How long will the exploits go on?
Where are you that you're seeing all of this spam? I've seen requests to form an MA team from time to time when I'm visiting Atlas Park on one of my heroes, but I haven't really seen 'spam', per se.
61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)
Stay away from Atlas on Freedon :P
@MARTy McFly
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I am absolutely sickened by the exploitation of the AE system.

But as a 78-monther who still manages to play fairly regularly I barely notice the "spam" as being any different or less ignorable than it's always has been. Sooner or later the Devs will plug the current exploits and (sadly) other exploits will likely crop up in the future. This is the way of things. I personally think it's silly to PL characters up to 50 using exploits but it's not my job to punish or prevent people from doing it. As such I don't really let it bother me and will continue to play the game the way I want to.
I know it's relatively pointless to say but I'd try to not let it bother you so much. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Apparently, this one has been fixed in I19 - so in a few more days it should be over - until the next one is found
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I don't see what the big deal is. I agree exploits need to be handled with swiftly, but to be a 78 month vet and THIS is what causes you to not log in? Some spam?
And a lvl 50 asking where the tailor is is just too much? Tell them and go on your merry way. It's so incredibly easy to avoid that riff raff that is AE. There is absolutely no sense in letting something so incredibly trivial ruin YOUR gaming.
When you are on a mission do you pout and stamper and think about all the people that are exploiting AE? Highly unlikely, so let the devs deal with it and play the game.
There were stupid people and exploits before AE and there are stupid people and exploits after AE. Just how it is and will be. How you let it mess with your gaming experience is entirely up to you.
Yeah this current round of AE exploitation is a bummer.
![]() But as a 78-monther who still manages to play fairly regularly I barely notice the "spam" as being any different or less ignorable than it's always has been. Sooner or later the Devs will plug the current exploits and (sadly) other exploits will likely crop up in the future. This is the way of things. I personally think it's silly to PL characters up to 50 using exploits but it's not my job to punish or prevent people from doing it. As such I don't really let it bother me and will continue to play the game the way I want to. I know it's relatively pointless to say but I'd try to not let it bother you so much. *shrugs* |

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
why i love liberty, i never see this. exploits happen, and it takes tiem to fix some, unavoidable, but over-correction can cause as many consequences for legitimate players, so some times you just have to swallow hard and do something else for a while. you did send in a fairly detaield petition to help the devs find the exact exploit, right? i'd imagine that helps.
The exploits will continue until balance improves.
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
There are only two things that will keep people from using exploits as they're found: a carrot and a stick. The carrot we have now is the Bug Hunter badge. Personally, I think that they need to give it out a lot more often because right now due of its rarity, most people who don't have it already have resigned themselves to believing they'll never get it. The stick that they need to use far more often is to actively nuke the ill-gotten gains of players who use exploits, temp-ban the people who are creating these AE missions, and completely AE-ban people from creating missions who do it repeatedly.
Will there be outcry? Probably. Will there be ragequits? Yeah, also probably. But consider this. If the only condition under which a player will remain in the game is if they are allowed to exploit it with impunity, is this player good for the long-term health of the game? No. Ultimately, they will cause more damage than good, and they need to go. Meanwhile, the adults who aren't constantly looking for the next new way to screw the developers over, including the people who get slaps on the wrist and learn the concept of "don't do that," will be much happier.
I'd love to see GMs invisibly deployed to several of these zones and tuning into these global channel, and whenever anyone posts a message like, "LFMF" or "AE farm LFM," silence them for five or ten minutes. If they come back, give them a day or two temp-ban.
We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Tony, I think it was just a joke.
Y'know, like the saying "The lashings will continue until moral improves!"
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

I am absolutely sickened by the exploitation of the AE system.
Seeing literally dozens of teams exploiting the game in a manner far worse than the most ignorant Winter Lord. Seeing a level 50 character ask where a tailor is in the game - because he has never left the zone before. How on earth is this using the content and helping the player base? I am reaching the point I never have in over 6 years where I don't even want to log in knowing I will see the LFMF spam constantly. Got my 78 month badge and I have never been so sad to play this game in all that time as I am right now. |
I'm sorry, I do try to be nice, but that's one of the most brainless things I think I've ever seen posted. You can't possibly think that if "balance improves"--whatever twisted thing you've convinced yourself to think that means--that when an exploit is found, a bunch of loser idiots won't milk it for all it's worth.
There are only two things that will keep people from using exploits as they're found: a carrot and a stick. The carrot we have now is the Bug Hunter badge. Personally, I think that they need to give it out a lot more often because right now due of its rarity, most people who don't have it already have resigned themselves to believing they'll never get it. The stick that they need to use far more often is to actively nuke the ill-gotten gains of players who use exploits, temp-ban the people who are creating these AE missions, and completely AE-ban people from creating missions who do it repeatedly. Will there be outcry? Probably. Will there be ragequits? Yeah, also probably. But consider this. If the only condition under which a player will remain in the game is if they are allowed to exploit it with impunity, is this player good for the long-term health of the game? No. Ultimately, they will cause more damage than good, and they need to go. Meanwhile, the adults who aren't constantly looking for the next new way to screw the developers over, including the people who get slaps on the wrist and learn the concept of "don't do that," will be much happier. I'd love to see GMs invisibly deployed to several of these zones and tuning into these global channel, and whenever anyone posts a message like, "LFMF" or "AE farm LFM," silence them for five or ten minutes. If they come back, give them a day or two temp-ban. |
I know my jokes are bad, but I've never been called brainless over one!
Except maybe a zombie joke.
@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor
Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.
For what it's worth I came into this thread to make a similar joke.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
EU> Union is fine for us. those who shout out 90%-95% of the time is for AE arc missions, those who manage to farm keep to themselves or go with fellow people who know about it.

EU> Union is fine for us. those who shout out 90%-95% of the time is for AE arc missions, those who manage to farm keep to themselves or go with fellow people who know about it.
Cup of tea anyone?
Yup, all quiet on Defiant too, ................... I've not even seen any RMT spam in over a year either, think they gave up because we don't take shortcuts, and because we have a small cosey community - also the reason for not having many rude players.
Cup of tea anyone? ![]() |
agreed... so happy to be on defiant

..............., maybe we just like doing stuff the proper way for the sense of morality, who knows. ......................
..and when we are not doing the stuff the proper way, at least we do it at our privacy...
defiant only
my public list :
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

I am absolutely sickened by the exploitation of the AE system.
Seeing literally dozens of teams exploiting the game in a manner far worse than the most ignorant Winter Lord. Seeing a level 50 character ask where a tailor is in the game - because he has never left the zone before.
How on earth is this using the content and helping the player base?
I am reaching the point I never have in over 6 years where I don't even want to log in knowing I will see the LFMF spam constantly. Got my 78 month badge and I have never been so sad to play this game in all that time as I am right now.