So how'd the dubble ecks-peez treat you?
This time, I've been busy as hell prepping for a con and STILL was able to get a LOT done in-game.
Got a couple of levels each on 2 characters, that's about it.
Not a fan of Double XP, since I play not to reach the level cap but to enjoy the ride, but one nice thing about this kind of weekend is that it seems to bring back familiar faces that we haven't seen in a while...
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
I made about half a billion on the market without really trying by selling off some low level IO's that I had laying about. Got my Stone/Electric tank to 48.5 and got a couple of levels on some other stuff.
Spend most of Saturday morning and afternoon trying to get my secondary computer to dual box without freezing up. Ended up upgrading it to Windows 7 x64 and running to Fry's for some extra memory. Works perfectly now.
Sunday morning was spent getting exploration badges for my supergroup since I had been putting it off for the past year. Upgraded all of the porters to the 4 zone model, bought a bigger plot and re-layed out the rooms with all of the extra prestige from Saturday.
All in all it was an enjoyable time, with the exception of the Sutter TF where Primal Duran refused to stop porting around like a ninny even after killing off the clone. Ended up logging out and resetting to clear whatever bug was happening. Finished it quickly after that.
Fun times had by all of the Masters of Debt!
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
I hit 50 with my Brute, R3M073 UNi7, first non-hero-at (though he's praetorian/blueside) to reach it.
Got my MM out of mothballs long enough to ding her to 21 and realize that I really, really don't like playing masterminds.
Got Emperor's Adul8r to 24 and am distressed that she cannot do most things you guys can (because she's not "out" of Praetoria and never will be if I can manage it)... like join supergroups, gain extra (non halloween) costume slots in-game, and the like. I'm not even sure, is the Praetoria auction house connected to the rest of the game's? It sure doesn't feel like it.
Got my water/time ... blaster? shoot I can't even remember what she IS ... from 12 to 18 and gained a new Global friend teaming up in Steel.
Got a purple drop on Remote that netted me well over 160 million inf since I never am able to use those drops, which will fund any respecs that MM of mine needs.
All in all I had a lot of fun. It was really warm in town, and my room is heating up already today.
Frankly this was the longest I've spent *not using Steam* in months, I need to get back online on Steam and see what I've missed over there.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Keraunos (TW/Inv Brute) 12 -> 16
Pontus (Dark/Staff Tanker) 13 -> 26
Elektrophor (Elec/Kin Controller) 22 -> 23
Wahrheit (Beam/Poison Corruptor) 22 -> 29
Puella Magi (Time/AR Defender) 46 -> 47
Might have gotten more levels, but other than occasionally hopping on a trial or two, I was mostly duoing with a friend who I can only ever get to play during 2XP weekends.
Renegade Reverend 28 -> 41
"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot
I got a bunch of my characters to level 42!
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I was in Georgia and missed the entire thing.
Including the sales.

Was absent for most of it, but that's my usual fare with COH these past months.
Got 1 level on a troller, 3 on a blaster.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I dinged my 139th, 140th and 141st 50 on Protector. overall..kinda slow weekend.
210 50s and still counting!
In total I got 45 levels on a bunch of characters
My staff brute from 12 to 22
My street justice scrapper from 21 to 22
My grav/time corrupter from 20 to 23
ill/rad from 17 to 24
titan weapon scrapper from 19 to 24
warshade from 11 to 22
claws/willpower from 33 to 35
and my water blaster from 13 to 17
That's awesome for me to actually have that much play time

Only was able to play on Sunday for a few hours, but I got my dark/ice dom from 24 to 27 on a Posi pt. 2, then my kin/shield from 34 to 36 on a manti. Didn't do any auctioning.
I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.
Yeah. It's one of "those" threads again.

Last time DXP weekend rolled around, I got almost nothing accomplished. Was on at odd hours, and my heart kinda just wasn't in it.
This time, I've been busy as hell prepping for a con and STILL was able to get a LOT done in-game.
I got two completely new characters into their low to mid 20's.
I got a bunch of characters in their teens into the low to mid 20's (about 5).
I hit 50 on my SoA.
I hit L49 (from 48) on my Ill/Rad
I got my last Praetorian on this server out of Praetoria (THANK BOB!)
I even made a few billion marketing.
All in all a nice, productive weekend.
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