1119 -
I gave up right away. I'm really not trying to sound like an A-hole, or arrogant in any way, but I thought the SaveCOH "movement" was pointless from the start. Admirable, but pointless.
I plan on trying out TES: Online. I was way against it up until I saw the new dev doc (I hate dev docs btw) and it actually looks pretty interesting (damnit the dev doc actually worked on me) and has a lot of CoH style design choices such as being able to play solo, having a somewhat open ended character design system, action oriented combat and it doesn't seem at this point to adhere to the "holy trinity" of tank/healer/dps.
The world design is pretty amazing and the game has a massive amount of lore to pull from the annals of TES history (which is extremely robust and very interesting for those who don't know).
I also like the notion of their mega-server technology. If that works then it can have the potential to eliminate one of the biggest problems CoH has suffered in it's waning years: empty servers.
I do not like how they mentioned the game "opens up" at level 50 (presumably the level cap). That tells me it is gonna be a raiding game from the get go. Hopefully the first 49 levels aren't just filler until the "real" game begins. That said, the dev did mention that you can solo the end-game raids, play with small groups or large groups, and the whole thing will adjust it's difficulty accordingly. That sounds cool.
There are also, supposedly, a ton of armor customization options. It won't be on the same level as CoH but the art design actually looks pretty damn good.
But yeah, that's what I'll be doing. -
Jack must be laughing himself silly as players from his old MMO (that ostracized and despise him) end up playing his new MMO.
Wait, maybe Jack orchestrated this whole thing from behind the scenes! Perhaps he is the truest villain of all?
As to the topic... I intend to do nothing. No revenge is needed. Yeah it sucks, yeah I'm kinda pissed, but I'm a grown *** man. I have more important things to worry about. I can say I won't buy anymore NC products... but it wouldn't take an intentional boycott from me for that to occur. Secret: I don't even like MMOs. I like CoH. -
I'm the guy that bought pretty much every single Gaussian's chance for build up recipe over the last couple of weeks leading up to the announcement. Have like 40 of the damn things. Was banking on cashing them in when the PPM changes made them awesome.
This is the best thread yet. Really is.
I'm not a furry, though I am fond of Sapphic_Neko's avatar whenever I see her posting. D: -
So when is Emmert gonna reveal he's really a 10,000+ poster? Come on out Jack. We know you're still lurking around here somewhere.
All I can do is echo the sentiment most people have here. I've been playing since i4 when my friend hooked me with the free trial. Over the years I've had some incredible fun, met some awesome people, and developed plenty of good memories.
To the devs, thank you for all of your hard work trying to make this game a fun as it could be for us. There was never any doubt that you guys always did what you felt was best for the players, especially recently. I can honestly say that no other game has kept me around anywhere near as long as CoH. I will always fondly remember my time spent here.
To the community. You guys are pretty awesome. Even though I've had my rare spats here and there with some of you, and spent most of my posting on the sideline, making useless joke comments, killing threads, or helping with build advice, I have always been amazed at the amount of time and dedication some of you devoted to this game. Breaking down the game mechanics and analyzing every detail of ever system at play is something I could never have poured my time into, and it didn't matter, because so many of you were so willing and able to do it (and a lot better than I would have).
I don't think I made too many waves around here, but to all of you regulars out there, thanks for all the entertainment, information, and understanding you all brought to this game and it's players.
I would also like to state my extreme satisfaction with having my "hotdog getting sprayed in the face with mustard" avatar for years before it got moderated just 2 or 3 weeks ago. Strangely right after I PM'd a dev also... Well anyway, all I can say is thank you all, devs, community, everyone for all of the memories. It's been a great ride, and it'll truly be a sad day when it all goes away forever.
@urobolus, signing off. -
Thanks! Got mine for both accounts.
I haven't read many posts in the thread but I'll offer my opinion on the matter of skill in an MMO:
They don't require much. They do however require a knowledge and understanding of the various systems at play and gameplay mechanics to best take advantage of all of the mathematics going on behind the scenes. If you want to call that skill, then it's all just an argument of semantics.
Although there are ATs and powersets that require a certain degree of skill. Controllers being able to quickly identify and remove specific threats could be considered skillful play. SS/FA brutes running into a group and smashing everything... not so much.
And I won't comment on PVP because I never got involved with it in CoH and well... you know. -
I don't feel like a VIP either. Wonder why...
I'll put my response to the Kheldian nuke changes here:
That is all.
(Kheldian nukes are being brought in line with the ranged damage set nuke changes in i24) -
I still hold out hope that changes will come along to make Trip Mine and Time Bomb a bit more useful, but as it stands, I have an elec/dev ready to go.
I'd be against the rooting aspect, simply because I would find that the complete polar opposite of fun.
Already mentioned, but yeah VEATs, specifically Crabs, are pretty much already ranged tankmages. You don't see the game completely dominated by them. So since we already have precedence that such a character already exists, and such a character hasn't invalidated every other AT, I think a power armor gattling gun guy is a great idea!
Personally I would make it an Epic AT
Just think of it:
Swarm Missiles
Wrist Lasers
"Choose your own" inherent travel power at CC (Jet Pack, Jump Boots, etc)
Defense drones that hover around you and create various effects
Powerful melee
Resistance/Absorbtion/+HP as opposed to defense
Something unique: Tactical Display - Can toggle on an ability that causes all targets inside of a... 50ft radius to display their HP/End totals over their heads numerically, as well as giving you the option of viewing a simplified version of their combat attributes, showing their strengths and weaknesses. It would also apply a small resistance and damage debuff to the foes that are around you which would stack with each additional power armor gattling gun guy on your team.
Maybe other unique mechanic where some powers build up endurance and other powers expend large amounts of endurance to "supercharge" their effects. -
Why does i24 make me want to make a pool heavy petless mastermind?
Thanks Ultimus. This is exactly the kind of thread I was waiting for since my VIP expired the day beta got updated.
The Enflame effect is similar to a suggestion I had for Ignite. A power that would set a foe on fire then cause them to set nearby enemies on fire. Though my suggestion involved utilizing the chaining effect from various electrical powers.
I'm really happy the devs are making all of those power pools truly useful. It's really going to change up the cookie cutter builds and power/AT combos you see everywhere nowadays. -
Looks good. The whole "replace crappy io bonuses with decent ones" is one of those good ideas that I wish I thought of. It's a perfect solution.
That's been bothering me for a while too. I've wanted to post about normalizing all toggle armor activation times across the board. I'm not sure if that's a balancing factor that the devs care about and that's not an argument I feel like having.
I've been thinking about making a lowbie patrol cave map.
I have a plant/psi/fire, similarly built, and yeah it is actually that amazing.
I am currently running it as plant/psi/ice and it's still awesome. The fact that plant/psi permadoms can also have access to Sleet is just ridiculous. -
This is off-topic, but I just want Spines ported to Brutes. At least then there will be something new to compare/argue about.
Mini Robot tanks that drive around and launch missiles and shoot their cannons and machine guns! -
I think it would still work well enough, especially with poison trap going. Will your Robots KB knock the enemies out your patches though? I'm guessing not since the enemies will be +whatever and the bots KB will be reduced.
Just a quick thought here.
You should figure out what you want to farm, then build to protect yourself from those enemies. Defense is much more valuable than resistance in a farming situation, so you should focus on that.
So lets say you'll be farming Battle Maiden. Build for 45% S/L defense. You can still have pretty good resistance. If you're farming demons build for 45% Fire defense. You get the idea.
You could also go another way and build for 32.5% defense to multiple damage types and/or positions. That'll put you 1 small purple away from the soft-cap to those aspects.
Other than that, Rad/Fire is awesome for AoE damage. As long as you can keep yourself alive you'll be a GD farming tyrannosaurus. -
CD is worth it just for the potential of another LotG slot, let alone the other benefits.
I'd be nice if the devs added a no fade power customization option for those that want to remain visible. Wouldn't be too bothered if that never happened though.