Consolidated list of TF/SF betterment suggestions
Not a TF, but a SF. You would be hard pressed to find a cooler concept than Lemurs FreakOlympics SF.
(I thought I had that favorited but I cant find it gahh)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Not a TF, but a SF. You would be hard pressed to find a cooler concept than Lemurs FreakOlympics SF.
(I thought I had that favorited but I cant find it gahh)
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Yes I remember reading it and thinking it would be loads of fun.
That being said, Duck and I have been working on an Idea for a Mayhem/Safeguard type of TF/SF.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
4. Auto adjust the TF participants levels using PvP code.
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This one in particular is my favorite. It would make it far easier to form a team without having to worry about sk's or exemps. Just form the team and adjust difficulty level to suit. The TF could keep it's level requirements with this as well.
Allow flashback (whenever we get it) to be used while on a TF/SF. Make all pool c drops that fall during a flashback go off of your flashback level instead of your real level. It makes getting those hard to get recipes in certain level ranges easier. Allow being flashback while on a tf/sf to cut down on the possible choices of the TF/SF drops. Like for instance you would not get recipes that start at +25 if you flashback to a lvl 20 tf/sf.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Not a TF, but a SF. You would be hard pressed to find a cooler concept than Lemurs FreakOlympics SF.
(I thought I had that favorited but I cant find it gahh)
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Yes I remember reading it and thinking it would be loads of fun.
That being said, Duck and I have been working on an Idea for a Mayhem/Safeguard type of TF/SF.
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That Mayhem/Safeguard idea you have sounds like part of my idea I had for the RCS S/TF that I (along with help) came up with a while before i10. Since the RCS became the RWZ, I'd still like to see a Mayhem/Safeguard style S/TF come into creation. It would indeed add enjoyment. (I want to be able to smash things as a Hero, dangnabbit!)
@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters
Not a TF, but a SF. You would be hard pressed to find a cooler concept than Lemurs FreakOlympics SF.
(I thought I had that favorited but I cant find it gahh)
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Yes I remember reading it and thinking it would be loads of fun.
That being said, Duck and I have been working on an Idea for a Mayhem/Safeguard type of TF/SF.
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That Mayhem/Safeguard idea you have sounds like part of my idea I had for the RCS S/TF that I (along with help) came up with a while before i10. Since the RCS became the RWZ, I'd still like to see a Mayhem/Safeguard style S/TF come into creation. It would indeed add enjoyment. (I want to be able to smash things as a Hero, dangnabbit!)
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How can It sounds like something else when I haven't said anything about it other then we are working on one? o.O
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Hey it got stickied. Cool.
Anyways, good list Hex. If I had to choose between any of your ideas I'd like to see either the PvP coding or the Ritki Invasion coding.
Bring back souveneirs. I'd really like to know what the heck the tf was even about and meant at the end...
How about tangible souveniers? Unlock base items and costume pieces and such:
Positron's TF: SG base wall detail of newspaper headline reading "Heroes Save Paragon City Dam"
Synapse: SG base item of cog pieces in a trophy case
Sister Psyche: Malaise's pants costume item
Citadel: SG base item wall detail of a Council banner
Manticore: SG base item wall detail of newspaper headline that reads "Crey stock plummets!"
Numina: SG base item Tree of Life that is a permanent yet destructible during a base raid item that constantly has a healing aura
Abandoned Sewer Trial: SG base item of a hydra tentacle in a trophy case
Cavern of Transcendence: SG base wall detail of a plaque of honor from David Wincott
Eden trial: SG base crystal shard from the Titan in a trophy case
Lady Grey TF: Capes with all sorts of nation's flag patterns on them. Viva Mexico!
Dr. Quaterfield: a pile of mush in a trophy case that used to be your brain before doing this TF
Faathim the Kind: SG base wall detail of a large painting of the Shard
Justin Augustine: SG base wall detail of a different large painting of the Chanty
Sara Moore: SG base wall detail of a large painting of the Cascade Archipelago
Ernesto Hess: SG base wall detail painting of Striga Isle's volcano
Moonfire: SG base item of a nictus fragment in a trophy case
Katie Hannan already has a costume piece.
Ice Mistral already has a temp power.
Renault already has a temp power.
Silver Mantis: VG base item of broken jet pack parts in a trophy case.
Tarikoss: Infernal's axe in a trophy case.
Recluse and Statesman have their HOs.
a recommendation for the team make up
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This is the only thing I have a problem with. Granted some teams may be worse than others, but alot of the time if you have a team wipe, it isn't because you had a bad team "make up" it's because someone pulled to much aggro. I've been on all kinds of teams. Some teams I just look at the team make up and groan. But guess what? We kicked some butt!
They key is whether or not each person on the team knows how to do their job. The only "necessaries" are usually a tank and a healer, although I've run some healerless tf's lately and we've done just fine.
a recommendation for the team make up
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This is the only thing I have a problem with. Granted some teams may be worse than others, but alot of the time if you have a team wipe, it isn't because you had a bad team "make up" it's because someone pulled to much aggro. I've been on all kinds of teams. Some teams I just look at the team make up and groan. But guess what? We kicked some butt!
They key is whether or not each person on the team knows how to do their job. The only "necessaries" are usually a tank and a healer, although I've run some healerless tf's lately and we've done just fine.
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I agree, it is bad enough that the STF and LRSF are exclusive to certain builds, I would hate to implement any more prejudice.
2. Make the TF mob levels spawn according to team average and reputation setting.
3. Make the TF work on the Rikti Invasion code.
4. Auto adjust the TF participants levels using PvP code.
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Aren't these points mutually exclusive (not nessesarily a problem for suggestions)? I'm also of the impression that TF's do use reputation of the leader, or is this suggestion to use the average reputation?
Given the choice I'd plumb for the invasion code. With an average you still get a team of 7 20's and a 25 giving an average of 20, the level 25 + 1 24 SK means you can waltz through the task force. with 6 players feeling a bit underused. and two people killing greys a lot of the time.
Task forces need more variation in mission types (all those added since the RSF inclusive are pretty good examples of how it should be done) than normal missions. Also some need more compelling and followable storylines (numina just doesnt make sense until the last two missions). As I say I think these points are being taken into account by dev's but its worth putting on a list of how to improve older ones.
Reccuring enemies in TF's are a good way to make players want to finish them. For example Have a Teleporting AV/hero who teleports out on 1/4 health leaving behind only smack talk. At the end of the TF you track them to their "hospital" teleporter (or break it) and take them down for a big wodge of XP (after all you had to take them down multiple times for no XP to get there).
Choices in TF's would be good too. E.g. The CoT are robbing component X, and at the same time grabbing sacrifice Y. You choose which to go for - and they get the other one, altering later mission choices or content a bit. This gives TF's a little more re-playability. So they may have sent an AV/Monster to collect the component, but if you save the sacrifice they will help you later on or give you a temp power for use against the end villain.
One idea I had that is probably really bad, but would be fun for lunatics like me. Have a mission to defend the Hospital teleporter network. If you fail - you die (or dropped to level 1 and all ench's removed). If you succeed you get something really cool, like a power set respec (e.g. from a fire/fire blaster to an ice/ice blaster). And also the bragging rights from the "Hardcore" badge.
a recommendation for the team make up
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This is the only thing I have a problem with. Granted some teams may be worse than others, but alot of the time if you have a team wipe, it isn't because you had a bad team "make up" it's because someone pulled to much aggro. I've been on all kinds of teams. Some teams I just look at the team make up and groan. But guess what? We kicked some butt!
They key is whether or not each person on the team knows how to do their job. The only "necessaries" are usually a tank and a healer, although I've run some healerless tf's lately and we've done just fine.
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That's pretty much always the case. Good players can get through pretty much anything, however if you've never done the tf before it wouldn't hurt. But it was more in regards to the levels best suited for the tf.
ie. you would do better on the Posi tf if you were level 13 instead of 10.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
I'm just the person that put the suggestions/ideas for this all into one thread, they are NOT all my suggestions, so I can't speak for the people who came up with them.
Aren't these points mutually exclusive (not nessesarily a problem for suggestions)?
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Care to elaborate on why you think this?
I'm also of the impression that TF's do use reputation of the leader
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Let me help you with this. The word AND in this case means as well as. Which would make that be "Make the TF mob levels spawn according to team average as well as reputation setting". Not one or the other, but both. Yes reputation does affect the stature TF's currently, but team level does not.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Aren't these points mutually exclusive (not nessesarily a problem for suggestions)?
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Care to elaborate on why you think this?
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If all participants are the same level (point 4), then the average is always the same (point 2) so they cant really work together; other than putting the max level against a team member for xp averaging purposes I suppose, but I cant see the advantage in that.
If you base levels on team average (2) then rikti code (3) wont work as that doesn't use levels.
Rikti code (3) and PvP levelling (4) could work together but what would be the gain?
Having had to think about how each one works in detail, PvP levelling seems like a better choice than Rikti Invasion Code as this deals with salvage/recipe drops better.
The word AND in this case means as well as.
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Fair enough, seemed a bit strange to mention it in that way here.
If all participants are the same level (point 4), then the average is always the same (point 2) so they cant really work together;
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*boggles* o.O
They weren't meant to all work together. They are each individual ideas of different ways to change the way tf's work. You would not implement them all.
Fair enough, seemed a bit strange to mention it in that way here.
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What's strange about it? It's the way trials work currently.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
a recommendation for the team make up, and an approximate time range in which you can expect to finish it.
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Those are kind of quantify. You might end up convincing new players that they "have" to run the task force in the team formation a Dev slapped on ("you should have every AT! Every person is a unique snowflake!") when that's certainly not going to be a realistic team composition except in some weird world of ideal (dev test ) conditions.
A time frame is hard to pin down since it depends on the team composition and character. Positron: 2 hours if you know what you're doing and don't have players stopping for an AFK break every mission, 9 hours if you're a PUG and do have random AFKs, drop-out members, and general disorganization.
What if they did something weird like everything unlocks a costume piece or some a permanent flavor power(emote)? For doing Positron maybe he gives you a toy helmet replica of his you can hold.
edit for a brainfart in team size..
ooh, they should reduce the start size requirement of the highest level TFs though except for the ones that absolutely REQUIRE 8 players to accomplish some in-mission task, like clicking 8 glowies in unison. I remember how hard it could be to just get enough warm bodies to fill the slots.
Bring back souveneirs. I'd really like to know what the heck the tf was even about and meant at the end...
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Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.
1387 badges, and counting
First thing first, Hey Hexy.
Now... A bunch of the TF's need to be spiced up some. For example, I would like to see the Posi tf basically become the Vahz story arc where you fight Doc Vahz. If that is not possible then it we should see more Outcast and/or Hellions and get a AV out of them somehow. Keep the missions in Steel, PP, Boom, and maybe Sky and KR.
Also, I agree that if the level range allows for say level 10's then a team of level 10's should be able to finish the TF. To do this I see no reason that during the indoor missions of a TF that players could use the "con to your level" code like Monsters or Rikti use. AND why can't the leader, when signing up for the TF at the contact, not select the difficulty level of the TF. This would solve the problems of leader DCing and people having different difficulty selections as well as people changing the difficulty of just the last mission for better drops.
Finally, I would like to see more unique missions or enemies during the TF's We already have this for some missions like the Sonic Freakshow... extend this to all the TF's and give us some things we don't get or see anywhere else.
While we're at it:
Seriously, they need to look at the length of Doc Q in the Shadow Shard. People gripe a bunch about Posi, but Doc Q is twenty times worse: 24 missions, most needing serious in-depth work, no AV, in the Shadow Shard therefore requiring some specialized travel skill ...
Eden trial: SG base crystal shard from the Titan in a trophy case
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Even better, a mini crysal titan, safe behind the glass, but doing a two fisted "Banging on the glass" manuever.
Also great Idea Hex
"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper
AND why can't the leader, when signing up for the TF at the contact, not select the difficulty level of the TF. This would solve the problems of leader DCing and people having different difficulty selections as well as people changing the difficulty of just the last mission for better drops.
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Ohhh I like that one, hadn't thought about that.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
AND why can't the leader, when signing up for the TF at the contact, not select the difficulty level of the TF. This would solve the problems of leader DCing and people having different difficulty selections as well as people changing the difficulty of just the last mission for better drops.
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Ohhh I like that one, hadn't thought about that.
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That is an excellent idea.

However, as things stand now, you can dial the difficulty up or down as the team requires. I have been on some TFs where we have started on Heroic and wound up dialing up to Unyielding or Invincible when we discovered that the team really clicked. Conversely, I have been on some where the difficulty was forgotten until we hit the first mission and it was quickly discovered we needed something less threatening, so the team leader went to dial it down. As things stand now, you have good flexibility with your difficulty level so long as everyone is aware of how it works.
We got into some really good discussions in the other thread, there were a lot of good ideas getting tossed out, so I thought I'd list them all. *note* some of these were thought up by people I have talked to in game.
1. An in depth description given before forming the TF that describes what enemies you will be facing, what levels you will be fighting, a recommendation for the team make up, and an approximate time range in which you can expect to finish it.
2. Make the TF mob levels spawn according to team average and reputation setting.
3. Make the TF work on the Rikti Invasion code.
4. Auto adjust the TF participants levels using PvP code.
5. Add temp powers to the TF's to help with resistance/defense or damage/accuracy depending on the TF. (ie temp powers that do large amount of damage to a certain mob type like the ones given in Croatoa)
6. Change TF's so they are harder due to challenges instead of just because you are fighting higher leveled mobs.
7. Change the minimum requirements.
I think I got them all. If I missed someones suggestion/idea I'm sorry, please add it to the list.
On that note, lets see what else we can come up with and lets discuss (*cough*not argue*cough*) them.
Maybe we can come up with a cool idea for a new TF along the way
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray