Of meta-humans and mice
Here here, Tal!
- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie
Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608
I thought the Kheldian affair bit was kinda lame, but otherwise, sounds flavorful.
How many tankers could have previously had a career as a quarterback for the Chicago Titans (the meta-human alternative to the Bulls).
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Not to nitpick... ok... it's exactly to nitpick... but the Bulls would be the Chicago basketball team and they don't have quarterbacks... usually...
Seriously though, the concept as a whole is rather intriguing. But I can't shake the image of the old Mutant League sports games... I miss those games...
well in skyway there's the sign for super bowling aley...
but otherwise.. yeah!!!
the paragon times could be used for a lot more then just new stuff contentwise.
From the title I expected a reference to the Science Mouse problem as illustrated in Top 10.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
I think Tal_N will get a new job as a reporter for The Paragon Times!
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I think Tal_N will get a new job as a reporter for The Paragon Times!
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To be fair I'd feel a lil inadequet compared to folks like Arctic-Sun who from what I have seen a very skilled and consistantly good writers. However I don't feel inadequete compared to whoever wrote the bios of the heroes in the Mayhem Missions. lol
You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.
You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.
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Make it so!
I'm only laughing on the outside
My smile is just skin deep
If you could see inside, I'm really crying
You might join me for a weep
My Roster
Mr_Samoa wrote:
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They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I like the idea, and from Cuppa's response it sounds like you might have some support. I Hope it happens.
From the title I expected a reference to the Science Mouse problem as illustrated in Top 10.
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Hehe, that was a great side story.
On the news front again you might even have a scandal about using the same drug used in the Zig which surpresses powers to allow meta-humans to take part in normal sports. Then have claims that some athelete wasn't taking the full dosage and was using their powers to win.
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Huh. There's a switch. A scandal about a pro athlete NOT taking drugs.
I'd gladly go to my local newspaper kiosk to pick up an edition of The Tal_N Times for stories like those.
"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie
You know - you could submit that kind of thing to the submissions box. You never know what might show up in the community pages of the comic or on the website.
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Doesn't the fact that I'm a UK subscriber on a US server kinda automatically disqualify me from that kinda stuff?
I thought the Kheldian affair bit was kinda lame, but otherwise, sounds flavorful.
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I dunno. I liked that bit, one of my favorite parts of the post. In a world where an alien could do what Kheldians do, it would blur the line of responsibility and guilt, raising the question of who did the woman "really" have a relationship with.
I like it actually.
Or how about
sports designed especially for meta-humans, you mean to tell me there has never been a meta-human olympics?
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Quiddich without the brooms! *Flees in terror from JKR's lawyers*

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
I want to see Troll League Arena Football.
"You am go deep!"
"Me am going to Disneyworld!"
Or... how about REAL WORLD: Paragon City? Think Real World Metropolis! A ring mistress (always hogging the bathroom), Synapse (eats all the food, he can be our "Puck"), Statesman (Hellllooo Kitty!), a Gardvord ("You no change channel! Leave on Sweet Sixteen birthday show!"), Sister Psyche ("Marcus, stop thinking about that Carny like that..."), Terra the Devoured (Synapse: "How about I run out and get some deodorant for you?" "RRRRRRARGH")...
Or Pimp My Superhuman Ride? We can have a rapper Clockwork host it, and every so often the Clockwork can steal the car. Bit by bit.
On a related issue...how about celebrity endorsements?
I had fun writing a fanfic story where a superhero, at security level 29, found out that she wasn't quite advanced enough to merit a free plane ticket to somewhere she needed to go. Level 30s merited a coach seat in return for an endorsement, level 40s first-class, and level 50s a privately-chartered Lear jet.
Other members of the RP Congress have written amusing stories about their heroes doing celebrity endorsements in exchange for free merchandise (such as energy bars, and so forth), or even starting their own clothing lines of unmentionables.
And what about the insurance industry? And no, I don't just mean Bob Parr. Do superheroes have to carry collateral damage insurance much as drivers have to carry liability?
Oh God, I can't stop laughing at the mental image of a windup clockwork holding his head under his arm, with a bandana on it, throwing gang signs with his two fingers now... "zzzzk! Yo-yo-yo! zzzzk! This is PIMP MY zzzzzk RIDE!"
I want to see Troll League Arena Football.
"You am go deep!"
"Me am going to Disneyworld!"
Or... how about REAL WORLD: Paragon City? Think Real World Metropolis! A ring mistress (always hogging the bathroom), Synapse (eats all the food, he can be our "Puck"), Statesman (Hellllooo Kitty!), a Gardvord ("You no change channel! Leave on Sweet Sixteen birthday show!"), Sister Psyche ("Marcus, stop thinking about that Carny like that..."), Terra the Devoured (Synapse: "How about I run out and get some deodorant for you?" "RRRRRRARGH")...
Or Pimp My Superhuman Ride? We can have a rapper Clockwork host it, and every so often the Clockwork can steal the car. Bit by bit.
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Too much Robot Chicken... *Shakes head*
I thought the Kheldian affair bit was kinda lame, but otherwise, sounds flavorful.
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I dunno. I liked that bit, one of my favorite parts of the post. In a world where an alien could do what Kheldians do, it would blur the line of responsibility and guilt, raising the question of who did the woman "really" have a relationship with.
I like it actually.
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No, it doesn't.
The Kheldian and the human are one entity, post-merge.
Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.
I want to see Troll League Arena Football.
"You am go deep!"
"Me am going to Disneyworld!"
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An early Runequest article (I assume it was in Different Worlds...if that was Chaosium's house title) gave the rules ("real" and how to game them) for Trollball.
Used a live trollkin for the ball - and the ball was called dead if it died. Memory fails at further details.
My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.
The CoX universe is a very detailed world, where magic, meta-humans and multiple dimentions are common knowledge and there is every possibility that your neighbor or partner is or is related to someone with inhuman abilities. Clearly there is alot of legalities with meta-humans and we see the back history of the world is shaped by the actions if super humans and aliens however there is a significant lack evidence that you are taking part in a world where the popular culture has been shaped around the presense of meta-humans.
Its really something in the realm of Arctic-Sun to do I guess, it would be nice to see the Paragon Times have small articles detailing stuff happening in the rest of the world. A news report about a scadal where a woman has an affair with her husbands Kheldian personality and the subsquent divorse and forced removal of the alien being from the man. Or how about
sports designed especially for meta-humans, you mean to tell me there has never been a meta-human olympics? Super-football? Clearly its not fair to exclude meta-humans from sports because they outperform humans by such a large margin, for true competative sports they'd need to have special meta-human events and even special rules. How many tankers could have previously had a career as a quarterback for the Chicago Titans (the meta-human alternative to the Bulls).
On the news front again you might even have a scandal about using the same drug used in the Zig which surpresses powers to allow meta-humans to take part in normal sports. Then have claims that some athelete wasn't taking the full dosage and was using their powers to win.
Given the concentrated population of meta-humans in Paragon City you'd expect tp see alot of meta-human focussed advertising on the billboards as they might be fairly common but they certainly are a specialist group within the worlds population.
Trainers and shoe adverts with slogans like 'Capable of withstanding mach 7' or car billboards like 'The new SUV 46000XV, now capable of supporting 5 tonnes. Ideal for super-sized drivers!'. Insurance companies who actually DO cover you against acts of gods!
The list goes on and on when it comes to in-game fictional advertising and the visible effects of meta-humans about the worlds culture. I know its all fluff but it would make the CoX feel a little more complete.