before you invite them to your team?



I took it on an Electric Melee / Ninjutsu stalker for another Hide-friendly pseudopet AoE to use along with Lightning Rod, primarily for the knockdown effect. Not disappointed so far. Wasn't expecting the same damage as Shield Charge, and certainly not Lightning Rod, so its damage is passable.

Why do I really like it, though? Lightning Rod. Caltrops with the purple knockdown proc. Now Spring Attack. Can juggle large groups without ever leaving Hide. It's just plain fun.

50 Bots/Traps MM, 50 Thugs/Pain MM, 50 Demons/Thermal MM
*Stuck in a single-AT rut since 2006*



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
The devs are so focused into not making overpowered powers that forget make powers fun. I guess is a Positron thing.
Those could have been great additions but... Nothing awesome. All new tier 5 are pretty lame. If at least we could have power pool customization...
THIS. Stop worrying about making new stuff overpowered and be more worried about making new stuff that is LAME. They take a good idea and completely ruin it because they're terrified of making super heroes 'too powerful'.

I tried the new jump attack, and the recharge time vs damage makes it pretty much useless. Either up the damage or lower the recharge time.

And when making new powersets, please make sure they have substantial aoe ability, because this game has always been about aoe, and it becomes moreso about aoe as we move into incarnate territory.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
I can see where you are coming from since every other travel power pool has a damage power. It would have made sense to add one to the teleport powers.
Teleport Foe INTO WALL




I saw this used by someone last night, thought it was pretty nifty lookin'. Nothin' extravagant, and could've done without the KB, but nifty all the same.

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"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
I saw this used by someone last night, thought it was pretty nifty lookin'. Nothin' extravagant, and could've done without the KB, but nifty all the same.
It does not, by default, do KB. It does knockdown. The person was either overlevelled, or had socketed the power for KB.



Anyone know the raduis of the damage caused by Spring attack? I can't find it anywhere

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post

Why doesn't recall friend do damage?
You are onto something.