
I Survived PVP Bootcamp
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  1. I blame Doc.

    I'd write more but I don't have the words.
  2. First and foremost, are you still playing City of Heroes?
    Yes. Until the world goes dark.

    How often?
    Not very often. In fact, with the house and work and Steamcon, I haven't been on very much at all.

    What do you do when you're online?
    Play with my friends. (Pretty much everyone that recognizes my name. Cept IB. You can blame Doc IB.)

    Will you be here on Nov. 30th?
    I missed the last great MMO that shut down on me (Tabular Rasa) due to work. Not this time. I'll be there come hell or high water.

    Do you have plans to play any other MMOs?

    Which ones?
    GW2, SWTOR, World of Darkness Online (I hope)

    Did you have an account in that game prior to CoH's demise?

    Do you have Steam?
    I think so.

    Do you want to share your Steam ID?

    What do you generally play through Steam?

    What about consoles?

    Just a wii that I do not play very much.
  3. I loved teaming with you all. You made the game.

    AB, and Saint, I'll message you in game, If I can get it up and running in the office before they shut her down.
  4. After a slight break, we return with Saturday Night Badge Trials.

    This Saturday (9-1-12) at 9:00 PM EDT, Sundew will be hosting a moDD to be followed by a moMoM. So bring your ears, and prepare to have fun! Everyone is welcome, and spots fill quick. To sign up, please post below, or send a tell to @Sundew.

    1. Sundew
    2. Ukase Rex
    3. Badaxe
    4. Bushido Bandito
    5. Iron Blade

  5. Elllls

    Just in Case

    Har har. My smart phone auto corrected into something else. Or maybe I am just terrible at spelling. Either way, we are still unpacking, but I hope to be back soon.

    as in: Soon™

  6. Elllls

    Just in Case

    That's not funny Doc. I've been unable to connect except by phone to the forum, and ought I can't get back in brand things will happen.
  7. Elllls

    Just in Case

    The official move is nigh. I hope by Friday I will have everything in the new place, with internet switched over and everything. I hope...
  8. I wish you well in recovering. It sounds like a need, but painful ordeal. Get well soon.

    Especially after my own visit to the emergency room. I escaped with only a mild medication list, you know, zofran, dilaudid, toradol, percocet. The fun ones. Oh, and Ibuprofen the size of my fist, but that's a mild one.

    Hope to see you in game soon. (As I should be back in a week or so, I hope you are too. )
  9. Elllls

    Just in Case

    In case I miss a few TFs here or there, or the Incarnates channel is a bit quiet for badges (Though Sunny may smack me about there, Or Flumpy) I will apologize.

    My wife and I have just recently bought our first home, and for the next few weeks I will be spending quite a bit of time making sure everything is in order and moving.

    I hope to see many of you on a badge run (of something) soon.

    Or on just a tf.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    As a fast effect, I sacrifice it to the Elven Farmer and gain 2 life.
    I cast Deflection, and redirect to your life, you take three damage.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Same here. I have probably 10 pounds of EXTRA cards - not counting my 18 decks.
    What? Fallen Empires was super cheap and I like Thallids!
    I Lightning Bolt your Thallid.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Nik Tesla would like to have a word with you...

    I agree

    I also think this is great news.
  13. I may not make it tonight, just found out we're signing on the house.
  14. I am seriously looking forward to this. Well Done.
  15. I am so down with Pie. Make mine cherry.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngelicaVenger View Post
    Mine, mine, mine, mine.


    I'll Be there, probably on Simulacra (Dark/Dark Controller) if I can get her up there. Maybe something else...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
    Can't be there this week, going to be camping with 12,000 close friends in western Pennsylvania (huge medieval recreation event, with mass combat and loads of classes and parties).

    Have fun without me!
    We'll miss you. But out of curiosity, which event?
  18. Simulacra blah blah blah. Controller yada yada. Words.

    See you there.
  19. -.- I am not amused.


  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doctor_A_Science View Post
    oh wait i am Doc
    Really? Are you sure?
  21. 261 eh -.- You are beating me. No fair.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AngelicaVenger View Post
    why does your title say "I Survived PVP Bootcamp:?

    Can you insert your own title?
    I got it from a Dev. As far as I know you can not insert your own title.
  23. So Mids is the reason I'm broke most of the time? You may be right...
  24. Nothing left? Surely you jest. I can... Oh wait, I just spent all my inf on a new build. Back to the farms...

  25. If we work together Angelica, anything is possible. Maybe I'll hit 400 as well.