
Forum Cartel
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  1. If NCsoft doesn't want to play ball, than I would fully support a kickstarter for a brand new Hero MMO developed by the staff that we have come to respect and love. I would wait for a few years to have a new one if I knew it was coming.

    How do we get the Devs and other staff members to start their own company with their own IP/game/etc?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    I call bullsh*t. When they say they have exhausted every option including selling off the game, what they are probably actually saying is "We are being greedy and want more money than the game is worth, so we've turned down all offers."
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    The 'VIP' servers, to my mind, are the escape for all the Elitists and down-their-nose lookers who would just alienate genuine nice players and others and stop them adding to the game.

    Good riddance, I say. I'll be waiting on Union to welcome the next batch of RPers.
    Or.. it could be just another place to put some new characters.

    I have no mind to run away from the new comers, but I am fully planning on taking advantage of the character slots. We'll have to see if it ends up being just your average server, or if the people on it are loud and obnoxious with regard to the F2Pers.
  4. All I have to say is, 12 brand new shiny slots on the VIP server x 2 active accounts = WEEEEEE! More Alts!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    You really think an arbitrary number has more to tell you about the worth of what someone has to say than the things they say? Sad.
    But Lemur, he said himself that he even falls into the category and he's aware of it. So that must mean that we aren't to take what he said at all seriously and simply discount it based on his post count!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    A simple search for "server merge" will prove that not to be true. Unless you're easily placated by people putting a disclaimer saying their copypaste wall of text isn't meant to insult you right before it proceeds to insult you for a few thousand words.

    Fact is, people who post a lot do so because they haven't anything better to do. A rule of thumb that has never failed me on any internet forums is that anyone with 1,000 posts or above shouldn't be trusted too much to be representative of the community or sensible in his posting, and the more posts the more likely is that person to care way too much about his online persona and to bring his own agenda in every topic.

    Just watch the answers this very post should get, that will likely twist my words from "rule of thumb" to "hard rule" ; and, yes, I am aware I have more than a thousand posts myself, and I fully fit into this. No denial here.
    I can't tell if this is a serious post or not. My brain feels splodie.
  7. A lot of online stores allow you to purchase the parts so you get exactly what you want, and then will assemble it (and sometimes even preload/test it) for you, for a fairly resonable cost if you are not comfortable doing it yourself. You can get a better system this way instead of doing a prebuilt system, and one that you can easily upgrade in the future.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unimportant View Post
    Architect just doesn't cut it for me. NOBODY does actual missions on the Freedom server, they're all powerleveling or farming in Architect. It's stupid and boring.

    Is there a server with MINIMAL people in Architect, that doesn't have Freedom's population but still has more than 5 people log on every day?
    I get blind invites every time I log into Freedom and /tell invites when I'm in level appropriate zones. I believe I've received two invites to AE teams, and both of those were while I was in Atlas Park.

    If you are truly dead set on leaving Freedom, any other server will do as they all have more then 5 people log into them every day.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psychic Guardian View Post
    y'know what sounds perfect to me for buying character slots? Possibly accountwide? Empyrean Michael (Issue 20(.5): Incarnates Ascend Contact).

    Maybe have one global option that maxes at 3(for a total of 8 non-EAT costumes for every character on the account), then 2 more that are character specific only unlockable for a higher amount of empyreans for your current (or a cert for another) level 50, giving a 50 with the max certificates redeemed and personal ones unlocked 10 costume slots.

    I'm opposed to anything that requires me to get empyreans to unlock it outside of the incarnate system.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Little_Whorn View Post
    It's amusingly ironic to me that this same line of reasoning was constantly used to explain why SB and the single target shield buffs remained single target rather than being AoE buffs.

    I know that the two cases are distinguishable, but still. The devs, with their newfound focus on AoE buffing and Incarnate nuking, seem to be all about gift-giving without attaching any strings. Normally I'd agree with you. But nowadays.... I dunno. Anything's seeming possible with these devs.
    Sadly, I can see this happening at some point.

    I'm still not a huge fan of the AoE buffs, but at least they haven't changed much. I suppose at this point if they decided to make it so those AoE buffs did get cast on the caster, they could make it a weaker buff for the caster somehow, and keep them at the current levels for the rest of the team.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    There is no Forum Cartel. It is not cunningly concealed among the apparently carefree City of Heroes players of the forum, its trolls and lurkers. No one would suggest that its members have a political agenda within and beyond the game. Nor would anyone believe, should it be whispered, that the Forum Cartel collects vast sums of inf and favors in order to further the goals that it doesn’t have. Moreover, an organization that does not exist certainly cannot have the prestige or talent pool to develop its own subtle, social martial arts style.

    Conversation Judo does not combine common, everyday movements with potent manipulations of puns and facts in a devastating and nearly invisible manner. It isn’t one of the Forum Cartel’s many sources of secret power. It never sees use in the discussion, arguments and flame wars of the players. People do not die from it, occasionally silently and occasionally screaming, days or weeks after not encountering it.

    You mean Golden Ace defining all the new titles?
    With persuasion.. I mean, input from others.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Don't forget if they are per character and you can buy more than one at a time will we be able to assign them individually to characters as we see fit.
    Side note. Lets say they were implemented like that, they could add them like they currently do with purchased character slots, where you have to claim them on whatever server you want them on, and then after that perhaps they would have you select which character you want the costume slot on, on that specific server.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    but why not let them be an account wide purchase on all characters?
    Plus, all purchases thus far have been account wide? Why make this one different. Do you simply not like the idea of having extra costume slots that are not being used?
    His comment was an addition to my list of questions about how they could (speculating of course) implement costume slots and the varying issues. I don't think it was specifically to say "It should be done this way", it was simply something I had not thought of.
  14. I'm guessing they must be rolling back up if they were grey not too long ago and we are still unable to login to them fully.
  15. Just tried to login one of my Protector characters and running into the same thing. Very crappy.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    There's at least one other superhero MMO out there that allows its players to both save/load costumes AND buy additional costume slots as well. There's no fundamental reason why this game couldn't be improved to offer BOTH features as well.

    As a player of this game I would obviously love a scheme that would let me get more costumes slots for my characters that would not cost me any additional money. That's pretty much a no-brainer.

    But I've personally wanted extra costume slots for some of my characters for so long that paying a bit of real money for them would not bother me in the least. From the point of view of "how much money I already pay for this game versus the amount of time I've played it over the last seven years" an extra charge for some costume slots would be almost insignificant to me.

    So would I prefer a version of it like Memphis_Bill or Techbot Alpha suggested? Sure.
    But if it came down to having it Forbin_Project's way or not at all I'd very easily go with Forbin_Project's idea.
    I've wanted them for a long time too, but I obviously would still prefer to not pay for them. If they did add them for purchase, it would really depend on how they implemented it (ie. how many do you get? how much will they cost? would it be account wide, per server, or per character?).
  17. I still want more costume slots. I'd be fine with buying them if they were account wide, but I would much prefer a way to get them in game without being charged for them. I already give this game a good amount of my money a year.
  18. If you pay close enough attention to sales, grab your best prices for the big price items (CPU, Video Card(s) specifically), then you can definitely do it for $500, but honestly, if you can get another $250 together, your system will be able to keep up with the game changes for a good while longer.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    Like Bill said, I see a lot more people calling out people with high post counts and claiming they're being bullied by them, than I do people actually get bullied by folks with a ton of posts.

    Anyway though this is about titles, less than post counts. I kinda miss the days there were more titles beyond Cartel, and when the community team could give out special titles to contest winners and people who made notable contributions to the community. It not only made something essentially useless a bit more fun, it actually cut down on the animosity since the "ranks" were less cut and dried.
    You're only saying that because you have a higher post count!!!

    Side note, I also miss the special titles, and new title creation for new post counts being met. Fun times.
  20. I am definitely not going to be happy if they take away my fine control over my buffs. They'd be best to make it an option for the power if they impliment it.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nomme View Post
    "Nailed it" (no pun intended) I've seriously uttered the words, "Just shoot me now, please, put me out of my misery? I cannot cope with this anymore" during a migraine and meant every word. I'm not suicidal (not saying I haven't EVER had moments where sure it seemed like a good idea, but I am saying it has never been more serious of a contemplation than when coping with a migraine). To those who have never felt the pain of a migraine or worse than a "ordinary headache" - I envy you.

    See, I'm not just an occasional sufferer (as the poster above with only 3-12 migraines yearly) - I've had months where I could count the number of migraine free days on one hand with fingers left over. They were a few years ago and it isn't as bad these days, but believe me when I say - I KNOW migraines. Those months - I didn't play CoH, not because CoH was the cause but because opening my eyes to any amount of light was excruciating. That didn't mean life didn't go on - I still had to go to work and do my job or I'd have been living on the streets. But it did mean I took the advice of all those who say "don't take your health in your hands and play anyway", I took the advice of "if it causes a headache or worsens it, don't play".

    But if I "didn't do" everything that MIGHT cause me a migraine I would have no choice but to lie in bed for the rest of my life with someone bringing me food and drink that was carefully vetted for possible triggery substances. I know what part of my triggers are these days - and most often, flashy lights and such aren't the issue but at certain frequencies, yeah, it can be a problem. I've played CoH for six and a half years and besides times when I didn't play due to my own reasons (like migraines caused by another source) - I haven't had so many issues with graphics, and now suddenly a number of the new graphics are problematic. I can avoid the little triggers that only trigger minor issues - sonic grenades for example - those I can try to keep my camera averted from them. Barrier though? I can't avoid it because there isn't always a warning someone else is going to hit it - it bothers me whether it is on me or on a teammate or a random player who wanders up to the market. Any level 50 can get barrier with some effort - it isn't merely one powerset on a couple of ATs that I would have to avoid, it is every potential teammate (because I play almost exclusively on my level 50s and have for quite a while now, this isn't a trial fad for me, if it isn't the trials I'll be doing level 50 TFs back to back).
    Sounds like you suffer from prolonged migraines like I do. I was actually taken out of school in grade 12 because of how severe my migraines had become. I must have went through 40 different prescriptions that year trying to find something that would actually break the cycle, or dull the pain, and I cannot tell you how many times I had to go to ER to get a shot and rehydrated because the migraine was so intense that I couldn't eat or drink.

    I don't have them like I did, but I still get them on a regular basis, thankfully I can work through them most of the time now.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    So why don't you just not use the powers if it gives you headaches?
    I never took the power (Barrier) in the first place. The problem is having other people use it and getting caught in the large buff area. You can't choose not to have the buff on you if someone near you casts it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JAG-01 View Post

    This is one of the top reasons I hate Speed Boost with a passion. People keep throwing SB on me in places where being SB'ed does more harm than good, like CoT cave maps. And then they get indignant when I ask them to stop because I KEEP CRASHING INTO WALLS.

    I'm about to the point where I'll quit a team the moment a kin responds with my request to stop with "No, I'm doing my job, shut up and be happy." Hey, they asked...
    I SB Bill in caves PURPOSELY to make him run into walls. It makes me LOL.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    Speaking as a buffer and a bubbler, I would really not want my team bubbles to be turned into a PBAoE. There's always at least one guy who's out of range when I play my Rad or my Emp, with their long-cooldown buff auras; with FF, I can at least chase down stragglers and bubble them up separately. (Yes, it means that their bubbles are now on a different timer than the rest of the team's, but IMO, keeping track of such things is part of FF and Sonic gameplay.)
    Lets not forget that one member of the team who likes to run ahead and ends up face planting, needing to be buffed again!

    I do not want my buffs to be PBAoE, I enjoy them the way they are. And I have a LOT of buffers.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    This, more than anything, seems to be hurting low to mid levels. Logging on, if I do a search, I'll see a ton of 50s (usually "on mission map," with a few stragglers in RWZ/PocketD,) and just a few - sometimes 5 or less - lower levels.
    I haven't the slightest clue what you are referring to :P