Friday Night iTrial; Saturday Badge iTrial




I will be hosting iTrials this Friday, 4-6-12, at 3:30 EDT. We will be starting with a Lambda, or a Minds of Mayhem, and continuing to the Underground and more. Come on down to join in the fun.

Saturday, 4-7-12, at 9:00 EDT are the badge trials. This night I plan on running pickups. We have missed a couple badges on some previous trials, and I am going to do my best to get them. I will Start with Minds of Mayhem, and BAF with a small crew. I plan on running with 16, so please either sign up here, or send me a tell in game to reserve your spot. Also, if possible, bring your +3s. After the two easier trial, I would like to try to pick up the Keyes Badges. There will be two runs, at 16 people, for each of the harder badges.
Especially for this run, bring the A game. Rawr!

Saturday Badge iTrial:
1: Titan Lord (Or Badaxe)
2: Jade Qi/Bleu Soul.
3: Kiri
Team 2
1: GATE-Keeper
2: Faltine
3: Asgardian Blade
4: Heated Exchange



Would join in Saturday night, but I am still working on my first level shift and don't want to be a hinderance to the team.

Coming back out of the woodwork after a couple years away from the game...



I'll try to be there. Most likely on as Badaxe, except if doing a badge run for either Keyes or DD (in which case it will be Titan Lord).



Plz sign GATE-keeper (Inv/SS tank) for Sat badgyness!

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



I'll show up for the Keyes badge runs on my +3 widow, Jade Qi. I'll also be around for the other runs most likely trying to get some incarnate xp on my +1 dark/cold controller Bleu Soul.



I don't need any of these badges on my main, so I will keep an eye on the Infinity Incarnates channel in case you have room for a tag along. If there's space I'll be on a Corrupter or Mastermind, both are +3.

sketches on tumblr | finished pieces and resources on dA

Currently most active:
Shining Finger: 40 Elec/Titan][Summer's Son: 38 Fire/Fire/Pyre
Hyperion Tekk][Dark-stream
City of Heroes LiveJournal community.
Friendly, helpful and surprisingly light on the drama.

Save our game Master post.



I'll bring along Faltine for some +3 goodness.
Still need a few of the MoM monsters..



Sign me and Saint up:

Asgardian Blade (kat/regen scrapper)
Heated Exchange (Fire/fire blaster)

Certified: Altaholic as defined by Memphis_Bill since 2005

Coming to you from a galaxy far, far away...



please save on spot on sat runs
Kiri +3 blaster



Also, my apologies for messing up on the time. the 3:30 for Friday should have been 6:30. I think. Mea Culpa.