503 -
That's why I wrote the guide.
Quote:Can you apply multiple copies to the same account? -
Quote:As long as you haven't applied it yet already, yes, the free month from anything you buy is added to your existing account.So as always, late to the party...
Can I buy anything other than a CoH/NCSoft time card and add the credit to my 3+ years subscribed account? It would obviously be handy if I could buy Rogue or Good/Evil and use the code toward the forty-odd toons I already have... -
There are situations in which it is useful, though. Well, one situation anywayif you're playing a Mastermind and your pets don't have flight ability. (And if you do it with a bots Mastermind, your bots have little jets coming out of their feet. Really cool!)
It is nice that they provide a way to turn it off, so people who do like it can use it without it ticking off teammates (or at least those who've remembered to turn it off). It's annoying, though, that they don't make it more convenient than having to travel to a specific zone (and not be on a Task Force) to do it. -
Quote:If you think this is somehow something new, where have you been for the last six years? :P CoH has always had really lousy documentation support for all aspects of the game, at least until people created ParagonWiki and started documenting everything themselves. (Remember how long Statesman held out before finally giving in and revealing the actual numbers behind the mechanics?)Except that I feel that neither preparation or understanding are available to players going into the iTrials for the first time. The requirements aren't simply higher, they are insurmountable due to lack of information. The only way to get the information critical to succeeding is to go through the trials and see what happens, see what the gimmicks are, and run them multiple times in a series of experiments to see what will actually work. I've never read a superhero comic book where this was the primary narrative paradigm for superheroes deep into their careers.
I think the game is still a bit obfuscated and newbie-unfriendly in general, and given that nobody's going to encounter the iTrials until they've leveled at least one toon to 50 I think there are a lot of other things affecting far more players that have room for improvement first. -
Quote:I expect he'll be gone come I22, though I haven't checked the beta server to be sure. Presumably they'll replace him with someone else to offer the same task force content.Ok, I have been out for a WHILE (been in a place that rhymes with Spytim, hee hee hee) and of course as soon as I get back I want to try the new SSA's. Ok, coolin. But after the last one I jot on over to Indep. Port and who is standing right there in front of me on the deck of that ship?? Has there been a Dev post on what is up with that? I thought they had the tech in place to make NPC's disappear depending on where you were in the storyline? Just curious.
(Either that, or a future storyline episode will bring him back to life. After all, he's been dead before. Last time, Manticore killed himself to go drag him back to life ) -
Quote:There's kind of a significant precedent for this, though. The original hami raid was put in with no clue whatsoever from the devs as to how teams were "supposed" to do it, and zillions of the raids failed before people finally came up with the healing-umbrella strategy. (After, of course, a few entirely-unexpected "loophole" strategies that the devs subsequently altered things to make impossible. I gather that we never did end up doing it the way the devs had expected us to do it.)The thing is, I do not need to run through any normal mission once or twice in order to learn the "tricks" necessary for completing it successfully. Most TFs don't require it either. All the other content in the game can be won or lost, in my experience, entirely on the basis of the competence of the players involved. Not so for the iTrials. The idea that players are expected to come up with effective strategies only after they've experienced the content and (likely) failed it once or twice is a game paradigm I find unappealing.
And that was the game's first try at endgame content.
So it seems pretty clear that having iTrials work the same way is consistent with the developers' past expectations for endgame content. These are the pinnacle of our heroic (or villainous) achievements. They're supposed to be hard. -
Eden Trial: Make the four rescued heroes be follow-pets, like the cops in Safeguard missions or the jailbroken villain in Mayhem missions. People could rescue the heroes first, then have the heroes help in clearing the room or fighting the Titan.
I'd be more amused if I knew what song that's supposed to be parodying.
I'm not really clear why they put some of these options on Null instead of the menu anyway. I mean sure, I can see where it would be handy for him to tell you the progress on your Portal Jockey AV hunts, but things like Mystic Fortune or Group Fly toggling ought to be just as accessible as the prompt teleport option is.
And also, Null won't talk to you if you're on a TF, which means if you get on a TF with someone who likes to use Group Fly and you haven't disabled that option yet, you're out of luck until it's over. -
Let's be honest here.
All the Incarnate trials are grinds in one way or another. We are basically forced into doing them over and over (and over and over and over) ad infinitum if we want to power up our Incarnate abilities. It's not only repetitious, it makes no sense from a story point of view that the exact same thing should happen over and over again (but then, being able to repeat any Task Force, etc. makes just as little sense, when you get right down to it).
Singling one or more of these out as somehow being "more grindy" than the others seems a bit like straining at gnats while swallowing camels. -
Quote:Oh, I did some pre-crafted buying and reselling, too (as a self-defense mechanism to keep people from buying those cheapies instead of my more costly onesSave yourself a few million. For the last few weeks, I've been buying them crafted at more-or-less your price point, and selling them in the same range you are.
Three weeks ago, I was buying them at 60-65, and selling them at 110. I've not sold any above 100 mil in two weeks, though.) And still am. Though as you say, the market is slower now.
I just wish I could find some other things with as good of a level of supply and profit margin to diversify into. I guess I'll just have to look harder. -
One of the first few Mayhem/Safeguard mission reward powers is a jet pack, modeled in appearance after the Malta Sappers', that provides a boost to jumping instead of flight. However, as far as I know, this is the only way you can get this pack in the entire game, and once it's gone it's gone for good. (Unlike flight packs, which now seem to be given out in cereal boxes.)
How about adding a recipe for this pack, or adding it to Mayhem/Safeguard arms deals, or making it available again through some other means? Heck, I'd even be willing to drop some Paragon Points on it for a few characters who would find an occasional rocket-powered superjump handy to have. -
I can't speak to anyone else's playstyle but my ownbut I do indeed end up using all 90 slots, and indeed having them all visible at once in many cases.
For example, here's a screenshot of one of my CoH characters in question.
While I will admit I don't use all of those powers all the time, the awful way that the CoH powers tray is set up means that if I think I might need to use one of those powers at some point, it's better to have it in a tray where I can click on it (or, at need, temporarily swap it with some other power in a more convenient position) than have to open the power tray, scroll scroll scroll through a list of a zillion powers to try to find it, and then drag it into the slot where I need it. It's annoying enough that when you claim a power from email or craft a temp power recipe, the power doesn't get placed in your tray even if you have an empty slot for it
If I had more trays, that's what I'd use them for: moving my macros and lesser-used powers to a tray where it's out of the way but I can still locate it easily when I need it. -
Quote:I think because, storywise, the Midnight Club has gone to a great deal of trouble to keep Cimerora secret from the Ouroborans, including surreptitiously obtaining one of the Ouroboran shards for portal use. Indeed the end of the Alpha unlock arc is the first the Ouroborans have heard about the place.Oro can have a connection to Cimeroa. Why not. They have time travel.
Of course, now that they know about it, perhaps they could add their own access point for further investigation of the place. Interesting idea. -
As others have said, these powers are working as intended. They're not meant to be used in combat, or along with other powers, and devs have explained elsewhere why those limitations exist.
If you find you're accidentally clicking on them too often, why not move them to an out of the way power tray? In most cases, these powers aren't things you're going to need to use on the spur of the moment, so you don't need to have them convenient for instant access anyway. -
I never thought I'd say this, but I've gotten to the point where ten power trays are not enough. Between all the temp and Incarnate and vet reward and Accolade and Day Job powers, and all the macros I need to make things easier for incarnate trials, I've discovered I'm having to bump things out of my trays so I don't have access to them anymore.
I don't know whether it's feasible to do thisthe ten trays could be one of those hard-coded limits that would require too much recoding to work aroundbut if it is possible, it would be nice to have it. When things get bumped out of the tray, they're pretty much never going to have the chance to get used. -
Don't have time to go through the thread so I don't know if anyone's suggested this yet:
Add the ability to pay Astral Merits to unlock Midnight for our other characters, the way we can now with capes, auras, and the Alpha unlock arc. That would neatly solve the problem of (most) vet players getting frustrated while still keeping it there for newbies. -
And if it's not in one of your trays on the screen (which can happen if you've filled up all the slots on all three of your first three power trays), open your Powers screen and hunt through the temp power list for it.
The arch-villains in the Apex and Tin Mage TFs count, too.
Over the last few weeks, I made my first marketeering billion by noticing that I could get and build L50 Oblit quad recipes for about 63 mil and sell them crafted for 90 to 100 mil. The market seems to have slowed down considerably over the last two weeksand odd thing, now the pricing of recipe and crafted 'hance is about the same (or at least it's close enough that the 10% market skim-off would wipe out any profit I made from reselling). I've still got some lowball bids in, but they seem to be fairly slow to materialize.
I expect it's time to look for another case of market inequality I can exploitbut I'm not really very experienced at thisI basically stumbled onto Oblit quads by accident. Why is it that they are so much in demand that they go for these exorbitant prices? How can I look for other things that meet the same demand?
I expect at least part of it is that people use them as the cherry on top of their slotting strategies, to get an extra bit of "oomph" on multiple things without wasting too much going over the ED cap. But other L50 quads I've checked for other types of attack don't go for anywhere near that much. What's the secret? -
Quote:For the masks (and for that matter, Tsoo Sorcs) I found the easiest way to get them was to ask on the badge channels for other people to join me, and go to DA and split up and hunt the places where the masks hung out. If you do this with a L50 as your team lead, it's very easy to knock them down, and since everyone gets credit for the kills they go down pretty quickly.Also, what is the best way to get 200 masks and 100 illusionists?
As for Carnies, you don't necessarily have to farm if you can find a good 8-person team and run some Carnie radio or tip missions. Peregrine Island radio missions are great for this, especially if you get a team full of Incarnates who can go through them like a hot knife through butter. Just do several of them as 8-person spawned missions and clear the missions and you won't even need to farm. (Especially since the other MI pets now count, too.) That's what I did on my latest character, without even meaning to. Was actually quite startled when I got the badge without even trying. -
So yeah, as the posts above this one have said they have definite advantages over regular Enhancements. The question is whether they're big-enough advantages to shell out real money for.
I tend to think that L30 crafted IOs are "good enough" in most situations, representing a great compromise between level of enhancement and keeping the bonuses as low as possible. (I make an exception for the LotG global recharge IO, given that it's useful to slot a single L25 to have that all the way down at level 22.) A lot of IO sets get into ED territory if you slot them all at level 50.
But there are certain sets where you want to be as good as possible, like if you're near but not quite at softcap on Defense. In those circumstances, I would be inclined to go Attuned when they're available.
(I also wish I'd bought more attuned LotG back when they were on sale. Oh well, I expect they'll come around again.) -
I don't know about "looking through toons and moving stuff around" as by and large salvage is cheap enough that I just buy whatever I need from the market when I need it, and almost nobody plays in my SG anymore so I can use base storage for anything I craft without worrying someone might take it.
But boy is that current respec process annoying. Aside from the fact that it's all-or-nothing (really annoying when you realize you've just 3-slotted a power you only meant to 2-slot and you have to respec every power and every slot to fix your mistake), but it also scrambles your power trays and you have to spend ages dragging everything back into place.
I agree, I'd love to see a more Mids-like interface where you can spec out your powers and slots all at once, instead of having to rebuild one thing at a time.