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  1. I didn't read through this entire thread so if this has already been posted I apologize.

    Leprechaun pet is extremely annoying on my Peace Bringer as it is shut off every time I change forms.

    Can something be done to fix that please?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. 1) Since Dwarfs are supposedly creatures that live on burned out stars, (I.E. Massive gravity) Give dwarfs a new toggle that inverts KB to KI, what is KI you ask? The opposite of Knock Back, Knock In. Sorry, I don't have a better name for it, but you get the idea, you are so massive and dense that your attacks draw foes inward towards you.

    This will do two things, one, keep the whole Knock theme still firmly entrenched in Kheldian powers and two, not make knocks so hated all on one fell swoop.

    2) Give Kheldians an ablative shield. Possibly in dwarf form since it's more of a survivability tool, but I can see it in any form really. Basically it uses the Mastermind Bodyguard mechanics which already exist in the game. How it works is, you cast the ablative shield and you are surrounded by the shield which has X number of hit points which CANNOT be healed by any means. It's actually a pet mechanically speaking even though it looks and acts like a click shield. It absorbs X amount of damage then fades. My rough idea is somewhere between 20%-50% damage absorbtion for around 1000-2000 hit points or so. This makes it a great alpha strike power or an oh crap power. Long recharge enough to not allow for perma stacking, or make it ignore recharge buffs completely.

    3) I can't think of a 3rd off the cuff. So how about giving the Squid form an attack using one of it's tentacles. I'm picturing a ranged hold attack that looks like the "Hell on earth" whip tendril buff. I think that would look awesome shooting out a tentacle and holding fast some hapless foe while giving the brittle squid a much needed survivability tool.

    Thanks for reading.
  3. Oh, I see, I checked this morning at the time of my post and it still showed them at 50% off.
    Oh well, guess I was too late, thank you all for the replies.
  4. On this page:

    There is shown that character slots are 50% off. So I was interested in purchasing 5 slots (original price 1600) for 800. In game however, when clicking on sale items, it shows it for 1200. Is this a bug or what? I don't want to get charged more than their stated sale price so I avoided buying it just in case I got stuck with the higher price.

    Some clarification would be great, thanks.
  5. Here's my take on fixing snipe, not just for blasters, but for any AT that has a snipe power.

    I think what's required here is some truly out of the box fix.

    Snipe being interuptable is a staple of the power and makes it unique, however, it's that very same quality that makes it kind of undesirable along with the fact that in most cases you can fire off several other attacks in the same time you can fire off just one snipe and do more overall damage than your single snipe.

    My suggestion would likely require a programming fix since I don't think the mechanics for it exist in the game currently.

    Simply put: Select your target, click ONCE to begin snipe, now you begin to track the target and build up damage. Clicking Snipe a SECOND time will actually fire the snipe. The snipe is considered interuptable the entire time you are tracking the target. The Snipe Icon will work like a clock, starting at 12, and slowly increase until it comes full circle indicating the snipe is fully charged and waiting to be fired.

    This means that Snipe now does variable damage depending on how long you want to let snipe track the target essentially the longer you wait, the more damage the snipe will do.

    I would suggest the scaling not be linear but rather scale on a curve, so that if you fire the snipe quickly it will do decent damage, not great, but just decent, then the longer you wait the slower the increase gets up to some Dev set maximum.

    I would not have a problem with this attack being unique in that you can let it scale upwards given enough time tracking a target to reach your Archetype's damage cap.

    In game this would mean that snipe would now likely take MUCH LONGER to fire than it does now, but the payoff would be having an opening attack that can do capped damage to a single target. The tradeoff would be that you would likely not be able to use this attack effectively once in combat because the amount of time needed to fire off a damage capped shot would be too long and likely interrupted.

    I would even go so far as to give the snipe a special self debuff, the longer you track a target while getting closer to your damage cap, the lower your defense is debuffed to ensure that if you are attacked you will most likely be interrupted.

    This fix leaves me wondering what to do about snipe enhancement sets and IOs, since interrupt reduction will not work in this new version of snipe. I'm sort of out of ideas for that, perhaps folks can think of something good for them.

    Thanks for reading.
  6. Rocket Board
    Magic Carpet
    Ninja Run
    Beast Run
    Coyote Form
  7. I have to ask, that Leprechaun pet, I see above that it can be targeted and attacked, but is it as fragile as the standard combat pet? I.E. Wisps, drones, etc.

    If so, I'll pass.
  8. I've filed many bug reports over several months, I posted here in the hopes that a player might have found a workaround fix and could share it.
  9. Instead of reiterating common quibbles with the new issue, I think I'll just mention the one I have that's relatively minor in the grand scheme of things.

    Remember how the Midnight Club was supposed to be a springboard zone that led to other new zones. Seeing as how the Midnighters are the transportation to the new Dark Astoria, why didn't they put those portals, or rather, just a single portal since it's a coop zone, in the frikkin club like Cimmerora has?

    We have this odd, out of place portals now in Grandville and Peregrine....

    If they aren't ever going to add more portals in the Midnight club, I would suggest moving the one to Cimmerora and putting it in a normal zone on both blue and red side. Why? Because you have to do an extra zoning just to get there for no reason. Slow zoners will thank you. This wouldn't phase me if the Midnight Club had (or was planning to have) their own transit hub so-to-speak.

    I dunno why it bugs me, it just does.
  10. The problem:
    /bind button4 "powexecname Rocket Board"

    It works fine, but only for a few minutes, then it seems to unbind itself.
    This isn't a new problem, Every time I make a new character this problem crops up. It doesn't matter what power I try to bind is, the same thing happens.

    After a while (around a few weeks or so) the problem simply stops being a problem. But that's annoying to have to wait a month in order to have the problem go away on it's own.

    Older characters have no problems at all binding to button4

    If anyone else has a similar issue and has figured out a fix, please share.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and posting any help.
  11. Here I was, all worried that I would be spending money that I probably shouldn't spend and be saving for something more important, like a new scarf, or a tattoo. This is why I love you guys over at Paragon. thanks to you I can breath a sigh of relief as I keep all of my money!

    In case the sarcasm wasn't obvious enough, No, I do not support the idea of gambling for goods and am in no way shape or form going to spend a single penny on them.

    If these items were offered for purchase, even at a slightly higher than reasonable amount, I would have considered purchasing some of the things on the list that appeal to me.
  12. Honestly, I'd be happy with toggle suppression when using Rocket Board and other powers like it. I'm OK with Rocket Board having to kill off all my powers for it to work properly, I just dislike using it and then having to spend 5 minutes retoggling a bunch of powers from mission to mission, or even during a single mission having to get over obstacles and move around tall missions it becomes kind of a bummer.

    So Devs, can you folks make it suppress toggles instead of deactivating them completely? If not, that's OK, I'll live with it, but it would be such an awesome QoL fix.

    Thanks for reading.
  13. I chose A because it has less dork than B. Yeah... it's the rings. I'd pick B if not for them.

    I forgot to say that I really hope they have the same tech as the rocket boots do so that when you activate a flight power some sort of thrust appears and when you deactivate the flight power the thrust deactivates as well. Otherwise I will kind of be disappointed.
  14. I figure I'd pop in here again after having given this some more thought.

    I have two suggestions, one seems fairly doable and reasonable for the Devs to do, the second is more of a pipe dream, but will mention it none the less.

    Suggestion #1: When clicking on "powers" to bring up the massive list of powers window, how about the Devs make it so you can actually CLICK ON the powers shown there and activate them right in the powers window. While they are there, they could spruce up how the powers are listed to make them better accessible.

    This is a huge reason I drag several powers that I rarely use unto my power tray, because I don't want to suddenly need one of them and then have to fiddle around finding it, then dragging it to an empty tray slot, and then finally get to click on it.

    Suggestion #2: The game already has an unsupported command feature called "Popmenu". If they were to enhance this to be a fully robust menu creator WITHIN the game, not out of game how it currently works, this would go a long way to making power trays more manageable.

    Essentially, they would create an enhanced macro command, dump the automatic plain grey radial, and allow us to pick color, and design, think along the lines of Mastermind draggable macro buttons that you can customize.

    From this point you can either set it as a standard macro button, or expand it into a popmenu button in which you drag other macros you have created into it and it automatically adds them to the pop up menu.

    Example: On a dual pistol character I create a blue macro button called "Ammo" and it has a design pic of crosshairs like the attack-all MM button. Then I create 3 more macros, one for each Ammo Type: Toxic, Ice, Fire. Then I drag each of those to the initial macro I created that was called "Ammo". Now every time I click on Ammo, a popmenu appears with the 3 ammo types shown, I then click the one I want.

    I just consolidated 3 tray spaces into one.

    And that was only 3 tray spaces. Imagine if you are a raid leader that has *10* macros for issuing different commands over the course of a raid. Imagine consolidating all of those commands into one single button called "MoM Raid", and when you click on it, all 10 raid orders are listed there in one convenient menu that takes up all of one tray space.

    Anyhow, one can dream right.

    P.S. You can already do this, but it requires more than a casual knowledge of the game, and some bit of learning of how to code the popmenu files offline, and also requires a restart of CoH in order for the menus to work. My suggestion was to make this more newbie friendly by making use of drag and drop functionality.
  15. I just popped in here to make a suggestion to the folks who use many macro radials for things like Trial Raid commands as leaders.

    There is something called a Popmenu command. I won't get into the specifics of how to use it here because I stink at guides, and there are already several good threads on how to use it.

    Suffice it to say, what it does is that you can consolidate all of your macros for example from Keyes Island Trial into a SINGLE macro, when you click it, a menu appears with a list of options. You can customize those options to replace your slew of macro radials.

    Quick example of a simple popmenu that I use is one for my dual pistol corruptor. Instead of keeping all 3 change ammo powers on the tray, I have a single button which causes a menu to appear with all 3 ammo types listed, I click the one I want. I just consolidated 3 icons into 1 by doing that.
  16. I think the problem is deeper than that, as my above bind that I noticed not working properly doesn't use any "powexectoggle" command, it just uses the "powexecname" command.
  17. The command "powexecname" toggles on a power that is currently off, and toggles off a power that is currently on, In this regard it's working properly, but it used to be that CJ would immediately toggle on as Rocket Board toggled off with just that one button press.

    How it's working now is that it takes two presses to get CJ to toggle on, yet, interestingly it still only takes one press to go from CJ to Rocket Board.

    To add another interesting tidbit that I've noticed while I tried dinking around trying to get it to work as it did before, the order of commands breaks the bind if done the other way around.

    Let me elaborate. The bind I use worked no matter which command came first in the past, the only difference was which power activated first when both powers were in a toggled off state. The second command would actually activate first, this is a known function of binds, they read backwards.

    However, now, the only command order for that bind that works at all now is: "powexecname Rocket Board$$powexecname Combat Jumping".

    When I tried swapping the command order and putting Combat Jumping first and Rocket Board second the bind fails to work completely. This has me stumped.

    Something has obviously changed in how things are working, but I have no idea what or how things were changed.
  18. I'm not 100% sure this is a bug, it may be an undocumented change. Guess I'll post this and let the Devs figure out which.

    Ever since I got the Rocket Board when it first went live, I've used the following bind:

    /bind button4 "powexecname Rocket Board$$powexecname Combat Jumping"

    Simple bind that alternated between Rocket Board and Combat jumping.
    Today I noticed while playing my character that has that bind that it no longer works properly. Now, I press button 4 and Rocket Board activates, I press button4 again and it deactivates, but combat jumping doesn't activate. I press it one more time and Combat Jumping activates. I press it once again and Rocket Board activates.

    This is how the new activation cycle seems to work now. Very odd, and I don't recall reading about any changes to how binds work in any patch notes recently.
  19. First, I want to thank you Mids Programmers for the excellent work you do on it, I honestly couldn't play at this point without the ability to plan my character builds. I remember back in the day even before Invention Enhancements wracking my brain just to pick powers and slot them in the best way possible without making a horribly playing character as I leveled up.

    I was wondering if I could make a feature suggestion?
    I find that every time I open Mids it doesn't remember how I last had it displayed on the screen. What I mean by that is, the main window returns to it's default size and location, as well as the other two sub windows that I use regularly (view active sets and view totals) also they are defaulted to "Keep on top" toggled on.

    Is there currently a way to make Mids remember it's size and position as well as how you left it when you closed the program down? If not, could this be a feature in some future version?

    P.S. It's not a huge problem to have to set the windows up how I want them every time I load the program, was just thinking it would be a nice QoL feature.

    Thank you.
    Keep up the awesome work.
  20. Thanks folks, clicking that banner offer and selecting the 12 month deal did the trick, well, at least I hope so, I won't know until March if it works, but so far it looks promising.
  21. Last year I purchased the same deal as they are offering this year, where I purchased 12 months and received 2 months bonus subscription time.

    My question is, my sub runs out in March, so how do I go about purchasing the current 12+2 month deal to add it to my already existing sub that doesn't expire until March?

    Thank you in advance for any help.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Terminotaur View Post
    The trial badges already work this way. Currently, any badge requirements fulfilled by the league results in an extra astral merit for each one. Also, there is a random uncommon salvage drop for the first 3 badges earned and a random rare drop for the master badge. The problem is, its not enough of an incentive.

    As an example: Why would a team spend an extra half hour working on bombs in the Underground trial for an extra astral merit when they could run a BAF trial in that same time and earn 5 of them?
    My bad then. I didn't know that.
    In my defense, I was just trying to offer up an idea to improve things.

    Personally, I don't play incarnate content as I loathe iTrials, specifically league play. I am waiting while my year sub runs down to see if/when there will be non-league means for incarnate advancement either solo or single team like task forces, etc.

    I was an avid badger, but, well, since I'd rather not bash the Devs or anyone for that matter, let's just say that I badged for fun, and for me, it's no longer fun.
  23. I have this exact same problem only it's with the mission window. Undocked it randomly wanders around the screen to and fro wherever it wants to go. Very irritating.