Why are L50 Oblit quads so popular?




Over the last few weeks, I made my first marketeering billion by noticing that I could get and build L50 Oblit quad recipes for about 63 mil and sell them crafted for 90 to 100 mil. The market seems to have slowed down considerably over the last two weeks—and odd thing, now the pricing of recipe and crafted 'hance is about the same (or at least it's close enough that the 10% market skim-off would wipe out any profit I made from reselling). I've still got some lowball bids in, but they seem to be fairly slow to materialize.

I expect it's time to look for another case of market inequality I can exploit but I'm not really very experienced at this—I basically stumbled onto Oblit quads by accident. Why is it that they are so much in demand that they go for these exorbitant prices? How can I look for other things that meet the same demand?

I expect at least part of it is that people use them as the cherry on top of their slotting strategies, to get an extra bit of "oomph" on multiple things without wasting too much going over the ED cap. But other L50 quads I've checked for other types of attack don't go for anywhere near that much. What's the secret?



Obliteration has some *really* useful set bonuses. Accuracy, damage buff, global recharge, and S/L defense all in one package? It's a skip and a hop away from being a purple.

As for why the quad in particular is so popular all of a sudden, I don't know. It's hard telling with something as volatile as our market tends to be as it could be a number of different things ranging too "things just got weird." If I had to guess, a few impatient rich guy just wanted them all NOW for whatever they where building and all wound up competing with each other.



Personally I like level 50 Oblits because I spend more time fighting 50+ so I have a lot more of the set pieces laying around.

I also tend not to exempt once I hit 50 because I lose some of my better powers (and Incarnate powers) so the level 50 Oblits fit well.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Or alternatively it's a great IO for frankenslotting.



The Oblit quad (and the proc) go for exorbitant prices because the set's bonuses are VERY VERY GOOD, and those are the two pieces that are only available by either merit roll or direct purchase. The other recipes are obtained as mob drops or mission completion bonus.

Culex's resistance guide



Originally Posted by Robotech_Master View Post
Over the last few weeks, I made my first marketeering billion by noticing that I could get and build L50 Oblit quad recipes for about 63 mil and sell them crafted for 90 to 100 mil.
Save yourself a few million. For the last few weeks, I've been buying them crafted at more-or-less your price point, and selling them in the same range you are.

Three weeks ago, I was buying them at 60-65, and selling them at 110. I've not sold any above 100 mil in two weeks, though.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Pitho View Post
The Oblit quad (and the proc) go for exorbitant prices because the set's bonuses are VERY VERY GOOD, and those are the two pieces that are only available by either merit roll or direct purchase. The other recipes are obtained as mob drops or mission completion bonus.
Almost correct. The Quad and proc are rare because they are in the gold pool - they are rare 'orange' recipes (I have dropped a quad on council empire so they do drop)

[Union Chat]Sebaddon: If you want to, we will, if you think it's weird, no, that's damz, not us.

[Union Chat]Damz: hey cyber, i am your naked pope for the evening, please confess to me my child



With Enzyme nerfed lots of people with that build had to quietly move onto something else.

Funny thing I noticed about this PVP community is -
(SG Chat)
'' Hey guiz, I found a way to balance out the issue with the E-nerf coming. ''
- Oh yea?
'' Yeah. Oblits. ''
- Sweet.
'' Here's the link to see it.. yadda yadda ''

Moments later in help -
'' Hi. I don't really know anything about Enzymes or anything but I was wondering about it. What do you use if Enzyme is taken away? ''
- Oh that's easy, Oblits (this)
Help person 1: No way, really?
Help person 4- 99: Yup here's the link. See that? Oblits are our answer! Thanks person who spilled the beans!

SG Chat -
'' What the giggles man?! Why does EVERYONE and their momma know about Oblits? ''
- My bad.
- Wait let m--
(You have been removed from the SG)
'' Back to the drawing board..''

This real life story has been brought to you by SHUTUPInc. A PV&P company.

Now a message from your sponsor:
'' Hi. I'd like to take a quick moment to talk to you about spilling beans. You may think it's funny, you may think it's cute, you may see it as trolling; however, it's wrong, rude, and nerftastic. In time you will find out that your decision will hamper your gameplay if you decide to continue playing COH. If this was due to '' I'm bored with this game and am moving onto life'' syndrome then you are a gigantic [Edited for Content]. Please, don't be a gigantic [Edited for Content]. Thank you. Now back to your regular thread discussion. ''



I don't see how a PBaoE damage IO can replace a +defense Hami-O. I mean, if you slot 6 of them you get some nice smash/lethal defense, but I was either doing that already or more interested in 4-slotting Kin Combats and using my PBaoE attacks to slot for energy defense. ^_^ (I hate the enhancement numbers of Obliteration anyway).

For a direct replacement of Enzymes I'd just use Cytos or a +5'd def/end IO (Luck of the Gambler for example). The Cyto works slightly better. And in some cases you might need an extra slot... I have a couple of builds that 1-slotted manuevers with an enzyme, that's not going to work so well with just one cyto.

As for other niches like this... there are quite a few of them, trust me. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



imo the enzyme nerf isn't impacting the market for Oblits, that's silly- There are more effective ways to build up s/l defense from bonuses (Kinetic Combats, derka der.) If the enzyme nerf is going to drive up the need for anything, imo, it's going to be LOTG def, def/end and Cyto's.



Originally Posted by Bramphousian View Post
Save yourself a few million. For the last few weeks, I've been buying them crafted at more-or-less your price point, and selling them in the same range you are.

Three weeks ago, I was buying them at 60-65, and selling them at 110. I've not sold any above 100 mil in two weeks, though.
Oh, I did some pre-crafted buying and reselling, too (as a self-defense mechanism to keep people from buying those cheapies instead of my more costly ones ) And still am. Though as you say, the market is slower now.

I just wish I could find some other things with as good of a level of supply and profit margin to diversify into. I guess I'll just have to look harder.



Quads generally aren't subject to exemplar effects on enhancements because the bonuses aren't high enough, so that may be a contributing factor as well.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...