442 -
Unfortunately, with my new job and promotion. I will be unable to attend the last day/night of this game.
Let me just say. The past 7 years have been great. I am made several friends, some short term, others long term.
Some of you may know that when I started playing, I was not in the best shape; mentally; having just ending a 10 year relationship with my high school sweetheart...I was not in the best of places. This game and friends....no heroes, saved me. I don't mean that in the I was going to end it all way, but I would not be who I would be today in not for you all.
So with that. Thank you all. You are my heroes.
Fast forward 7 years. I am now a boss! Remarried to a wonderful woman (who also plays), have a new child (now 5), a teenage daughter who was only 5 when I started playing; and new direction in life.
I am sad as to how this game ended (unfairly in my opinion), and wish and hope still that it could end differently. However, this seems not to be the case which brings me to this.
I don't want to say goodbye, but I will. The death of this game is sad. I have gone through more grieving than I though one should or would over a game; but it is more than a game to me....and I know to all of you. I doubt I will play another mmo again, but one doesn't know. You all can find me on xbox of course under my same name and perhaps we will run into each other one day again in the skies.
So I sadly hang up my cape. The future ahead is bright and may you all have a wonderful future.
Dan S.
Jerikko. -
Ugh this sucks. This game does not deserve this type of ending. I get things end, but why this? I really feel bad for the staff at Paragon Studios, as I am sure they were completely blindsided by this. But good bye in the future. Perhaps we will run into each other again Protector.
For now and in the future, you can find me on xbox under Jerikko, just send me a message that you are from CoH. -
Yeah I was crying also, my kids came in my room and asked me what was wrong. I felt sort of silly crying over a video game, but then the amount of time invested and friendships made; it is like a family or friend passing away. I posted on facebook and here again, this game saved my life. It kept me grounded while my RL world was falling apart around me. Though I have lately been playing less and less (which is a good thing since I have a great job now) I always kept my subscription up. I will miss all of my friends and cherish my alternate life.
Guess it's time to hang up the cape.
Real life name.
Dan. -
I know we got bad news today, but Hyper, every time I play with you I keep thinking you've been with us the whole time. You are that great of a player.
I agree, they should just sell the studio and game to someone else. This development team is amazing and yes, hire these people. To all my friends in game, look me up on Xbox under the name Jerikko, (I know big surprise on the name
), just send me a note that you play coh.
I'm not sure if this power set is for me....but BRAVO!!!!!!!!
So finally, 2 days ago, we got a name for our new puppy. Our 5 years old, just started calling him Tucker... No idea where he got the name, there are no Tucker's in his class and neither my wife or myself know any either. I like to think that somehow his name came to our son much like Lord Vader's came to the Emperor, except that would make both of them evil so maybe that isn't the best thought. But thanks for the suggestions, and you are all welcome for having me ignore all of them.
Jeri. -
Just come back, I don't know what you did, and definitely forgot what Grey did, if a few don't want to play with you, there are many others that will. One should only stop playing if the game interferes with RL and bills. Just my 2 cents
. And if all else fails, mail all the parties involved a gift package full of snasages. Trust me, it will work.
I know it will never happen, but I still would love to have the option for all my alts to count as 1 slot in a sg, rather than have all my alts take up multiple spaces in one sg, or be spread out through a variety of sg's. Get's confusing. But then, I still don't think SG's have truly ever had real justice done for them.
There are many, many things I'd like to see as an account wide feature. This is but one of them.
As I was defending the Founders Falls the other day against the Nemesis invasion I suddenly felt a new type of fear. Something was attacking my feet. Surely, Nemesis had devised a new strategy of attack. Before I could respond to this new threat, I was viciously attacked again. I provide you all with the evidence of this new plot and ask, what we can do to suppress this new invasion! Your help is needed.
Actually, I'm looking for some good names, we have had him for a week and he still is nameless. So far, Bowser and Ender are the top choices. -
Quote:Thanks!!!! This was perfect!Hello everyone!
I appreciate the feedback youve all been given here and on the beta forums. Ive just made the following changes:
1) Statesmans Pal will remain Statesmans Pal and will be given out when completing A Heros Hero, the original Maria Jenkins arc, in flashback
2) Positrons Pal will be given out when completing, A Heros Epic, the new Maria Jenkins arc
3) Sister Psyches Comrade will remain the same and be given out when completing Psyches task force in flashback once Issue 23 is launched.
4) Penelope Yins Friend will be rewarded when completing her new task force
5) The Task Force Commander badge will be rewarded by having either Penelope Yins Friend or Sister Psyches Comrade
Thanks again for all your feedback!
Dr. Aeon -
Maybe I am missing something completely. Isn't there technology built into the game that makes certain NPC's disappear based on your person choices? Why not just implement that feature for Statesman and Sister. Those of us that have completed the story arcs should have both gone from game.
As for the story arc in question for this badge, it should be turned into a Ouro only mission, and a new story created for Positron, with his new badge. This would allow all badges to be obtained, and continuity would still exist.
I understand time constraints, but this should have been a priority once they decided to kill off the main characters....not as it seems right before i23 is released. Sorry devs, I agree, you dropped the ball on this one. Badly.
But I will still play regardless. -
I was surprised at this choice, however, it makes perfect sense. After this is all said and done, Statesman will still be alive and in the game. But he will finally be on equal ground with all the other players.
All great supers go through some form of death story arc to make them more humble and to remind them that not everything is forever.
Several of my threads I have posted have suggested and requested that our characters also be allowed to die, just so we can go through our own death story, only to emerge stronger than we were before. I think this could be done with a itrial featuring emp Cole defeating us at the end of the trial, causing us to "die".
We then, individually, relive several key moments in our life and go through a new 1 - 50 grind (much much faster though, like 4 times exp or something like that) or until we are reborn with new powers and the like.
Gotta go, the wife aka boss is wanting me to leave. -
I love the event in general so don't get me wrong, but after the addition of the Halloween trial, I was hoping to see another new Winter Trial or mission added. So based on that, I am a bit upset to not see anything new other than some new FX and badges.
I know you all are under a time crunch and all, just a bit sad to not see anything new... But I will get over it.
Other than that, the snowmen pet...awesome, snowstorm, awesome (would love to see more weather effects like this), and of course the badge idea is awesome as well.
Looking forward to what next year has for CoH! -
well, I have to get either a) a better connection or b) a better computer before I can play decently. However I am better that option c is correct. I need both.
Living conditions are not as bad as I make it. If all goes as planned I'll be in my apartment 2nd week of Dec or at the least beginning of Jan.
I probably will try to log in today to play for a bit; solo so that other's don't have to rely on me.
Stale, I think Canada is a bit of a drive for me... but thanks lol -
So, hi my protector family.
Been a while since I posted so here is an update or 2.
1) I am now gainfully employed! I work for a rodent in Florida.
2) The worst scenario did happen. I have a daughter in Ky living with her grandmother, my wife is still in OK with our son, and my ex wife has pretty much cut off ties with me and does not allow me to talk to our daughter on a regular basis.....not to worry, we go to court in 2 weeks.
3) So I currently live out of a hotel, which has the worst internet connection known to man.....Honestly, I'd rather play on dial up. I've tried to log in and play a few times, I did manage to get 2 badges out of the new Halloween HH.... : ( . So if you see me on, more than likely I am about to have a server crash. But my account is active still so who knows.
4) I do have a question for those in the Orlando area, I could use a place to crash for about 2 months so I can save up to get us an apartment. I would be willing to pay you rent, but would also need to meet first. No big if that isn't an option, I am good where I am at. Just tired of hotel living.
So that's what's up and where I've been in case you all were wondering.
Have a good one! -
Another update! Well I got the job! Now the wife and I have to make a huge choice.
What this means for us now is that I head to Florida to work while they all move to KY for a while, so I can get a few things established. Once done and she finds a job the rest will move down with me. My daughter still will stay here with her mother... so far. I have not had that conversation with her yet.
Unless my wife gets the city job here, then we are definitely moving.
So now I have a question. I need a place to stay. Any one in the Orlando area have a spare couch I could bum for a few weeks? If so, send me a PM. -
This sounded like a cool idea, I'd have joined in if I could have.
First, thank you for your prayers and thoughts, as they seem to be working!
An update is needed:
So far, my wife has not found employment; however she did start receiving unemployment benefits. Not as much as we were making, but still better than nothing. She has however had several interviews with some good companies here.
I have had some interesting news as well. First, I have worked almost non-stop for the last 2 weeks, which where I work out is rare, so that is a good thing. (I do miss you all, just really tired.) Second, tomorrow I have an interview with Walt Disney World!!!! For a very, very good position. I do not want to say to much on it as I am afraid I will jinx it. So again, please pray or send good thoughts our way, and who knows; in a month we could be living in sunny Florida!
I'm going to try to log in tonight, but well I feel really lucky so I may take a chance at the casino since it is guys night out there and I'll get $10 in match play. Who knows, maybe I'll walk out with a few million, or leave $10.00 poorer.
Again thank you all for any prayers and well wishes and good thoughts. I miss you all and look forward to playing with you all again!
Jeri. -
I have 2 boxes of the CCG that I am wanting to let go of for around $10. plus shipping, otherwise I'm throwing them away. If there are any of you interested send me a PM. All the packs have been open, and some of the cards have been played with as I did play while the local place was hosting games.
Jeri. -
Some of you may have noticed that I have not been on a lot lately, I've had a few who have asked where I have been and thought it would be easier to answer all at one time versus sending out several emails.
This past week, my wife lost her job. Some of you know that the job market has not been kind to me at all, and currently I am lucky to get 6 hours a week. So this being the case, the wife and I are broke. Now this is in no way a plea for assistance, as we have places to go. If anything, it is a request for prayers for my family as we are now forced with a few choices, but none of them good. If all goes well, my wife will have a job within the next few weeks and squeeze by on unemployment and all our worries are for not.
However being practical, we will be losing our house of 4 years, and be forced to move back in with my folks. (After 15 years, not an easy pill to swallow). If this is the case, then my step-daughter has chosen to move to KY, to live with her grandmother and family there so as not start a new school in a new area, with kids she does not know. She has several friends and family in KY and my wife and I feel and believe that this would be an easier transition for her.
My daughter will more than likely stay with her mother, hopefully my daughter will chose to go with me which I know she will want to do. Yet her mother, will force and manipulate her to stay with her; (I do not say manipulate our of spite or dislike for her mother, simply it is the truth.)
This then leaves just my wife, our son and myself moving to TX. So my family is at a point of breaking apart, even if for a little while not a thought or action I want.
So I write this simply asking for prayers and well wishes, not asking for here in the forums, just a quick prayer, thought, or whatever is all I ask.
Now this being said, I am not leaving the game as I will still have internet, but I will not be on nearly as much in the coming months. Unless time allows, which hopefully it will.
Thanks for reading, my friends and in game family. And hope to see you all soon.