145 -
Best advice is to submit a billing support ticket and just keep replying to it if they just give you a standard response that doesn’t answer your question or concern.
Important thing is try to remain polite and truthful with your responses. -
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often? Not much, every time I try to play I normally only end up getting too depress and quit after about ten minutes. On weekends I may stay on longer if iTrails are running
What do you do when you're online? Primary just saving screenshots of all my alts, or iTrails on weekends (to help others)
Will you be here on Nov. 30th? Unknown
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs? I purchased GW2 the day before the announcement, but now refuse to play that as well due to my refund dispute with NCSoft, was also keen on Wildfire but not anymore.
Which ones? Guess I may go back LOTRO (if any)
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise? Yes - Lifetime Account
Do you have Steam? No
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
What about consoles?
PS3? No
360? No
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
For the last 18 years Ive only been interested in MMORPGS, during that time I doubt Ive purchased or played more than three or four games there werent a MMORPG. However, my love affair with MMORPGs may now be over -
Quote:Dropping a bombshell as they did stating @ such short notice that the game was going to close knowing that most people would react badly was bad enough for any of us to swallow.Surely this has been on the cards for some time & more notice should/could have been given but for
to take liberties as they have in stating unrealistic cut off's for paragon points of the 24th August, would anyone really buy points or wasted vast amounts of money on a game if it was closing!!
I started to purchase vast paragon points back in June for the future as the upcoming work that was being done on the game, from July alone I spent £112.00/$181.00 on points in view of the upcoming updates, kind of an investment for the future, but for them to pluck the 24th of august as a cut off point is a complete and utter joke I find it disgusting and I know I'm not on my own here & there are many people in the same position.
they set the apparent closure of game as Nov 30th, is that showing that they are allowing reasonable/fair time to elapse for use of points e.t.c????, some form of legal requirement!!?
because if it is that does not wash with me as I know many people do not play it anymore from the initial announcement & frankly as a result of the closure I cannot find the drive to even log into account & get any enjoyment out of it. the way I see it is purely wasted money & a lot of it also, lining the pockets ofncsoft
whilst they rub there hands and basically give players the middle finger.
To Zwill as you seem the only real point of contact or have limited access to the powers that be can you tell me how & where to go in relation to a complaint.
I will not give up on the fight for this and no-one else should either @ the end of the dayncsoft
have been unrealistic in dealing fairly with refunds and set out things that best suit there pockets.
I cannot bring myself to be pleasant about the game even though I should be as I've had some good times but money talks
I know how you feel, I purchase $200 worth of points just before the "cut-off", been trying to speak to support about it but all what they keep doing is referring me back to this announcement. The only good news is that I now have recorded evidence that they have made no effort to remediate my dispute.
What the hell and I suppose to spend the points on anyway? I already have all the powerset, costumes and everything else in the store. The purchase was for upcoming items that had been promoted by the company and now not going to be available. -
Quote:Same here Slaunyeh, the auto reject reply says if your question is not answered to log into the support site and update it, but surprise surprise that site will no longer accept my login details (they still work in game and for account management however).Hah, so I did contact support for additional information in light of this post, and got the same auto-response "this is to be determined. Watch the forums for any official updates" that others have posted in the past couple of weeks.
Someone should update their support ticket auto-reject system. -
Quote:Any answer to this question? I also bought $200 points just before the 24th. I planned to use these points for upcoming releases and currently there is only a very small amount of items in the store that I have any interest in purchasing. I have around 17,000 unused points that I would not had purchased if I any idea that the game was coming to a close.What about those of us who bought points before August 24th? I've still got a ton of points left over, probably a good 3000 at least, that I bought back in like... May or June. Am I just out all that money I threw at the game, with no chance of a refund?
These points are NOT from monthly allotments. They're points I BOUGHT, that I threw down a good $100 for. I kind of want some of my money back.
I have no idea on US law, but at least in my country the law is clear that if any services that are paid for and not supplied or can no longer be used for the purpose intended then the option of a full refund must be made to the customer. As I intended to use these points for future releases, I should be entitled for a full refund for any unused points, regardless of when they were purchased. I can understand the business reasons of picking a cut-off date, but only a few days? A more reasonable cut-off would be a few months. -
Well my timing really does suck....
Just decided to take Ironblade's advice and bought Water Blast, thinking it will at least be quick to level with double EXP turned on. Then literally within a second of pressing "purchase" (or whatever the button says) the notice comes up:
"In five minutes all servers will be down for end of double exp event maintance.... ."
Typical! -
Now your next mission, if you choose to accept it, is....... -
As (bad) luck would have it I purchased $200 worth of points ($100 each on two accounts) a couple of weeks before the closure announcement.
So far I only spent a small percentage of these (Beam Rifle and Nature Affinity Power Sets) and havent been able to decide what to do with the rest.
I understand that if the game ends as planned that any unused subs would likely get refunded, however I doubt any unused points will be. Maybe, just maybe they will be transferred to another game, but I somehow doubt that as well.
I was intending to use the points for future power sets and other upcoming goodies, however as that now seems unlikely to occur, my question is what to spend the points on?
Any ideas on what best to spend the (18,000+) points on to get the most fun in the short term? I already have all the available power sets (except Water Blast) and most of the costume sets, Im just having trouble deciding on what else to spend the points on. There may be some things I havent thought of, so any ideas welcomed.
PS: Offcourse Im still hoping for the best case scenario where the game will continue... -
Wow, now I'm even more depressed! I don't expect we will ever see another game have anywhere near the same number of features in the future
Quote:One thing I noticed is that in most zones how "easy" it is to solo is directly proportional to how many players are in the same zone. The more people in the zone the easier it is to solo (and I don't mean just by following the crowd). In many areas (especially where skill points can be found) it's very difficult (but not impossible) to fight your way to the objective without at least a couple of people helping to keep the respawn down either directly or indirectly.Depends on the zone and the area you're in. Example: In one zone, I attacked this one solo mob, then 5 seconds later I had 7 mobs beating the crap out me. Another example, I wandered into an area of the "Night Court". I could actually see the mobs respawning as fast as brought them down. If you consider that easy, good for you, guess you're a better player.
And yes, *some* zones are somewhat easy to traverse. Others have mobs spaced so that you pretty much have to fight for every inch.
I've used auto-follow in DAOC, CoH, GW1, and every other game that features it. It is a nice feature to have, and I personally prefer focusing on my attacks rather than having to line up said attacks. If that's being spolied, then fine, I'm spoiled. To each his own.
Although the events do scale to the number of players in the area, often the number of mobs involve don’t. And if there are 30 NPCs rushing you at once it doesn’t matter if they are all scaled down in power etc, it still makes it extremely difficult to survive.
In short, if you play prime time “soloing” is very easy. However, if you are the only person in the zone expect your experience to be more difficult and more of a grind. Strangely the exact same way it is with most MMORPGs (not ideal but I guess there are limitations to how they can program it to suit every scenario).
For all our whinging about solo options, City of Heroes still has the best solo features I’ve seen in any game (ability to adjust mission difficult level etc).
I bought GW2 the day before the announcement about COH was made, I doubt I would have purchased it after the announcement, but since I’ve already paid for it, I can’t see any reason to stop playing. However, when it comes to buying expansions etc I will now have to think about it a lot more than I normally would before forking over any cash. -
I havn't been able to bring myself to play the last couple of weeks, however the lure of helping others get Master badges for TPN and Magi may convince me to log on.
Nuatually the news comes out just after I buy $200 worth of points... /sigh
I should be on, can bring whatever character you need the most.
The other thing that has been happening to me recently (well last night) is that when I changed from one type of selection to another (robe to tights etc) some of items that can take two colours come up with just a single colour option. The only way to fix it seems to be to move to another type of selection and back again (where normally the actual costume piece you had selected changes to something else).
I didnt put in a bug report as I wasnt sure if it was just impacting my new character and the selections I was trying to pick or all items. Ill have to see if the same thing happens tonight.
And a question;
Has the path auras always shown even when you are not moving? I could swear that they didnt activate until you moved before but now (at least with the autumn aura) grass and leafs are continually growing beneath my feet even when standing still. -
Managed to get my TW brute from 33 to 50 (just) and my Staff brute from 20 to 32 (I think). I'm sure quite a number of people got more than one character from 0 to 50 over the weekend.
Double weekends are a bit of a double edge sword for me as I also enjoy the normal levelling process, not just the "end-game". Think I did more task forces over the weekend then Ive done all year.
There would had been percentage of runs over the week that failed, which is not unexpected as many would had been running toons with no (or out-levelled) enchantments and we have all been spoiled by running incarnated characters a fair bit.
You have to really appreciate the unselfish people that helped others by organising all the TFs and exp runs, and those that bought their level 50s along just to help. -
Quote:Where I come from it's always been range (as in shooting range). Maybe because we don't use the word ranch over here, we use "property" or "farm" instead.Would that be 'range' like a stove" Or shooting range?
(I ask because the historical quote is, "Meanwhile, back at the RANCH.")
Which explains another common version of the saying here, "Meanwhile, back on the farm". -
Happy to help with any archtype (including either my tank (Badaxe), healer (Titan Mistress) or Widow (Deadly Love) - for the +Hit to snipe team) if you need them.
I'll be there on Titan Lord. The final two badges I need from the itrails.
Will see if I can get the day off work so I can help again.
These type of attempts are always fun.
Happy that I got to swap to my badge toon for the last run
More then happy to continue bringing my Corr (or any other archtype) to help in any future attempts to get others the badge. -
Will be happy to join as well.
Are you sure ZM?
For once I read almost every post in a thread, hoping to see some changes that may give me a chance to join in. Good to see that some changes were made to help more people get involved.
However, I could had saved myself some time by reading the first post more, I missed the bit on the time it starts each Thursday - 10:00 AM PDT, that's 3AM for me so it affectively excludes me anyway no matter what.
And before someone posts; no I'm not complaining about the time, daytime US makes sense, just pointing out that I missed it on the original post. It's not the first activity I missed due to time zones and nor do I expect to get involved in most events. -
Not a fan of social media (have never and likely never will access any), not a fan of short term giveaways (never happen while Im on), and Im not a fan of unique costume giveaways that you cant get any other way.
Like others I cant understand why costume codes keep appearing in these type of events.
I can understand the reason behind this type of promotion and I have no issue with some promotions using social media sites. However, if the intent is to promote the game to new (and returning) players then there is no need to offer unique items not already in the game. Wouldnt offering items that already assist in the game have the same impact? By offering new unique items all that happens is that existing players (not your target audience) rushes to get them at the expenses of your true promotional audience.