How long will the exploits go on?




Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Zzzt! This implies that the devs intended to make these exploits available. That's simply not true. It's more like this:

An ATM has a bug that causes the machine to give out $100s instead of $20s. Does the bank:

1. Audit their records to see who discovered this and repeatedly used the ATM to get a crap ton of money and take whatever legal steps are necessary to get it back (oh, they knew, they KNEW they were getting too much! Cheating bastiges!), or...

2. Suck it up and take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. (He withdrew and re-deposited until he had millions. Oopsie! Well, we don't want to lose him as a customer...)
And then the bank fixes the problem so it doesn't continue to happen over and over again, otherwise it goes out of business due to poor management...



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I am absolutely sickened by the exploitation of the AE system.

Seeing literally dozens of teams exploiting the game in a manner far worse than the most ignorant Winter Lord. Seeing a level 50 character ask where a tailor is in the game - because he has never left the zone before.

How on earth is this using the content and helping the player base?

I am reaching the point I never have in over 6 years where I don't even want to log in knowing I will see the LFMF spam constantly. Got my 78 month badge and I have never been so sad to play this game in all that time as I am right now.
Umad bro?

Buck up and move on, champ. Go somewhere else. File a petition. Or take the high road and, oh... I don't know.


My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Maybe someone should call Dolenz, Jones, Tork and Nesmith. NCSoft are usually pretty snappy about dealing with copyright infringement :-)

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
How did you reach this shocking conclusion?

BTW - you keep using Real Life CRIMES for examples. I don't think someone gaining a lotta levels hella fast in an MMO is remotely comparable to actual property damage, grand theft auto, or unlawful entry.

Do you?
Judging from past threads, I think many here DO think that stuff like gaining levels abnormally fast is akin to felony crimes. Absolutely. And I laugh every time I see it said.

All this goes to show - as the developers shold have known going in - that if an exploit can happen, its going to happen. So you better make sure it can't happen, because a million monkeys on a million keyboards are out there 24/7 looking for a crack in your wall. And baby, they're gonna FIND it. And then they're gonna USE it... and they'll invite all their friends when they do.

As for people expecting the developers to employ an army of people as Game Masters so they can investigate every claim of "abuse" all day every day - and then deal out punishment in true Calvinist fashion, "KILL DA WABBIT! THUNDER! LIGHTNING! KILL DA WABBIT!!!!!" *lightning flashes, thunder rolls, a player is banned and gets his exploit toon rolled back to level 1*.... keep dreaming. This bunch just fired thier head animations guy. A key member of the team. You really think they have the resources to hire enough Game Masters to police a 100,000+ player base in a prompt, i.e. daily manner?! Hahahaha.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
...And this is why they need to crack down hard on the people who are using--and especially propagating--this exploit. It sure would be nice if all players were mature enough for the devs to be able to post a message that says, "Hey all, we don't like it when you do this, it's obviously broken, so please don't do it." They've actually tried that many times before, and it's been repeatedly proven that some people think that "because I CAN" gives them the divine right to do whatever they want regardless of explicit weigh-in from the people who run the game.

If you accidentally left your front door unlocked one day when you left for work, does that mean that I have the right to come into your house/apartment/igloo/hovel and take all of your stuff? When you get home, would you just shake your head and say, "Well, I can't blame someone for coming in and robbing me, after all, it was my mistake" and go your merry way? Or would you call the police and want your stuff back and the person responsible punished? What if someone broke your car window while it was parked one day, and the glass guy told you that it would be next Tuesday before they could work you in and get it fixed? Does that give anyone who wants to the right to hop in, hotwire it, and take it for a spin just because they can? I mean, come on, you know that plastic isn't going to stop anyone with minimal effort from being able to get in.

It is a dev mistake, but unlike you, I most certainly DO blame people for using it. Those people are immature, they don't have the best interest of the game at heart, and as I've said before, if being able to exploit the game without consequence is a condition for someone to remain a subscriber, it makes good business sense to not have them around.
Nobody that does this is stealing from you.

Again I agree it needs to be fixed, and it will be soon I'm sure. I just don't understand the outrage.



As for people expecting the developers to employ an army of people as Game Masters so they can investigate every claim of "abuse" all day every day - and then deal out punishment in true Calvinist fashion, "KILL DA WABBIT! THUNDER! LIGHTNING! KILL DA WABBIT!!!!!" *lightning flashes, thunder rolls, a player is banned and gets his exploit toon rolled back to level 1*.... keep dreaming. This bunch just fired thier head animations guy. A key member of the team. You really think they have the resources to hire enough Game Masters to police a 100,000+ player base in a prompt, i.e. daily manner?! Hahahaha.
Yeah I do. It's super-easy. All they have to do is give ME the power to unpublish exploit farms, ban the creators and everyone who's used it for however long I feel like, remove the creators' other MA arc slots if I feel like it, delete any and all characters of the creators and players of all these exploit farms that I consider suspicious, and I would do it all day long. They could pay me with Dev Choices, one arc a month, and if they gave me the ability to hand out free 5-star ratings and plays I would pay everyone who ratted out a new exploit with a nice HoF for the arc of their choice. I'd have 20-30 people right away working for me finding arcs in exchange for HoFs. With this Gestapo I will cleanse the MA from all the impure and unfit filth that brings it down, and create lebensraum for good, clean, pure story arcs.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Yeah I do. It's super-easy. All they have to do is give ME the power to unpublish exploit farms, ban the creators and everyone who's used it for however long I feel like, remove the creators' other MA arc slots if I feel like it, delete any and all characters of the creators and players of all these exploit farms that I consider suspicious, and I would do it all day long. They could pay me with Dev Choices, one arc a month, and if they gave me the ability to hand out free 5-star ratings and plays I would pay everyone who ratted out a new exploit with a nice HoF for the arc of their choice. I'd have 20-30 people right away working for me finding arcs in exchange for HoFs. With this Gestapo I will cleanse the MA from all the impure and unfit filth that brings it down, and create lebensraum for good, clean, pure story arcs.
Okie Dokie. I clearly don't take this game as serious as some of you. You guys win. Anyone who has done this exploit should die a slow painful death. yikes!

I do think the 20 or 30 people you find to help you will be the only ones playing A&E though. Good, clean and pure sounds boring.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Yeah I do. It's super-easy. All they have to do is give ME the power to unpublish exploit farms, ban the creators and everyone who's used it for however long I feel like, remove the creators' other MA arc slots if I feel like it, delete any and all characters of the creators and players of all these exploit farms that I consider suspicious, and I would do it all day long. They could pay me with Dev Choices, one arc a month, and if they gave me the ability to hand out free 5-star ratings and plays I would pay everyone who ratted out a new exploit with a nice HoF for the arc of their choice. I'd have 20-30 people right away working for me finding arcs in exchange for HoFs. With this Gestapo I will cleanse the MA from all the impure and unfit filth that brings it down, and create lebensraum for good, clean, pure story arcs.
I lol'ed.

That's bad, right?

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
I lol'ed.

That's bad, right?
I lol'ed also.




Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Yeah I do. It's super-easy. All they have to do is give ME the power to unpublish exploit farms, ban the creators and everyone who's used it for however long I feel like, remove the creators' other MA arc slots if I feel like it, delete any and all characters of the creators and players of all these exploit farms that I consider suspicious, and I would do it all day long. They could pay me with Dev Choices, one arc a month, and if they gave me the ability to hand out free 5-star ratings and plays I would pay everyone who ratted out a new exploit with a nice HoF for the arc of their choice. I'd have 20-30 people right away working for me finding arcs in exchange for HoFs. With this Gestapo I will cleanse the MA from all the impure and unfit filth that brings it down, and create lebensraum for good, clean, pure story arcs.
Say hi to Göering for me.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."




I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



quit complaining. If people want to pl themselves. let them do it, Just go play the drating game. they pay $15 a month too. just like you. you are no more deserving than they, and visa versa.

If you can do nothing but complain, then quit playing, go find another MMO and find something to complain about that one too.



Oh njoes someone compalined about xploits they should quit playing

Oh njoes you complained about my complaining you should quit playing


Gues what xploit is fixed next patch. Rather anything other then a fix is the sole discretion of the development team.

If they fix and move on we'll still be playing.
If they fix and roll back we'll still be playing (and I'ld find it amusing).

It'll be done with soon do we need to keep complaining?



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
Yeah I do. It's super-easy. All they have to do is give ME the power to unpublish exploit farms, ban the creators and everyone who's used it for however long I feel like, remove the creators' other MA arc slots if I feel like it, delete any and all characters of the creators and players of all these exploit farms that I consider suspicious, and I would do it all day long. They could pay me with Dev Choices, one arc a month, and if they gave me the ability to hand out free 5-star ratings and plays I would pay everyone who ratted out a new exploit with a nice HoF for the arc of their choice. I'd have 20-30 people right away working for me finding arcs in exchange for HoFs. With this Gestapo I will cleanse the MA from all the impure and unfit filth that brings it down, and create lebensraum for good, clean, pure story arcs.
This is a joke post, right?

If not, what makes you any better than the rest of us 100,000+ strong? Why should YOU be our arbiter of taste? Jeez louise. Some of you seriously worry me. You are taking this stuff WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too seriously.



Does this need to be fixed? Absolutely!

Best way to do it, ban the people making the missions, from making any missions

They either have to get another account (thusly the company makes money) or they just stop making them.

Haven't really seen a lot of spam saying "lfm for AE farm". Once or twice, but not a lot. I see it more on global channels now, than broadcast.

As almost a 6 year vet though, I'm really not bothered by it. *shrug* It'll get fixed, this I know. As all farms like this do.

I'm only suprised it hasn't been fixed sooner.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



This, too, is beating the proverbial dead horse, but it's not the spam, or the super-fast levelling, that annoys me, it's the ignorant questions that are asked repeatedly on multiple channels (b'cast, local, etc) that annoys me.

And, if I dare mention that they could look at the Forums or, it seems I am being an elitist, unhelpful smart a$$ jerk. Honestly, I'm not trying to be, but I do believe that knowledge is power and if you know the sources you can find most things yourself. I accept that most of those who ask the question in b'cast that was asked five minutes ago ('Where are low level Freaks'? I'd say in AP, but I might get punished by a GM for that) will not research, but still, I live in hope.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
...And this is why they need to crack down hard on the people who are using--and especially propagating--this exploit. It sure would be nice if all players were mature enough for the devs to be able to post a message that says, "Hey all, we don't like it when you do this, it's obviously broken, so please don't do it." They've actually tried that many times before, and it's been repeatedly proven that some people think that "because I CAN" gives them the divine right to do whatever they want regardless of explicit weigh-in from the people who run the game.
I like how you spin the devs request to not use exploits. Because we all know Posi's "request" was nothing more than a pissed off, long winded, whiny rant. I actually laughed out loud at him. I'm sure many of us remember the post well.

If you accidentally left your front door unlocked one day when you left for work, does that mean that I have the right to come into your house/apartment/igloo/hovel and take all of your stuff? When you get home, would you just shake your head and say, "Well, I can't blame someone for coming in and robbing me, after all, it was my mistake" and go your merry way? Or would you call the police and want your stuff back and the person responsible punished? What if someone broke your car window while it was parked one day, and the glass guy told you that it would be next Tuesday before they could work you in and get it fixed? Does that give anyone who wants to the right to hop in, hotwire it, and take it for a spin just because they can? I mean, come on, you know that plastic isn't going to stop anyone with minimal effort from being able to get in.

It is a dev mistake, but unlike you, I most certainly DO blame people for using it. Those people are immature, they don't have the best interest of the game at heart, and as I've said before, if being able to exploit the game without consequence is a condition for someone to remain a subscriber, it makes good business sense to not have them around.
Dude equating the abuse of exploits in CoH to felonies(often violent felonies) just hurts your credibility. If that is really what you think of exploit abusers, then you are the one that needs to grow up and be mature. Because this comparison is so laughable that I find it hard to believe that anybody actually believes it.

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
...And then if the devs nuked the experience, influence, prestige, and/or other rewards that were gained from people going through the game simply brawling everything, not only would I not mind, but I'd cheer them on. Why? Because maybe next time when such an exploit is discovered and publicized, people would think twice about wasting their time and energy using it.
lol. Good luck trying to control the masses behavior.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Judging from past threads, I think many here DO think that stuff like gaining levels abnormally fast is akin to felony crimes. Absolutely. And I laugh every time I see it said.

All this goes to show - as the developers shold have known going in - that if an exploit can happen, its going to happen. So you better make sure it can't happen, because a million monkeys on a million keyboards are out there 24/7 looking for a crack in your wall. And baby, they're gonna FIND it. And then they're gonna USE it... and they'll invite all their friends when they do.

As for people expecting the developers to employ an army of people as Game Masters so they can investigate every claim of "abuse" all day every day - and then deal out punishment in true Calvinist fashion, "KILL DA WABBIT! THUNDER! LIGHTNING! KILL DA WABBIT!!!!!" *lightning flashes, thunder rolls, a player is banned and gets his exploit toon rolled back to level 1*.... keep dreaming. This bunch just fired thier head animations guy. A key member of the team. You really think they have the resources to hire enough Game Masters to police a 100,000+ player base in a prompt, i.e. daily manner?! Hahahaha.
This. Yall should all listen to B_I more. She is typically right(unless I disagree, then obviously she is wrong ).



If I had my way, any player who created an exploit arc that was still up 2 weeks after the exploit was fixed would be banned and have their hands cut off.

I don't care if people want to pl to 50 in 2 hours. I do care when their selfishness, proven by their inability to spend 5 seconds to delete their arc when the exploit is fixed, requires me to hit the random button 50 times to find anything other than another version of the same, months old, now fixed, exploit arc.

So, until we live in a perfect world that allows us to actually come to your house and chop off your hands, please clean-up after yourselves. You'd probably find far less anger over your activities if you did.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by AncientGuardian View Post
quit complaining. If people want to pl themselves. let them do it, Just go play the drating game. they pay $15 a month too. just like you. you are no more deserving than they, and visa versa.
blah blah blah
Their $15 per month doesn't let them break the rules. Someone always brings up this silly argument about griefers, too. "Gee, they're paying customers too. If they enjoy harassing people, they should be allowed."

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Say hi to Göering for me.
It's either Göring or Goering. Göering is just redundant.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by jshmoe View Post
And a lvl 50 asking where the tailor is is just too much? Tell them and go on your merry way.
In Skyway City, under the big bridge.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Rabid_Metroid View Post
In Skyway City, under the big bridge.

It's in the Shadow shard...giant floating round building...where the Shard's AE and Auction House is.



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
It's in the Shadow shard...giant floating round building...where the Shard's AE and Auction House is.
Is it bad that I want those in the game now? Heh.




I am on Champion, and use Atlas WW as my ALTs' base of operations, essentially where I log them off. I do a lot of IO crafting and have been known to play the WW market game from time to time. But to be honest, I seldom see a request in broadcast channel for folks looking for more members for an AE team. In fact, the few times I go to AE, is to trade tickets for salvage, and the place is usually abandoned.

While during my gam play, I have encountered AE babies, they are extremely rare now days, and as a TF leader I have booted them off the team from time to time, perhaps is that week a month I endure thingy, and my patience runs thin :<)

I used to have AE missions, I wrote, but by now I have deleted them all, and not even have a mission for anyone to use.

The only use I have for AE is to kill stuff to get tickets, so I can redeem them for salvage that is stupidly priced at WW. From that end, I wish common salvage could be acquired through AE tickets as well.

If I am going to help an SG mate or friend level up some, AE is a poor choice to make. At level 50, my friend would be sidekicked to me at level 49. As such he would be entitled to get level 50 drops to include the much coveted purple drops; something AE can not come even close to match; I also find the random recipe roll at AE is frankly a random roll for "junk recipes" as a rule...

Now days, taking a low level to Peregrine Island is no big deal, they are sidekicked, they are 49, nothing is gonna really bug them on their way to the door mission. And with I19 transportation improvements and fitness pool becoming inherent moving lowbies around will become even safer; thus making AE even less appealing.
