Nothing good seems to come my way.
I'll be thinking of you ..
Wife and I will be praying for you and your family, J.
Hit me up ingame whenever you're online and see me around.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I wish you well man
Whishing you well, Jeri!
Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG
I hope all will go well for you Jerriko.
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
Will be sending good thoughts and prayers, to you and your family.
First, thank you for your prayers and thoughts, as they seem to be working!
An update is needed:
So far, my wife has not found employment; however she did start receiving unemployment benefits. Not as much as we were making, but still better than nothing. She has however had several interviews with some good companies here.
I have had some interesting news as well. First, I have worked almost non-stop for the last 2 weeks, which where I work out is rare, so that is a good thing. (I do miss you all, just really tired.) Second, tomorrow I have an interview with Walt Disney World!!!! For a very, very good position. I do not want to say to much on it as I am afraid I will jinx it. So again, please pray or send good thoughts our way, and who knows; in a month we could be living in sunny Florida!
I'm going to try to log in tonight, but well I feel really lucky so I may take a chance at the casino since it is guys night out there and I'll get $10 in match play. Who knows, maybe I'll walk out with a few million, or leave $10.00 poorer.
Again thank you all for any prayers and well wishes and good thoughts. I miss you all and look forward to playing with you all again!
Second, tomorrow I have an interview with Walt Disney World!!!! For a very, very good position. I do not want to say to much on it as I am afraid I will jinx it. So again, please pray or send good thoughts our way, and who knows; in a month we could be living in sunny Florida!
Don't tell me...Do you get to be Buzz Lightyear?

Congrats on the streak of luck, I hope it works out for you..

Best of luck, J.
My prayers are with you.
Rene Descartes orders a glass of wine and drinks it. The bartender says, "Would you like another?" Descartes replies, "I think not." And he disappears.
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
Another update! Well I got the job! Now the wife and I have to make a huge choice.
What this means for us now is that I head to Florida to work while they all move to KY for a while, so I can get a few things established. Once done and she finds a job the rest will move down with me. My daughter still will stay here with her mother... so far. I have not had that conversation with her yet.
Unless my wife gets the city job here, then we are definitely moving.
So now I have a question. I need a place to stay. Any one in the Orlando area have a spare couch I could bum for a few weeks? If so, send me a PM.
Disney magic does a lot of good eh?
I don't live anywhere near Orlando, but I hope you figure out a place to stay and all that. Good luck with everything!
Some of you may have noticed that I have not been on a lot lately, I've had a few who have asked where I have been and thought it would be easier to answer all at one time versus sending out several emails.
This past week, my wife lost her job. Some of you know that the job market has not been kind to me at all, and currently I am lucky to get 6 hours a week. So this being the case, the wife and I are broke. Now this is in no way a plea for assistance, as we have places to go. If anything, it is a request for prayers for my family as we are now forced with a few choices, but none of them good. If all goes well, my wife will have a job within the next few weeks and squeeze by on unemployment and all our worries are for not.
However being practical, we will be losing our house of 4 years, and be forced to move back in with my folks. (After 15 years, not an easy pill to swallow). If this is the case, then my step-daughter has chosen to move to KY, to live with her grandmother and family there so as not start a new school in a new area, with kids she does not know. She has several friends and family in KY and my wife and I feel and believe that this would be an easier transition for her.
My daughter will more than likely stay with her mother, hopefully my daughter will chose to go with me which I know she will want to do. Yet her mother, will force and manipulate her to stay with her; (I do not say manipulate our of spite or dislike for her mother, simply it is the truth.)
This then leaves just my wife, our son and myself moving to TX. So my family is at a point of breaking apart, even if for a little while not a thought or action I want.
So I write this simply asking for prayers and well wishes, not asking for here in the forums, just a quick prayer, thought, or whatever is all I ask.
Now this being said, I am not leaving the game as I will still have internet, but I will not be on nearly as much in the coming months. Unless time allows, which hopefully it will.
Thanks for reading, my friends and in game family. And hope to see you all soon.