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  1. Hmm... I think I'll bring Bushido Bandito
  2. I'll bring Faltine with his lovely snipe.
  3. Faltine


    Still need those as well, so I'll be there with Faltine (Fire/Fire Blaster).
  4. I'll bring Faltine on Saturday and maybe tonight (Still need some MoM monsters)
  5. I'll bring along Faltine for some +3 goodness.
    Still need a few of the MoM monsters..
  6. Friday was a blast (was Gray Lord) and I'll be there again tonight as Faltine.
    See you then!
  7. It's a little late for me, but I'll join. Who needs sleep anyway.. :P

    I'll bring Lil Miss Kutya (Titan/WP Brute)
  8. I'll come along.
    I'll bring Lil Miss Kutya (Titan/WP Brute)
  9. Here I am again with the last minute slid in...

    Probably bring Faltine my fire blaster, but can switch to almost anything else we may need...
  10. Looks like my plans fell through, so I'll try and squeeze in if we have room....
    Going to bring my Stone tank Cleaver Gnome.
  11. I'll come along too..

    I'll bring Jaer Brighteye, TA/Archery Def
  12. Just called Gamestop and they said the code and mousepad will be going out tonight.
    I was soooo tempted to call back and see what answer I get next.

    It was at least some level of comfort that the girl who answered had to go ask about it and didn't know the answer already.
  13. Faltine

    Tips without GR?

    Waiting on my copy of GR to arrive and was wondering what happens when you get 10 tips without GR?
    Do you still get a Morality mission? Is Hero/Villain the only choice? (i.e. no vigilante/rogue option)

    Wondering since don't want to lose 2 days of effort nearly filling my Hero bar...
  14. Gonna try to slide in at the last moment for this.. My previous plans fell apart.. ;P
  15. Sorry to hear that Mscats. Ironically, my plans fell through so was seeing if there was a late spot open. See everyone at 1pm.

    I'll be on Mistress Malignant, my Dark/Pain Corrupter.
  16. Unless something comes up, I'll be there. Probably on Psitween again...
  17. It seems to be down again this morning. I've tried copying over several characters (after making sure I had open slots on Test) and it's been two hours and nada...
  18. Except I have people on my team who zone in to say AP just a min or two after the counter and the present is gone.
    Trying to casually get the badge with a pickup team is stupidly hard. You need to have 2 teams before you even start to have a chance in hell. I thought ridiculous badge requirements were a thing of the past?
  19. Two major gripes about the event.

    1) No Hero/Villain zone event messages for Portal present appearing. Or at least I've never seen one for the 4-5 ones I've done so far.

    2) Portal present disappears WAY too quickly. It should stay active until the instance is over. I've had plenty of failures because no one can join in the instance beyond the first few minutes. Makes it way frustrating.
  20. Your video drivers are fairly out of date.
    The current drivers are available here:

    Might suggest using system update to check for more updates too.
  21. Faltine

    Issue 13: BUGS

    Eden Trial fails to award merits

    Server: Infinity
    Zone: Eden
    Character name: Kid Faltine
    Time: 6:30pm 12/07/2008
    Location: Crystal Titan room
    Mission:Final timed mission
    Mission Contact: Woodsman
    Bug Description: Released the captured Heroes then destroyed the Crystal Titan. 2 Merits were awarded for the Titan, none for the Trial. Exited mission, still no merits, called contact, still no merits.
  22. Um, guess I'm late to the party, but WHY was this changed? Was it felt Tanks were underpowered with a longer recharge? Did Blasters need a nerf? Or were both of those reasons ignored just to make the power more standardized?