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  1. Coolbreese

    Dropping In!!!

    Very sorry to see you go Nator. I always had a lot of fun gaming with you. Hit my email up if you want to do a baseball league again this year.

    Take it easy, and best of luck in all you do.
  2. For a couple years I had an overnight job in which my main duty was to not fall asleep. So for a while I was basically paid to read books, watch movies and of course play lots of CoH.
  3. I love the idea of a radiation armor set. I'd definitely play it.
  4. 1) Katie Hannon - This was a lot better when it was farmable for recipes, but it's still my favorite. It's very fast and in one of my favorite zones.

    2) ITF - pretty much for all the reasons everyone else mentioned.

    3) Anything else that can be run fairly quickly. If it takes less than an hour to run, I am all for it.
  5. Coolbreese

    X2 XP weekend

    A couple things I like to do to help leveling are,
    - make sure I have access to cimerora on level eligible toons as there will be tons of itfs going.
    -craft a bunch of generic ios for quick slotting so I am not wasting time or paying the crazy buy it nao prices that weekend.
  6. Orgo was my first character ever made. The name and idea came as soon as I saw the instruction manual and saw they had radiation powers. This also became my first level 50.

    Coolbreese was the first toon made on the account by my youngest brother when I didn't realize that it would be a) the global name and b) he had spelled it wrong. Nostalgia prevents me from changing it.
  7. 1) Stryke - Force: This was the first group I joined (SF was about 6 month old at the time). This was my SG home for the duration of it's time on Champion. I loved all the different people that I got to meet and friends I made.

    2) DO - Left for Dead: group that was made up of former SFer's. Just have one toon that I still actively use in there

    3) The Fighting 838 - current SG
  8. It's a nice feature, but I never use it.

    Except for friends, I 5 star them, as it helps me spot them in "traffic" every once in a while.

    I am pretty laid back with my playing and teaming so I really haven't ever been worked up over something a player did. Especially to the point where I am going to waste my time typing up notes on them.
  9. I've played every Rad/ defender combo to at least lvl 40. Three of which I went all the way to 50. In additional I have 2 lvl 50 /Rad corruptors and 3 lvl 50 /Rad trollers.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by King_Moloch View Post
    a masturbatory self aggrandizing newbhate fest
    That is win right there.

    I wonder as well, where these streams of new players just starting the game are coming from. From the posts I have seen and listening to some of these people, this farm is the greatest recruiting tool in the history of MMO's.

    If the farms don't get fixed for a couple more weeks CoX will have subscription numbers to rival WoW. That is if the fables of the mass of new players just starting and stumbling into AE farms are accurate.
  11. Coolbreese

    Architect Mishes

    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Mine is called "A Death in the Gish", lowbie mission.
    I stumbled across this one a long while back and always include it in my toons leveling up.

    It one of the better arcs in the MA. Fits the zone and the canon very nicely.
  12. Coolbreese

    Toon Name Game

    Gattac a the Clones

    Bot/Traps MM
  13. I may be mistaken, but didn't at one point the devs say the money from the Wedding Pack allowed them to put out VEATS?

    Maybe this pack will help push something else up sooner.
  14. I believe there is something about enjoying the tears of the casual player or something as well.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amperella View Post
    I also like to purchase everything that my favorite hobby(ies) put out... my way of supporting them for future endeavors as well and to show my support in general.
    Same here for me.

    Is this pack less than stellar? Yes
    Can I think of a billion and one other in game things I would rather purchase? Yes

    Even though it's not the greatest, I will be getting this pack just to support a game I enjoy. Besides it cost less than a pack of cigarettes around here so it's not like I'm breaking the bank to get it.

    My biggest concern is that after a pretty successful release of GR, they put out something that is received so negatively in general. I feel like they may have missed a chance to ride a wave of momentum.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I don't want having Stamina below lvl 15. I hope I am not the weird one....
    The knee jerk reaction is that you are, but then after seeing the ridiculous number of people finding a way to complain about this, it appears you aren't.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
    Who are you kidding?

    Champion Drama back THEN made this look like a campfire sing along.
    This for sure. Until you have Stryker posting with his infamous dingdong avatar, you don't have drama.
  18. Coolbreese

    I can't get it.

    I tried again a little later in the night and was able to get past that issue. Only thing I did different was shut down my computer in between trying.

    It did take about 15-20 minutes for it to start and complete fixing. Once it finished I had no further issues.
  19. Coolbreese

    I can't get it.

    I get almost the same thing as well.
  20. -Ripper
    -Electron Haze
    -Neutron Bomb
    -Sonic Siphon
    -One Thousand Cuts
    -Typhoon's Edge
    -Shadow Maul
    -Whirling Hands