More power trays please
Indeed. I'm running into this issue as well because I make macros of all my instructions for leading trials, which typically means 8-10 power slots for each trial.
Basically my trays are
3 for all my primary/secondary powers and incarnate powers
1 for toggles
1 for temps such as ouro/pocket D/base/ww/mission/team teleporters and raptor pack etc.
1 for keyes
1 for ugt
1 for mom
1 for tpn
As more trials come out, I'm plain and simple not going to have enough room.
And I already keybind a good number of powers as well. QWETYU and M4/M5 all have powers bound to them on all toons
It might be just me but... if you get to a point where 90 clickable buttons aren't enough, I think you might be doing it wrong. Just saying. :/
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
About the only time I run into any issues is on high level Khelds, since the form trays are never full (can't use most temp powers in there anyway) so I lose some there.
But with the explanation of macros for trial instructions - yeah, I can see that, I guess. It'd be nice if you could have a set of macros defined and have one button just switch between them or something (so you'd have only one tray) but that's the only other way I can think of doing that other than more trays.
Mentioning M4/M5 - I assume using a Logitech type gaming keyboard? IIRC, you might be able to save some of those bind slots by just assigning them a key combo, and just having one (smaller) set of macros to swap out the instructions (so G1, for instance, is set to "control-shift-W" and that key combo is defined differently in different bind files.) Then again, you might be doing that already.
Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.
Mentioning M4/M5 - I assume using a Logitech type gaming keyboard? IIRC, you might be able to save some of those bind slots by just assigning them a key combo, and just having one (smaller) set of macros to swap out the instructions (so G1, for instance, is set to "control-shift-W" and that key combo is defined differently in different bind files.) Then again, you might be doing that already.
Global- @SailorET, Justice Server
Sheryl Fiero, 50 AR/Devices Blaster
Louise Fiero, 50 Merc/Traps MM
Various assorted alts
Proudly serving in our military so you don't have to.
It might be just me but... if you get to a point where 90 clickable buttons aren't enough, I think you might be doing it wrong. Just saying. :/
And while I am strictly someone who uses keybinds, clickers will definitely use more slots in their trays than me, though I guess they would also be using more than half their trays cause my tiny hands can't reasonably reach past alt/ctrl/shift+5.
I can't speak to anyone else's playstyle but my ownbut I do indeed end up using all 90 slots, and indeed having them all visible at once in many cases.
For example, here's a screenshot of one of my CoH characters in question.
While I will admit I don't use all of those powers all the time, the awful way that the CoH powers tray is set up means that if I think I might need to use one of those powers at some point, it's better to have it in a tray where I can click on it (or, at need, temporarily swap it with some other power in a more convenient position) than have to open the power tray, scroll scroll scroll through a list of a zillion powers to try to find it, and then drag it into the slot where I need it. It's annoying enough that when you claim a power from email or craft a temp power recipe, the power doesn't get placed in your tray even if you have an empty slot for it
If I had more trays, that's what I'd use them for: moving my macros and lesser-used powers to a tray where it's out of the way but I can still locate it easily when I need it.
It might be just me but... if you get to a point where 90 clickable buttons aren't enough, I think you might be doing it wrong. Just saying. :/

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I can't speak to anyone else's playstyle but my ownbut I do indeed end up using all 90 slots, and indeed having them all visible at once in many cases.
For example, here's a screenshot of one of my CoH characters in question. While I will admit I don't use all of those powers all the time, the awful way that the CoH powers tray is set up means that if I think I might need to use one of those powers at some point, it's better to have it in a tray where I can click on it (or, at need, temporarily swap it with some other power in a more convenient position) than have to open the power tray, scroll scroll scroll through a list of a zillion powers to try to find it, and then drag it into the slot where I need it. It's annoying enough that when you claim a power from email or craft a temp power recipe, the power doesn't get placed in your tray even if you have an empty slot for it If I had more trays, that's what I'd use them for: moving my macros and lesser-used powers to a tray where it's out of the way but I can still locate it easily when I need it. |
Then you did weird things like taking Stun, air superiority and the meds pool, *ahem* but I won't get into that as that has nothing to do with this topic.
I would contend you're not playing the game enough...
*image snip* |
Just because they're there, it doesn't mean you will want to be using them all the time. But hey, YMMV.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
I just popped in here to make a suggestion to the folks who use many macro radials for things like Trial Raid commands as leaders.
There is something called a Popmenu command. I won't get into the specifics of how to use it here because I stink at guides, and there are already several good threads on how to use it.
Suffice it to say, what it does is that you can consolidate all of your macros for example from Keyes Island Trial into a SINGLE macro, when you click it, a menu appears with a list of options. You can customize those options to replace your slew of macro radials.
Quick example of a simple popmenu that I use is one for my dual pistol corruptor. Instead of keeping all 3 change ammo powers on the tray, I have a single button which causes a menu to appear with all 3 ammo types listed, I click the one I want. I just consolidated 3 icons into 1 by doing that.
"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.
"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.
I would contend you're not playing the game enough...
Screenshot |
Nor do most players fill up slots in their trays with non combat pets if they need slots for useful powers.
Nor do most players keep duplicate powers in their trays.
2 base teleporters
3 jetpacks
6 sprints
For example:
If they have Ninja and Beast Run, or Steam and Jump Pack they usually choose one or the other to put in their power trays.
Oh and the Origin powers like Apprentice Charm? Seriously how many players actually have those in their trays by the time they reach mid to high levels?
And while I don't doubt that there are several players that have multiple Travel powers like you have Speed and TP, I'd say that just as many have only 1 travel power or none at all if they rely on Ninja/Beast Run.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
i've run into a similiar problem myself but for a different reason, i have a bots /devices MM thats themed to have all the temp powers available in the game, only with all the regular powers ,incarnates, etc. i'm running out of room for the temps.
With all due respect Zombie the screenshot is misleading. several of those powers (like some of the accolades) will never show up in a power tray because they are always on like Health and Stamina.
We had this argument before when we only had 3 trays and those against asking for more made the point: "Well **I** don't need more than 3 so, I'm against it." Which is the ultimate selfish argument. If they had their way, we'd still only have access to 3 trays.
If a number of people can find use for more than 9 trays, what is it to those who can't to argue against it?
Incidentally, if it were up to Positron, we'd only have 4 trays, but pohsyb snuck in the full 9 that we have now, flummoxing Positron, who is even more flummoxed by how popular that was.
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Incidentally, if it were up to Positron, we'd only have 4 trays, but pohsyb snuck in the full 9 that we have now, flummoxing Positron, who is even more flummoxed by how popular that was.
The only real problem I have with the current situation is that I would love to have more than just 3 trays in the main power tray GUI. Sure I can place individual trays around but I'd love to have more than 3 locked together in one place instead of having them floating around separately.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Wow. The most trays I've ever used is 5, and even then I've never used all 50 the slots, despite the fact that I have nearly double the powers to put in them. I only slot what I actually use.
I have tons of temp powers on my main, and I've never even used most of them one time unless it was necessary for a mission.
I can't envision a situation where I would want to have every single one of those powers clickable at a given time.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Since it's always possible to add more temporary powers and more macros, there will be people who fill up all the trays no matter how many more you add. It's just not feasible as a general policy to continue adding more.
What we should be asking for is a better facility for managing the trays that we already have.
Ashlocke's post on popmenu is good, but menu selection is not as convenient, as it requires multiple mouse clicks, and many people prefer to use the keyboard for initiating actions with a single keystroke.
Ultimately, there's really not enough screen real estate to have more than 10 trays. We just need an easier way to select what goes into each tray.
We have the ability to save window locations, chat settings, costumes, power customization, binds, and so on in files. The /bindloadfile command allows us to save actions bound to the keyboard. We need a pair of similar commands, /traysavefile and /trayloadfile.
The /traysavefile command would take a variable number of arguments. The name of the file to save the tray buttons to and the numbers of the trays to save. For example:
/traysavefile filename.txt,1,2,3
/traysavefile filename2.txt,4,5
The /trayloadfile command would take a single argument, the name of the file to load:
/trayloadfile filename.txt
The file would contain information required to create the buttons on the trays, including power activations and macro buttons.
This command would be useful for a lot of other things as well: many people have a standard layout that they could save and load for each alt. When you do a respec your trays are all messed up: with this command you could save your trays before the respec and reload them afterwards. It would also allow people who've developed complex macros for MMs and Khelds to easily save and trade them with other players.
While I certainly don't keep three Rock powers in my trays, whatever is left over from powers is rapidly filled with macros.
We had this argument before when we only had 3 trays and those against asking for more made the point: "Well **I** don't need more than 3 so, I'm against it." Which is the ultimate selfish argument. If they had their way, we'd still only have access to 3 trays. If a number of people can find use for more than 9 trays, what is it to those who can't to argue against it? Incidentally, if it were up to Positron, we'd only have 4 trays, but pohsyb snuck in the full 9 that we have now, flummoxing Positron, who is even more flummoxed by how popular that was. |

I would love to hear a compelling reason why a person, let alone a brute, would need 2 different placate powers, what looks like almost every craftable temp power, and the pocket D temp powers all hotkeyed.
I would also like to hear why it is necessary to have 6 different means of flight, both versions of the auctionhouse teleporter, and the morality confuse temp power ready to fire. Not to mention self destruct, stealth and/or costume changes (on an energy aura, as your combat invis will be incompatible with that), and non-combat pets on trays. Oh, and you use that Crey Cryo gun? Really? I guess you can make a case for the Vanguard medal, but a mag 2 ST immobilize? That you can only use once every...half hour? Hour?
You don't need more trays. You need to spring clean.
If a number of people can find use for more than 9 trays, what is it to those who can't to argue against it?
Of course, at some ridiculous point you'll have so many trays in your game screen you won't be able to actually SEE the game proper.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
I figure I'd pop in here again after having given this some more thought.
I have two suggestions, one seems fairly doable and reasonable for the Devs to do, the second is more of a pipe dream, but will mention it none the less.
Suggestion #1: When clicking on "powers" to bring up the massive list of powers window, how about the Devs make it so you can actually CLICK ON the powers shown there and activate them right in the powers window. While they are there, they could spruce up how the powers are listed to make them better accessible.
This is a huge reason I drag several powers that I rarely use unto my power tray, because I don't want to suddenly need one of them and then have to fiddle around finding it, then dragging it to an empty tray slot, and then finally get to click on it.
Suggestion #2: The game already has an unsupported command feature called "Popmenu". If they were to enhance this to be a fully robust menu creator WITHIN the game, not out of game how it currently works, this would go a long way to making power trays more manageable.
Essentially, they would create an enhanced macro command, dump the automatic plain grey radial, and allow us to pick color, and design, think along the lines of Mastermind draggable macro buttons that you can customize.
From this point you can either set it as a standard macro button, or expand it into a popmenu button in which you drag other macros you have created into it and it automatically adds them to the pop up menu.
Example: On a dual pistol character I create a blue macro button called "Ammo" and it has a design pic of crosshairs like the attack-all MM button. Then I create 3 more macros, one for each Ammo Type: Toxic, Ice, Fire. Then I drag each of those to the initial macro I created that was called "Ammo". Now every time I click on Ammo, a popmenu appears with the 3 ammo types shown, I then click the one I want.
I just consolidated 3 tray spaces into one.
And that was only 3 tray spaces. Imagine if you are a raid leader that has *10* macros for issuing different commands over the course of a raid. Imagine consolidating all of those commands into one single button called "MoM Raid", and when you click on it, all 10 raid orders are listed there in one convenient menu that takes up all of one tray space.
Anyhow, one can dream right.
P.S. You can already do this, but it requires more than a casual knowledge of the game, and some bit of learning of how to code the popmenu files offline, and also requires a restart of CoH in order for the menus to work. My suggestion was to make this more newbie friendly by making use of drag and drop functionality.
"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.
"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.
Just to clarify I'm not against the idea I just think people could take better care of their trays and think about what really needs to be there at the push of a button.
Of course, at some ridiculous point you'll have so many trays in your game screen you won't be able to actually SEE the game proper. ![]() |

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I never thought I'd say this, but I've gotten to the point where ten power trays are not enough. Between all the temp and Incarnate and vet reward and Accolade and Day Job powers, and all the macros I need to make things easier for incarnate trials, I've discovered I'm having to bump things out of my trays so I don't have access to them anymore.
I don't know whether it's feasible to do thisthe ten trays could be one of those hard-coded limits that would require too much recoding to work aroundbut if it is possible, it would be nice to have it. When things get bumped out of the tray, they're pretty much never going to have the chance to get used.