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  1. Love it Void! It's Toxic Bunny Boy not Toxic Boy Bunny though :-P

    I like the artwork you posted on FB
  2. You have been the most fantastic dev team I have ever seen. I have played Lineage II, Age of Conan, Guild Wars, Aion, and you guys are far above any of their dev teams and community people.

    This was my first MMO and the MMO that I have always consistently returned to. The player base as well is far above the the garbage that other games seem to attract.

    I will greatly miss this game, its staff, and all the great players on Infinity.
  3. You're very welcome.

    Tonight 8/4 Saturday we are thinking about doing a RHW run for the people who cannot make the Sunday evening runs. So we'll see if we can make it happen tonight depending on attendance of the needed AT's.

    This event will be occurring after the Mo UG run at 9pm EST. So we are figuring 10PM EST.
  4. Cims are smashing/lethal though 50% resist plus his other invul powers bringing it to 90% resist of the Cims damage means they don't contribute much. Try Seers on the CORE side.
  5. Your team makeup is probably incorrect. The badge is quite easy to get with the correct setup, and when we get the level shift from another Incarnate it will be even more easy.


  6. I'll help. Probably will be a blaster but ice has no snipe. I can probably bring whatever.
  7. Thanks everyone for coming out for the 7/29 Magi RHW runs.

    We only did one RHW this evening but made sure to give a bonus Ready To Rumble Badge as well. Gratz to Mallard Duck who just needed that for his Mo Badge. Quite a few more people were able to get the badge tonight. We even had a transfer or two from Justice come over for the event. I finally got the badge on a different toon! Toxic Bunny Boy is not Really Hard Way enabled.

    You all were awesome as usual. Thank you for coming out and supporting other players.

    I think during the weekdays, I will setup a few Mo Magi runs, so people can try to get Triple Threat and Ready to Rumble.
  8. Ukase,

    Get your toon ready on Infinity so we can bring you along with us next time.
  9. I hope to see the Corrupter again next weekend.

    That last run, we had a huge amount of corrupters, so i think I can finally swap out Blueberry for some of my other toons. I have a blaster, brute and of course my ill/rad.

    Oh on a separate topic the time/beam defender (37) I brought to the Sutter, I deleted him and remade as a corrupter beam/time (30). Eventually i will get him up to doing the RHW.
  10. More wonderful success to report. 3 Runs, 3 Successes (Saturdays impromptu runs, i think people were just too tired). I believe we got all the people who responded in the post the badge. You were all awesome, thanks for coming and making it happen!

    As a bonus on the 3rd run we scored Ready to Rumble as well. Those 250 IDF did not stand a chance against the might of our league. AV's also melted like butter. Our healing team was awesome, as we just stood in the way of excalibur and continued to assault. Great buffs, awesome kins, great heals. Perfection all around.

    And thank you to everyone who keeps coming back to support others getting the badge.

    We will probably keep making runs at it on Sunday night after the Sunday Rikti Raid and blueside CoP that some of us do on occasion.

    FP & Wretch Queen, I want to get you guys the badge next Sunday.

    The best part is the majority of the players who now run it are vets on it and don't need my hour long blah blah blah about how we run it.
  11. A few people have expressed interest in also doing a run or two right after the Hami raid (tonight 9pm EDT SATURDAY)since a lot of the people who are needed for the RHW would be on.

    So after the Hami raid completes if you are on please head on over to Dark Astoria. I will be on top of the hospital trying to form the league up.

    Please familiarize yourself with the process and requirements ahead of time in my other post:

  12. I'm sure we can do some unlocking this weekend and probably get lucky enough to get the rare salvage .
  13. It's time for another MAGI RHW run. I know we have a few people like Mahes, Slouche, Hellfire Pete and some others who did not get the badge yet. Going to tentatively schedule this for after the Rikti Mothership Raid ( and CoP if Hopper decides to run it). I am thinking that puts us at 8pm EDT about.

    We will be forming up league in DA as usual to help the others get the badge. We will be making 3 runs (maybe 4 if we are moving quick enough) at it. I have Mahes penciled in to tank on at least one of the runs ( hoping that he will be on. ), since we missed him last week, so 2 other tank spots will probably be available.

    Again as usual we will create the ideal league makeup with about 8 spots to spare. With 3 runs we should cover a lot of people.

    Hoping also we get a lot of the core people who have been on all of our successful runs, to come and help out because their awesomeness guarantees success.

    If you are new to the runs and would like to participate please become acquainted with our strategy and work on making your toon have the Incarnate powers requested in the thread below:


    Selection of league members goes like this:
    1.) we grab the toons we absolutely need to make it happen (we want 100% success every run)
    2.) once we are satisfied that #1 is met, we start filling the other spots with badge toons who do not have it.
    3.) non-badge toons/open PUG (we look at toons in DA and see if they would be able to contribute)

    You should be 50(+3)

    If by some off chance you do not get selected for any of the 3 runs,( I doubt it will happen) please do come back the following week, and you will be given priority seating for the event. If you get asked to swap out for someone, you earn a lot of points with the league leaders for being gracious and it is very much appreciated and remembered.

    I am also interested in doing the following 2 attempts: (not that night, but will probably be during the week or so)

    1.) 12 person super team against Tyrant that will attempt to take him down without the lights as well.

    2.) 24 person A regular A-team run with a regular mix of toons, but 4 kins for testing whether 4 kins alone can help a regular A-team overcome Tyrants health regen.

    Thank you for your continued support in helping others get the badge.

    Ryo (@Ryo Takenoko/@Red Booty)

    Thanks for the support
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turbo_Ski View Post
    Most the OP's problem sounds like inadequate slotting on both the brute and corruptor's part into their defensive abilities and end management. Also since the brute is a damage resist brute, you should prioritized EF>LR>RA>RI and should conserve endurance by only using flares and fire blast until the boss is less then 30% when reliable scourge (50% chance) starts kicking in. At 20% prioritize everything into attacks as you will be getting crits on almost every attack.
    I agree with Turbo_ski, it really sounds like you have nothing in your stamina at all or maybe missing end redux in the 2 toggle debuffs. How are your 2 toggle debuffs slotted?

    Priority List
    1.) AM
    2.) debuffs
    3.) attacks
    4.) occasional heal

    The brute could have been poorly slotted for exemplaring down to that level as well. If you would have needed to spam heal on auto the entire fight, it sounds like a poorly built brute. Aside from all that, I have to agree, the brute should have hosp'd it and got right back in there with no excuses.

    I would not let it bother you though.

    In general, if you are a /buffing corr via shields/sb or other buffs keep your team buffed. A well buffed team will mow thru mobs smoothily. If the mobs are dying quick you may not have time to drop debuffs on them, so guage how much debuff support your team needs. Nothing like dropping a tar patch as the last mob keels over dead before you could finish the animation. Drop debuffs on the really hard mobs or in tight situations when you might need to lock up a mob.
  15. Thanks for sticking with us! And helping on Mo Hot Mish as well.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by my awesome display name View Post

    Other advice Ukase Rex gave:
    -Build or respec your toon for maximum damage. Max out each toon's damage and damage buffs even if the toon is not normally a damage-dealer. For example, every toon on the league can (and ideally should) take tactics as a power.
    -Have one player on each team use red/yellow team inspirations (I'm sure they have a name). These continue to give buffs when a toon resurrects after dying.
    -A league as small as 12 can get the RHW badge, but on a small league any one death has a much greater effect on the league's ability to damage Tyrant.
    -If the league can get Tyrant down to 30% without using lore pets or ultimate inspirations, it can achieve the RHW badge.
    -Use revival and return to battle vet powers to rez during the trial.
    I don't think the respecing for damage outside of what we have is really necessary. The 4 kins damage cap the entire league and are much easier to come by then 24 respeced toons. The Hybrid assaults and Interfaces along with the kins is enough.

    I am kind of intrigued by the use of yellows for more accuracy, not sure if we are losing a huge amount of damage from misses, I honestly don't think we are since his health bar clearly drops. With all the buffs and -defense from debuffs I wonder if the yellows are necessary. Sure we definitely have people running leadership pool though. I'll have to pay attention to my to-hit bonus next time and see.

    What I am curious about now is can we achieve the same results with more of a mixed team but have the 4 kins. Are the four kins damage capping the league greater than Tyrants regen or do we need all the debuff -res as well? I want to go back to the non-ideal teams we tried initially and just make sure we have the 4 kins and see what happens. You also now make me want to try a 12 person league against him and see what we can do. Lets discuss next time in game and talk about what the 12 person team would look like. I'd love to try an impromptu one this week. I think I would still want 2-4 kins on it. We still need to do your PB badge run, maybe we should schedule another run for Saturday along with a standard Sunday after the Mothership raid run. Because Batman is coming out on Friday I think we are going to lose too many people that night.

    We may need to supplement the 12 man team if we cannot max damage bonus with the dual inspirations like ukase rex was saying.
  17. You guys rock and make it so easy to do these. Thanks Doc and Badaxe. Maybe we can get the kin to +3 this week Doc.
  18. Oh that's right you had to leave after the 2nd attempt. Dang. Yeah please come next time and we will get it done. 3rd and fourth run for the 2nd RHW event were both successful.
  19. The secret to our success: (5 out of 7 so far, and the two that failed were me miscounting my Kins. >.<) Whoever heard of making something other than a fire/kin, hehehe (kidding). I see fire/ I automatically saw /kin. Must be the soda.

    Information gathered from lots of forum posts and just doing it successfully multiple times now.

    Special thanks to Ukase Rex for his advice on forming and running the RHW runs! He went out of his way to help us plan using Amygdala's strategies.


    Special thanks to Hopper, Sundew and DragonQueen and Honou for strategizing with me and letting me have fun running these.

    Special thanks to Widowmaker and Nightbabe for providing the awesome community of the best of the best.

    Special thanks to all the corrupters/defenders who keep coming back to make this a success for more people and putting up with all the "requirements".

    Level of participants: 50 (+3)
    League Number: 24 (to get more people the badge)

    The Keys to Success

    1.) Corrupters
    We like to go with a full team of Corrupters, lots of extra scourging damage once u get Tyrant below 50% plus they all bring buff/debuff as well as ranged blasting. Bring -res. You will not effect Tyrant's +regen from the wells.

    2.) Kinetics.
    4 or 5 Kinetics toons. This is a your dmg is greater than Tyrants regen fight. It is a good idea to have 4 kin's that will be spamming siphon power, transfusion, fulcrum shift, and speed boost on the league as well as attacking. if you have people who have speed boosts +speed effect turned off, tell them to go to Pocket D and talk to Nul the Gull and turn it back on. We need people to see the Crackle message and run back away from Tyrant. The kin's are extremely important as the battle is a fight to have your leagues damage overcome his absurd regen. League members should monitor their DMG Bonus stat. If your not seeing max blue numbers, someone is failing.

    3.) 1 Ultimate is necessary at a minimum. If you want to guarantee success 3 or 4 will more than do it. As another league leader had mentioned in the forums, your basically giving yourself a massive damage and accuracy boost by increasing +1 level.

    4.) Incarnate paths that help:
    a.) Hybrid: Assault Radial or Support
    b.) Interface: Reactive, Degen, Cog, Spectral, (anything with a DMG TICK). You want the side of the tree giving extra damage (75% chance for moderate fire/25% -res for example) It is good for individual league members to have 2 Interfaces to try and spread out the damage DOT's since I believe they only stack up to 4 of each type.
    c.) Destiny: Rebirth (heal + regeneration), Ageless, recovery + recharge), Barrier (with or without rez). Clarion is worthless during this fight, if you have it please try to slot a Tier 3 of something else, but don't lose your level shift over it.
    d.) Lore: Seers Core (get the 2 attacking pets) Anything doing non smashing lethal damage is really good.

    5.) A tank is not neccessary but helps during the AV fights.

    6.) Our league makeup that works the best, is one full team corrupters, one full team trollers/defenders, the other spots Blasters, scrappers and others. We try not to bring more than the 1 tank per run.

    Order of Events
    1.) Pre-entry

    a.) Relay all the information to the team from above.
    b.) Make sure people have ultimates and are all +3's (majority of +3's with some +2's is ok).
    c.) Tell the league you will call for when to POP Ultimates, and when to use Lore Pets. Do not use Lore Pets prior to that. (It can be done, we killed Tyrant so fast our pets had not cycled yet)
    d.) NO one talk to Dream Doctor, except league leader or someone on skype/ts/ventrilo with them when the league is ready.
    e.) Tell the kins and buffers you expect to see blue numbers for your stats. Get members to monitor their DMG Bonus at a minimum. You need them spam it and keep the team fully maxed out.

    2.) Inside the prep area.
    a.) Wait for entire team to assemble inside
    b.) League Leader or someone on skype with them will then talk to Dream Doctor starting the counter
    c.) League Leader will call for BUFFS!
    d.) Wait for portal to open and go in

    3.) 250 IDF
    a.) Team will move to center of map.
    b.) Tank and members that can will pull left, center and right. You want to trigger them so they spawn their battle orbs which go down easy. You can get the 8 minute badge if the team is quick with the 250. The AV's will melt with the league setup. Do not use Lore Pets here. But Hybrids and nukes are on good enough timers feel free to use them. Some leagues like to to do this part moving the entire league up the right, then center then left. Whatever works for your league is good. The 8 minute badge is a bonus not our primary objective.

    4.) The AV's: Shadow Hunter, Nega, Chimera, then Black Swan.
    a.) Get the league to hug around Shadow Hunter
    b.) Call for BUFFS, The league should be pretty maxed out DMG BONUS wise. You will call for BUFFS again before Black Swan. Get those portal down quickly so she drops fast.

    5.) Tyrant fight Start (if you have 4 Ultimates pop one now)
    a.) Once you spawn and take the massive initial damage, League Leader call for BUFFS.
    b.) We usually send one person in quickly to aggro Tyrant so he will Crackle and get the initial one out of the way.
    c.) NO FLYING, as lightning patch can spawn in the air and kill people not realizing it. You will be speed boosted the entire fight if your kins are doing their job.
    d.) Hug Tyrant spamming siphon power, fulcrum shift and all debuffs (rads: ef for -res). You will be constantly attacking. Please use your non-rooting powers. Do not queue attacks on Tyrant, unless you just came in from a crackle. They are usually about every 35 seconds. We need all people in on Tyrant so they continue to get the buffs. Shield giving AT's should occasionally be re-applying shields (ice/fire/sonic)
    e.) You see the 'CRACKLE' message, you run back...be aware of your surrounding there is broken structures down by Tyrant you don't want your back against him. It is very important that your league members get away from Tyrant.
    f.) People need to have self-rezzing abilities and inspirations Immortal recovery and recovery are very good. /emp's and people with heals should not be running all over the map to find league member's dead bodies (except for vengeance )
    g.) Kinetics toons, should make sure they are keeping the leagues DMG bonus maxed out while also attacking. League recharge rate will be at or near cap so the FS will be applied liberally.
    h.) HYBRIDS, should be being used during this fight as often as they are up. Destinys: Hit rebirths on coming back in from a Crackle to keep people alive who have a damage tick on them. Ageless if you notice your Kin's are slacking, pop it and Barrier.

    6.) Tyrant fight below 40%

    This is where things start getting tough and if you don't have the DMG output you will start to see issues.

    a.) The league leader or a designated person will make the call for the first "you must pop an Ultimate NOW! Ultimate". It will be called for directly after you re-hug Tyrant after coming back from a Crackle. We will call for an Ultimate to be popped and then tell you to drop lore pets at his feet and turn them aggressive.

    b.) At this point, we need you to be cautious. if you suck at getting out of the crackle and die, you will lose your lore pets. You need to keep alive so your Lore pets stay alive. Alot of leagues will have to use them for extra boost. needed (we did one run without them), they are very beneficial and if too many die you will fail, if the league is not strong enough.

    c.) Have a spare Ultimate in case you die

    d.) If the team is strong and avoids the CRACKLE, you should easily win the battle.

    League Member questions:

    1.) I died can someone rez me?

    If someone with a rez or barrier or howling twilight is nearby they may, but you are responsible for rezzing. Them taking the time to find and rez you is not going to happen. You should have a self-rez and the really big Inspirations to get up and recover quickly.

    2.) Ok so I ran back from the CRACKLE, what then do I do?

    After the Lightning comes down, you need to immediately get back in there avoiding the lightning and throwing attacks ranged or melee. If the team did well avoiding it, the lightning patches should be scattered enough that you can get in range to either melee or ranged attack. Feel free to use longer animation attacks right after you come in from the Crackle since he will not do another one for about 35 seconds. The team should be spamming heals to catch people who maybe got a dmg tick on them. You want to rehug Tyrant as soon as possible so you get the speed boosts, heals and the reapplication of any shields.

    3.) Ultimates, how many?

    You can have as many as you want and reapply them as they drop during the final Tyrant battle. We ask for 2 at a minimum. One for when we call for ULTIMATE and DROP LORE, and another if you die to be re-applied

    General Notes:

    There is a very specific league make up that helps greatly to improve chances of success. We will get this badge for all people who want it, but we do ask for patience and understanding when we form the league. People willing to drop out and switch to whatever is needed are most appreciated. Occasionally we may have a screw up, invite too many, promised a certain person for a run, so please do not take it personally, juggling 24 people into the right mix is a little tough when lots of people are chatting and sending tells. While not a Badger, my friend El-kun brought me up to be a min/maxer which is both a curse and a blessing in putting together the leagues with Hopper and DQ. Thank you all for the wonderful league members who selflessly switched, dropped, rolled corrs to assist with getting people the badges, it is very much appreciated. I'd like to eventually get the badge on some other toons Everyones positive attitude and willingness to take one for the league by graciously dropping/swapping really keeps this drama free and how it should be. I could not ask for a better group of league mates and friends in game.
  20. 4 more runs tonight. 2 Fails, 2 Success. I miscounted on my number of kins and brought 2 few then I thought. Once people got away from the Crackle, we succeeded.

    Great job on everyone's part. Thanks everyone, I appreciate all the people who switched and brought the needed toons to make it happen. It'salways a pleasure running it with the best of Infinity.

    Apologies for yelling at the kins, when it was my stupid miscounting that threw off the numbers.

    Hopefully next week we will get the badge for more peeps.
  21. We will definitely be running more in the future.
  22. Adding to the List of Names:

    Prometheus' Rage/Demeter's Rage
    Cold Bob
    Vandel Heart

    Also a very big Thank You to Hopper and Sundew for helping and planning strategy. And a special thanks to those who gave up their badger spots on the first run, so that another toon could join, Slax and Turbo get priority seating for that.
  23. Thank you everyone for the wonderful runs on Friday night for the badge. We did 3 successful runs for the Really Hard Way, all of them succeeding. 2nd run, even snagging Ready to Rumble. No Lore needed on the 2nd run.

    For all the badgers who stayed on theirs corrs and defenders/trollers to help others it was very much appreciated. Hope I did not get too many people mad, making sure the team makeup was correct for success.

    We will continue to get this badge for others in the future.

    Blueberry Chill (myself aka Red Booty as well),
    Cry of Pain/Tsumetai Kiba (honou)
    Delta Love
    Temporal Freeze
    Glowing Ice
    Minding My Kin (Sunny)
    Doctor Decay (Flare)
    Plutonium Pulse (Hopper)
    Mr. XP McFree(ly)
    Daddy's Girl
    babe pink (deb)
    Sunny the Offender
    Frosty Echo (Slax)
    New Orleans Ripper (Widowmaker)
    Yurei Kusanagi/Bad Vibes (bodai)
    Death Valley Dragon
    Joe Insanity
    Dara Insanity
    Midnight Son
    Mallard Duck
    Dark Bladed
    Blaze O' Glory
    Doctor A. Science
    B L A C K F I R E / Neph
    Rock Craig

    I probably missed a few
  24. Ryo_Takenoko

    Tw/ELA brute

    Thanks 32% across the bored ain't bad.