... Renewal (fiction and such)
OH YAY!!! *waits for more*
Awesome! *flops down at Saint's feets*
*makes lotsa popcorn (both flovored and plain) and plops down next to Wolfie & Kyo waiting patiently for more*
If you take time to help others, you help yourself grow.
If you take time to help yourself, you realize how far you have to go.
If you take time for chocolate . . . you've discovered the secret to a happy life

GL & be safe in game & real life!
Part 2
The Dark Watcher felt as if something was off balance.
Was it one of the sealed dimensions??
He stepped sideways through time and space, seeking the answer for what was bugging him.
Part 3
The feral creature scurried across the ruined landscape. The dead things were chasing him again. He could only fight so long. They always got up again, but then so did he.
He had been overwhelmed a few times, when he underestimated their numbers. Or overestimated his own strength.
It was all instinct now. No real rational thought remained. Just the drive to escape, to survive.
He ran, and ran.
Under a red, unchanging sky, he was soon a white spec in the distance.
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
Yay, more story! Interestingly creepy so far...can't wait to see what happens next!
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
Okay folks, for the rest of the story I'm going to need to borrow some peoples characters... I hope no one minds.
Off the top of my head I would like permission to use:
Mr. Subtle
There were more, but I can't think of them right now. I need sleeeeeeeeeep. This week sucks. >.<
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
Your always welcome to use Busty in one o' your tales! And Hulkers says your welcome to use Subtle, too!
Part 4
Dark Watcher steps through reality and into the Saints base. He was expected, so it was less rude of him then would be otherwise the case.
The leader of the Saints, Badge, was standing at the head of the table. There were only three other people in the room.
He shook his head and sighed sadly. Four for what was needed to be done.
The Watcher met Badge's eyes then nodded greeting. When he cleared his throat everyone stopped and looked at him.
"I'm going to assume that you all know who I am, so I'll skip that part. Badge I know, and Mr. Subtle by reputation. The two lovely ladies I don't."
Badge smiled a little. "The one on my right is known as Silverclaw. She is a member of the Saints, and the only one not on assignment who volunteered. The smaller one is known at Busty. She contacted me, and nagged me until I let her be involved. I still don't know who told her about this mission, but if she was so insistent, I figured why not. The more the merrier, right?? Mr. Subtle also contacted me. Something about a favour owed... and, of course, I'm going along."
Dark Watcher nodded. Maybe four would be enough. They were all motivated. He sat down across the table from the four. "Okay, people, somehow news of this slipped out, I guess, but I'm going to go over everything. I don't want any of you to risk yourselves without full disclosure. Lou has been missing from this dimension for over half a year now. I know where he is, and we're going to go get him back. Truth be told, I've known where he's been the entire time..."
Busty jumped to her feat, her eyes showing her fury. She opened her mouth, but was cut off by The Dark Watcher.
"... sit, calm yourself, and I'll keep explaining."
She sat again, but her eyes still betrayed the anger she felt.
He sighed again. "Lou and I went to this particular dimension a while before his disappearance. He had something personal to take care of there. After the zombie incident, where they were crossing over to our dimension to get revenge on him for what he did there (although I'm only assuming on this part), he locked himself back into that place to try and contain the zombies. That dimension is dying now. The only reason we're not feeling the side effects, like during the alternate Requiem fiasco that Portal Corp had to take care of, is because that place is sealed, both from the inside and out. The outside seal is my own, placed there on Lou's insistence when the two of us returned. The inside one is his. I can make a hole in my own no problem, but keeping a doorway open through his seal will take almost everything I have, and trust me, you don't want to be cut off from here while you're over there. Now what I think is happening..."
Watchers phone rings. "Pardon me a moment. Hello?? How did you... of course... I'll have to ask first..."
He turns to Badge. "I have three more people who want in on this, but I'll need your permission to bring them here. You may not be happy about two of them though."
Badge nods. "Bring them."
The Watcher closes his eyes for a moment and disappears. He returns in moments, and there are three people people with him. Badge's eyes narrow when he sees who they are.
Watcher holds out his hand. "I warned you. You gave permission. Those two are here to help their father. The big guy is an old friend of Lou's as well."
The enormous man's voiced rumbled out in a slow drawl. "Watcher. That was quite a ride. Fergive me iff'n I don't want to go through it again. Howdy folks. Ah'm known as the Iggy roun' these parts. Short fer Ignorant Mass. And a'coarse you know young Michael and Gabby here, if only from the wanted posters. We're here to help their daddy, who's an ol' friend a mine from way back, and since I hear he'll be needing all the help he can get, lets not go pickin' any fights 'tween us."
A smile plays around the corners of The Dark Watcher's mouth. "Going by Iggy now?? Must you always butcher the language..."
Iggy shrugged his shoulders and stroked his long beard, looking around the room slowly. He sauntered up to Silverclaw and took her hand, kissing it gently. "It has been some time..." She blushed and nodded. He shook hands with Badge. His own massive mit engulfing the smaller man's hand. He shook hands with Mr. Subtle, too. Neither of them betrayed it, but the hand clasp looked a little to crushing to be even close to friendly. And finally he knelt down before Busty. "You must be the one who helped heal some of my friends wounds..." He took her hand and kissed it gently as well.
"Can I continue now, Iggy??"
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
*munches popcorn*
If you take time to help others, you help yourself grow.
If you take time to help yourself, you realize how far you have to go.
If you take time for chocolate . . . you've discovered the secret to a happy life

GL & be safe in game & real life!
*drags a HUGE pile of snacks and drinks and parks herself waiting for more*
Nope, I ain't budgin'!!!
Iggy! Oh I miss Iggy! He helped teach me how to play CoX way back when.
More story!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
I miss Iggy too, which is why I decided to use him in a story...
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
[/ QUOTE ]
How so??
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
*still patiently awaiting MOAR!*
*waits next to wolfie*
Need your feet rubbed while we wait...too much coffee.
I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.
Ooooh, that would be great!
*waiting much more patiently than before*
*is starting to IMpatiently wait*
[/ QUOTE ]
How so??
[/ QUOTE ]
I see what you did... this is the introduction to your arc
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
Poor Lou.
I played the arc. It was very good. I liked it alot.
And I'm anxious to find out what happened and how it can get fixed!
Somebody better get in there and help Lou... NOW!
Somebody better get in there and help Lou... NOW!
[/ QUOTE ]
I have a cunning plan....
....well, Busty is going with you!
Part 1
The spirits gathered around, looking at the feral creature that had spawned them all.
The drifted around it. There had only been a few at first, now there were many. So many that if you could see them, it would just be a featureless mass.
The creature was curled up in the corner of the room, holding its knees while rocking back and forth.
It had been a man once. Before this time. Before this place. An unending twilight in a timeless world. Or had too much time passed. It was hard for the creature to tell anymore. Much had been lost.
The long hair was tangled and matted, as was the beard. The remains of clothing clung to a gaunt frame.
The spirits watched him. Watched their creator, as he went slowly mad.
The creature sniffed at the air, and listened. The things had gotten up again. It was time to move once more. For a moment he pulled himself together, and stood tall and proud, once again the man he was, but it passed quickly, and the creature scurried from the room, leaving behind yet another part of himself as one more spirit was born.
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...