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  1. No thanks. I'll go with what the others said.
  2. Sharker_Quint


    Am I the only one who forgot all about the cartoon character and only thought about Laurence Mason's charcter Tin Tin from "The Crow" when they read the title?
  3. Sharker_Quint

    New idea: Squads

    You could always go to the server section of these forums and see what sg's are looking for players. You could even ask questions in game as to what these sg's recruiting are actually looking for. Not everybody recruits the same way or uses the same schpiel in broadcast. Or as Bill said, you could always start your own sg and do your own recruiting.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gemesis View Post
    So instead of beating this dead horse he could beat the dead horse laying over there?
    What Forbin said.
  5. Sharker_Quint


    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    So everyone else is gonna let this slide?

    NCSoft had nothing to do with that other game. That other company split off from NCSoft a loooooong time ago. Paragon Studios develops CoH now. But even if what you said were true, just because you can implement something in a brand new game doesn't mean you can just cram it into an existing game and expect it to work.

    All of that said, should the devs every manage to implement power customization/alternate animations for power pools (and thus travel powers), the number one thing I'd like to see is the current flypose emotes rolled into that, and that would also be a good excuse to create an alternate animation for SJ like what you're describing.

    Pre-EDIT: Oh wait, I thought you were describing something similar to how the Hulk starts his leaps, but this video from that other game looks pretty much like our SJ except for the landing.
    I was just about to post about that until I read further down and saw you beat me to it Gob.
  6. And if the search was used, this wouldn't(lmao) have been posted for the eleventy bajillionth time. The Devs have and always will turn this idea down. They have said NO! more then enough times. It goes against everything this game stands for.

    And before you get into the whole keeping your badges thing, if that is what you are going to try to argue for this, you should have just started a thread to make all of the anniversary badges global.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Why would it create a bigger mess? Some people don't want to be leading the aggro-magnet (front-line melee when trying to avoid getting her killed especially). I thought this would be the simplest way to handle it.
    I see what you're saying, I just think it would create a mess due to some people not wanting her at all and playing hot potatoe with her. Although, I will admit that would be funny.
  8. I know what they are. It's just to get the point across. It may not seem like it, but I understand how you feel. I just don't see a point for this.
  9. The whole point of having to travel to some places without using a teleporter or tram is to experience the game world. I suppose next you are going to want a tram added to DA, Striga, Eden... you get the point.
  10. There is nothing wrong with the way it is now. And almost everyone has a mission teleporter by now. If not, they can use their(or team leaders) base to teleport. Other than that, see Tex's comments above.
  11. +1 also. I find it funny that you want to create a bigger mess then is already going on.
  12. Sharker_Quint

    Archery Overhaul

    Gotta say no to this also.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Ok, first off: 33? Really? You make my deleted/rerolled 50's feel bad.

    Anyhow, since no one else actually answered your question w/ reasons why this couldn't happen, allow me.

    This cannot happen because if people could switch out of a part of their powerset--even if it was only the /secondary, people would create less characters. Why make a new one and go through the grind, after all, if you could just try another set on your already 50 toon?

    This, in turn, would mean that less characters are created. New characters are the life blood of the game. If less are created, there will be less people to play with at low levels, in turn making for a worse experience for new players/characters. Which in turn makes people not want to make new characters. (insert downward spiral here)

    Eventually we have people mostly playing high levels, and other players leaving because the game is unfriendly to low levels.

    *Note that this is a hyperbolic example of what could happen, but is nonetheless semi-accurate.
    Your hyperbole answer may have some merit to it, but the everybody else's answer so far is the best. The devs have said no to this idea. Even without their reasonings listed, it's enough.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Frankly, unless you have multiple full servers, I don't see the need. How can you not remember what they are, by the names alone?

    Did you give generic names to all your characters?

    Do you not play them?

    I know each of my characters powersets by the name alone--and that's not to say that I name them specifically according to their powersets, but that each one is memorable. Different costumes help as well.

    If knowing the name and AT doesn't give you enough info...perhaps you should delete the character? I don't imagine you play it all that much.
    I actually don't see anything wrong with the suggestion. So I'll /sign it.
  15. Sharker_Quint

    More Slots

    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    ok with the release of inherent Fitness, that meant more powers and less slots.

    So I had an Idea, somehow somewhere in the game, whether with vanguard merits, reward merits, A-merits, or maybe buying them with inf from a special praetorian contact;

    there should be a one-time-per-character option to buy around say 6 extra enhancement slots (to be placed on your powers at the trainer)

    what does everyone else think about this idea?
    No, /unsigned, nada. Learn how to use Mids and plan builds.
  16. No, no and no. in other words, /UNSIGNED.
  17. I'm just going to /unsign this for now.
  18. Sharker_Quint

    Linked Accounts

    /Unsigned for me as well. For the various reasons mentioned. There is no need for this.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    creating an angry petition (demand) for change is understandably against the rules.

    however, I don't plan to demand the dev's do anything, the only purpose of gathering votes or such is so they can see what the level of player interest is in such a feature. that way they have player interest to take into considderation when they decide to do something or not.

    and I mean more that one crazy player with a crazy Idea. a group of players agreeing that a certain thing should be. the devs can do as they like, this petition is merely to show the level of interest in other purple IO sets that are not in game currently.
    Creating any kind of petition is against the rules.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    Gosh, is it the weekend already?
    Well, if you look at all the previous posts by the OP, he tends to just troll anyways....
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    thats why any Def or Res bonuses have to be told to only apply themselves to damage types that aren;t already capped, so on invul with S and L capped; S and L wouldn't get a bonus from the set (unless it were to fall below 90% res for example by exemplaring or by having your toggles off.)

    where as with Def, seeing as the cap is 300% no restrictions need to be applied until someone actually hits that cap..
    You still don't understand what you are talking about. After 45% def, which is soft cap, anything above that doesn't really help. The only time it matters is when you go into a PvP zone. With DR, you need more def to stay as close to the soft cap as you can get. In PvE it just doesn't matter. You are going to get hit no matter what. Even at 300% def, you still have a 5% chance to get hit. I'll say it again, get Mids, learn how to build your toons and use team buffs to help get the effects you want when doing a TF/SF.
  22. Sharker_Quint

    Fix Praetoria

    Originally Posted by McBoo View Post
    Praetoria is broken? Was Cole playing Nintendo or something?

    I think it was a commadore 64.
  23. Sharker_Quint

    Fix Praetoria

    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    I'm avoiding praetoria any more, I got my dominator out of that 20 level sentence jail. i don't want to go back, it's hard to level the slow way.

    until the issue release that gives us higher level praetoria zones for higher level characters to get contacts and missions, praetoria is a long job.

    when it was opened up to higher levels to walk-in, I did go back but I had a sinking feeling and this thought in the back of my head: "god I hope they don't lock my character in here again by some accident"

    so.. let make it easier on praetorians so it's not so much of a jail in the meantime.

    how about double XP for praetorians? just until higher level zones are released.
    1: After you make 1 toon go through preatoria, you DO NOT have to start any other toons there.

    2: Stop whining about xp gain. It is so easy to hit 20 right now that it doesn't need to be any easier.

    3: Stop being a troll.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JoshexDirad View Post
    ok, my bad on my numbers, I forgot for a second that invincibility bumps mine upto 35-40% in a pack of enemies.

    ANYways, leaving that out of it, I still say having a purple IO set for every effect would be awesome, and I would love more Res AND Def especially when exemplared, I think there should be 1 purple of res and 1 of def

    other bonuses for set numbers (my opinion):

    (2) 4% regen
    (3) 4% recovery
    (4) 7% energy and negative res
    (5) 7% fire and cold res
    (6) 10% psionic and radiation res

    that would be kick butt awesome, then with 4 res powers (using set upto 5 on each and 6 on 1) counting tough; instead of 32% res to energy and neg and fire and cold, I'd be able get 70% res total

    I think the def should be similar but defense oriented.

    UNIQUE 10% def (all damage types)

    (2) 4% regen
    (3) 4% recovery
    (4) 7% energy and negative def
    (5) 7% fire and cold def
    (6) 10% psionic and radiation def

    bassically I believe if someone is gonna take the time to get expensive superior rare recipies to slot anything it should make-up for anything they are lacking in that category (without maxing out their weaknesses of coarse).

    and softcap is 75%, hard cap is 90-95%, 45% gets you killed against AV's.
    You have no idea what you are talking about.
  25. I really don't think there is any easy way to deal with bonus listings. There will always be "elitist" out there.