How long will the exploits go on?




Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
And how many other people are in those zones when you are doing so? I'd be willing to bet the number is less than 5 for the Hollows, and closer to 0 in Perez.
About the same number I see on the whole of Infinity, Victory or Justice when I play redside on those servers at the time I play them.

Boomtown gets no love. The newer players I've run into lately don't even know there's a GM that spawns in there. I'm sure poor Babbage suffers from nearly terminal loneliness because no one even cares he's there anymore, same for Adamastor. I ran a Kahn a while back with a player who gushed about how cool the second mission was, because he'd never been in Boomtown before then, and he playing his third level 50 at the time.
That kind of blame could fall right on the lap of speed leveling or just the lack of PR (as well as the content structure of those zones); hell, I've been subscribed for almost 4 years but I really couldn't tell you about any GMs blueside (redside junkie for about that long) and then speak only briefly on Deathsurge and Scrapyard. (And what's the deal with 'Monster Island' (or whatever its called))? The Devs could play up GM events and flesh out the appropriate zones (which is also how I feel about the empty PvP zones) but up to this point, [their] focus has been opening up the available content, engaging new game mechanics and progressing a major storyline.

CoH has more zones, but it kind of evens out because half of those zones sit completely unused the vast majority of the time, while CoV makes better use of it's available space.
CoH still has 5 more core (and 3 more used) zones than CoV

I agree on the structure of content being more cohesive in CoV but that doesn't seem to be doing anything for its numbers when comparing it to CoH.

And I'm not saying that number of maps alone are the reason for some of the apparent exodus from red to blue; was just stating that the diversity of the maps that are available (and being used) may have some bearing on it. (This being based on comments that the whole of the Rogue is one big dingy mess and less instanced map variety.

IMO, as it stands, both sides can use a revamp in content (blueside needs a set of cohesive 1-50 storylines outside of the HEAT arcs as well as self-contained arcs within the zones; redside could use a 'Loyalist/Resistance' styled counterpart to its one-sided 'Destined One' story line, redside could also use some mega-arcs for the Patrons centering around their favored areas); graphics (thanks to Praetoria) and now that Praetoria AND Paragon both have an underground system, it would be nice for one to be discovered under the Isles.

I wasn't really planning to go down this cluttered road (see original post) but since I was both Necroposting and Threadjacking; I'll just roll with the punches here.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by CapnBarcode View Post
....To be fair, though, people just don't seem to go to hazard zones for monsters anymore. Kraken spawned in Perez? Jurassik up in Crey's Folly? WTF is Adamastor? Nobody cares. Can't get even get teams for Lusca, and a few weeks ago I saw three copies of the Clockwork Paladin hanging out together in KR.

*sigh* Dammit, and I'm fresh out of Geritol.
Maybe it's time for some GM changes - to draw some interest to them again. I missed racing across zones to aid in their downfall. Now it's like seeing Hakeem Olajuwon in the grocery store, no big deal.

But as far as Exploits go, they will continue as long as there are people that are willing to waste time to search for them. One meaning of Integrity is: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards - meaning 'you' don't have to participate in them if you don’t want to…

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Babbage spawns there, but people mostly seem to just fight him when he spawns in Skyway City near the end of the Synapse TF.
I honestly thought that was the only way Babbage spawned.

When I say I don't really play blue-side, I'm completely, 100% serious.



I remember when the exploits were going on, and I made the decision to let this thread live so that players had one concentrated place to discuss the AE farming. When the exploit was fixed, the thread was allowed to die a quiet death.

But now, it has achieved some kind of horrible un-life, and has risen to haunt the front page of City Life once again. People, once again, necroposting is a black art that should not be tampered with. Any thread that has not received posts in a few weeks is effectively dead. DO NOT POST IN THEM.

Away with you, thread! You are no longer even relevant!