This is what it sounds like
Yeah, I am quite pleased about those posts.
I was surprised not to see any threads about it and I suspect your reasoning for why this was the case may be quite true.
Either that, or us Blaster types just aren't all that into starting threads about Blasters...
There was even an earlier post by Synapse in that thread, referencing something he couldn't talk about.
Good stuff!
I was all but sure that they were already looking into and/or working on Blasters, but it was nice to see those comments paired with Issue 24.
It very well may not be anything we're imagining, but it is pretty much a certainty that something affecting ranged attacks is taking place.
I'm hopeful that a Blaster shine and polish is a part of that.
We'll see!
*closes himself within the cryogenic chamber and sets the timer for Issue 24*
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Do we risk getting Synapse into any trouble (lashings from Black Pebble) by quoting these things? And speculating further?
This was the one I was referring to in my previous post.
While I understand where you're coming from, you're describing a completely separate issue that isn't necessarily helpful in this thread. Issues with ranged sets versus melee sets is completely outside of the scope of this conversation. We have plans for ranged powers which I am not at liberty to talk about at this point.
I ask that we please keep the conversation specific to Water Blast and how it compares to other ranged power sets. Synapse |
Also, double post! As I race and race to catch up with Golden Girl...

and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Sounds good. Looking forward to whatever changes we get. I love blasters as they are, but improvements are always welcome.
Originally Posted by Synapse
90 seconds for a nuke doesn't sound all that scary to me honestly. It really doesn't, however that's a bridge I'd like to cross at a later time. Next issue you'll see why. One thing at a time.

Do we risk getting Synapse into any trouble (lashings from Black Pebble) by quoting these things? And speculating further?
My "guess" is that whatever they are doing, its basically a done deal that *something* is happening so Synapse is safe in saying something's coming. He's just not allowed to discuss any details about what specifically is being looked at, and what specific changes might be coming.
Or he goofed and then I goofed, in which case I think we can all agree its Zwillinger's fault.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
You realize that the devs also love seeing you lose bets? Now just to mess with you they will name whatever they are doing "Defiance 3.0", no matter if it's the addition of an Unstoppable-like toggle power!
...anyway, I think it's interesting that Synapse seems to be hinting at changes for ranged sets in general, more than Blasters specifically. Although perhaps I'm forgetting the context of those quotes. And tweaks to ranged certainly don't preclude tweaks to Blasters specifically as well.
Blasters must be getting something cool that every other archetype is getting, yet again reducing their roll.
They didn't do that.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
From the hints, it looks like a more global change with Ranged Blasts, and not just Blasters alone. That would be great.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)
I don't much care what sort of love blasters get, as long as they get it.
I'm enjoying playing my IO'ed to the teeth fire/ice through the DA content, but often catch myself thinking how much *easier* everything would be on pretty much any of my other 'main' characters.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I don't much care what sort of love blasters get, as long as they get it.
I'm enjoying playing my IO'ed to the teeth fire/ice through the DA content, but often catch myself thinking how much *easier* everything would be on pretty much any of my other 'main' characters. |
I win!
I don't much care what sort of love blasters get, as long as they get it.
But I digress... Blasters(ranged attacks) getting a tweak is always a good thing... I am intrigued.
"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."
*yeah, I quoted myself.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I'm hoping that whatever they do involves a LOT of community feedback.
I'm hoping that whatever they do involves a LOT of community feedback.
However it remains to be seen whether they are songs of praise or howls or protest. For myself I think it will be praise. The devs have tried to introduce new mechanics into the last few sets (Momentum for TW, Pack Mentality for BM) with generally positive results. I see this as a good thing.
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
Based on the number and length of threads for Blasters I have little doubt of that.
However it remains to be seen whether they are songs of praise or howls or protest. For myself I think it will be praise. The devs have tried to introduce new mechanics into the last few sets (Momentum for TW, Pack Mentality for BM) with generally positive results. I see this as a good thing. |
Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR
Great news Arcana! The problem with just buffing snipes and nukes is that it helps corrs and defs as well. For example, an ice corr blizzard is already as good as a blaster's. If it recharges 3 times faster, that likely benefits them even more. So I hope that the changes will be geared towards blasters, not just blast sets.
Speculate eh?
I'm pretty sure I read this idea somewhere on these forums, but I would like to see ranged attacks get some type of piercing effect that ignores a portion of damage resistance/defense. The effect should be significantly higher for blasters than for other ranged ATs. This would allow blasters to have a good boost to damage against hard targets without making a swarm of minions more trivial.
Then of course give snipes the assassins strike treatment so that in battle they function as a usable high dpa attack, and outside of battle they are a proper snipe.
Synapse said that the recharge of nukes isn't being reduced, but what about the crash (after i24)?
I really just hope that the tweaks to Blasters involve their Damage in some way. I'd like to see improvements that make them stand out more in comparison to other archetypes, rather than blur the lines further.
I think Defiance adding untyped damage or -res on every attack that lasted for a good 10 seconds or more and could continue to stack would really help.
My own thoughts for devices' own TD and Cloaking Device is whenever you attack outside of combat with CD active, the attack is considered stealth if it's a snipe and won't aggro if it misses, and will crit, less than a stalker's AS, but more than a scrapper's crit. TD would also add more damage at all times, basically like the assault leadership power, only stronger since it requires a specific secondary. Combining the two would make any non-snipe crit for 2-2.5 or 3x damage, but automatically get a ton of aggro and could of course, only be used as the blaster's own alpha strike. For any snipe, it would basically one-shot anything at Boss rank or lower upwards of 3 levels above, not taking levels shifts into account as Incarnate stuff is entirely different. Using a snipe in this manner would allow the */Dev blaster to instantly remove one enemy from the fight, but it could only be an alpha strike, so no combining that with the extra crit on something like FA, Fireball, Flamethrower, etc.
Some might say overpowered, but really, there's little else a Blaster can do aside from damage, and they need more of it, */Devices especially.
Global - @Proton Sentinel
Jack Devon Crab Spider VEAT; Virtue
Mordigen Earth/Storm on Liberty and Virtue
Technological Terror Bots/FF; Liberty.
50s: Zul Vakirol Thugs/Poison; Virtue. Kiyujin Katana/SR
I speculate there will be a minor change and that those who think that blasters are lagging behind will be unsatisifed with and those that think blasters are fine will be just fine with. I further speculate that this assumption on my part can pretty much be translated to any AT change and the subsequent response.
In serious though, I'm happy the AT is getting a look over, even if it may just be a (possible) buff to ranged sets in general. I mean, Blasters do more damage with said sets so a buff to them would mean more moar damage for blasters
It occurred to me last night while playing that one of the problems with Blasters might be in the perception. Yes, they level slower solo. Yes, they faceplant more often. But in a real furball of a fight when all the powers are flashing around you don't often SEE the results of a Blaster.
In a big fight you always know where the melee-types are. They're in the middle of the fight (generally), surrounded by bad guys. Corrs, Doms and Defenders have very prominent effects with their buff and control powers. MMs have pets you can see. But except for Fire, Blasters shoot, then shoot again, shoot some more and that's it.
Last night I had to leave a big battle to get the door. I announced AFK Sry, locked my AoE on the Tank and left the room. When I came back almost a minute later nobody had noticed that I was gone. In the heat of a major battle you don't really have time to notice a brief increase or decrease in DPS.
I'm hoping that the upcoming changes (whatever they are) give Blasters some more visibility. Something to SEE during the fight that makes the other players think 'Yeah...Blaster shooting over there.'
It's a small point but it hit me kinda hard last night so I thought I'd mention it.
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
I thought this thread would have a song by Prince in it.
It says something about how down-trodden the Blaster community must be after all these years that no one has yet posted a thread about this. If it was about Scrappers or Defenders, it would be all over the place in ten minutes.
90 seconds for a nuke doesn't sound all that scary to me honestly. It really doesn't, however that's a bridge I'd like to cross at a later time. Next issue you'll see why.
Its not just about nukes:
Anyhow, carry on with your speculation.
*steeples fingers*
It amuses me.
*sips tea*
OH! Four things. Forgot about {Redacted by marketing}!
We're getting the attention we asked for. Will it be the attention we deserve? I can't say. But I think both Synapse and Arbiter Hawk are genuinely interested in updating and improving the gameplay of Blasters. Whether they end up doing what I want, or what any other player wants, is a separate question. That I believe they are sincere is what's important.
Issue 24 can't get here quickly enough for me. If it follows the pattern of I22 and I23, it'll probably enter beta within a month or so, with release about a month after that. But that's extrapolating from two data points, also known as "wild guessing."
In any case, discussion about *IF* Blasters should get attention are now moot. The only question is what should they get, and what are they likely to get.
On your mark. Get set. Speculate! It amuses Synapse.
I'd like to take credit, having badgered Synapse and Arbiter Hawk about it for the past six months, right up to the restraining order, but I have a feeling they were going to do it anyway. Also, I know Arbiter Hawk took a lot of flak because of the non-perma Hybrid slot, but the guy's a munchkin. He's the only dev in eight years that when I make a suggestion with a balancing concession, he says "it'd be even better without that; pew pew pew!"
Right now, that's exactly who we need looking at Blasters. A closet berserker.
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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)