42 -
Originally Posted by Ms_Teri
And the goal for Wade is power, incredible power.
Quote:Since it is now clear that "all of this stems from his [Wade's] desire to be more powerful than anyone . . ." all I have to say is . . .That's an assumption, I don't think in the context of WWD he's ever been forthcoming about his motives. Darrin Wade has one huge transparent motive which may or may not be related to WWD (not going to spoil anything here, but I'm talking about what he says at the end of his mid-level villain arc) but I don't think personal power has ever come into it.
Quote:That would probably shake up the player base as much as the death.I think it would indeed be a big impact if Positron took the killing blow on behalf of Synapse and told him, "I have always loved you."
Think of all the sorting through past missions for clues, the way people debate whether Sherlock and Watson were lovers or not . . . -
I'd have to pay the spammers to come up with that kind of credit . . <shudders>
And to clarify my poor writing i'm betting 100 million influence, not 100,000,000,000,000 influence . . .
Dang it Rainbow, you beat me to it because I was too long winded.
BAB is the easy choice, but he isn't a member of the phalanx so I'm going to say that it isn't going to be the token that dies.
There are three phalanx members left to be prominent in the "Who will die archs" and they are Manticore, Citadel and Positron.
And the goal for Wade is power, incredible power.
Wade has essentially removed the major players that could interfere with his plans: Sister Psyche is bonkers, Manticore (the world's greatest detective, sort of) is tied up with that and ostrasized by the others. Statesman is awol.
Manticore is highly trained hero with gadgets . . . he seems an unlikely sacrifice for ultimate power.
Citadel is a robot. Again an unlikely sacrifice.
That leaves the "heart" of the phalanx. The one that guards the flames of prometheus. The one who's mirror in praetoria posseses the "power of the universe."
Of all the characters to die, he would be the hardest hitting for the player base. People have a love hate thing with Statesman. Many people would be glad he was gone. Sister dying would hit people, but the impact on Manticore would make up for it.
But Posi . . .
If I was the devs and I really wanted to shake up the player base and the game, to make people think "anything can happen" I would kill him off.
He is not the easy choice, which is essentially Ultimus' argument.
But he is the best choice and the logical one if you want the biggest impact.
So, Ultimus if you want to place a wage, I'm game.
I'll pay you 100,000,000 million influence if its BAB, if you'll pay me the same if it is Positron. Its a wash if its anyone else.
You in? -
Its good for cryptic that they got the deal and they definately deserve congrats in a business sense ( Smooth setup - your competition is yourself) - but I dont think this bodes well at all for the MMO or Superhero game genre unless they get some new blood with some fresh ideas of balance, fun and *true* comic book sensibility.
That or they keep the old developer guard under high, high scrutiny when developing this title.
Just play the HULK on heroic
Because if im logging in to play The Hulk im not going to be interested in *needing* someone with me to play Storm so I can take on a named villain and live up to my own namesake.
I could just log into this game if I wanted that.
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I'm not saying this just because I'm a "city of" fan, like most of us who post on these forums are, but..
I don't see how a marvel based mmo could succeed. The thing about "City of" is that the heroes and villains are completely original. With a game based on Marvel everyone will be clamoring to be Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, etc. The Originality factor goes to the wind.
I'll be sticking to "City of" thank you.The variety of costume options in this game speaks bounds for what this game is about-- ORIGINALITY. A Marvel game will never be able to top this game on that count.
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Are you serious? If what you posit is true, Hollywood would never make a sequel or remake of anything.
If that was the case, Marvel never would have sued COH for copyright infringement because of all the wannabies
I suspect most of the people here would love to fight side by side with Wolverine. Rescue Jean Grey, web sling like spiderman.
Fight Magneto and Dr. Doom or fight with them, depending.
I am not going to say DOOM, but you have to ask yourself, why would a company compete with itself?
I can think of several reasons why a company would do this and I can think of nothing good for COX when asking that question.
I see DC coming out next year with their MUG and I think there is a sound reason for grabbing Marvel . . .
I do not envy Positron and frankly looking at it now, Statesman appears to have abandoned his buddy when things started to look dark -
Not to introduce religious overtones, but in situations like this, I like to ask myself, "What would Superman do?" Would Superman just beat him and fly away. No, Superman would do EVERYTHING in his power to redeem him. He tried with the Toyman (with mixed results). He tried with Major Disaster (also with mixed results but slightly better). I loved the issue of Superman in which he offers redemption to 3 or 4 different villains, and only Major Disaster took him up on it. Regarding Frosfire, Batman would just beat him, Superman would try to redeem him. To be fair to Batman though, after Superman inspired him to change Frostfire would probably get help from and/or get involved w/ a Wayne foundation funded charity. Heck Bruce would probably give the guy a job once he was on the straight and narrow.
Perhaps the Devs should set up a mission in which slightly higher-level characters could attempt to somehow redeem Frostfire! It should somehow involve saving his loved ones, then somehow get him out of trouble with higher up criminals? Heroes don't just beat up the bad guys. Pro wrestlers do that. Heroes do good.
--- Ollie
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I agree that attempting to redeem is the heroic thing to do, disagree with your assessment of Batman though (well, ok movie batman is all about killing the bad guy) but the comics are full of his attempts to redeem villians Catwoman (ok she's a love interest so unpure motive there) but Two-face (even in the dark knight returns he wants to believe harvey is redeemed) even the Joker (Which went from a homicidal looney to a somewhat sympathetic villian in the "Killing Joke"). He even saved the joker from the death penalty because the Joker didn't commit the homicide he was going to get fried for -
it may have been too much when considering the lack of intent, but really, the deal they offered was probably in place more because they wanted to give him an acceptable way to avoid the longer sentence.
Too many people assume that law is about morality. It is not, law is about order. This is not to say that the law does not care about morality, but on the hierarchy of needs morality is above order. Order is the foundation on which morality builds, without it, you would have good people like always but in such an anarchic environment most people would be too concerned with their own survival to really be able to afford morality, even if they understand it.
In this case, Frostfire's actions were such that there needed to be a punishment or else others would be see that he got away with it and be a bit more lax in their manner of action. There would be more such accidents. It is the same reason their are laws against vigilantism and such in the real world. There has to be penalties for rash behaviors that end in unintended results, or else fewer people would think before they act.
Frostfire was an example prosecution. Such things are necessary. It is not a matter of "you only want to make an example of", it is a matter of "you must make an example of." The consequences otherwise are a larger number of similar events and more deaths.
You can't eliminate recklessness, and you can even gloss over some minor examples. But once you have massive property loss (if it was an apartment building, that means he may have ruined someone's business as well as rendered many others homeless) and deaths, then the government must respond even if the agents of the government don't feel it was anything more than a terrible accident.
Frostfire should have taken the 5 years, they were being kind.
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Hmmm, I agree law and morality are not the same, although the law is often used to enforce morality. You're forgetting the role of the jury.
Although I admit that prosecutions occur to make an example of people, further that juries are swayed by emotion, rather than being "disspassionate" as instructed. Still, the judge would have to instruct the jury regarding a specific crime, which the jury would have to find that he had done and if the facts didn't support it the defense attorney should have asked the judge for a directed verdict finding him not guilty and the judge (who in a perfect world should not be swayed by public opinion) would have to grant it.
The governement report reads like a "comic book" report. First the version of events follows Frostfire's (and not as "claimed" by frostfire, but as if they really happened that way) Who other the FF would know his powers went out of wack? What the State would really have is a burned building and several deaths unless there were actually witnesses that survived the robbery/arson and through all the chaos saw things exactly the same (Doubtful) and would not interpret events as hold up, followed by attempt to kill all witnesses by evil mutant (more likely eyewitness interpretation).
As for the laws that would apply and the issue on intent. If the scenario as described is the facts the prosecution used, then the charges he should and would have faced are manslaughter or, as it is in some states now, negligent homicide.
Honestly, I feel bad for Frostfire (Think of what happens during a "mission failure" on a rescue x mission FF fate could be anyones), but I like my villians that way. Being bad for badness sake is boring. Magneto is an awesome villian. Why? Because he is someone we can understand the motivations for. I want to feel sympathy for my villians.
This does make me wonder why the police drones don't send you straight to jail during the countess crey arch in the 40s when you become an outlaw. I would love to have some vigilante in that arch show you the "other ways" into the zones. With the addition of PPD and long bow, it would be nice if the ambushes in that arch were composed of them instead, give a "hero" are real choice on fight or flight. -
It's called the CSI Effect, and it's VERY real.
I've heard from prosecutors who have gotten cases where they literally apprehended the guy with the weapon AND the loot -- but the jurors acquitted because the prosecution didn't offer DNA evidence.
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lol. Good for them. The State gets a lot of advantages in criminal trials, now the wicked have a new Champion: CSI!!!
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So you are acutally happy that a person caught with the loot and the gun (making him an armed robber) was set free to be an armed robber again?
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You don't know that the defendant would do it again. The experience of being tried and getting a pass might have scared him straight. I do know the prison would have likely made the guy a better crook.
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Well If you know anything about human behavior, and especially criminal behavior, the odds are if the guy did it and got a "pass" he feels invincible and his behavior escalated from there. On the flip side, that means the prosecution almost certainly got another opportunity to prosecute him and send him away (something young prosecutor's don't learn till later is the fact that you generally get another chance and if the guy doesn't show back up he learned his lesson).
As for learning to be a better crook in prison, it should be pointed out that prison is full on the FAILURES at crime. The success stories run corporations -
Had a strange thought. What if the devs actually take one of my suggestions and allowed villians to cooperate on Hami-raids. Wonder how many Dominations we could actually get? Wouldn't that show those loser Controllers?
Ummm ... the possibilities.
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All ways thought the "united" threat would be something like hami, which is why the thread that controllers threaten doms so laughable. Fighting Hami makes a dom more attractive than the controller because of domination. . . except for the attacks through hold things. I've been on vacation, please tell me hami no longer does that . . . -
I want to see Troll League Arena Football.
"You am go deep!"
"Me am going to Disneyworld!"
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An early Runequest article (I assume it was in Different Worlds...if that was Chaosium's house title) gave the rules ("real" and how to game them) for Trollball.
Used a live trollkin for the ball - and the ball was called dead if it died. Memory fails at further details.
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Ha ha I forgot about that. Actually played that once. I don't know if there were any other rules, other than scoring by getting the "ball" over a line somewhere. -
The Hamidon has been increased in difficulty. It is now capable of using one of its attack powers even when Held, Slept, or Stunned.
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I wonder how long it will be before this kind of "balance" is filtered down to the rest of the game. Hold, Disorient, and Sleep, the new Immobilization!
Feh. Sometimes, I honestly wonder if Cryptic is using crack as its primary means of "creativity stimulation".
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You know I was wondering the same thing, and why people weren't catching on this. Holds are fairly disfavored in the game already because they diminish risk, I wouldn't be surprised if all AVs will be able to do what hami does now. My dom really will suck then (and I really enjoy playing her despite the naysayers). -
This novel, while a good read, still bothers me on the timeline because if its in canon at all, then Synapse, Positron, and Manticore are way too old compared to how they're depicted in the game and the comics. Synapse and Positron are pushing 50 and Manticore's age is never given but he's still got to be somewhere in the late thirties to possible mid-40s.
I mean, maybe Synapse has an excuse for his appearence due to acts of science and nobody knows what Positron looks like, but Manticore is the normal one.
I mean, this didn't bother me too much during the book, but it's still not being addressed. I don't suppose that some rednamed bastion of the Story Bible could clear the age descrepency up?
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Never worry about the age of a hero. Batman has been 39 forever and will stay that way until the storyline needs it to change....:>
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Actually one of DC's way of taking care of the age was to make "seperate" timeline earths. The Batman of the 40s and 50s died as commissioner of the police in the late 70s a fairly old (the grey hair at the temples kind of thing) and well respected man that had at least one son with I believe Selena Kyle (though it has been ages since I've looked at that comic moldering in my basement).
Generally though comics don't give actual dates for their events because of timeline problems (Captain America was first explained by being frozen for years then the supersoldier serum made him immortal.) -
Ok, so after mulling it over I wanted to make some suggestions bout possible Dominator changes. First off, I think I understand why this may be problematic for the Devs now, as most of the thoughts I had involved significantly changing powers themselves, which at this stage of the game probably isn't that doable. So here are some other options I think might work ok...
Option 1:
Increase Dominator hp to Blaster levels
Remove the damage increase from Domination
Increase Dominator base damage
Add a defense buff to Domination
Option 2:
Increase Dominator hp to Blaster levels
Increase modifer for Dominators on all power pools so we can actually get worthwile amounts of defense or resistance out of things like maneuvers or tough.
Eliminate the recharge timer on Dominate, let the bar be the limiting factor.
Option 3: (the power alteration option)
Elminate the negligable buff/debuff power in most of our secondaries (chilling embrace, etc...)
Give all secondaries a resistance or defense toggle armor like the ones you put in our PPP's.
Overall, I don't think there is any one change that is going to fix Dominators unless they actually replace some of the powers in each of the primary or secondary sets. The current Domination change is an ok start, but it's just a start. Without some tweaking to hp, or base damage, or the presence of some protection, we're just meat when we're not in Domination mode.
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Hmm if they just eliminated the recharge timer on domination. and just allowed it to refill after use . . . I see that as a major change that alone would make the At considerably more powerful. I already see the drop in recharge as a good thing. Would change the play style though. Like others have pointed out, I hold domination because I fear turning the corner and seeing the boss and not having domination. -
(Hurricane) quickly becomes outstripped in power as soon as powers like Focused Accuracy come into play....Then, it is just basically a -range and that's about it.....the melee component is gone, people kite through it all day long. Hell, Inv/Em tanks just walk right up and kick your [censored] and Spine stalkers and scrappers could care less, they'll just critical you to death from outside the Hurricane's range. All the other scrappers like Katana and Martial Arts, that Hurricane once affected, now kick your [censored] with Focused Accuracy....and the Ice/Eng blasters just hit build-up/AIM drop your toggles with Total Focus and light your [censored] up in two seconds.....
If anything, Hurricane should INCREASE with level, so that it scales somewhat as other archetypes become stronger.
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That is my experience with hurricane in PVP. EN/Inv tank just kited through and hit my every 3 attempt. Spines stalker just nails me no problem -
Any talk of changing the permanent part of Patrons or something?
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It's really not as simple as "let's let them respec it!"
Since Patron sets are tied to Contacts you receive, you get the set of the Contact you choose. We'd need to add a bunch of technology to take away access to Contacts (something we don't do currently), to make sure you couldn't end up with multiple Patron Pools.
We have talked about it though, and are not through talking about it either.
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You know, I am ok with the one set of patrons, I wish there was more content that was connected to the choices our character makes. Just as I wish there was specific stories tailored to origin (just as there are for the kleidians) it would make it seem like what the character did really mattered.
That being said, I'd like some epic pools not connected to the patrons (just as there are now initial contacts that in the beginning of the game where you choose not to play the "Destined One" game.
I would love my stalker to be able to get throwing stars (I know that set is not popular with the scrappers but I still would love it having a "natural origin"). I would love a different set of gadgets for my tech corrupter then the mace. I am ok with dark powers on my necro mm and probably with my fire/dark brute. As for the dom, well none of them "fit" probably when I get there I will just do an arch for the content. -
CoX will be a better place with EM adjusted.
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Go home, you nerfherder. Blasters have been literally dying for the other secondaries to be brought up to EM standards. Nerfing EM is the wrong direction to go, bringing other secondaries up to EM standard is the right direction.
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I agree the blaster secondaries need to be fixed (except energy) and I think it speaks volumes that the DEVs went with defender secondaries for the corrupters . . . -
Patron Powers
Villians got some nasty powers for pvp. They can also acess several froms of web grenades (one being a hold, another an AoE Immobilize), which is brutal with -recharge, -speed, -fly, and -jump if the status effect doesn't get ya. All archtypes can get a pet as well.
What I don't understand is why Stalkers get Snipes. I can see them getting a medium blaster attack (i.e. Slug) or a heavy damage attack (hello 20 footers!), but not snipes. That takes abilities away from other ranged villians against powers such as hurricane or force bubble. But I doubt they will crit from hide or there will be a lot of very angry corrupters.
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I PMd Castle asking fore some reassurance that Stalker Snipes would NOT be better then a Blasters and this is his response.
The Sniper Blast Stalkers get is less than half the base damage of Blaster Snipe attacks, so with Criticals they are almost as good.
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So yes they will be able to crit from hide after a BU but we still have BU and AIM.
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Just a minor aside, how long did it take for you to get a response from Castle after you PM'd him? I send him a couple around noon PST regarding the 75% redundancy of the Dominator Patron Pools and I've still not gotten a peep from the guy.
Maybe I should put 'Stalker' in the subject, he seems to pay attention to that stuff.
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Subject: WOW Stalker PPs are great! Quick question though....
In all seriousness I wouldnt expect a quick respone--he's probably getting HAMMERED with PMs right now.
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My sentiments on the dom powers too, I don't see any reason to get them on my dom, unless they do something utterly fantastic. They seem like a total waste. -
Hey, reading the wyvern report. . . can villians and heros team on the pocket missions?
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Yes, in fact, to complete the Story Arcs you need to team with the other side.
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Hey, reading the wyvern report. . . can villians and heros team on the pocket missions?