Goodbye Triumph!
I hope you don't mind me piggybacking, but I didn't want to start another thread. I'm another Triumph emigre (moved to Virtue shortly before Mission Architect hit), and I remember its transition from "The Friendly Server" to "The Pantsless Server."
In retrospect, I feel like I made more friends here than I did on the more crowded Virtue - the population here was just about the right size for bumping into the same people repeatedly and getting to know them. A big thanks to anyone in or associated with "Hand of Glory," "The Protectorate Hermeticum," and all the people it's been my pleasure to team with during my stint on this server. Specific thanks to Kusanagi (sp?), Black Crow King, Kadon (sp?), Frost Iron, Anne Ominous (whose name I had to steal for my forum handle back when we could change forum handles), and a couple other people whose names I should remember but don't, but whom I hope will realize I'm talking about them from the context.
Anyway, good sailing all, and know that even if we never cross paths again, I'll remember you fondly. Ok, so maybe not your character names, but still...
(aka Dash Marlowe, Legia, Thantasia, Street Justice (looong before the powerset was even a twinkle in the milkman's eye), and a bajillion others)
This is very sad news.
I've played COH since the week of release. It was my very first MMO. My namesake character still has his original costume I made 8+ years. He is still my main after all these years, but I have 30+ Level 50 characters, all on Triumph. I still enjoy still playing each and every one of them. I can't imagine not being able to play them anymore.
I formed the Fusion Force SG here on Triumph after I hit level 10 and we've been going strong ever since. We've developed into an amazing group of players and real life friends, and while we've all tried other games together, we always come back to CoH.
The game is still fun, and I wish is wasn't ending.
Thanks to the Triumph community for 8+ years of fun, friendly, often pantsless adventures!
I hope we can help send it out in style!
P.S. I picked Triumph because it was at the top of the list.

Fusion Force
Triumph. My first and long time home in this game before I expanded my horizons to Justice and a few others. Nothing compared to Tri in its prime. Running with Bloodhorn, Electraline, Boomie, Phantom Cobra, Z, and the rest of the Revenants.
I spent 9 months working out of town, living in a camper, playing on a laptop with an aircard. The vent server and game time with all of those guys probably kept me from sticking my head in the oven of that camper.
Triumph might have been small but the people were...are great.
The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!
Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!
Shhh! Rangle is plotting.
My first home. Goodbye Snowglobe, Kat, Hal, Mr Book, Black Anvil and everyone. Thanks for teaming.
I love this community, so much that when given server transfers I move characters off of Triumph only to make NEW characters to play here. There were only a couple people that annoyed me to the breaking point, who shall remain nameless. To most of those I silenced, I didn't have a grudge against you.
I've made so many friends over the years and teamed with so many great people since 2005 that it is hard, if not impossible, to pick highlights from. The nightly Hami Raids were fun from issues 6 to 9, the near constant task forces and trials, to some of the crazier times like an all Illusion team I was with battling council in the mid-20s.
No matter if we clashed or reached goals together, each player on Triumph has left their mark on my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Eric "Snow Globe" Sutton.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
My 1st and ONLY home. I made a few other toons here and there, but Triumph was always my home since 2004. I made my 1st hero, discovered I could make alts, and not a dang one of them ever made it past 20. Only one of that era survived to this day. CoV comes out. Goodbye Atlas, HELLO MERCY ISLE! lol! It took me a year to get to 50 with my main...I was about to call it quits until I met a man (eventually a good RL friend) who helped me with the Sea Witch mish. [ONI...U DA BOMB!!] I discovered that there was a community I never really jumped wholly into, just PUGS. I tried other MMOs and realized something about this one game. Even in PUGS you can wind up meeting really awesome people and eventually pick up RL friends. In PUGS here, no one is blasted at for being a "noob", tho surely I should have been called one back in the day and I sure as heck wanted to yell it at my monitor at! Rather than call someone stupid for failin' a mish, folks here just picked up their shorts and moved on to the next one, no chastising, no blame, just lessons learned and moved on.
I created with my main what I called a "Tankermind". I dunno if I was the 1st to use that term, I won't take that credit. I just remember whooping up in RV until sadly I was ungunned, literally...lololololol! All those years I finally got my 1st (and only) hero to 50, a spines/regen. I quit really playing her when I realized that a double nerf had to happen in there, but, meh, w/e.
For this I want to thank you all. The Devs for creating an game that I could trust my child playing and not have me hovering over him. The community for the same. Without Coh/Cov/GR, I would have never met the most quality people a Higher Diety has ever put on this planet. This place is my second home (mebbee not Hero-side so much...sorry born Villain...mwahaha!), but I like to think I know the Rogue Isles map better than my own town's map! Thank you for 8+ years of relaxing, chatting, and life-changing experiences.
Triumph. My first and long time home in this game before I expanded my horizons to Justice and a few others. Nothing compared to Tri in its prime. Running with Bloodhorn, Electraline, Boomie, Phantom Cobra, Z, and the rest of the Revenants.
I spent 9 months working out of town, living in a camper, playing on a laptop with an aircard. The vent server and game time with all of those guys probably kept me from sticking my head in the oven of that camper. Triumph might have been small but the people were...are great. |
Triumph was my first home and it is where I met the best people. 6 years ago I first started here on my own personal account with the launch of CoV and stayed for 4 years till I moved to Virtue. If it wasn't for Slade and all the others he listed I would have moved on years ago. I will always remember the crazy fun our Rev family had together. This game and the friends I've met on it kept me sane far to many times to count. Thank you Triumph and the remaining members of The Revenants(Slade, Cobra and Z) for all the fun times over the years.
PS Slade I need to get some kind of info from you and Cobra so we can keep in touch. I've sent word to Blood, E and Frost about what's going on, hopefully those lunatics reply in time for one last get together in game.
Elec/Cold Troller AV/Pylon/GM/TF/SF Soloing Antics
everytime...he gets me everytime.... DAMN U BOOMIE

You may not remember me, but 8 years ago I began my heroic career on Triumph. I moved to Virtue, but I never forgot the amazing community that Triumph has. I had never played an MMO before, but zoning into Atlas Park for the first time and hearing that epic music....oh man, I knew I was hooked. Knowing I won't ever be able to team again is very sad news indeed. No other game has the community that this game has, and Triumph has a very special community.
Thank you all for the memories! Real Heroes (and Villains) never die!
A shout out to my first supergroup, Your Face! I've never been with a more quirky, hilarious group of people! I bet many of you stopped playing ages ago, but I miss you to this day!
Defenders do it with protection.
Blasters do it from behind.
Tankers do it with a group.
Controllers do it with restraints.
Scrappers do it with a death wish.