Am I the Only One Who Has Mixed Feelings About Inherent Stamina?
I must say that when I found out about Stamina becoming inherent, rather than being happy about it I was somewhat dismayed. While on some builds it will be very nice for me, I have been working on a number of stamina-less characters and been having fun with it.
I would much rather see a new inherent that, while not full Stamina, gives +end recovery that makes Stamina less of a required power. I had actually thought very early on in CoH that it would be good to have an inherent power choice you make early on that would give you one of the following auto powers (unenhanceable): - End recovery (like 20%) - Regen (like 30%) - Run speed (little less than sprint ~35%) - Jump (like 50%) - Resistance (5-10% maybe?) - Defense (3%) - Damage (10%) - Mez Resistance (not mag resist, but time reduction) - More? |
The game falls with the masses.
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
Meh I don't actually care about it. Out of 60+ characters I only have 2 with stamina. One of them a stone brute who took the fitness pool for swift.
I'll look at it as a bit more end, toss a recovery into the slot of stamina and move on. I'm more considering the headache of possibly respecting the two who did take fitness, though I may not do that just because I'm not sure if it is worth the 3 extra powers or not. hmm, ok the 3 extra powers are cool and all but what a pain to respect, then again I think I've only respected three times since the game launched unlike some who seem to do it on a weekly basis.
On second thought I'll probably not respect either of them but will go ahead and do their 2nd build which I've also never gotten around to doing because I didn't want the hassle of 2 sets of enhancements, this might be handy for that.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
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It's definitely going to be a headache revising some of my builds, but I have some where the extra power slots are more than welcome.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I'm a little concerned about this as well. My initial reaction was "Yay! Three more powers." However, unless we get additional enhancement slots, I'm not certain how beneficial those extra powers will be.
On my main character, I have Health and Stamina both three slotted, not only for percentages, but to take advantage of set bonuses and procs. It seems very unlikely that I would move those slots, as I've become accustomed to the style of gameplay that those allow.
So, I will now gain access to three additional one-slotted powers. On my main, this might not be the most difficult decision, as I've poured most of my time and effort into him. But on some of my other characters, the decision is going to be much harder.
A one slotted damage power? A hold? Defense? It seems that with only one slot available most choices are going to be underwhelming at best.
On a positive note, perhaps more people will be able to justify picking up Maneuvers. Yay for Defense.
More options are always nice. No mixed feelings here - though I probably won't respec half my characters to take advantage of it, any new character is going to enjoy it.
As for one slot powers... self rezzes, passives that get skipped, rezzes, build ups, taunt/confront... there's a lot of powers in sets that provided a benefit at one slot and often get binned just because there's no room to pick it as a power on endurance thirsty ATs.
Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."
they should give us inherent stamina then make everything cost more end and attacks cost more health!!!
No mixed feelings here, why should I complain about a buff? Sure, I have to rework pretty much all of my builds, but for a good reason, they will become better. For those not wanting to respec, I believe Castle said the change will only effect characters after they respec. So if you want to purposely gimp yourself, go ahead.
I'm fairly indifferent. I've never 'built toward stamina' when levelling up and usually ended up taking the pre-reqs and Stamina itself when there weren't any interesting powers to take in the 20s or 30s. I didn't even respec into it on Nightshade until after she hit 50. So I suppose it'll be nice that I don't have to think it so much.
I do think that some people are in for a shock when they realise that they'll still need to slot End Redux to avoid running out of blue, especially those who take the 3 leadership toggles and/or Tough and Weave. I didn't get my Claws/SR scrapper's end usage under control until the late 30s - tough, weave, the three /SR defensive toggles and a non-stop attack chain meant she burned through End like a maniac, and that was with Stamina.
I have semi-mixed feelings about it...
On the one hand I can't wait to be able to get some of my pre-level 20 character leveled as at the moment I'm finding it really boring to run out of end every fight or 2.
On the other hand I can't find something to replace the power picks that I used for the Fitness pool... I mean sure I get primary/secondary powers at levels 16-18-20 in my builds but it leaves a gap at 24-28 where nothing much opens up as it would seem that it's expected to get the powers that I can now get at 16-20 during those levels...
On my few characters without stamina, it will be a welcome buff. On the characters with, even if I were to take three new powers and NEVER USE THEM THE ENTIRE GAME, I'm still no worse off than I was before. I am completely fine with this change.
On my few characters without stamina, it will be a welcome buff. On the characters with, even if I were to take three new powers and NEVER USE THEM THE ENTIRE GAME, I'm still no worse off than I was before. I am completely fine with this change.
I think some people just TRY to find things to complain about.
"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"
Ofcourse not OP, you aren't the only person with completely irrational thoughts.
I must say that when I found out about Stamina becoming inherent, rather than being happy about it I was somewhat dismayed. While on some builds it will be very nice for me, I have been working on a number of stamina-less characters and been having fun with it.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
It never fails to surprise me that people continually keep looking a gift horse in the mouth.
As long as it's slottable I'm all for the change. I'm not sure how I'll work up my builds until I find out the exact logistics but having health and stamina for free rocks!!
I'm indifferent, only because I have no idea how it's going to be implemented yet.
No mixed feelings here. Why would I have any concerns about a change that most significantly affects the early (read: most miserable) part of the game by reducing downtime (read: the part of my play time when I cannot actually play). Frankly, my approach would have just been to remove the cooldown from Rest, but this works too.
So we get Stamina at lvl 2 or something? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of being a "low-bie"?
Having inherent Stamina is cool but can we have Swift/Hurdle open at 6, Health open at 14 and Stamina open at 20?
The game is already very easy as it is. I don't want having Stamina below lvl 15. I hope I am not the weird one....
I am excited about more power choices as those choices are going to be Recall Friend and maybe Aid Other on toons that can't heal. Nothing major change!
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.

"Life is about perseverance. It's about slogging through no matter what." - Stormy Llewellyn
Current project - Orgo to Plowshares 42 Kat/Inv Scrap
Main -Orgo 50 Rad/Rad def
I'm pretty sure the Fitness pool is being REMOVED COMPLETELY from the game.
Not only do I not have mixed feelings about it, I consider it one of the best improvements ever made to this game. I have NEVER found running out of endurance to be fun, and have consistently disliked playing the game before level 22 for exactly that reason.
The problem with giving an inherent with some recovery to make Stamina "less needed" is that people will get used to burning through the new inherent, calling that base performance, running low on endurance a lot, and go to Stamina again. Which would defeat the purpose.
I must say that when I found out about Stamina becoming inherent, rather than being happy about it I was somewhat dismayed. While on some builds it will be very nice for me, I have been working on a number of stamina-less characters and been having fun with it.
I would much rather see a new inherent that, while not full Stamina, gives +end recovery that makes Stamina less of a required power. I had actually thought very early on in CoH that it would be good to have an inherent power choice you make early on that would give you one of the following auto powers (unenhanceable):
- End recovery (like 20%)
- Regen (like 30%)
- Run speed (little less than sprint ~35%)
- Jump (like 50%)
- Resistance (5-10% maybe?)
- Defense (3%)
- Damage (10%)
- Mez Resistance (not mag resist, but time reduction)
- More?
Fridgerato - Traps/Ice (Frdm)
Gadgetron - Grav/TA (Lbrty)
Ice/Kin Guide