This game and other games, Infinity? (A poll!)
I've played on Infinity (off and on) since CoV launched. Up until about 3 years ago, I was someone who rarely teamed so most folks probably won't even know me. Also, as someone with sever altitis and not a lot of extra money, I've had to branch out and play on almost all the English speaking servers. Anyway, I saw this and decided to answer.
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often? What do you do when you're online? Will you be here on Nov. 30th? |
While online I do everything I did before. I solo, I team, I spend time just chatting and I IO some characters. The one thing I've stopped doing is playing the market. I used to do it simply for the selling badges but the inf I made didn't hurt.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs? Which ones? Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise? |
Do you have Steam? Do you want to share your Steam ID? What do you generally play through Steam? |
What about consoles? PS3? 360? What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)? What do you play/plan on playing? |
Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
Thanks for posting, Ynaught.
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often? What do you do when you're online? Will you be here on Nov. 30th? |
However, I work from home on Tuesdays, so I'm in front of the computer all day. I generally log on, turn LFT on, then do some work. That's what I did yesterday, and after so much time of not even seeing a peep on Help or LFG, (and doing a /search to see that there were 14 players, all solo, on the entire server). I then went to the Beta server and soloed for a sec as a Staff/Bio Armor newly created character, but quickly got bored. I'm not into the game to solo.
But I'll likely continue to be here online on Tuesdays throughout the day.
I will be here Nov. 30th as long as I don't have anything else going on... I just looked. That's a Friday. Gonna be tough.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs? Which ones? Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise? |
A free trial of Rift (didn't make it past the tutorial before I got bored)
Champions Online (for a month before giving up on it)
DCU Online (Same month, but I enjoyed this one more)
I re-downloaded and re-patched both CO and DCUO yesterday. I was immediately put off of CO, but DCUO still looked cool. I may try to figure that one out some more.
The Secret World looks really interesting, but I don't know about interesting enough for me to sink the time into it.
Do you have Steam? Do you want to share your Steam ID? What do you generally play through Steam? |
What about consoles? PS3? 360? What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)? What do you play/plan on playing? |
I only have a PS3. I had a 360, but I wasn't interested in the Microsoft exclusives, so I got a PS3 instead.
My PSN ID is ChrisMoses.
I'm currently playing the original Darksiders. I also have Borderlands 2, if anyone wants to do some co-op on that.
Other than that, I have a pretty large library of games, but also a huge stack of games I haven't even played, so they're next up. And that stack will grow over the next few months with the release of Dishonored, Resident Evil 6, XCOM (both the FPS and strategy), Assassin's Creed III, and The Last of Us, not to mention a few smaller releases.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

"That's no poll. It's a questionnaire. Turn the thread around." - Obi Wan Kenobi
"Yeah... yeah, I think you're right" - Han Solo.
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
As much as possible, right up until the servers go dark. Hopin it's sometime in 2020 or such...
What do you do when you're online?
Co*, other stuff, watchin' movies from hulu or such.
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
I will be here on Nov. 29th through 30, 24/7, takin' a day off for it, as "Nov. 30" may not actually be Nov. 30 for my time zone... and even then, I don't know what the actual time is ON Nov. 30 that The Event may happen... but yeah, I'll be here.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
Easily found if you look for me, but..
What do you generally play through Steam?
The Portal bundle at the moment
What about consoles?
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
Nothing. Ridin' motorcycles is next up.
I hope I have satisfied.
/OH. Infinity? I... have a couple of character there, I think. Firehero and Flyingman, I think. If not them, then IIB for sure. So... ok, sure, I count.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
Eh, it's been varying. Minimum once a week for the weekly tfs, but I try to log in at least once more just to futz around.
What do you do when you're online?
Kill things. I can't think of another MMO that likes to pile on enemies like CoX does, so I've been doing a lot of herding just to revel in it while I can. Some talking to people, lots of duo'ing with the husband.
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
If real life allows, absolutely.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
I'd really like to check out TSW or World of Tanks, but I'm waiting til Nov 30th before even thinking about switching. Oh, and giving a hard look at City of Steam. It looks like a blast.
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
Before the announcement? No, on all accounts. Before Nov 30th I'll at least have done the free trial for TSW. City of Steam is heading into beta, so have to wait on that and World of Tanks is F2P. It's downloaded, but I haven't set anything up yet.
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
Skyrim and Civ 4 or 5. I'm looking to pick up Orcs Must Die! 1 and 2 on my account (played it on the husband's account before getting my own), and Borderlands 1 and 2 during the winter sale that always happens. I found I like picking up little games on Steam to see what's out there other than the big names, so this list will always be changing (except for maybe Skyrim. I really love that damn game).
What about consoles?
Wii, single player games, so the gist of these questions are irrelevant, so I won't be answering.
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
It's been a while since we've had a poll like this. Whee!
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often? Not much, every time I try to play I normally only end up getting too depress and quit after about ten minutes. On weekends I may stay on longer if iTrails are running
What do you do when you're online? Primary just saving screenshots of all my alts, or iTrails on weekends (to help others)
Will you be here on Nov. 30th? Unknown
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs? I purchased GW2 the day before the announcement, but now refuse to play that as well due to my refund dispute with NCSoft, was also keen on Wildfire but not anymore.
Which ones? Guess I may go back LOTRO (if any)
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise? Yes - Lifetime Account
Do you have Steam? No
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
What about consoles?
PS3? No
360? No
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
For the last 18 years Ive only been interested in MMORPGS, during that time I doubt Ive purchased or played more than three or four games there werent a MMORPG. However, my love affair with MMORPGs may now be over
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
Almost daily? Been doing weekly TF's, but keep getting distracted by World of Tanks and Skyrim. Little bit of Starcraft II as well.
What do you do when you're online?
Kill things. Kill many things. Working on getting my Mastermind and Defender to 50, so I'll have a 50 of every AT afore shutdown. Been putting off cataloging the stable of alts I have, but need to get Sentinel+ eventually.
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
Barring world-changing events, yup. There will be booze and VOIP and something going down until they pull the damn plug. Hell, I might even PvP.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
Playing World of Tanks ("Is_Errant" there), though that's more a MOBA. Wifey introduced me to to City of Steam and The Secret World, waiting on beta for CoS and gonna do the Free Trial some weekend on TSW. Pro'ly gonna harass the dUmbies in TSW.
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
WoT, yes, it's been an off and on, benefited by it's F2P status.
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
Skyrim, Borderlands, Mass Effect, Magic 2013
What about consoles?
Wii, and mostly single player games at that. I do have Mario Kart though, just not good/don't know my friend code. I also am a PokeHolic, have HeartGold, Black, and will be grabbing White 2. Once I get a second wi-fi router up so I don't have to change my main settings, I'll be able to intrawebs battle through those.
I also have a Windows Live tag, e'en though I don't own a 360. Only used for Fallout 3, and don't remember the handle. Can find anything I've not volunteered if prompted though.
I'm gonna miss this game, and the Infinity people...
Also, Moses? This is a damn survey, not a poll. ^_^
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
About the same as previously. I have regularly scheduled stuff on Tuesday evening, Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
What do you do when you're online?
The usual. I like task forces a lot. Tip missions with my brother since he has some toons he wants to change alignment.
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
In general, yes. Will I be online when the servers shut down, I dunno. What day does it fall on?
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
Dunno yet. I and a couple of friends are evaluating possible games to migrate to.
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
I don't play any other online games.
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
What about consoles?
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
This isn't that many questions, you jackals!
Also, Nov. 30th is a Friday, Iron.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.

That post was subsequently edited (corrected) to read:
To clarify: you will be able to play until 11:59:59PM on November 30. They will shut off at midnight. |
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
Yes. Part of a regular Tuesday evening TF team, sometimes part of IB's Saturday afternoon TF team (when my other main hobby of SCA desn't take me elsewhere), other times an hour or two at a time.
What do you do when you're online?
Besides the two TF groups, mainly taking pictures of alts against various backdrops & of my bases (I have 5), but I do have two alts that I will get to 50 before the end (it won't be difficult, they are both above 40 ATM). If I have time, playing my NA & WB alts to at least middling levels.
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
Absolutely! But not saying I will be coherent 'cause it's so damn hard to see through the tears.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
I have had a WoW account for about a year now, with a Shaman in the low 30s (see how much I play it?). My husband, who abandoned Cith for WoW when it came out expects me to play there, so I probably will. I can see some similarities between m Shaman and some of my CoH characters, powers-wise.
My husband had a trial account on Secret World, but didn't really like it. I was intrigued about what I read about it way back when it was frst being discussed, I might take a look.
I also might peek at CO, but I don't really expect I will stay.
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
What about consoles?
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
Just a Wii - but we don't have any games for it, we use the exercise programs on it accasionally.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
Most evenings
What do you do when you're online?
Run missions, take FRAPS and still pic footage of all my toons
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
Time difference / work allowing, you betcha
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
GW2 (Sorry), MWO and will probably keep playing SWTOR until I hit the level cap
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
Nope. Although I signed up for MWO Beta back in March
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
SkyRim. Only have steam because it's a requirement for that game (which is a never ending source of WTF. You need an internet connection to play an offline game.)
What about consoles?
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
I wouldn't.
What do you play/plan on playing?
Don't really play on the 360 very much, but occasionally dabble with Forza 4, MUA2 and Tekken 6.
@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"
Besides the two TF groups, mainly taking pictures of alts against various backdrops & of my bases (I have 5),
tl;dr version: Demorecord your base and you can do a tour of it any time you want, forever.
This thread has details.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
What do you do when you're online?
Yes, usually on Tues and Fri evenings, Sat mornings - task forces and taxibots. I sometimes log in briefly during the week days to take a break from job hunting.
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
I am planning on it if I am not working. If I am, I will try to take off early or even the entire day if possible.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
Perhaps. I have been trying out SWTOR. It is somewhat enjoyable, but a lot of running around like CoH in the early days.
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
What about consoles? no
PS3? no
360? no
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
I plan to spend more time actually living my real life - hiking, reading books, cleaning house (lol). May even join a club or two and interact with folks in real life, real time. What a novel idea. Possible choices - Computer Club, Photography Club, Swimming Club, Hiking Club. All of these are available in my community.
Every day I wake up is a good day.

First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
whenever i can, mostly during evenings
What do you do when you're online?
missions, TFs, trials, shipraid
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
will try to be
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
Tried STO, DCUO, STWOR, Champions, TSO; out of those, i played DCUO the most, might play STWOR when its f2p
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
Half-Life games, CODMW3, Crysis 2, Portal 1 & 2, Team Fortress
What about consoles?
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
GTA games, Dirt 3, Drakes Uncharted, Killzone 3
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
Yes. Until the world goes dark.
How often?
Not very often. In fact, with the house and work and Steamcon, I haven't been on very much at all.
What do you do when you're online?
Play with my friends. (Pretty much everyone that recognizes my name. Cept IB. You can blame Doc IB.)
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
I missed the last great MMO that shut down on me (Tabular Rasa) due to work. Not this time. I'll be there come hell or high water.
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
GW2, SWTOR, World of Darkness Online (I hope)
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
Do you have Steam?
I think so.
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
What about consoles?
Just a wii that I do not play very much.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
How often?
What do you do when you're online?
Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
Which ones?
Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
Do you have Steam?
Do you want to share your Steam ID?
What do you generally play through Steam?
What about consoles?
What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
What do you play/plan on playing?
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.