Where did you finish?
My Bots/Traps went from 35-39, fire/rad troller went from 34-39, elec/shield went from 48-50, and spines/elec got from 44-47. Not a bad weekend, considering I didn't play anything except 50's on Friday/Saturday
Luminarious got from 46-49, and got to 50 today.
Two 50s.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Scrapper: 22 to 28
Blaster: 37 to 40
Controller: 38 to 40
Peacebringer: 43 to 48
Stalker: 22 to 24
Total levels: 18, and not counting the slow ITF (defeat almost all) I ran yesterday that took 2:45 hours.
Best Double XP run ever for me in 7 years.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
Congrats everyone
Kit Kender went from 27 to 29
Orange Tabby went from 37 to 38 with one bar from 39 (which I got yesterday)
Sapphire Tabby went from 22 to 25
Crystalline Tabby went from 10 to 22 (all from a run of posi 1 and 2 )
Ocean's Calm went from 25 to 28 with one bar away from 29 (which I got yesterday)
so all in all I got 21 levels from minimal playing time as I was busy almost all Sunday. Best Double exp so far

I want to say 33 to 35 on a Dominator, and 25 to 32 on a Brute.
Of course, since I'm going to have to delete a 32 Mastermind to remake her with Time Manipulation, this doesn't even break even.

Magma Imp, my earth/thermal controller went from 39-45, mostly due to Zaloopa's Dr Q.
Mielikki Greencloak, my plant/empathy controller went from 26ish to 31
Midnight Astral, my warshade, went from 26 to 32
Various other lowbies picked up some xp here and there, but those 3 where my main focus.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

I saved up on my 2 high toons and kept Maria Jenkins' arc until the weekend.
I got my ff/bubble defender from 48-50, and my plant/kin from 46-49.
Thanks to everyone who came on the runs with me! It was a blast and we chewed through stuff like it was butter! (except for that mish... you know what mish, Ny!)

I got one of my own characters from 42 to 43, but other than that I teamed with my significant other and took his Illusion/Thermal Controller from 1 to 34. So it was a good weekend. ^_^
At the end of the 2XP weekend
Got Cactus Jim - Plant/Thorns Rogue Dom from 33 to 45. Mostly thanks to River and Sooner running the Maria Jenkins arc. A few ITFs helped also.
I mainly focused on this character over the weekend as he is one of the first ones created when CoV went live.