Getting harder and harder to badge.




Anyone else feeling this way also. I need some master badges and my police band missons were due to a bug gone somehow. Its just such a pain now to get those old badges back and to get a master team together for harder trials.

I am not sure if exhalted was such a good idea. I am not sure if its just people working incarnate stuff on all their alts. But something is different in the badge mini game.

Has anyone just given up on badges, or stopped. I am at 1280+/- and i think i may be done cause unless you get on a good team the day new content comes out your just gonna have to struggle to get those badges.

I found it easier to get shard badges like Dr. Q than it is to get master keyes and that can take 4 hours just to run it.

Also I am a little sick of master of badges and Day jobs i just finished the 4 new ones and its boring and I dont like day job badges.

Its kind of a rant but I am surprised how hard its been to get master keys,ug, etc...



The more badges you have, the harder it is to continue to get new ones... because by nature, most folks put off the "hard ones." The ones I have left on my badger are PvP badges, Mayhems, some that require a side-switch to get (the new ones for OTMs), a bunch of Mo, etc.

My badger is on Justice, so I can't speak for Exalted at all (I refuse to play on that server) but I don't really have an issue getting a team together to do most anything I want over there... just have to do it when a bunch of people are on which requires a bit of time-zone knowledge, is all.

I would guess that lots of folks already HAD their badges before moving to Exalted... but I could be wrong.



Somewhat similar to what Thirty-Seven said; I'm on Liberty so I can't speak for Exalted (don't want to play there either).

But Liberty still has badge runs for things...

I will admit I can't say for sure since lately I haven't been able to play much at night (mainly cause of work but other things too).


Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



I have been increasingly concerned about a specific issue with some of the recent trial badges. Its one thing to ask a single player to perform some degenerate behavior to get a badge, whether its killing thousands of monkeys for no reason or whatever. If you really want the badge, you'll complain about it but you'll do it. Its another thing to make badges that require teams, like completing Positron's task force.

Combining the two is problematic because you have to ask an entire team to do something unrelated to the primary task. Even the old school Master badges asked teams to at least do something that didn't interfere with running the task force: don't die. You can ask someone to not die, please.

But Master of Keyes? That requires volunteer bunnies to hop around avoiding patches, an activity that isn't strictly necessary to complete the trial. And it requires a league to deliberately shoot at the thing you're not supposed to shoot at for the sole purpose of taking more damage for no reason. Master of Underground requires asking an entire league to give up an additional half hour of their lives creeping through tunnels and shooting at bombs instead of just setting them off and getting to the end of the trial.

When badging was something you could either do solo or do with a team where the badge requirements were nominally parallel with doing well at the team task in general, badging was at worst an extra activity that wasn't antagonistic to the rest of the game. But badges like Preservation Specialist put badgers in actual conflict with other players: others have to suffer for you to get that badge, and unnecessarily if they are not badgers. Master of Lambda has similar silly requirements that require asking an entire league to do something stupid just so the badgers can get the badge.

I think that's a problem. The devs need to institute a cardinal rule on badges: badges that require teams will not require degenerate behavior from the league. Badges that can be acquired solo can ask the players to do anything the devs wants, but badges that require teams should never require badges to force non-badgers to do blatantly unproductive things.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



We on Guardian have a Mo Team.. we are badge hunters, and we spend hours going for Mo badges.

When Keyes just came out, we assembled again, and we did a good 60 or so runs till all got the badge. My Crab Spider Neph has all but one Mo, and that was due to a miscalculation in time, i was present for all the runs, but the run in which we got the 'Avoid the Green stuff' badge, my account got locked, just as we were going to fight the final fight. I was on Vent, and several people even send a petition trying to have them grant me the badge anyways.

You are welcome to join us on Guardian, there are nice people here.
We form trials in PD for the most part, and most trials are run daily.
When you say you are forming for a Mo badge, most of the better people will show up.

Dark Energon, Founder of the Freedom Legion SG on Guardian server.
(SG founded on 12-08-'09, Top100: 08-17-'10, Top50: 12-23-'10, Top25: 12-11-'11)
Crab Spider Nephila on Titan Tracker
Weekly events on Guardian: W.A.V.E. & FNFN



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Badges that can be acquired solo can ask the players to do anything the devs wants, but badges that require teams should never require badges to force non-badgers to do blatantly unproductive things.
I'll have to agree with Arcanaville on this one.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Dark Energon View Post
We on Guardian have a Mo Team.. we are badge hunters, and we spend hours going for Mo badges.

When Keyes just came out, we assembled again, and we did a good 60 or so runs till all got the badge. My Crab Spider Neph has all but one Mo, and that was due to a miscalculation in time, i was present for all the runs, but the run in which we got the 'Avoid the Green stuff' badge, my account got locked, just as we were going to fight the final fight. I was on Vent, and several people even send a petition trying to have them grant me the badge anyways.

You are welcome to join us on Guardian, there are nice people here.
We form trials in PD for the most part, and most trials are run daily.
When you say you are forming for a Mo badge, most of the better people will show up.
Thanks ill think about it and look into it. I have so many toons that i never used a transfer except one free one. Ill think about jumping my badger around at this point to get some stuff on it. And now we get them free so i have enough to bounce around. It may not be a bad idea to get a small sg together just for the purpose of doing just this. So many badgers with some lingering out there to get. Might be a nice way to get veterans together too.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have been increasingly concerned about a specific issue with some of the recent trial badges. Its one thing to ask a single player to perform some degenerate behavior to get a badge, whether its killing thousands of monkeys for no reason or whatever. If you really want the badge, you'll complain about it but you'll do it. Its another thing to make badges that require teams, like completing Positron's task force.

Combining the two is problematic because you have to ask an entire team to do something unrelated to the primary task. Even the old school Master badges asked teams to at least do something that didn't interfere with running the task force: don't die. You can ask someone to not die, please.

But Master of Keyes? That requires volunteer bunnies to hop around avoiding patches, an activity that isn't strictly necessary to complete the trial. And it requires a league to deliberately shoot at the thing you're not supposed to shoot at for the sole purpose of taking more damage for no reason. Master of Underground requires asking an entire league to give up an additional half hour of their lives creeping through tunnels and shooting at bombs instead of just setting them off and getting to the end of the trial.

When badging was something you could either do solo or do with a team where the badge requirements were nominally parallel with doing well at the team task in general, badging was at worst an extra activity that wasn't antagonistic to the rest of the game. But badges like Preservation Specialist put badgers in actual conflict with other players: others have to suffer for you to get that badge, and unnecessarily if they are not badgers. Master of Lambda has similar silly requirements that require asking an entire league to do something stupid just so the badgers can get the badge.

I think that's a problem. The devs need to institute a cardinal rule on badges: badges that require teams will not require degenerate behavior from the league. Badges that can be acquired solo can ask the players to do anything the devs wants, but badges that require teams should never require badges to force non-badgers to do blatantly unproductive things.

great explanation of how i was feeling about it.



All of the old, non incarnate MO can also get in ONE run. One run, no deaths, boom, all happy. But now with the new requirements, you pretty much can NOT get them in one one, if only due to the fact that the 15/23 other players on the league just want to get it over with.

Lambda is just utterly stupid and has 3 badges for doing variations on the one thing! UG is made that much longer with the bombs, and I cant speak for anyone else, but the last fight is so hectic I have never even SEEN one of those seed things.

Don't forget MoM where is order to get the Dreamwalker HAVE to farm it. No questions of getting that in a single one..great way to force people to repeat content.

To echo others..if you can't get MO badges in one or two (well run teams obviously) runs, without making people jump through hoops doing things you would NEVER do in a 'normal' team..the badges should be changed.

I reserve a special hatred for deathless badges in Trials. Assuming that no one out of 24 people ever lags enough to die is just idiotic. And its not like say..a MO stf where its easier to keep track of people to help them out. The Midnight Dodger on Tin Mage is also total rubbish. I have this badge on..4? toons. And each time..we were NOT even going for it. Having a badge that basically comes down to how much the RNG is hating on you, is just crap.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have been increasingly concerned about a specific issue with some of the recent trial badges. Its one thing to ask a single player to perform some degenerate behavior to get a badge, whether its killing thousands of monkeys for no reason or whatever. If you really want the badge, you'll complain about it but you'll do it. Its another thing to make badges that require teams, like completing Positron's task force.

Combining the two is problematic because you have to ask an entire team to do something unrelated to the primary task. Even the old school Master badges asked teams to at least do something that didn't interfere with running the task force: don't die. You can ask someone to not die, please.

But Master of Keyes? That requires volunteer bunnies to hop around avoiding patches, an activity that isn't strictly necessary to complete the trial. And it requires a league to deliberately shoot at the thing you're not supposed to shoot at for the sole purpose of taking more damage for no reason. Master of Underground requires asking an entire league to give up an additional half hour of their lives creeping through tunnels and shooting at bombs instead of just setting them off and getting to the end of the trial.

When badging was something you could either do solo or do with a team where the badge requirements were nominally parallel with doing well at the team task in general, badging was at worst an extra activity that wasn't antagonistic to the rest of the game. But badges like Preservation Specialist put badgers in actual conflict with other players: others have to suffer for you to get that badge, and unnecessarily if they are not badgers. Master of Lambda has similar silly requirements that require asking an entire league to do something stupid just so the badgers can get the badge.

I think that's a problem. The devs need to institute a cardinal rule on badges: badges that require teams will not require degenerate behavior from the league. Badges that can be acquired solo can ask the players to do anything the devs wants, but badges that require teams should never require badges to force non-badgers to do blatantly unproductive things.
I have to agree 100%. I know for the itrials all the Mo runs are normally done in the first few days of a new trail (on my server). If for whatever reason you miss out then (due to timezone or other issue) you can almost forget about getting a league to go after the badges.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The devs need to institute a cardinal rule on badges: badges that require teams will not require degenerate behavior from the league. Badges that can be acquired solo can ask the players to do anything the devs wants, but badges that require teams should never require badges to force non-badgers to do blatantly unproductive things.
Yeah, I posted something along these lines. I was less diplomatic about it and used words like "stupid".

Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
Lambda is just utterly stupid
Gee, that's the same trial I posted about, using the same word.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Great minds think alike. And IS stupid.



I have to say, I am in complete agreement.

I like the MoM trial. I like the UGT trial. (well, now that I'm +3 on my main badge toon and a couple others)
But, now that my main badger (a blaster) has earned the Mo on all the trials - why would I take him on any trial? How often does any leader say "We need blasters!", unless going for preservation specialist.

I will offer this bit of advice though.

I needed the preservation specialist badge on my blaster. I noticed that the ugt was not being run very often. I was fortunate enough to have been invited to one - and learned from the leader how the trial was to be run. Except for the bomb badge, that is.

So, I posted on the server section for Liberty that I was going to run this trial at a time when I felt most would be on and want to do it - after the MSR - which is scheduled and has been at the same time for at least a year.

So, if there's a specific badge/Mo you're trying for, try posting about a week ahead of time what you'd like to do - I'm sure you're not alone.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




This is SUCH and encouraging series of posts! I was just thinking: aren't the Mo badges for incarnate trials becoming such a pain, and if you miss out on that exceptional badge hungry team the first few days you are toasted, and who comes up with these ridiculous goals for badges...

Thanks people, I appreciate the thread.

@Doctor Density
A respectable lvl 50 INV/SS tank
Currently "Rogue"



I do like how the most recent itrial master badges are concurrent to the main tasks, and are simply badges for doing the trials well, with a few exceptions. (The MoM nightmare badges should be in 'defeats,' not in the master lineup.)

Last night my +1 corruptor got 3 of the MoM master badges just because the team was coordinated and fast. I have hopes that this is a sign that the devs are learning from their (in my opinion) more ignominious badges in Lamda and Keyes. In those one slip-up or one person simply not following directions could leave a whole league to try again. This can cause more animosity then support. The new badges don't punish the whole for the parts, and don't require the team task be done in an unproductive fashion. Good on them for this.



Originally Posted by Badaxe View Post
I have to agree 100%. I know for the itrials all the Mo runs are normally done in the first few days of a new trail (on my server). If for whatever reason you miss out then (due to timezone or other issue) you can almost forget about getting a league to go after the badges.
Part of this is server specific, and relates a lot to how often trials are run. If you're on a server where tons of +3s are just falling out of the woodwork to run trials, badge runs aren't completely uncommon, but if your server struggles to keep up with the people wanting to run trials on their +0s, well forget about it.

Might as well have badges you can only get by performing an action on a specific server.

(Spend 1 hour mezzed on Pinnacle to earn this badge...)




I think everyone has their own badge "breaking point"

For some it was inventions and flashbacks.

For me its these trial Master badges. I'm sure I'll pick a few up here and there on SG (Fusion Force) teams, but for sure the drive to get "them all*" has diminished.

*I guess technically for me the first break point was going Rogue, as Catwhoorg is true blue on the alignment meter and wont change that. I did use some secondary badgers to get both sides though.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by graystar_blaster View Post
Anyone else feeling this way also. I need some master badges and my police band missons were due to a bug gone somehow. Its just such a pain now to get those old badges back and to get a master team together for harder trials.

I am not sure if exhalted was such a good idea. I am not sure if its just people working incarnate stuff on all their alts. But something is different in the badge mini game.

Has anyone just given up on badges, or stopped. I am at 1280+/- and i think i may be done cause unless you get on a good team the day new content comes out your just gonna have to struggle to get those badges.

I found it easier to get shard badges like Dr. Q than it is to get master keyes and that can take 4 hours just to run it.

Also I am a little sick of master of badges and Day jobs i just finished the 4 new ones and its boring and I dont like day job badges.

Its kind of a rant but I am surprised how hard its been to get master keys,ug, etc...
I suspect your issues stem from your server, Exalted. I'm speculating, mind you, since I have not played there.

Speaking from my own experience, on my home server, Champion, it isn't particularly difficult to put together a badge run. There has been a number of us who scheduled weekly (Sunday) badge Keyes runs. We started back in September going every week without fail, and finally nailed Green Stuff just this past Sunday (early Christmas present ). The leader has suggested that since we finally wrapped up MoKeyes, he may keep the weekly thing going in the new year, and focus on other trial badge runs.

Badge runs are generally also advertised in the Champion server forum. I always make a point to pop in there from time to time, to see if someone's scheduling a badge run. I've gotten a few Mo badges this way, joining ad hoc groups that advertised on the forums (MoSTF, MoLRSF, and MoCuda, IIRC).

I've found the badges on the new trials, MoM and TPN, to be much more player-friendly (UG too, Preservation Specialist excepted). With the exception of the nightmare badge (what's so "Master" about an RNG?), I've gotten all of the new badges by simply being on well-coordinated teams. We weren't even making any special effort to get the badges. So it appears the devs are moving away from ridiculously difficult badge requirements (I'm looking at you Green Stuff), to challenges that most teams can make a reasonable crack at without the need to resort to 'deviant' behavior. (I think the new badges are probably a bit too easy, but that's only my subjective assessment -- YMMV).

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post

For me its these trial Master badges. I'm sure I'll pick a few up here and there on SG (Fusion Force) teams, but for sure the drive to get "them all*" has diminished.
Pretty much this. MoKeyes badge runs have done a fantastic job of KO'ing my desire to get badges faster than a knockout punch from Mike Tyson.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have been increasingly concerned about a specific issue with some of the recent trial badges. Its one thing to ask a single player to perform some degenerate behavior to get a badge, whether its killing thousands of monkeys for no reason or whatever. If you really want the badge, you'll complain about it but you'll do it. Its another thing to make badges that require teams, like completing Positron's task force.

Combining the two is problematic because you have to ask an entire team to do something unrelated to the primary task. Even the old school Master badges asked teams to at least do something that didn't interfere with running the task force: don't die. You can ask someone to not die, please.

But Master of Keyes? That requires volunteer bunnies to hop around avoiding patches, an activity that isn't strictly necessary to complete the trial. And it requires a league to deliberately shoot at the thing you're not supposed to shoot at for the sole purpose of taking more damage for no reason. Master of Underground requires asking an entire league to give up an additional half hour of their lives creeping through tunnels and shooting at bombs instead of just setting them off and getting to the end of the trial.

My main Hero badger has all the badges (except for MoMoM, working on Nightmares) and the PvP ones. My main Villain is still working on the MoKeyes (Loves a Challenge and Avoids the Green Stuff how I hate you both), MoMoM (Nightmares) and the PvP ones. I'm really, really, REALLY getting sick of Keyes...

When badging was something you could either do solo or do with a team where the badge requirements were nominally parallel with doing well at the team task in general, badging was at worst an extra activity that wasn't antagonistic to the rest of the game. But badges like Preservation Specialist put badgers in actual conflict with other players: others have to suffer for you to get that badge, and unnecessarily if they are not badgers. Master of Lambda has similar silly requirements that require asking an entire league to do something stupid just so the badgers can get the badge.

I think that's a problem. The devs need to institute a cardinal rule on badges: badges that require teams will not require degenerate behavior from the league. Badges that can be acquired solo can ask the players to do anything the devs wants, but badges that require teams should never require badges to force non-badgers to do blatantly unproductive things.
This all over: I am fine with doing stupid things for pixel art (well, I'll ***** and moan about it, but I'll do it) when it's solely up to me. I don't like it when I have to factor in other people, especially if the task at hand is unnecessary towards the completion of the primary task: Loves a Challenge scrapes by as it is reminiscent of the old "do not die" attitude although the do not mess with the generators doesn't help, but Avoid the Green Stuff, Preservation Specialist and a couple more are disgraceful. Disgraceful I tell you.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
This all over: I am fine with doing stupid things for pixel art (well, I'll ***** and moan about it, but I'll do it) when it's solely up to me. I don't like it when I have to factor in other people, especially if the task at hand is unnecessary towards the completion of the primary task: Loves a Challenge scrapes by as it is reminiscent of the old "do not die" attitude although the do not mess with the generators doesn't help, but Avoid the Green Stuff, Preservation Specialist and a couple more are disgraceful. Disgraceful I tell you.
Rabs - did you get out of your hutch on the wrong side? x




I did, I'm spitting fire and brimstone today. And green stuff.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have been increasingly concerned about a specific issue with some of the recent trial badges. Its one thing to ask a single player to perform some degenerate behavior to get a badge, whether its killing thousands of monkeys for no reason or whatever. If you really want the badge, you'll complain about it but you'll do it. Its another thing to make badges that require teams, like completing Positron's task force.

Combining the two is problematic because you have to ask an entire team to do something unrelated to the primary task. Even the old school Master badges asked teams to at least do something that didn't interfere with running the task force: don't die. You can ask someone to not die, please.

But Master of Keyes? That requires volunteer bunnies to hop around avoiding patches, an activity that isn't strictly necessary to complete the trial. And it requires a league to deliberately shoot at the thing you're not supposed to shoot at for the sole purpose of taking more damage for no reason. Master of Underground requires asking an entire league to give up an additional half hour of their lives creeping through tunnels and shooting at bombs instead of just setting them off and getting to the end of the trial.

When badging was something you could either do solo or do with a team where the badge requirements were nominally parallel with doing well at the team task in general, badging was at worst an extra activity that wasn't antagonistic to the rest of the game. But badges like Preservation Specialist put badgers in actual conflict with other players: others have to suffer for you to get that badge, and unnecessarily if they are not badgers. Master of Lambda has similar silly requirements that require asking an entire league to do something stupid just so the badgers can get the badge.

I think that's a problem. The devs need to institute a cardinal rule on badges: badges that require teams will not require degenerate behavior from the league. Badges that can be acquired solo can ask the players to do anything the devs wants, but badges that require teams should never require badges to force non-badgers to do blatantly unproductive things.
I completely agree with Arcanaville on this.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



The other problem is that all iTrials give the same reward - a random uncommon salvage component, or an astral for the basic badges, with a random rare for the Mo - even in lambda, this isn't suitable for big three badges (synch is okay, I guess), let alone Keyes, UGT, etc. etc. - It's like they want to make a whole BUNCH of anniversary badges that only those who have a LOT of free time after launch can get - the reward certainly wont encourage others to give the new badges a try.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



In addition to the total agreement about the 'Master-of' gripes, I think the anniversary Event badges should be retroactively made account-wide. I've kept from deleting some old toons solely because I logged them in once in 4 years just to get the anniversary badge.

I think that the anniversary badge should show that the PLAYER was active, not that particular character.

I constantly have to look at that list of Event badges that I CAN'T EVER get and it really kills my motivation to get ANY other badge, especially when I have to suffer the shame of exposing my badge-addiction by asking 23 other people to help me try to get it.



Mostly, I have been finding it easier and more enjoyable to badge. I think the devs have really improved the master of badge process with a few exceptions. The problems for me have all been the badges where they have asked you to do something counter to your goals.

The newest trials all have very reasonable badging goals, the TPN trial asks you to get things done quickly,completely or well. You wan't to get the challenges completed quickly, you want to stop the telepathists, and you want to use all the terminals. Getting these badges feels like an accomplishment. The MoM badges are also very good. Defeating the monsters, feels like collecting and is a real improvement on the defeat a couple hundred bosses badges. Defeating Penelope using four eyes or less is a skill challenge. Not letting Aurora's health drop you are playing to your best. Not letting Praetor Tillman reach the well is something you want to do. The underground trial badges for keeping Desdemona's health high, defeating the war walkers quickly and killing all the bombs without getting hurt all seem very well thought out and fun.

The problem badges for me have been the ones that ask you to do things that hurt your chances of achieving the trial's goals. The lambda badges for not getting, or not using temp powers, the Keyes Island badges Anti Anti Matter, and Loves are just asking you to do things that really hurt your chances to succeed and have no comprehensible explanation given why you would want to do these things, or why you should be rewarded for doing them. The Master of B.A.F., strong and pretty, keep em separated also have the problem of no reasons why you want to do them but at least they aren't crippling to achieve.

It would be nice if the Devs went back and changed the Lambda and BAF badges so they awarded for accomplishing things you actually want to accomplish. Examples

Lambda Looter => The league gets all the Acids and Grenades in under 5 minutes
AntAcid => The league uses all the Acids on the doors.
Well Stocked => Marauder is not pacified for more than 5 seconds at a time after the first grenade.

Anti Anti Matter = > Don't allow Anti Matter's health to drop below 95%
Loves A Challenge = > Complete the final phase with no deaths and in a certain amount of time.

If there were only one of these could get fixed, loves a challenge would have my vote. From my own experience and what I have heard from others this badge causes more pain and resentment than any other. This is the only badge I have heard people say they won't do something because of a badge.