What are some of your best "Infinity Memories"?
Singing horrible songs in broadcast during Hami Raids.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Tanking Infernal for a random duo with a rad defender (this was back in the old days, before even ED). I cannot tell you who it was, only they sent me an out of the blue tell asking if I was a stormy, and then getting really excited and wanting to know if I wanted to try something with them.
Well, damned if I didn't tank Infernal. Took us a little while since neither of us were damage defenders, but it was probably still the safest Infernal run I've been on.
Also, never done a Hami raid. It's kind of amusing, at this point. Tooling around on my (Hami-useless) toons and hearing the various drama stories coming from Hive? Or the non-stop chatter that would happen for a while for everyone not in the traditional healing umbrella or tank? Hami raids were great! From the outside.
Throwing snowballs and fighting Winter Lords were probably my favorite times in game.
I also loved when Siren's Call was crowded. And base raids with PUAD.
Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Still gotta work on my Donnie Darko Dom. Debating rolling it now...
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Tanking Hami as a flying regen scrapper with taunt while all the tankers sat around the rim complaining about how that should be THEIR job.
Oh and waaaaay back right before/after the purple patch was implemented (don't recall which side of that fix this happened) but I was a lowbie Kin defender. I got recruited to go to big, bad scary Brickstown to use Repel to tank Freak bosses while they whittled them down. Back then, if the level difference was great enough (like +10 I think) you could turn on Repel, run up to a baddie way over your head and just juggle him non-stop with impunity. I skyrocketed through the levels then too.
And then, of course, was using my spines scrapper to effectively herd entire zones at once. Not joking.
Elec/WP/Mu Brute helping others take down EBs.
To give more detail:
Often-times there would be requests in the Help channel and LFG channel from people who had run into an EB that the just had way too much trouble with, their whole team quit on them, no one wanted to help, whatever. Since I was red-side, and the patron arcs involve taking down an EB, there were quite a few of these requests. At this point, my incarnated-out brute can solo pretty much any EB she's run into. I'd join the team, the person would say "Great! Maybe a few more will join..." and my brute would say "Nah, we're good. Trust me." and proceed to beat the S**T out of the EB, which would usually get a :O and/or "THANK YOU!!!" in response!
I'm pretty sure I made people's days doing that.
And I was always glad to do it.
I remember when we were first trying to figure out how to beat Hamidon. To decrease the lag and to make it easier to tell who was who, we used to wear color coded outfits. I was a controller, so I wore a purple outfit. They were very plain, no capes, no auras. We kind of looked like a bunch of power rangers lol.
On one of our first raids, I got teamed up with 7 scrappers. I had bubbles, and my job was to keep them bubbled while they hit whatever they were hitting in the goo. Well, as you can imagine, I was dead more than I was bubbling. I stopped counting how many times I died after 30 in like the first 20 minutes I think. It was all good though. I was having a blast and laughing about it all. I was an honorary scrapper for the day with debt that made it seem I had a horrid case of scrapper lock!
On another raid, I spent the entire raid doing nothing but following the leader of my team with group fly on. Yep, you guessed it. I was on the team of illusion controllers and they were dropping pa on hami. They needed a pilot that day, so that was me.
Remember in the beginning those crazy buds that you had to kill right after you killed Hami? Only after they were dead did you get your Hami-O and not everyone would get one. That was some crazy stuff. The Devs didn't take too long to fix the problem thank goodness.
Eventually we figured it all out and raiding became a nightly thing. We no longer wore our color coded outfits. We had several new leaders step up. People tried to make things go wrong on purpose and there was drama. There was always the call for needing more controllers in the hive. It became quite the drama fest and I stopped going to them. You could always count on a Hami Raid for some good fun tho!
Paragon City Search and Rescue
What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?