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  1. As far as I'm concerned, this changes little. They told us once a month ago that the game was shutting down. We rose up as Heroes to defend our home, and the game we love. NCSoft mentioning it a second time does little to break my resolve.

    If nothing else, our continued battle against our perceived injustice could at least help start a precedent for future situations of this ilk.

    Fight on Heroes.
  2. I wanted to drop a line and say thank you as well. Thanks to you, and to all the Dev team. You guys created and ran a game that as far as I'm concerned, will go down, at least in my personal history books, as the greatest game ever.

    But know that I haven't given up on you, or Paragon City, just yet. And neither have a bunch of other people. It's been nearly a decade, and I don't know if you still want to keep working on City of Heroes or not. If you do, you deserve the opportunity. You guys built a world that we call home. If not, you still deserve to have a continuing legacy.

    We are Heroes. This is what we do.
  3. TonyV, you truly are a Hero. I'm in. I am.....I think the technical term is "poor as *****", but I'm sure I could AT LEAST funnel the funds I'm currently giving to NCSoft into your project. If it works, WIN. If not, I'll count it as a good investment to some good people. I'll keep my eye out here.
  4. I really just hope that the tweaks to Blasters involve their Damage in some way. I'd like to see improvements that make them stand out more in comparison to other archetypes, rather than blur the lines further.
  5. Ah, about what I expected. Sounds like I should be able to spend my tokens now, and still be able to earn enough to get the new stuff. Besides, given my love of the game, I won't really have much issue with buying up some points and scoring an extra token. Thank you for the information.
  6. Is anyone who's "in the know" aware of what the schedule is for the Tier 9 VIP rewards switchout? I have a couple of extra tokens, and I'm eyeing some of those repeatable rewards, but I also want to have tokens available in the event I want whatever replaces the Celestial Costume set.
  7. Alrighty! New approach time.

    Here's the deal: I love the alignment system. I think it was a phenomenal addition to the game, and I agree with gating the alignment system as is currently in place. Story has always been the biggest draw to this game for me, and I like that changing alignments is progressive and let's you feel as though you've actually accomplished something.

    I also don't want Alignment Change Tokens. Not for any particular reason, but simply because I personally have no use for them, wouldn't use them anyway, and find them unnecessary.

    However, I can understand someone, just barely getting their "Heroic" Corruptor up to Level 20 in the Rogue Isles, and wanting to use that Token to pop over to Hero-side without running the alignment missions, just as I enjoy popping a freespec to avoid having to run the Respec Trials.

    My question is, as it has always been: what makes alignment change tokens so fundamentally distasteful? What is wrong with them, and what is with people's undying opposition to them?

  8. Quote:
    You can change alignment in less than 24 hours by running 11 missions, giving you access to ALL COH and COV content. You can go over fully in less than 48.
    From a Villain:
    Five missions, wait 20 hours. Halfway to Rogue. Total time 20 hours.
    Five more missions + alignment = Rogue. Total time, slightly more than 20 hours.
    Wait 20 hours, do five more missions. Halfway to Hero. Total time, 40 hours.
    Wait another 20 hours, do five more missions + alignment = Hero. Total time, slightly more than 60 hours.

    But really, that has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with my question.

    What is WRONG with an Alignment change token?

    The Dev's originally intended for respecs to be earned via the Repec Trial. That is still a viable way to access a respec, even if massive-Cottage-Rule-breaking changes are made to powers. No reason for a freespec. We should stop having those.

    The Dev's orginially intended for costume changes to cost influence. Changes to costume parts have never impacted my playstyle, and there are numerous ways to earn the needed influence to purchase a tailor change. There is no reason for a free tailor token. We should stop having those.

    The Dev's originally intended for the alignment system to....oh wait. We've beat that dead horse enough.
  9. Quote:
    ... except, of course, that they aren't changing the way alignments work.
    They are changing alignments insomuch as that you can now create a "Villain" archetype in Paragon City, and a "Hero" archetype in the Rogue Isles. Things you couldn't previously do, that you can do now. Something changed. It's very obviously not the same as it was.

    And alignment changes now? Right in line with that... they cost time.
    The fact that you must pay money or influence for things such as costume changes or server transfer tokens is inconsequential; that fact that you can do them is the point. Besides, they don't cost influence and money all the time. Server transfers are given for free, respecs are given out for free, I can't count the number of free tailor vouchers I have.

    The time cost of the Alignment system is very much NOT in line with the other systems, at least not in my experience. I have never performed a respec or costume change that took me four days (Monday morning to Thursday evening) I highly doubt that is the intended time for a respec, and I doubt I'm significantly better at it than anyone.

    If a respec takes 1 hour and an Alignment takes 96 hours, then an alignment switch takes 96 times longer than a respec. (I'm not great at math, but I'm feeling pretty confident right now.)

    If a costume change takes 15 minutes then an Alignment takes 384 times longer. (Feeling less confident about that math, and if someone wants to correct me, I'd welcome it, but the point still stands the the time is significantly longer.)

    I really wish people would stop explaining to me the way the game mechanics work (especially when the "explanations" are skewed and irrelevant to the matter at hand.) I'm well versed in the game operations. What I am not well versed in is why an alignment token is not a fantastic idea.

    So you said, and I'm paraphrasing here, the fact that we can quickly and easily change EVERYTHING ELSE in the game is inconsequential, and that all of the things we have shortcuts for don't apply to the alignment system. Didn't give me a reason though.

    So far, people have addressed Praetoria, the AE, the fact that respecs take time (like everything else anyone does ever and always), but not one single person has given me a reason why alignment tokens are a bad idea.
  10. First of all, the respec analogy does work. If they change the way powers work, you get a respec. If you change the way alignments work, you get an Alignment change token. The logic is sound.

    Secondly, let's recap - the things in the game about our character that we can change on a whim, in a matter of minutes, or even seconds:

    * Gender
    * Face
    * Body Size
    * Enhancements
    * Power choices
    * Any and all costume pieces
    * Name
    * Server location
    * Teams
    * Supergroups

    But Alignments? Oh the humanity! Never!, lest the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride o'er the horizon and lay waste to all the eye can see!

    Seriously though, I've yet to hear a compelling argument against this. "The Dev's said so" is not a valid argument. That's like asking "Why does it rain?" and getting the answer "Because God said so." It's a cop out. When a redname comes on and says,

    "You know what O-Mega Man, it's not going to happen because we're all powerful and immovable in our position. We shan't be swayed by any arguments, regardless of how persuasive, because we are not humans with the ability to 'change our minds;' we are deities with laser focus and are incapable of moving from our original position due to cosmic rules outside of our sphere of influence."

    then I'll quietly murmur, "Oh, that is unfortunate." and wander away.

    Until then, I implore the community at large to give me an argument against Alignment Change Tokens other than "The Dev's said so" (God?) or "Use the alignment system as designed." (freespecs are unnecessary as the Respec Trial still exists.)
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Yes you did.
    No, he didn't. He stated that while taking a Villain to Hero via the alignment system can't be done in less than 4 days, re-rolling that character, and leveling them back up to Level 20 or so can be done in a matter of hours. The assertion there was simply that a one-time use alignment token would be more convenient than those two options. At no point in time did the OP say anything that could possibly be misconstrued as saying that a particular faction levels more quickly than another.

    And the conclusions you are making from the comparison are incorrect.
    How so? The argument against Alignment Change Tokens, so far from what I've gathered, is simply that the Dev's want us to utilize the Alignment system as it's been designed, and that awarding quick change tokens will circumvent that process. However, deleting, and re-rolling a character with a different alignment, and achieving a similar level in less time than it would take to play through the alignment system as designed sounds like a circumvention to me.

    Sure, it's not the same character from a computer data standpoint, but if said character has the same name, powers, and costume, then for all intents and purposes, you've just changed alignments in less than the designed time period.

    If such a circumvention is totally acceptable now, then what problems do an Alignment Change Token present?
  12. Wow. Did no one read Kingkillaha's posts at all, because as of yet, no one has responded to what he's actually talking about.

    I'm not sure I like the idea of a one time alignment change, but I see the argument that is being made here. I have definitely wanted to make Heroic Corruptors/Dom/MM/etc. but as of yet have not been able to. (PRIMAL Heroic Corr/Dom/Etc.) And as such, I haven't, because I feel the same way Kingkillaha does about his characters. If my guy is supposed to be a Hero, I don't want him robbing banks and kidnapping politicians.

    But if I had created a character that grew up in the AE, I really would love an option to just make him a Hero immediately, without having to go through all the "I'm going to steal from this guy, but maybe I end up saving his life while I do it" stuff. I derive a great deal of fun from this game via my character stories, not just the mechanics.

    Again, I understand the Dev's reasoning behind alignment changes, and even agree with it. Even so, I think an alignment change token wouldn't be THAT far out of the realm of acceptable options. Sure, there should be limits, like only two characters can use it, but I think the concept is fairly sound and interesting.

    On a side note: when did arguments such as "You're having a hissyfit, quit whining." and "The dev's said so, deal with it." become valid? Especially in regards to someone who is calmly presenting an idea they thought of, and simply asking for a bit of discussion. Not productive.
  13. So this is a zone event like the Rikti Invastion or the Zombie Apocalypse?

    I was really hoping it was like the Rularuu invasion from way back in the day (2004?) when we had Overseers, Wisps and the like cruising willy-nilly all over Kings Row, 24/7. Anyone remember that? =) Man, my Level 3 Blaster got OWNED.

    Good times.
  14. I'd wager that the time spent on this thread currently, greatly exceeds the time spent clicking that Accept button SINCE THE GAME STARTED.

    Seems somewhat counter-productive to waste more time complaining about the "problem" than then "problem" wastes in the first place.
  15. O_MegaMan

    Lady Grey Pylons

    Awesome. Thank you everyone for you help and information. =)
  16. O_MegaMan

    Lady Grey Pylons

    So, I've run across lots of people who claim that the Rikti Pylons CANNOT be destroyed until all the mitos are down, or else the atmosphere of the Earth will catch on fire and burn away.

    However, I've run several Lady Grey Task Forces where we've eliminated all of the Rikti and the pylons before attacking the mitos, and had a smooth and successful mission.

    I know team makeup can have a lot to do with a good or poor run, regardless of tactics, so my question is this: do the pylons affect Hami in any appreciable and measurable way, and if so, how?

    I keep forgetting to use my Power Analyzer, but if anyone has substantial proof on how, or if Hami is affected, I would be very appreciative.

    Thank you.
  17. Ah, thank you. Sometimes I make mistakes in regards to percentages of percentages and absolute values. Thank you very much for you help.
  18. In an earlier post, I said I wasn't going to ask the community at large for math lessons. Unfortunately, it seems that was a lie. =(

    So, with the help of Paragon Wiki I believe I now understand the equations for how Recharge (and similarly Endurance) reduction works on powers.

    My question is, how are recharge boosts applied to powers? Namely, if a power already has 96% recharge reduction on it, how are other boosts (Accelerate Metabolism, Hasten, Set Bonuses) applied to a power? Could someone show me the equation for this?

    Thank you.
  19. Ah ha! I was suspicious something like that was my issue, but no matter what I tried to do in regards to the 62.5 base damage, I couldn't seem to get the numbers to work out.

    I see what's going on with your math there, even if I don't fully understand it. However, rather than continue to ask the community for math lessons, I think I'll go and do a little research on percents and their ilk on my own. =)

    Thank you very much for your assistance with this and helping me understand.
  20. Please forgive my ignorance in this matter; I was never much one for numbers. I majored in Unemployment, ahem, I mean English, after all.

    As I understand it, for the Musculature Core Boost, 1/3 of the damage enhancement subverts ED and is applied directly to your power.

    33% * 0.334 = 11.02%

    The remainder of the enhancement is affected by ED as normal, which at the 'cap' is 15% of the value. So...

    33% - 11% = 22%
    22% * 0.15 = 3.3%

    Thusly, a power that has already hit 90-100% should be receiving a 14.32% (11.02% + 3.3%) boost to their powers.

    Hopefully at this point I'm correct. I have my Charged Bolts power six-slotted with Thunderstrike, giving it a damage increase of 101.5% for an average damage of 126.02. Having slotted my Uncommon Damage Boost, my percentage increases to 115.7% and my average damage increases to 134.96.

    The percentage looks okay to me: 115.7% - 101.5% = 14.2%. Close enough for government work and my suspect math skills. However, moving from 126.02 damage to 134.96 damage appears to be only a 7.09% increase.

    126.02 * 1.0709 = 134.96


    126.02 * 1.0142 = 143.91

    My initial assumption is that my understanding of the mathematics behind this are wrong and that the equations I've come up with are somehow inherently flawed. Is there someone out there who could assist me in understanding how this works a bit more fully? Or at all?

    *cough*arcanaville*cough* (<---should I feel that this is like asking for help from a celebrity or the President?)
  21. So....this change won't affect anyone of high enough level to enhance to the cap, and those of lower levels wouldn't be able to hit the cap anyway by virtue of not being able to access powerful enough enhancements.

    I'm flying at 58.63 mph now, and after the change, I'll be flying at 58.63 mph.

    I'm very confused as to why anyone would be upset about this.
  22. /bind key "target_enemy_near$$follow"

    Done. You stick to everything you target. Blast away, Energy guys. Blast away. =)
  23. Thunderstrike happens to be my favorite set of all time. Just having it in your build makes food taste better.

    However, if you're looking to get a little more Blappy, Devastation might be the way to go. The extra regeneration will boost your survivability, and it won't hurt to have those Chances to Hold to save you when the going gets rough.

    Also, you can slot:
    Fire Sword Circle and Burn with Obliteration (6)
    Build Up with Gaussian's Fire-Control (6)
    Fire Sword with Kinetic Melee (4) or Touch of Death (6)
    Ring of Fire with Enfeebled Operation (6)
    Hot Feet with Impeeded Swiftness (6)

    Any of these slotting options will give you a bit of a boost to Melee Defense, and ALL of them will really give you some cushion. I find, with a Blaster, you're often killing things fast enough, that a little Defense can go a long way.
  24. I haven't taken the time to really look over your build, but I did notice that you've got the Fitness pool in there. With the Fitness Pool becoming inherent in Issue 19, it might be a good idea to start planning for that now. I found this helpful post earlier, which shows you how to edit Mid's, allowing you to account for the Fitness Pool being inherent right now, even before they update it.


    I've been running all my builds through this now, in anticipation of the change. You might be able to find a couple of powers you couldn't take before, and take advantage of some sets there.
  25. I'm a little concerned about this as well. My initial reaction was "Yay! Three more powers." However, unless we get additional enhancement slots, I'm not certain how beneficial those extra powers will be.

    On my main character, I have Health and Stamina both three slotted, not only for percentages, but to take advantage of set bonuses and procs. It seems very unlikely that I would move those slots, as I've become accustomed to the style of gameplay that those allow.

    So, I will now gain access to three additional one-slotted powers. On my main, this might not be the most difficult decision, as I've poured most of my time and effort into him. But on some of my other characters, the decision is going to be much harder.

    A one slotted damage power? A hold? Defense? It seems that with only one slot available most choices are going to be underwhelming at best.

    On a positive note, perhaps more people will be able to justify picking up Maneuvers. Yay for Defense.