How long will the exploits go on?




Personally yes I find them very bad for new people. If a seasoned vet is doing it, I have no worry, but if somone who has not even got a few months under them does it, i'm pissed.



Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
Personally yes I find them very bad for new people. If a seasoned vet is doing it, I have no worry, but if somone who has not even got a few months under them does it, i'm pissed.
I pretty much don't care either way.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



So if I know where Steel Canyon is ,broadcast, lfmf! in local chat in the AE building and if I paid my dues for 6 years can I use it?



Here's an idea...

Zero Out Every Account. No Vet Rewards, No Inf, No Enhancements, No Characters past Lvl 1. (Character Names and Costumes/Power Customization remain), no GleeMails, No Vanguard Merits, Reward Merits, A-Merits. Wipe the AE clean with a BAEby Wipe, and reset the market to an empty building with no bids, sales, or even a whiff of value.

The next step is crucial.

Datamine the Casual RPers (1-3 hours per month ingame) and set their average leveling speed as the limit. No one can get anything faster than them.

There, now there's no reason to whine about how fast the Jones Family acquiring levels, inf, merits, and other stuff in here.

YAY, We're All Special Now!

*The views expressed above do not necessarily reflect the poster's attitude at large, but was meant as an over simplification of the issue to the effect of satire. If your sphincter kissed your chair like grandma kissed you when you were little, then you need to remember that this is a game, not a fascist regime with your insecure little ego as Diety Alrighty.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
There, now there's no reason to whine about how fast the Jones Family acquiring levels, inf, merits, and other stuff in here.
"That group of people who actually make the effort to be organized enough to destroy any of the content in this game are clearly exploiting because they don't get stonewalled by [insert new "challenging" TF content]."

"Thus, I demand we introduce Issue 25 - Vonnegut Equality: Don't Suck at the Game? Eat Piercing Noise!"

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
Alright. Let's try this another way. With ED, the devs essentially said that six-slotting (for damage, recharge, whatever) was an 'exploit'. They never meant the system to work that way; they never meant you to six-slot for damage.
Oh, please, that's total nonsense. What they did, was change the conditions of the game such that slotting in some ways was a poor choice. They "essentially said" that they were changing the way enhancements worked. No more, no less.

So - for the "punish them!" crowd - should they have taken away these ill gotten gains? Or was that (as I expect you'll argue) "different" somehow?
Oh, well-played, sir!
You try to preemptively disarm the obvious argument - obvious because it's CORRECT.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



How long? Until they finally shut down the Portal Corp on blue side. THAT'S been going on for years.

[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]The #1 True Villain badge collector on Infinity.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Dude, YOU SAID: wit: you want people banned because they will not delete old arcs which get in your way of searching for those nonexistant, excellent arcs which provide taut storylines and entertainment which can be enjoyed again and again, within the MA system. The inference here being - and its at a remove, I'll admit that - is that if you can get enough people banned, the MA system will suddenly be rife with good writing because the only arcs left will be what you consider "good" storytelling.

*laughs out loud* GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ONE!
Unlike you, I don't have ethereal voices telling me the secrets of the universe. So, I don't know that 99% of the story arcs in MA are bad (as you have, in your infinite wisdom, informed us), because its so clogged up with exploit arcs. Clearly, next time I wish to play an AE arc I should ask you whether or not the one I choose is any good since you know all.

Well, all except basic English reading comprehension. But at least you give me a good laugh. And since this is a forum for a game, that's far more important.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Tank_Washington View Post
Same dance, different partners that's been going on for seven years.

Really you all are so boring.

It. Will. Never. End.
Report it, and move on.
Find a political blog to get the whining out of your system.

Mirror, mirror, on the net,
whose face did you just get?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
blah blah blah
Their $15 per month doesn't let them break the rules. Someone always brings up this silly argument about griefers, too. "Gee, they're paying customers too. If they enjoy harassing people, they should be allowed."

Yea, I play Eve-O as well, this is normal and considered working as intended.

There should not ever be a restrained world. If sombody wants to get some where quick without experiance thats fine. if sombody wants to be chuck norris and prove to be bad ****, thats fine too.

my point is, quit complaining. End of story. If you cant handle it, go solo. If you cant play solo, then IO out your toon, thats the point of IO's anyway, to solo. if you don't feel like doing either of that, go play hello kitty online.

just quit your dratting complaining, Your complaing is more irritating that the AE farmers. Just go friggen play.



I don't understand the issue here. If that is how they want to play the game, then...their loss. It should not affect your playing style. Yes it is kinda dumb to play through a game only through AE... espically in farm only mission. blech.

They are just missing out on all the fun in actually learning how to play their characters is all. And they will find out that once they actually want to play the in-game content, then...oops I have to be exemplered to do.

AE in general should have very limited exp rewards for example:

For this example I will use a base of 400 exp. Also your account would be be rounded up to the nearest hour upon logging out.

1 hour = 400 exp per minion
2 hours = 300 exp per minion
3 hours = 200 exp per minion
4 hours = 100 exp per minion
5 hours = 75 exp per minion
6 hours = 50 exp per minion
7 hours = 25 exp per minion.

After 7 hours it would remain at 25 exp per minion, and continue to stay at 25 exp until the flag timer is used up.

In order to remove the flag, your character would have to be logged in and be active for the same amount of in game time. No logging out for a day and the flag is removed. This would only affect AE and have no effect on in game content. Also patroling bonus exp is not available for use in AE either. If at any time they deciede to play AE mission, the timer starts back up.

Yes people would dislike it, yet I believe this would turn AE back into what it is ment for. AE is not ment to be used as a, "get rich quick" scheme. It is there for the community to show off their talents using the game. For those that create content, they would have better chances to have their stuff being played.

Is this a practical idea? I doubt it, I don't even know if it's possible to add or how much time would be needed to implement such a thing.

But I do agree with Ancient above me, play the game how you want to play it. Use AE or Don't, get mad at the spammers, or ignore them... We do have the ability to ignore somebody.



As for banning people, the Dev's should take a page from the Star Wars Galaxy play book.

For those of you that do not know, they dumped every person that was either dupping the money or had received the dupped money knowingly or unknowingly into space.

My wife (now ex) was one of those people that unknowingly had taken dupped money. I though it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen.



gemini: Unlike you, I don't have ethereal voices telling me the secrets of the universe. So, I don't know that 99% of the story arcs in MA are bad (as you have, in your infinite wisdom, informed us),
Dear "doctor": YOU were the one posting to inform us that you want the devs to use the ban-hammer because you can't find anything in AE except those gosh-durn ol' farms, and you is tired of it!

Clearly, next time I wish to play an AE arc I should ask you whether or not the one I choose is any good since you know all.
Xp is xp to me, baby. I'm not a snob about where I get it from. Good, bad... I'm the girl with the xp.



Originally Posted by AncientGuardian View Post
just quit your dratting complaining, Your complaing is more irritating that the AE farmers. Just go friggen play.
Has anyone ever "whined about whining" and not sounded stupid doing it? Probably not. Especially since it required reading a thread of complaints that someone is supposedly against, just so they can say "Just don't listen to those guys! Man, it's so annoying to listen to you"

Pot meet kettle. Speck meet plank.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Has anyone ever "whined about whining" and not sounded stupid doing it? Probably not. Especially since it required reading a thread of complaints that someone is supposedly against, just so they can say "Just don't listen to those guys! Man, it's so annoying to listen to you"

Pot meet kettle. Speck meet plank.
Grackle meet spackle.
Ships and shoes meet sealing wax.
Cabbages meet kings.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



What I don't understand is why the "originator" (or certainly the person who popularised this exploit) hasn't been banned and had their arcs removed. I know the devs/mods have been aware of this one for weeks, but no action, why ?

This tacit condoning of the exploit has utterly £$%^ed up the market, and has disinclined me and half my SG from playing the game atm.

I haven't seen that much spam, but have seen some in local in Atlas on Victory.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
Oh, they give tickets. I've heard a lot of people using it to solo farm, not xp but tickets. A front-loaded ambush will max out your tickets in about 5 minutes, then you reset and leave.

The problem is that pretty much no one uses their ticket rolls for salvage of all things. Not to sell anyway. They use it for recipes, and may use tickets for the salvage to make THOSE recipes, but not one's wasting tickets on gobs of salvage.
I may be one of the few people who ran a few of these farms just to put salvage back on the market, after I got tired of seeing no common salvage on the market.

It's not my fault that some people are so impatient and greedy that they are willing to pay millions for a piece of salvage that you can almost find lying on the ground.
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Ah this thread again.

It'd be great if the devs could make bulletproof content that crafty players couldn't leverage for maximum rewards.

Alas, they apparently can't.

This is not the fault of the players, most of whom have been programmed by a lifetime of video gaming to seek the most efficient reward path available. As well blame a cat for ignoring the bowl of kibble you set on the floor in favor of the juicy filet mignon resting on the sideboard.
In both cases, the behavior is instinctive, there is no 'morality' involved.

Should the devs quash this sort of hyper-efficient mission?
Players don't respect something they didn't 'work' for. They won't have any connection to the level 50s generated this way, which translates to having no loyalty for the game.

Should players whine when the devs get around to derailing the reward train?
Absolutely not.
You knew it was going to be a short trip when you bought the ticket, so suck it up buttercup.

Should paying customers be punished for engaging in reward seeking behavior?
Only if you want to alienate people and create needless ill will.

As I said the last time around, Fix It and Forget It.
Positron's big hissy over Meow and portal farms served the developers and the community equally poorly. Something slipped past the devs, players found it and ran with it- this has been happening since the day the game was released. The first ever 50 was a "dirty exploiter", with his caltrops in the sewers.

This game isn't big enough to survive banning people for playing efficiently.
The Purity Police don't care (perhaps they imagine that the 50 sufficiently moral and upstanding players left would somehow justify Paragon Studio's continued employment?), but its a point reasonable players should grasp instinctively.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Should paying customers be punished for engaging in reward seeking behavior?
Only if you want to alienate people and create needless ill will.

As I said the last time around, Fix It and Forget It.

This game isn't big enough to survive banning people for playing efficiently.
The Purity Police don't care (perhaps they imagine that the 50 sufficiently moral and upstanding players left would somehow justify Paragon Studio's continued employment?), but its a point reasonable players should grasp instinctively.
Man, I could just sit and listen to this guy talk all day.

Do you have, like a radio show, or something?



I'm not into farms or exploits, but I don't understand why some get so upset about what other people are doing. If someone wants to run the same mission over and over again to get to 50 on some toon really fast, I couldn't care less. That guys money is going into the game and getting me continued support for the game and new content (soon...).

Then on top of that, the devs usually crack down on the exploits when they're found, so again I don't see what the big deal is.

I think the biggest problem in this game is that so many players need to 'game' a game to get what they want. The best example of this imo is the markets. There is no way to get what you want by simply playing the actual game at the same rate you would if you just play the market system. I think the devs have improved the situation with tip missions and hero merits, but they have a long way to go if they want to stop players from feeling they need to farm for loot or use exploits to get what they want. None of my toons would be IO'd out the way they are if I didn't work the market system. And I'm not bashing the markets, I'm simply saying that you should be able to achieve similar gains in similar time by simply playing the actual game, and as of right now, that is nowhere near the case.



Originally Posted by Jerikko View Post
I don't understand the issue here. If that is how they want to play the game, then...their loss. It should not affect your playing style.
Then what's the harm in simply giving everyone an instant "Make me 50" button? Or why bother with influence/infamy/information? Or for that matter, with recipes and salvage? Just put a vendor in every zone that a player can click on and get any inspiration or enhancement they want at no cost. In fact, why do we even need inspirations and enhancements? Just enable a "god mode" where players take no damage and can insta-kill any enemy. While we're at it, give us the ability to enable a "ghost" mode where we can go through walls, or even an instant-recharging teleport power that will let us go to any location in any zone immediately. Don't forget the "Badge Out" power that will immediately grant you all of the badges in the game, too.

"It doesn't affect you" is never a valid argument, not for anything in the game. Ever. I see people use it all the time, but it's just plain wrong. That's not to say that there aren't valid arguments for things that people use this argument for, just that this argument is completely facetious and meaningless.

This is an MMORPG. That means that nothing you do happens in a vacuum. In cases such as this exploit, it affects the market, it detracts from zone chatter, it drives new players away who "win" in less than a day and think the game is boring, it irritates veteran players who get on a team with level 50 newbies who don't know what they're doing, it completely breaks the immersion of the game, it spits on everything the Architect system is intended for and makes finding worthwhile stories extremely hard to find, and all of that is just off the top of my head.

Even in minor cases, at the very least, it affects the tone and quality of the game. It is meant to be of approximately x difficulty. What happens when it becomes trivial, as these exploits have made it? How often have you played Tic Tac Toe since you figured out how to never lose? Probably not very often, because it's boring as hell. Did you think, "Hey, maybe I'll challenge myself and never play the center box, or limit myself to only two corners..." or did you just stop playing?

With people using these exploits, there's a very serious risk of people leaving the game simply because it's not interesting any more. There's little reward to work for when it's all just handed to you in six or eight hours. And that is the crux of the argument. What will lead to the greatest long-term success of this game? I've seen games destroyed by cheats and exploits, and I can tell you that I'm 100% sure it is not allowing those who engage in such practices go unpunished.

Quick correction: If you sign up for the game, do just enough missions to get to level 10, create a supergroup and a base, put yourself on /hide, and sit in that room all day and never go outside, never talk to anyone, never interact with the market, never be seen, and never post on the forums, then I'll agree that what you're doing doesn't affect my playing.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
I am absolutely sickened by the exploitation of the AE system.

Seeing literally dozens of teams exploiting the game in a manner far worse than the most ignorant Winter Lord. Seeing a level 50 character ask where a tailor is in the game - because he has never left the zone before.

How on earth is this using the content and helping the player base?

I am reaching the point I never have in over 6 years where I don't even want to log in knowing I will see the LFMF spam constantly. Got my 78 month badge and I have never been so sad to play this game in all that time as I am right now.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Good AE Arcs aren't hard to find because of farms.

They are hard to find because most people can't create good arcs.



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Good AE Arcs aren't hard to find because of farms.

They are hard to find because most people can't create good arcs.
Stop using truth and logic, please.

It gives AE rants a bad name.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.