Energy : Buff needed




The enrgy primary on the ranged sets fits a lot of my concept toons ....
But it is just a lame set IMO the knock-back is not welcome on any team
the damage is alright at best and it is not aoe heavy ,so what is the point ?
In comics an anime, guys who use some sort of enrgy blast do major damage an if they knock a guy thru a wall or building the guy is hurt .
This does not translate well in CoX . I have made a lot of toons in this game an i would like to stop skipping enrgy blast . now some exceptional players have been abble to pimp this set out on blasters an those of you that have i think you are awsome ! but for the ones like me who just cant deal with a sub par set but like the concept . HELP! You can count the engergy / corruptors on one hand, an i dont even know if defenders even have enrgy blast as i have NEVER seen one and ive played this game for 4 years lol.



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
The enrgy primary on the ranged sets fits a lot of my concept toons ....
But it is just a lame set IMO the knock-back is not welcome on any team
the damage is alright at best and it is not aoe heavy ,so what is the point ?
In comics an anime, guys who use some sort of enrgy blast do major damage an if they knock a guy thru a wall or building the guy is hurt .
This does not translate well in CoX . I have made a lot of toons in this game an i would like to stop skipping enrgy blast . now some exceptional players have been abble to pimp this set out on blasters an those of you that have i think you are awsome ! but for the ones like me who just cant deal with a sub par set but like the concept . HELP! You can count the engergy / corruptors on one hand, an i dont even know if defenders even have enrgy blast as i have NEVER seen one and ive played this game for 4 years lol.
Energy is only "subpar" when compared to outlier sets like Fire. As it is, Energy Blast is exactly where it should be: right in the middle of the pack.

Energy has decent AoE and decent ST. It's not bad in either of those. It also has some of the best (though highly underrated) mitigation available in a blast set.

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Yeah... Energy is middle of the road for AOE and ST damage. Quite a good set, and as I level my En/En Blaster, I'm finding it more easy and fun than my other Blasters, and I've enjoyed playing them all. The KB makes it quite safe, and you're able to do a lot in any situation.

If you have a set that has KB, you just have to run with it in a way that helps your team. Lot of strategies for that, but the main one is just to take out whatever you knockback. Not hard to do with it, either. Of course, some people are more touchy about stuff getting knocked back than they should be, and that's part of the problem.

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I love the energy set's look and sound etc. I think there are certainly subpar powers in the set, but it's great overall..solo.

I never make energy blasters for the KB reason as well. Like the OP, it looks to be a pretty darn rare set these days, I rarely ever see energy blasts. When I do ..the KB annoys me, lol.



Or make its secondary effect like energy melee there problem solved no knockback.



I'd much rather have knockback than stuns. At least with knockback I can control where my targets end up.

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Blasters at least finally got some AoE immobs to help Energy Blast out. That's still not enough to make me play it again, but at least it's there.

Energy Blast on Defenders and Corruptors is for me where it really fails to shine. I agree the set is extremely lacking for those ATs in most situations. I mean, a nuke that kills nothing, throws everything away from your teammates, and tanks your endurance on a Defender?



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Blasters at least finally got some AoE immobs to help Energy Blast out.
-kb on an energy blaster sounds rather self defeating; as if you had a power on an Ice/ blaster that boosted enemy recharge and movement. The KB is what helps you stay alive.

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Taking hover COMPLETELY transformed my Energy blaster. Simply hover above whatever you're fighting, and hey presto, they get knocked "back"... into the floor. It's also handy mitigation since you can usually stay out of melee range.

If you can afford the spare slots, you'll want to put in some Endurance Reduction and/or some Flight Speed enhancements to make it a bit easier keeping it on in missions.

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I love Energy Blast just as it is.
I'm on my 5th time round with it, and the knockback is a key part of the set. You get the ability to temporarily neutralise almost any target for zero extra animation time in exchange for not having a single hard mez like most sets. You can't shut down that Tsoo Sorceror completely, but you can do your best to make sure he stays away and on his back before he goes down.

I always Hover and I've had one complaint ever when teaming about the knockback.

If you want energy blasts with stuns instead of Knockback take Radiation Emission. Its got a big old stun in Cosmic Burst and an extra AoE compared to most sets. And it looks cool, and comes in whatever colour you like these days.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
-kb on an energy blaster sounds rather self defeating; as if you had a power on an Ice/ blaster that boosted enemy recharge and movement. The KB is what helps you stay alive.

What helps you stay employed is taking control of the situation and knowing when you need to stop knocking stuff back. Read as: just about any time you are on a large team.



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
the knock-back is not welcome on any team
Always laugh at that. Too funny...

Anyhow, as mentioned above the set is not the best or worst, but right in the middle.



No buff is needed. What is needed, but is unlikely to happen, is that players need a way to shut off KB if they choose. The ability is there, the devs choose not to provide it.

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Energy Blast on Defenders and Corruptors is for me where it really fails to shine. I agree the set is extremely lacking for those ATs in most situations. I mean, a nuke that kills nothing, throws everything away from your teammates, and tanks your endurance on a Defender?
a nuke that ... throws everything away
This is why my FF defender is energy blast. I don't even *care* how effective it is, blowing everything to the four corners of the earth is one of the most awesome things ever.

(Of course, I do also use aim and power build up with it so that I actually do kill minions with it. )

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I think the only buff that i would like to see is Energy Torrent and Explosive Blast turned into Knockdown. Why? It's because single target knockback attacks on an NRG blaster do not annoy they kill. The only major annoyances are caused by the non-single target attacks. So yeah Energy Torrent and Explosive Blast turned to knockdown it would be perfection.



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
But it is just a lame set IMO the knock-back is not welcome on any team
Only if the knockbacker is an idiot (doing stupid things like not blasting from directly above [especially with their AoEs] when they have Hover and blasting stuff directly around a Scrapper/Tanker/Brute when they don't, targetting through a S/T/B, attacking what a Stalker is clearly winding up for, not positioning themselves to have the KB happen towards the nearest wall, etc., especially if you don't kill the target on that or the next hit) or if the melee types on the team are extra-whiny and think that they shouldn't have to move around at all except to herd.

Otherwise, knockback is quite welcome.



The only thing subpar about energy is Nova. The nuke should have an additional tick of high smashing damage come 2 seconds after the explosion to emulate the force of the impact as foes smash against the walls/ceiling/ground. Other nukes are able to levy mag 3 mezzes along with additional debuffs that are inherent to the respective set (Rad, Psy, Sonic). If Nova isn't going to mez, then it should do more damage.



Energy Blast's knockback is good. Even on teams it is good. Any team that whines about knockback must not have gotten out of the WoW mindset of 'just stand still and autoattack'. Knockback provides massive mitigation that you would definantly miss if it was gone.

Energy blast also has great single target damage and decent AoE. It's the average set for blasters and above average for corruptors and defenders who's damage is slightly lower and thus, enjoys the mitigation it brings.

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Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
Energy Blast's knockback is good. Even on teams it is good. Any team that whines about knockback must not have gotten out of the WoW mindset of 'just stand still and autoattack'. Knockback provides massive mitigation that you would definantly miss if it was gone.

I don't feel that wanting to employ strategies that benefit the team rather than hinder them is the same thing as "not having gotten out of the WoW mindset." 9 times out of 10 on teams indiscriminate knockback creates more problems than it solves. "Massive mitigation" on a team it is not, unless you mean for the enemies themselves. There are effective ways to use knockback, but in having it tied to all of its attacks, Energy Blast its stuck repositioning itself constantly or spraying enemies all over the battle field. There isn't another set that spends its time trying to limit its own secondary effect. I'm not sure the set should be buffed necessarily, but rolling in the mechanics seen in Dual Pistols to turn knockback off and actually have some control over when you send stuff flying would be a plus. Until then, AoE immobs at least kind of help.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
There isn't another set that spends its time trying to limit its own secondary effect.
What fool goes around trying to *limit* their own KB? Just shoot the guy until he doesn't get back up. If anyone(s) get too close, fling a bunch back with an AoE.

Now if your complaint is you can't use whatever power indiscriminately, that's not really a problem of Energy Blast, but of player mindset. Every power isn't meant to be spammed when it's recharge, but goofy players have decided to fool themselves into thinking they are.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
What fool goes around trying to *limit* their own KB?
Anyone who's in the least bit considerate about knocking mobs over ledges, off of walls, away from the melees on the team, etc, etc.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Anyone who's in the least bit considerate about knocking mobs over ledges, off of walls, away from the melees on the team, etc, etc.
Which was pretty much covered in the second paragraph of Leo's post.

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considering there are people on both sides fo this arguement, no change should be made. Your acting as if Teams specifically don't let Energy Blast players on their team. Never once has this happened on my main who is a Kin/Energy Defender (of all combinations!). That character has been around since 2006, and not once has a team complained about my Knockback. No, I don't reposition myself. But I also don't purposefully intend to knock enemies all over the place. The biggest problem wit hthis arguement is that it is assumed Energy Blast players purposefully knock enemies in the worst possible direction -every- -single- -time-. Which never happens. If you don't like the set for the knockback then don't play it. Just like how I don't play Forcefields because I find bubbling people boring. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Energy Blast as a powerset; just with people who play it or, in this case, want to like it, but don't like it's mechanics.

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