How long will the exploits go on?




Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Again it depends.

I used to be a small-time GM for a text based game. We occasionally had to make calls like this. Item duplication was an actual occurrence on one memorable occasion. My supervisor ended up handling that case in a very unorthodox way; he looked up the offending character's IP address, traced it back to a person, and called the guy at home while he was in the act of duplicating unique items. I doubt if that would fly in CoH but it was kind of hilarious when it happened back in my old game.

In another case, at one point in the game we released exactly 10 very powerful copies of a certain sword. A few years later we did an inventory of powerful items and found that there were now 15! Needless to say there were questions to be asked (it turned out most of the duplicates had been created by players lying to support staff about having "lost" the sword due to a bug, and the support person doing an insufficient check of item logs before cloning a new copy).

Anyway, anyone who thinks every single account in this game doesn't have a comment log tied to it might want to open their eyes. You will never know what it says about you. And I can almost 100% assure you that if you've got numerous notes showing you to be a problem child that that factors into how support staff interact with you when you make a Petition, and how seriously the staff take your claims about bug reports, etc. If this game is anything like other games, that also controls how actively online GMs monitor your /tells and /chats. GMs may even have actual avatars they can use to go invisible, and mark our accounts with 1-star ratings!

Point being, even if it seems like no one was punished, they could have been. And they may never know it, or why the GMs are so much more savvy about their newest exploits.
Now that you've said all of that, would you care to go back to my question?



Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
Now that you've said all of that, would you care to go back to my question?

What's the magic word?



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Anyway, anyone who thinks every single account in this game doesn't have a comment log tied to it might want to open their eyes. You will never know what it says about you. And I can almost 100% assure you that if you've got numerous notes showing you to be a problem child that that factors into how support staff interact with you when you make a Petition, and how seriously the staff take your claims about bug reports, etc. If this game is anything like other games, that also controls how actively online GMs monitor your /tells and /chats. GMs may even have actual avatars they can use to go invisible, and mark our accounts with 1-star ratings!
Can you elaborate 'how seriously they take your bug reports?'

I try to make accurate reports, but I've had a few that I later discovered were incorrect, and usually tried to update the report, but there aren't effective tools for that.

Could that lead to any notes?

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Haha i love reading this stuff when there is an exploit.. seriously it's hillarious. To hear numerous people Mitch and Boan about the situation and yet they have the option in the game to never play in that exploit. I mean since it is not effecting your game why care ? Seriously.

I don't play in the ae's at all (unless there is a wicked story in it regardless of XP) but when I ask someone to a team and and I see that they don't have a clue how to play the toon OR they ask newb questions like where is KR or the Tailor (et al.) then i utilize the options that is available to me

1) Boot them from the team. If you don't know your character..hit the bricks split.

2) I will invite them to stay in the team ( if i am the only on it with him/her) and then i will give them a tour of the city. If they are playing an AT that i am familiar with i will help them learn the character, because if they don't know, who's gonna teach them ? then i point out some of the boards online that help you play various ATs.

But i digress. in the end it's not going to wreck YOUR game. so they got to 50 with their toon before you got there with yours.. its not really a big deal. perhaps you should be more concentrated on your game then someone else's. As for all the spamming either use the ignore button or just ignore it untill you get to your next door mission.

So seriously, we are all adults here and i have no doubt that some time in our lives at one point or another we have had to "suck it up" So you really have 2 options until it is fixed either suck it up, or ask for some cheese with your whine. Might I suggest the Brie?

We shall defend our game, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the forums, we shall fight on the news, we shall fight on Facebook and in twitter, we shall fight on the internet and at the corporate offices; we shall never surrender.

-Inspiration from Winston Chruchill



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Can you elaborate 'how seriously they take your bug reports?'

I try to make accurate reports, but I've had a few that I later discovered were incorrect, and usually tried to update the report, but there aren't effective tools for that.

Could that lead to any notes?

I don't have any insight into that, since I've never worked for COH, and only have limited experience working with commercial online games in any case (and text-based ones at that). I would assume you are fine. I didn't mean to worry you.

What I was really talking about are cases where someone does something questionable, the GMs mull over what their response should be, and the answer comes out to, "just put a note in their account log." I can only guess the kinds of things account logs might hold. But it's my assumption that they exist, and track exactly this sort of thing, along with any time a GM interacts with or modifies our characters, even in positive ways. One of the first things a support GM does, at least in my experience, is look at those logs when deciding whether to take action.

For example, did someone report you for "harassment"? If the GM responds, they're likely to look at the account's history. Do you have numerous TOC violations? Have other players reported about you before? A history of cursing on public channels? All of that could effect the outcome. Since every GM is an individual, every situation unique, and every game has unique policies, there is no way for sure to know what happens. But you should never assume that because nothing obvious happened that they are completely unaware of your account activity. It is also my experience that problem-children accounts sometimes get flagged to broadcast messages to all active GMs when they are spoken or /tell'ed and contain certain flag words. This can lead to some really embaressing situations. And is why I happen to know way too much about dwarf-on-lizardperson cyber chats (hazard of the job).



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
What's the magic word?




Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Then what's the harm in simply giving everyone an instant "Make me 50" button? Or why bother with influence/infamy/information?
The harm would be the complete distruction of the game. If there is not sacrifice; in this case farming to lvl 50; then there is no reason to play or try. The same can be said for society. If you are giving free money to pay your bills, free money for your food, and free medical care; why care at all. If that were to happen the game and Paragon Studios would be out of business in 3 months.

At least with these exploits, you do have to spend some time in getting to know your character. But you are missing the enjoyment of what is out there.

I would like to see a instant lvl 50 button given out as a 7 year badge to be used only once.



just awesome Rad; awesome.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I'm sure that once it's my job, I'll get right on that. But it isn't. It's theirs.
So, in lieu of actual knowledge about the subject you're ranting about, you're content to just run off at the mouth.

Okay. Good to know.

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Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Yeah, it's been over three weeks. But thanks for telling me all about how focused they've been. And after I19, they'll be sooooo focused on I20 that they'll be immune from any criticism then, too! And then there's I21! Man, you just know they'll be too focused on I21 to expect them to fix any glaring exploits in less than a month...
So, i19 was supposed to have been dropping approximately 2 weeks ago now. Due to some massive bugs breaking things, they decided not to.

Now, instead of just getting those bugs that have delayed the launch fixed, they should stop working on it to create an entirely separate patch for an issue that, while exploitative, doesn't actually break the game.


They're immune from any criticism about not fixing a well known exploit over the course of a month because "You don't have their timetable!" You just say "Standard code rant" and then they can get away with anything! Got it. Ma, it must be nice to have such a blanket to hide under. Almost as good as their three week vacations!
I never said the devs were immune to criticism.

But please, continue to nerdrage on about how lazy other people are when you don't know what they're doing or even how to properly define their jobs.

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Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post

^ I have summed up the thread creator.
Heck. I summed him up in a character.

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Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
Or let GMs remove the farms, or add some sort of reward block if x people report until GMs can verify.
The amount of MASSIVE work this would cause the GMs is not even funny.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



The simplest solution would simply be for the devs to cap the amount of XP/mish you can get. Like they do with tickets.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post

We also have cookies.

some stuff.
You have my attention!

That blue thing running around saying "Cookies are sometimes food" is Praetorian Cookie Monster!
Shoot on sight, please.



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
The simplest solution would simply be for the devs to cap the amount of XP/mish you can get. Like they do with tickets.
The exploiters would farm till cap and then've just changes the length of time between mission restarts. If a cap is the answer then they'll need to cap per day or per hour exp not per mission.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I never said the devs were immune to criticism.
Please do tell me how many weeks I must wait before commenting good sir because it would truly break my heart if you were to say "nerdrage" again! I don't think I could possibly take it if you were to cut again so deeply

So, I implore you... tell me how long! Oh please let me know with all your wisdom how long a massive exploit must go on before I can comment without risking the scathing wrath of you saying "nerdrage" and saying I don't know what I'm talking about! We know it's at least a month so is it six weeks? Two months? Ten weeks? A year?

I don't think I could take it if you made another cutsie picture so please let me know!



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
If you had a point beyond "omg some people aren't playing like I want them too!" it was artfully obscured.

I haven't ever made the argument it doesn't affect you.
I'm not arrogant enough to presume TOTAL KNOWLEDGE of a system as complex as this game. Heck, I've deeply immersed myself in the market sub-game since I9 and it still does things that surprise me and run counter to my expectations.

My argument is how other people play is none of your business, as long as they aren't personally agressing you.

If there's a systemic problem, that's the dev's to deal with. /Bug it, or report it or whatever and get back to playing your game the way you like it. If there's a behavioral problem, /petition it.

Otherwise, play your game your way and don't freak out about other people's idea of fun.


I've already noted ways in which 'casual' gamers have benefited from the current enthusiasm for MA- their common salvage is suddenly worth a relative fortune. IO recipes that they may have previously considered out of their reach are suddenly vastly more affordable.

I've agreed that efficiency on this level isn't good for 'the game' as a whole and that the devs should absolutely turn off the spigot- I'm very surprised the current fad lasted past our last scheduled maintenance.

That doesn't mean it doesn't produce some incidental positive effects from a 'man on the street' perspective.

And like I said, the Purity Police would find the game a cold, lonely place if all their 'undesirables' were summarily driven off.

A better approach is to tend your own garden and leave the subject of your neighbors dubious crop to the proper authorities.

You aren't the custodian of anyone else's fun.
Are you really trying to reason with somebody that equates using game exploits to real life felonies? Good luck with that....



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Please do tell me how many weeks I must wait before commenting good sir because it would truly break my heart if you were to say "nerdrage" again! I don't think I could possibly take it if you were to cut again so deeply
Oh. Feel free to comment all you want. Just realize it's useless to rage on it endlessly. And that whinging about how they don't develop to YOUR personal schedule are just as asinine.

So, I implore you... tell me how long! Oh please let me know with all your wisdom how long a massive exploit must go on before I can comment without risking the scathing wrath of you saying "nerdrage" and saying I don't know what I'm talking about! We know it's at least a month so is it six weeks? Two months? Ten weeks? A year?
Way to twist "the devs don't patch to your schedule".

I don't think I could take it if you made another cutsie picture so please let me know!
Sorry, telling you what I really feel about your childish crying would get me banned. Moreover, you're acting as if you're incapable of reason on this issue. Therefore I'm going to have to settle for cutting disdain and simple pictures to communicate my points to you.

But please, continue to rag on the issue.

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Just saw the exploit first hand. I would be very nervous about using it. It's egregious and obviously a bug. There is no way a reasonably experienced player could mistake it for mechanics that are working as intended.

As to how abusing this bug hurts other people? That part should be obvious. It illustrates that we can't be trusted with free-form mechanics like the AE, so we're increasingly less likely to be handed any.



Quick reply: Great post, Flarstux! Many of us have been in the same boat, and now I guess we are all tarred with the same Online Felony Exploiter brush. ['cause as we all know, leveling too fast is right up there with mowing down a walker-wielding grandma crossing the street, and then gunning it off into the distance.]

Its like its the thirties again, and people who use AE to level are all hunkered down in their hideouts waiting for Melvin Purvis, I MEAN THE BAN HAMMER to storm our domiciles, tommy-guns at the ready. "You'll never take me alive, copper!"

St. Valentine's Day Massacre? How 'bout the BAN HAMMER MASSACRE!! That'll be some REAL punishment.

You just have to laugh:



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Oh. Feel free to comment all you want. Just realize it's useless to rage on it endlessly. And that whinging about how they don't develop to YOUR personal schedule are just as asinine.
LOL... "Rage"? Seriously? Saying you find something disappointing is "rage"? Or commenting on something is "whining"?

Ooohh! Ooohhh! Wait! "Fanboi!!" "Suck up!!" OMG I must have just won because I used dismissive terms to wave away comments I didn't like! That must be it -- You're just a "Fanboi!" Suck up more, Fanboi!! Suck up to the Devs who can never do no wrong in your fan-worshipping eyes!!

Now that's how you make a post!

Sorry, telling you what I really feel about your childish crying would get me banned. Moreover, you're acting as if you're incapable of reason on this issue.
Hey, look, if you don't have an intelligent answer to how long an explot can be live before anyone is allowed to criticize it, just say so. Filling post after post with "whiner!" "Nerdrage!" "Rage!" "Crying!" and other comments and then saying "You're incapable of reason" just makes you look stupid.

But we can just post "Whiner!" and "Fanboi!" at one another if that's the best you can come up with.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

Moreover, you're acting as if you're incapable of reason on this issue.
Pot meet kettle.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Pot meet kettle.
Now I want tea and stew.