Tiny Bolt

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    He actually expected you to be in all (or mostly) blue gear at that point? With more than a bit of green you'd have 2.5k health whether you wanted it or not.

    As for my own experience, I haven't run a lot of dungeons, but I've done everything through the Ankh at least once and have yet to encounter any jerk players (at least in my own groups.) Even on occasions when I have totally screwed up no one gave me more than a friendly ribbing.
    I sit just under or just over 3k on my main, which is definitely a "deeps more deeping" build. I also solo a lot, and need the health. I avoid looking at build and gear advice, so I may be a really bad metric.

    And Ironblade: sorry you ran into jerks. I have run into a couple people who were either jerks or just having bad days, but nothing too nasty, and certainly no names were being slung around. But they're definitely in the minority--most people I've run into have been exceedingly nice.
  2. Yup. If I'm not asleep or sick, I'll be there. My work is promising to be killer that day though, so no promises for me. Errant will probably be awake though. ^.^
  3. Steel, I'd recommend the free trial. I'm hooked on the game, but I also realize it's a) very different and b) very different, so it may not be for everyone (I nearly didn't check it out because I'm not normally a horror fan).

    DelveBlue, Dragon, Cerberus
    Sunbolt, Templar, Cerberus

    Delve's my main, and the one I'll be on the most. Sunbolt and my as-of-yet-unnamed Illuminati are so I can go through all the faction storylines.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpikyShane View Post
    Does The Secret World have a trial? I'd like to give it a try. Also, is it possible to subscribe to the US servers? The subscription in the US is cheaper than UK.
    What the other two posters said about trial and billing. And TSW doesn't have "servers" as we know them. There are servers, but the only thing it affects is PvP and PvP effects. You can team cross-servers PvE, etc.
  5. Same Bat time, same Bat place.

    This time I'll bring a kin, though. I'll swap Felix Minima (er, might be Minimia) back to Infinity. I hate Synapse and its end suckage with the firey passion of a thousand suns.

    So, Felix Mim*mumble*--Kin/Arch def, @Tiny Bolt
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    You misspelled tangentially and "Which is tangentally related" is an incomplete sentence.

    Try not to point out my errors, especially on old posts, while making mistakes yourself.
    You're Forbin_Project*?

    Huh. Learn something new every day.

    *I looked at the person Thirty-Seven was quoting. It's not you, so I don't know why you're getting your panties in a twist.
  7. Thanks for the heads up! I'll try to tune in.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    hmm.. toss-up between muttonhead and nimrod, I'd say.
    Ohhh, muttonhead! That's a new one. Must write it down somewhere...

    /I am so in trouble when he gets home.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    I've received a suggestion that any Fandom (Harry Potter, Supernatural, Doctor Who, etc.) that gets three people requesting such gets its own section. So just like we have a Servers section here, we'd have a Fandoms section there.

    I'd say depending on forum traffic, maybe make the threshold a bit higher than 3 people, since I can see that getting spread real thin, real quick. And would there be a gaming section? Or just other nerdy pursuits?

    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    But we'd need a G-rated, R-rated and AO-rated section for each of those categories.
    If you have an art section, I would love an AO section. Not because I ever want to go there, but that way all the people who inevitably try to post borderline/inappropriate pictures in the other sections have an easy place to go. I'm no prude, I'm just picky about art, especially about adult subjects.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    The only thing I worry about is spreading the community pretty thin. I can't speak for others, but I only really have enough attention span for one, maybe two "major" forums, and the community is already spreading out between the Titan Network forums and PK's Unleashed. I don't mean to be a downer, but I have to ask this question:

    What does a new community forum bring that the existing options don't, in such a way as to justify adding a third location? I fear that this is a question we need to answer before we start making larger plans.
    For me, a third option would be great. Unleashed set out to be a very different forum experience than the City of boards, which is great, but not really what I'm looking for in a forum. Same with Titan. They're a great community for those looking for a certain forum experience, but it's not something I'll ever log into past the demise or saving of the game.

    Especially with the thought of making it more a general fandom culture site, I'd be down for frequenting a board like that over the existing options. Otherwise I'm dealing with either mostly-dead forums, or well-known troll/dregs of the internet sites. Which I love, but not all the time.
  10. Just as a head's up, not sure when Eran/Errant/Leech* (whatever you guys call him) will be getting home in time on Tuesday, or if he'll be home at all at that point. So, he's a maybe. I am a for sure though!

    *This is a joke!
  11. Tiny Bolt

    Refund Day

    We got our refunds for all four accounts of ours. We forgot it was refund day, and so it was like "Yay, free money! Oh wait. "

    And ours was through Paypal.
  12. First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
    How often?
    Eh, it's been varying. Minimum once a week for the weekly tfs, but I try to log in at least once more just to futz around.
    What do you do when you're online?
    Kill things. I can't think of another MMO that likes to pile on enemies like CoX does, so I've been doing a lot of herding just to revel in it while I can. Some talking to people, lots of duo'ing with the husband.
    Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
    If real life allows, absolutely.

    Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?
    Which ones?
    I'd really like to check out TSW or World of Tanks, but I'm waiting til Nov 30th before even thinking about switching. Oh, and giving a hard look at City of Steam. It looks like a blast.
    Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?
    Before the announcement? No, on all accounts. Before Nov 30th I'll at least have done the free trial for TSW. City of Steam is heading into beta, so have to wait on that and World of Tanks is F2P. It's downloaded, but I haven't set anything up yet.

    Do you have Steam?
    Do you want to share your Steam ID?
    What do you generally play through Steam?
    Skyrim and Civ 4 or 5. I'm looking to pick up Orcs Must Die! 1 and 2 on my account (played it on the husband's account before getting my own), and Borderlands 1 and 2 during the winter sale that always happens. I found I like picking up little games on Steam to see what's out there other than the big names, so this list will always be changing (except for maybe Skyrim. I really love that damn game).

    What about consoles?
    Wii, single player games, so the gist of these questions are irrelevant, so I won't be answering.
    What is your PSN ID and/or 360 Gamer Tag (again, if you'd like to share)?
    What do you play/plan on playing?

    It's been a while since we've had a poll like this. Whee!
  13. Hrm. Either Elemental Maven (ice/fire blaster) or Chaos Harpy (water/storm corr). I think.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
    Edit -- I'll throw in that we really should have server wide channels with MOTDs to pass information along, assuming we don't already. If we do, then I'm ignorant of them.
    Just wanted to point out to the OP, that's partially how we got so many people at the first rally on Virtue/Freedom. In-game, it's possible for the relatively tiny forum population to tell their global chat channels "Hey, head here for x reason", thus reaching the larger game world population. You can't do that on beta.

    Also, for some reason beta never worked well on my computer, so I don't bother with it anymore. And, please keep in mind, the more steps you make people go through, the more likely it is that people will just give up before even doing it. If the point is to gather as many people as possible, keep in mind KISS. It seems infinitely simpler to tell people "Please log into x server" than "Please make sure you have beta installed and updated, then please copy a character over (or use one you have already) and then please also be on at x time on y day in z zone."

    And isn't the beta server a separate game? What if people don't have the hard drive space for a second version of City?

    Not trying to be a negative Nancy, just trying to be practical. If you're worried about "grid-locking" servers, well...what about picking two servers from the get-go? And for those who can log into their servers, picking a less-used zone, like Perez Park? And how would the lower population servers feel if we picked them instead of the high-density servers? I play on a medium to high load server, so I don't know how the lower population servers would feel about an invasion and I'm not even going to try and guess.

    Now I'm just rambling, so I'll tl;dr: please, no beta if you're looking for another large rally.
  15. As long as I am not forced to play my DS by candlelight, I'll tag along.*

    @Tinier Bolt, Beskytter (ice/dark tank)

    *Fancy way of saying: as long as we have power.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Again, those numbers are revenue, income before costs are deducted, so not profit. Those terms are not interchangeable.
    I know. But they've at least had the appearance of expanding over the last year or two. Expansions, with same or lesser revenue, means a smaller profit margin. Unless they've actually been cutting back while putting on a good front, which, given other posts, doesn't seem to be the case.

    Of course, without exact accounting from the offices, it's speculation. I can, however, change the post if me speculating bothers you muchly.
  17. Well, you also need to remember what was going on in the 2008-2009 time period (in addition to no new box expansions). Housing bubble and stock market crash ring any bells? Global recession? Worst job market since the Great Depression, in parts of America? It's actually astounding, and says a lot about CoX that it kept such steady numbers through that whole kerfuffle. There are businesses would have killed for that kind of loyalty even just a couple years ago.

    And yes, the profits are much lower than they were. I'm simply trying to wrap my brain around the idea some simple re-structuring within PS couldn't have brought more profit without bringing the whole studio down. The sub numbers for CoX aren't bad at all. For an 8 year old game that isn't WoW, we have fanfreakintastic numbers. Even better numbers when you consider no advertising.
  18. Ohoh! I promise to take my nap earlier in the day.

    @Tinier Bolt (probably) and a support toon. Most likely Instant Replay (DP/Time corr) or Topsy-Turvy (grav/poison cont).
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Which one is now?
    None at the moment. I'm finishing out City's run before I decide. From what I've heard, I'll probably like TSW or World of Tanks, so I may try those out, but that's a minimum of 3 months from now. I work retail, so I won't have much gaming time til January.

    GW2 sounds like a perfectly good game, but one I'd only enjoy as a single player. I'm kind of weird in that I love crafting and smelling roses and gear grinding a lot! ...in single player. And not "Oh, I just ignore everyone around me" single player. I don't want another person on my game, at all. So I play Skyrim, Pokemon, and Runescape 2 to itch my grinding love (I'm not loyal to genres). For my MMOs, I want to blow things up and smashy smashy, with minimal grind time. WoT may be where I end up for a while because I can blow things up as my grinding time. TSW looks like it has some great concepts and stories, and the flexibility I'm looking for in character creation. Whether it delivers remains to be seen.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
    It's just funny how little things can be a big turn off... GW has a thing where it asks you your characters history: are you searching for a lost sister, never found the identity of your parents, or regret never having joined the circus. I actually LOLed when I saw it. That's a lot of orphans, lost sisters, and would-be circus performers running around the world.
    I just wanted to say thank you for pointing out the in-game story-line options. I thought you were kidding, so I looked it up. Evidently those are real story-lines. Because this, combined with everything else the GW2 players have been talking about in this thread, cemented my desire to never, ever play this game.

    And to the GW2 players: I'm not saying it's a bad game. I'm just saying that this is not my MMO.
  21. Heard a rumor it's starting up on Freedom as well, if Freedom doesn't have a queue.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KnightOwl View Post
    Maybe someone can explain to me what the problem is with paying for and enjoying something for some non-infinite stretch of time, because I'm not seeing a problem there.
    It's less (for me) upset at the game being finite, because, after all, all things come to an end. It was the fact that, according to everything we ever heard, the game was still pulling in a profit, thus we had a reasonable expectation that the game would continue on for a while.

    It's the sudden and (seemingly) senseless loss of the game, with (so far) no way to move forward or run the game on private servers, etc, that's cutting pretty deep. And NCSoft has a history of doing this a variety of games.

    Therefore, I'd rather play with a company that milks a game until it no longer pulls a profit and is dying, so I can see the end coming. Getting blindsided is not my idea of fun. And yeah, it's just a game. I rotate between about ten electronic games and countless tabletop games all the time, so I totally get--just a game! This isn't the end of my world. But MMOs tend to have an emotional attachment I don't get with many other games, and I don't want to gamble with a company that doesn't understand, or care, about the emotional attachment.
  23. Tanking Infernal for a random duo with a rad defender (this was back in the old days, before even ED). I cannot tell you who it was, only they sent me an out of the blue tell asking if I was a stormy, and then getting really excited and wanting to know if I wanted to try something with them.

    Well, damned if I didn't tank Infernal. Took us a little while since neither of us were damage defenders, but it was probably still the safest Infernal run I've been on.

    Also, never done a Hami raid. It's kind of amusing, at this point. Tooling around on my (Hami-useless) toons and hearing the various drama stories coming from Hive? Or the non-stop chatter that would happen for a while for everyone not in the traditional healing umbrella or tank? Hami raids were great! From the outside.
  24. I'm in! Either Chaos Harpy or I'll bring my DP/Time corr, Instant Replay.

    And the time works for me. I have strange working hours, which makes me available for just about anything.