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  1. So Mad Rite Noa. I wont have anything worth playing anymore.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Northman View Post
    Thanks for the feedback. Gonna roll a Staff/Dark. How well do Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom work going in and out of Hide?
    While hide is on they do nothing, but once your out of hide those toggles will work and actually suppress you from going back into hide if it hits something before you can get hide status again.
  3. EvilRyu

    Ice/Ice in i24

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Geyser > All

    Seriously, it's the most impressive looking T9 Nuke in the game, IMO.
    Yep, its the whole reason I made my blaster alt, who is a tribute to Kool Aid man.
  4. EvilRyu

    Question on TFs

    With the recent killing off of certain super heroes I wanted to know just how the Recluse SF works now.
  5. New set bonuses is a good idea, I just hope they take masterminds into consideration. None of the sets are currently worth slotting. I just slot the proc and thats it. If masterminds get set bonuses that work on the pets I might consider changing my builds.
  6. Psi melee definitely, however I know how they always do Psi in this game its always watered down. It should do the most damage period if you consider how things are in the comics when you look at Jean Grey and others. We get the watered down version while the npcs can still one shot (1 shot code does not work always) us with their awsome psi attacks. Thats how I see psi melee going. Or they will make it so its like psi/lethal instead of psi/smashing and Robots will just go "Lol psi melee", just like how the current crey power tanker go "Lol lethal damage". People always try to make the crappy arguement that resists are even throughout the game but failed to realize that you kill more stuff at lvl 50 than you at any other time. Levels 1-49 are like a blink in time considering what you face at 50 and thats what should matter.
  7. I am requesting help because I suck at the costume creator since they drastically changed costume creator. So I need assistance finding where these costumes are in the creator. After the water set came out I wanted to create a character who has a unique concept. She is an Asian princess, dynasty era, who uses the Water/Poison powerset. Its going to a corrupter. Her name will be the Fugu Princess. She has the back story of being fed puffer fish most of her early child hood. She has eaten so much fugu that any man who tries to touch her dies. This was done by her father to make sure no man can ever take advantage of her or be with her unless he takes her fathers antidote.

    Now that we got the story out the way the look I need is an Asian or Anime style face, extremely curvacious body. Costume 1 will be her royal outfit with a crown and kimono (if thats an option) costume 2 will be her hero outfit thats sexy and in leather similar to Penelope Yin's outfit. Any ideas how to do this?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jose2390 View Post
    I been playing City of Heroes for about 7 years. I have lots a characters, 10 level 50's, the rest are level 46 and under. I have 2 tanks. A level 46 will power/super strength, and a lvl 40 stone/stone tank. Both of them have io's, properly slotted. I play them once in a while. Yesterday, I was on a 8 man team with my Will power tank, going against Carnies. Man, I was getting clobbered!! I had to keep using greens like crazy. That never happened before, never. I immediately said to myself, "Can't believe those dev's nerfed my tank" This morning, I was playing with my stone tank, and the same thing happened again!! Someone on the team was talking about incarnates (I heard about that, not familiar with that, but I do know u gotta be lvl 50 for that) I kept saying my teammates, "no no, you don't understand. My stone tank rarely got a scratch lol" He also said, "it depends who you are fighting" My tanks went against anything without issues. I am aware that the devs are on this balance trip. Meaning, they want all classes to work together on a team for survival. Am I wrong??.....Please guys and gals, help a old timer out here. What's really going on? Thank you.
    You ran into the hawtness that is Dark Ring Mistress. Thats all it takes to kill a tank.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    Is it just me or didn't people used to complain about there being too many things released too quickly that they wanted to buy and how Paragon Studios was some evil money-grubbing company because of that?

    Maybe I'm misremembering.
    No thats when they tried to say they were not doing that but week after week they had all these damn vanity canine pets.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    While a *big* influx of revenue is often times nice, remember that we have to approach the Paragon Market, and our business, as a marathon rather than a sprint. Everything we do works in concert to keep our business operating in a consistent, sustainable manner. By doing so we ensure the long term success of Paragon and the continued longevity of CoH.
    Thats going to run your business into the ground. You remember all the nerd raging we did about Staff weapons. Its the samething. You guy sit on something so long the hype goes away and we not even thinking about it anymore.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Tie for first place = Fusionette, Doc Delilah, and Lady Jane.

    Any NPC whose sole goal is to get you killed while you are TRYING TO HELP HER is just beyond the pale.

    Definitely Lady Jane for sure. I actually demorecorded her trying to suicide the team into a group in hopes that the devs would see it and change her AI. Never have I seen an npc have such horrible effect on the team. I bet if they pulled the stats from her mission I bet like the success rate on an 8 man team is something like 10% on keeping her alive. Now I dont even bother with it. I just let her aggro and kill herself. I will not be getting debt for her even if debt goes away quick.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Westin Phipps. I can't even do his arcs after that first time because I got the crawlies.
    ^^^^This, he is really the only contact I consider evil. All the others are just kind of meh. I know the OP listed quite a few but for the most part those people were not what I called evil.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    They do for Aion. Possibly for Lineage.
    ^^^This. There was a huge out cry with the 3.0 update forcing this on you. You can uninstall it but when you update it reinstalls itself back again. Basically its kind of like a bit-torrent thing where it helps you update faster. Considering both games that use this Technology are near death, bandwidth for new installs should be the least of their worries.
  14. I also agree with MSE. That's what I run at home too. Its lighter on the system than all those other AVs most of the time you don't even know its there. Also for those of you upgrading to windows 8 its going to be built in so no need for another AV. Its getting rebranded as windows defender that windows 7/vista already has instead of having to download MSE separate.
  15. Will the end drain from short circuit be worth it again? Its kind of unfair how controllers and dominators electric powerset can completely keep the end drained off of entire spawns in addition to the holds and sleeps but a blaster cant even get the mobs to empty without taking power sink too. Ever since you guys raised the minimum end of bosses it just seemed pointless to ever slot for end drain. Especially if you could not get the mobs to zero end and keep them there.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dz131 View Post
    These seems like kneejerk fixes that don't really address the problem
    ^^^This. We will be going thru this all over again in a few more issues. Just wait and see. Personally what I would have done is grant blasters partial immunity to what ever damage type they do. Like fire blasters get 20% inherrent resistance to fire and lethal and additional 10% if they go with fire manipulation. While this does not fix the issues for all damage types its a big help compared to these crappy changes to ****** powers no one takes anyways.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    There were stalkers that did not take Assassin's strike, because they did not like the playstyle that power compelled. And not all stalkers had a +health power. So not every stalker improved with those changes.

    You refuse to take the snipe and you refuse to take the sustain power. That's your choice, and you should be entitled to it. But just like a stalker that refuses to take assassin's strike, those choices may not be optimal.
    There is a huge difference between not taking a snipe and not taking AS. you have alot of stalkers who simply gimped themselves by not taking. Not taking it now its even more gimping than before. The issue with stupid powers like thunderclap is the accuracy penalty these powers get, the knockback and the fact that it only works on minions means this power is utterly garbage. I never quite understood the point of accuracy penalties on powers that meant to help keep you alive. Its like they punish you for doing your job if your a control AT and in the case of blasters and everyone else its punishing you for trying to stay alive.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    My question is: what is their goal? Regardless of how strong or weak damage is, how survivable do they want blasters to be? Do they want blasters to be more survivable than a stalker? Less? About the same? A notch under? Half as survivable as a stalker?

    Note my curiosity is about their intention, not what we want or think is deserved.
    Good you bring up stalkers because they still need work. As they are now on live its some what ok but after they gut the procs its back to being not as good again. Blasters as a whole should be slightly worse survivability than stalkers but way more damage.
  19. I am still a bit skeptical on these changes. Every time a dev says they are going to buff something its never enough. We have to beg and beg for years just to get what we were supposed to have at launch. Overall I do not see any of these changes truly saving blasters when they are in danger. At best it might slow down how long it takes to go from spawn to spawn but not something thats going to save us when the chips are down and you are just getting outright slaughtered by certain cheating npcs. I hate to say it but my only blaster I got to 50 was psi/psi despite the weak damage. It was the secondary that kept me going and playing it where as all the others wont be no where near as effective in that regard.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
    Unfortunately that extra range NPCs have was added into the game (along with a lot of ranged attacks themselves) specifically to prevent hover blasters from fighting in complete and utter safety.
    If you look at every other MMO its not like this. You can kite easier and the mobs usually die before they get to melee range. I can understand the concern of hover blasting but do you know how ineffective that is in terms of xp over time. Personally I say give all blasters something similar to what energy manipulation has for the first power. Immobilizes are for the most part worthless in this game unless you are a fire controller/dominator. Its really annoying to stop them only to just have them pick you off from range.
  21. I hope its not damage but chances are its going to be more damage. In either case more damage is not going to matter unless enough to kill +4 bosses with all nukes I do not see blasters getting anything beneficial with this change in issue 24.
  22. Just wanted to know if any of you got this working? I am having some screen flicker issues right at log in. It makes me think the current windows 7 boot camp drivers are not compatible. Chances are I will have to wait till they release an update to this. Let me know if there is a work around aside from just using the mac client. I am trying to get a good benchmark on how windows 8 does with all my games which is why I am using my mac this way.
  23. I am extremely late to this thread because I completely missed it. So what is the final outcome on this ppm business? I am specifically talking about stuff like numina's, miracle's and the stalker proc. Those are really the only ones I go for. On my stalkers I planned on going with a recharge alpha slot and going with a super high recharge build. Will I still be able to keep my perma-build up on my kin/wp stalker?
  24. I did not get to test this much for beta due to being busy with school when this issue was in beta. Now its live and I want some opinions on what slot would go best with some of my characters. My main which is Kat/WP scrapper already has the other 5 slots open and is fully IOed out. I have no issues with survivability except in trials due to some of the insane damage that happens. On my other characters they will be some what similar. I play mostly scrapper/stalkers/brutes/tanks. Based on AT modifiers like damage/hp which hybrid goes best overall witch each AT? I guess a better question is based how the power stacks what is the maximum potential of each power? Is hybrid useable outside of trials?