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Ok guys and gals here's something for all that want to keep this thread. I saved it in pdf format and uploaded it to mediafire for those who want to download it. Only catch is 15 people per day may dl it since it's a free account...
http://www.mediafire.com/view/?xus839f0hjqpzb8 Part 1
http://www.mediafire.com/view/?pv66ue1mnycel4a Part 2 -
I hate to see all this go.
Con if someone hasn't already, I could save it for you. -
Quote:So much THIS.Triumph. My first and long time home in this game before I expanded my horizons to Justice and a few others. Nothing compared to Tri in its prime. Running with Bloodhorn, Electraline, Boomie, Phantom Cobra, Z, and the rest of the Revenants.
I spent 9 months working out of town, living in a camper, playing on a laptop with an aircard. The vent server and game time with all of those guys probably kept me from sticking my head in the oven of that camper.
Triumph might have been small but the people were...are great.
Triumph was my first home and it is where I met the best people. 6 years ago I first started here on my own personal account with the launch of CoV and stayed for 4 years till I moved to Virtue. If it wasn't for Slade and all the others he listed I would have moved on years ago. I will always remember the crazy fun our Rev family had together. This game and the friends I've met on it kept me sane far to many times to count. Thank you Triumph and the remaining members of The Revenants(Slade, Cobra and Z) for all the fun times over the years.
PS Slade I need to get some kind of info from you and Cobra so we can keep in touch. I've sent word to Blood, E and Frost about what's going on, hopefully those lunatics reply in time for one last get together in game. -
Well I took a break from city for a bit, while keeping subbed, and now I come back to find that city is shutting down.
Thanks to everyone who helped me make the first elec/ controller to solo crazy things and to everyone who pushed me to doing even crazier things. I've enjoyed playing this game for the past 6 years. Even though I got burned out of playing for a while, I still love this game. This game has helped me blow off so much frustration for all these years, it has helped me alot.
Take care guys, feel free to send me a pm if you want to do something on Xbox live, Diablo or Steam. -
Quote:GM's have a mag100 protection to everything. They will also run like crazy when debuffed so the only thing that will help is taking the presence pool. They won't stay put the whole time like with something with a taunt aura but it will keep them around longer and in your tar patch more.Are you using your single target immob on him? They don't generally have any immob resistance so it's usually the best way to keep them in one place. Single target is Mag 4 as well (actually on average 4.2 once you consider overpower, Living Shadows averages at 3.5 because its overpower chance is higher)
Quote:Awesome. I've got plans for a dark/ solo'er in the works but it won't be /cold this time.Been doing practically the same thing you and your Elec/Cold have been doing on my Dark/Cold. It's pretty fun =]
If I can I'll send you an invite in the morning. -
Obviously someone is doing it wrong. If you can't balance using kins buff/debuffs and controls and damage from your primary then kin is not for you. Since the buff changes kin isn't as busy as it used to be. Before anyone asks yes I have played a kin, I have two at lvl50.
To Reppu, I tend to use guy as an androgynous way of describing someone so I meant no disrespect.
Quote:I agree that it's a good damage power hence why I said what I did in my previous post(not directed at you Ketch). Unless I had an extremely tight build and I couldn't take both the ST and the AoE immobilize I'd take the ST one on every build except fire(unless of course I was AV soloing on the fire build). I'm more prone to skipping the AoE hold before I'd skip the immobilize TBH.In defense of Reppu's standpoint, the single target immobilize is a good damage power. In terms of damage per activation it's as good as some Blaster tier 1 attack after setting containment, and better in damage per endurance than some of the single target blasts in the APP/PPPs. Boomie has demonstrated with several builds in this forum what a controller with a focus on single target damage can do.
As far as my elec/cold is concerned, even though I may have skipped chain fences I still have decent crowd control. I only say decent because I can't hold whole spawns in place after they start running from sleet BUT they will all be debuffed and end drained before they make it out of sleet's range. I sometimes miss the immobilize but I still down things safely and at a decent clip and still provide support for the team.
In the end it's all personal preference on how you chose what powers you take and it doesn't matter what anyone else says. -
I like this reppu guy.....
I believe a controller should never skip the ST immobilize either since it does decent damage, is very spammable, sets up containment and keeps pesky hard targets where you want them(gm's not included). I think a dominator OTOH can skip the ST for more damage from their secondary.
I'm also a firm believer in slotting damage in the ST hold. I can't count all of the builds I've seen posted with zero damage slotted. I'm a fan of slotting 5 unbreakable constraints(one of those being the damage proc) and one damage IO. -
Quote:This.Actually I solo with additional mobs when slotted this way. Its the difficulty I don't mess with. 1 SO's worth of Acc in Tesla cage still gives you enough Acc to be good all the way up to +2 mobs.
Personally I may slot just one hold in Tesla cage if I have an extra slot, if not I go with damage. It is up often enough and does decent damage and is a key part of my attack chain if I'm dealing with a boss. I generally run fence, cage and air sup for a leveling up chain. Also if you are running on a team then someone will most likely have tactics or some other debuffs to help out, if not it's not to bad to carry a few yellows. -
Quote:Before any of my soloing attempts I always duo the tf/SF first. That way it's more fun and I get a better feel of it since it's hard to learn how to solo it if I'm with a full team. I still need to get with you too Necro so we can do a few runs. I've got to find some time to play more, I've got so many things I want to do.me and another friend been duoing things on occasion on victory, in the last 2 weeks we 3 man'd a MoLGTF and MoDRK tf (3 man cause we were helping someone get the badge)
i dont usually like to solo tfs cause its not as fun, but i do like to small team stuff like 2-4 poeple for all the big name tfs -
Quote:Thanks alot man. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything new or even been on the forums lately. Real life has been extremely hectic and I haven't had the time to do much gaming. I did however took the time to wreck paladin and Babbage back to back the other day. I need to post pics later.I'm following yer progress, too, bro. Don't think I have the patience to go without lores/temps/masters etc, so major props! Updated my sig for the stuff that I have left.
Bonker I think we should get together and duo something, let me know if you're up for it. I have plenty of free server transfers and not much to do with them. -
Oh thanks to you I finished off that MoLGTF and I'm getting ready for a kahn in a week or two.
Quote:I'd start off by clearing out the rikti and save the pylons till the mitos are down. It's best to down the mitos the order of yellow, blue then green. The yellows are only injured by melee so pop an EoE and some reds and if you have earths embrace/rebirth destiny(extra hp and regen will help lots) and take out one mito. After each I ran off to shake off those nasty debuffs and repeated oh and have some breakfrees for the blues stuns. After yellows the blues are only affected by ranged so pick one and stand way back and pick it off.Any hints you might offer on taking down Hami? I'm on lgtf atm and on the hami mish, but was wondering if you could give me some hints on how to approach it before i just feel my way through it.
Green mitos are a pain since they have to be held first to even be damaged and I think you need to apply a hold 3 times to get one locked down. After one is locked down you can hurt it but you have to bring the pain quick because they heal quick. After they're done dogpile on hami once you down the pylons but watch it his attacks hurt -
Quote:That's good you can get it from the activation but man that isn't worth it.Ah, there's Boomie. I was going to mention your feats with your Elec/Cold, but I don't like to speak for others' experiences too often.
The +recharge proc can fire on the player but only on activation of JC.
Also hehe soloing a MoLGTF while in melee the whole thing was pretty fun. -
Standing next to an av or gm for that matter isn't that bad with high defense builds. Man that reminds me, I need to shoot a video or two of my melee troller build before I respec it back to a better dps build.
Isn't the +rech proc wasted in jolting chain because it'll give the psuedo pet the +rech? Also end draining only affects the first target of JC. -
Ok guys I know it's been awhile but I dug my Elec/Cold back out, thanks to Bonker on Freedom, and went back to work. I updated the OP with a solo MoLGTF. Honestly it took so long due to me trying to be careful and took an hour for supper. I do feel kinda bad though because I used my lore pets to help with the riders at the end and with hami after I downed the mitos.
Anywho since that's done I'm going to respec back into my /mace build but it will be a little different and some different slotting to make up for the hami-o changes. Next up I think I will try a Kahn.... -
On a side note:
I pulled back out my Elec/Cold and figured I'd work on some stuff this past weekend. I dropped paladin and thought man I need to respec back into my /mace build for better dps. So I did incarnate trials and got the agility alpha and figured while I was in RWZ I'd try a solo MoLGTF. I went slow and steady and ended up dying on the hami mish due to running out of EoE's and hami getting two good hits in before I could get to some cover. I finished it off but I WILL try it again and this time with a full 20 EoE's instead of the 14 I brought. Dang hami got me RIGHT before I could kill him. -
Diamagnetic Interface, its debuffs are useless on an AV/GM. Since they resist debuffs 85%, that little 10% debuff gets reduced to what 1.5%? Reactive is still the best since it debuffs resist and gives fire dot. Any of the other ones that adds a dmg proc will help too.
Oh I will. I need to update the thread. I've downed more stuff here and there but I haven't done as many tfs as you. I've come down with altitis and haven't been cured yet. As soon as I finish my solo MoLG I'm going to respec, pick up agility alpha and try more stuff. Soloing hami is hard without seismic smash.
Sorry for the no show. I sadly had to work all weekend.
First off good job Bonker.
Second I suppose you've never looked at the link in my sig. I've been doing the same thing for awhile now on my elec/cold. I've been really lazy about doing more with him and updating the thread but you are making me want to dig him back out and solo more stuff. I'm attempting to do everything sans temps, lore pets and inspis if I can get away with it.
Just so you know the -tohit and -regen is useless on av/gm's. -
Yeah it's perma easily but I like to put end mod, one usually, to help drain groups faster and to give teammates more end. It's not needed but I do it to help speed end draining up.