30 -
Quote:Does this mean we should have gotten the list or has it not been sent out yet? First time participating so not sure how that worksThe signup date cutoff is currently set to the 23rd so I can get the list out and people have a chance to work on cards.
The current # of participants so far is 35 (a couple more than that if you're sending more than one card to Kyo's household). -
pst. SW:TOR is free to play now.
Saint and I are on the shadow realms although it looks like most cox people are on harbringer.
Take care of yourself as well -
I'd be up for it. I've been trying to play every night even for a little bit. It's been so quiet recently
Unfortunately too late for me. But I wish everyone the best of luck!
I don't have a namesake character, never did
But this all sounds like fun -
I will definitely sending you a msg for some as soon as I get screen shots. I was actually waiting for you to open up commishes again. I just wish it was under happier circumstances as I'm sure we all do. Thanks for doing this Layla.
Protector is what made me stick with the game through good times and bad. When I was all alone in China, I knew I had family that I could talk to when I was feeling all alone on the other side of the world. I don't want to lose that.
If you want to add me to facebook, send me a message and I will tell you my name. I don't give it out on public forums but will gladly add anyone.
I play Star Wars: The Old Republic and Lord of the Rings Online. I will gladly switch servers to join up with people from here.
*hugs* -
In total I got 45 levels on a bunch of characters
My staff brute from 12 to 22
My street justice scrapper from 21 to 22
My grav/time corrupter from 20 to 23
ill/rad from 17 to 24
titan weapon scrapper from 19 to 24
warshade from 11 to 22
claws/willpower from 33 to 35
and my water blaster from 13 to 17
That's awesome for me to actually have that much play time -
Aw missed it. I was off doing another tradition. Camping the Canada Day long weekend and raiding a pirate pub
Happy Canada Day! -
Yay Zek! Good to see you back! I hope everything continues on an upward swing for you. Welcome back again
If there does end up being space on the ITF, I'd like to join. I have a TA/A def.
Best of luck. I hope everything turns out well in the end.
Kit Kender went from 27 to 29
Orange Tabby went from 37 to 38 with one bar from 39 (which I got yesterday)
Sapphire Tabby went from 22 to 25
Crystalline Tabby went from 10 to 22 (all from a run of posi 1 and 2)
Ocean's Calm went from 25 to 28 with one bar away from 29 (which I got yesterday)
so all in all I got 21 levels from minimal playing time as I was busy almost all Sunday. Best Double exp so far -
I am tentatively optimistic about the change. If it is like that ring game that I've played for years (not nearly as long as cox but a good chunk of time) there has been nothing but improvement once the initial overload of players was dealt with. They disappeared in less than a month from the ring game. I can wait that long.
The way I see it I'm going to eventually be able to buy the steampunk pack and the beast pack without spending more than my monthly sub fee - It's not a priority in terms of spending even though I drool over them a lot and it gives me choices in my upgrades while taking absolutely nothing away from me. -
I hope your son has a speedy recovery.
ditto - though I am enjoying the tips missions even if I can't go any farther until my preorder comes in
Same thing happened to me. I can't get into Protector. Haven't tried any other servers, though there isn't much point since I only play on Protector
I had a great time last night. Thanks for organising this!
Silverclaw is coming to
The more the merrier