Saturday itrials continue - moUG 8/4, 9pm EDT
I'll help. Probably will be a blaster but ice has no snipe. I can probably bring whatever.
I will try to be there with my ice/ice blaster.
I have another event that starts an hour earlier - I hope we will be done by your start time.
"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
Please sign me up with Angelica - my main. She is a fire/ice blaster lvl 53 and has snipe.
Thank you.
Every day I wake up is a good day.

I'll bring Blue Roses, my empath defender to keep Desdemona alive. She currently has a T3 clarion, but I will see if I can boost that to T4.
Once again, don't sign me up since my badger has the badge but I can help. I have an emp at 50+3. My corr is 50+3 and has a snipe. I think Ironblade and my dark defender are the only ones with Clarion (both T4, I think). I'll check if anyone else has Clarion.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Happy to help with any archtype (including either my tank (Badaxe), healer (Titan Mistress) or Widow (Deadly Love) - for the +Hit to snipe team) if you need them.
Asgardian Blade: I'll bring my fire/dark corrupter, Count DarkFire. Has clarion (i think it's only T3 though) and snipe. Can't remember the range on the snipe though, have to check.
Certified: Altaholic as defined by Memphis_Bill since 2005
Coming to you from a galaxy far, far away...
Just replying to my own thread so this jumps back to the top for infinity server forums.
I am working until 9 EDT, but could join if it doesn't start immediately at 9 I can come.
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
I'll bring Faltine with his lovely snipe.
Ill bring my tank if you need or any other archtype.
Honou no Ko shall also be coming.
This Saturday, August 4 at 9pm Eastern (EDT), we will run moUG. We will focus on the bomb badge (Preservation Specialist) but will try for all the badges in one run. We will need 1 main taunting tank, 1 backup, 3 characters with actual snipe powers and at least 1 strong healer for Desdemona. Please bring a level 53 toon, ideally with 4th-tier Clarion. @Sundew will form the league and may have help running some or all of the UG from different players. If you would like to lead, email me on forums (my awesome display name) or in-game (@Sundew).
If you will be bringing (or don't mind bringing) a taunting tank, character with snipe or healer, please note that when signing up. Any snipe should do as long as it's a "snipe" and not a regular attack with extra range.
1. Sundew - my wife's character
2. Ryo_Takenoko
3. Ukaserex - blaster/snipe* (tentative)
4. Angelica Venger - blaster/snipe
5. Prometheus Rage
6. Nightbabe
7. Simoon Gryphon* (has badges-will help as needed)
8. Turbospeed
9. Void Devil
10. Doc a Science
11. Blue Roses - emp defender
12. Badaxe (can tank or heal)
13. Faltine (snipe)
14. Asgardian Blade - Count DarkFire - snipe
15. Mish
16. Honou
17. Prometheus Rage
18. Killerkrown
19. FixR - Tsoo'nami
20. Alhana
21. Pick