What Do Y'all Think?




I have very mixed feelings about it, and MOST of them have to do with my home on Protector.

I don't want to transfer any of my characters to a VIP server... they belong here. I don't want to lose my friends to another server...

As to the rest of it... I'm willing to keep an open mind.




"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Originally Posted by bamaWolfie View Post
All I can think is "oh boy... every server full of ******-ery, like freedom blue" *sighs*

And will I have to go through and collect all my vet rewards NOW or lose the chance to claim them?

I'm willing to wait and see... I am actually not a "doooooom" person... but very much feeling that way about this already. I've been here a long time and don't want to leave... but *shrugs* Like sooner said... will try to keep an open mind.
As I read it... you'll continue earning vet badges.

I have been four f'in badges away from all of them since this thing started... if I can't even get those last few... I will be PO'd! ...but I don't think that's what's goin to happen.



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
I have very mixed feelings about it, and MOST of them have to do with my home on Protector.

I don't want to transfer any of my characters to a VIP server... they belong here. I don't want to lose my friends to another server...
Originally Posted by bamaWolfie View Post
All I can think is "oh boy... every server full of ******-ery, like freedom blue" *sighs*

I'm willing to wait and see... I am actually not a "doooooom" person... but very much feeling that way about this already. I've been here a long time and don't want to leave... but *shrugs* Like sooner said... will try to keep an open mind.
You don't have to move if you don't want to. And if your friends don't move either, then...

Nothing changes.

As for the "******-ery", as Wolvie put it :

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
How many of you are bothered by the free trial players in the 1-14 levels?

The new 'freedom accounts' are nothing more than a type of trial account that goes up to 50. They can't /tell, they can't use globals. They can't form SuperGroups to spam you with invites.


If you haven't been bothered by the free trial players (in any significant way) previously, you won't with the free account players.

Besides, there are zones and missions you can all go to where they can't to get away from them (you won't see one of them in Praetoria or Incarnate content). And they can't talk on your global channels. They are very easily avoided.

So, why is your hair on fire?
What he said.

And if the Protector community stays (more or less) the same, we're known not to take any bull-**** from any noobs

It's them who should be afraid of us... very afraid...

Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes : http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Things will be fine. No need to jump ship (just yet).

With a paying sub you will get the Paragon Points monthy that you can use to get other goodies. Another Ring based fantasy MMO I play also has the same program. In that game you get points for completing large quests, and deeds (deeds are kind of like our badge system). You can then use these points to buy and unlock, emotes, items for crafting, cometic items or if you are Free to Play use the points to buy more content. The game still offers free content (what we call Issues here) and you can purchase expansions. (Like the one coming in Sept. with some wizard in a tower.)

There seems to be a lot of bone gnashing about "Keep those F2P people away from me!". But as someone pointed out they will be no different than the trial subs we have now.

I also remember reading in this very board about how some Protector Vet players helped a total stranger complete a Task Force one night. It's this willingness to help others, friends or strangers that makes the game stand out amoung others. I hope that this spirit will continue with these new changes.

Oh and Issue 21 looks very "interesting" http://www.cityofheroes.com/news/gam..._overview.html

*jumps off the soap box for the next person*



I am simply over-reacting. Too many changes in RL and this just rubbed wrong.

Y'all are right, of course.



No problem Wolfie. I suppose gamers are not the best demographic to spring changes to a system on. But I think things will be OK. We will just have to wait and see how this all plays out. Good or bad we won't know until we get there.



As long as everyone I've made friends with stays on Protector, I think I will be fine.



I do play that other Ring based game that seems to have a similar model. It's not a bad set-up from what I've seen. I shall at this time remain cautiously optimistic.

The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
With a paying sub you will get the Paragon Points monthy that you can use to get other goodies. Another Ring based fantasy MMO I play also has the same program. In that game you get points for completing large quests, and deeds (deeds are kind of like our badge system). You can then use these points to buy and unlock, emotes, items for crafting, cometic items or if you are Free to Play use the points to buy more content. The game still offers free content (what we call Issues here) and you can purchase expansions. (Like the one coming in Sept. with some wizard in a tower.)

I'm familiar with that Lord of...something ... game. This has a similar feel. That game does not seem to suffer in any great way and I don't think our dear city has anything to worry about.

Not to say I didn't have my moment of "DOOOOM" when I first read it. We're ok.

Oh, in case nobody noticed it..... TIME MANIPULATION POWERSET!

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Well, I think we've definitely got an infrastructure to handle an influx of new players.

The Helper system, our own Mentor Project, our global channels, various tools we now have at our disposal like the calendar, Twitter and now Ventrilo will ensure we have not only the means to assist new players, should they come over to Protector, but also keep allowing the VIPs (old and new) to keep in touch.

But, perhaps just as importantly, IDF boots!

Players Guide to the Cities



I want my Galaxy City! I start all my toons there, I use it to tip at all levels (so small, so easy to navigate), I know Derek, Gregor, Pr Kiros, Caitlin & Rebecca well. Not to mention that Brawler is the man. I do not enjoy Atlas. On a good day, the topography is obtuse for my lowbie leveling. On a bad day there are netgirls offering "cake" for inf while holding costume contests where the most skin female costume wins. So I'm annoyed I'm going to loose my starting ground, my tip sanctuary, my home.

The free to play doesn't bug me. The freebies not being able to talk to me is fine with me. Simply because the merits of the game should reel 'em in to being pay customers, not our awesome selves talking to them. I mean, I know we're awesome, but my awesomeness isn't going to get freebie to spend cash if he's pissed that this game doesn't act exactly like his old one. If I'm gold-named and I want to help, I'll seek out freebies and give them a hand, but I don't need my lvl 37 toon slogging through Crey's Folly getting hit up to help someone in Hollows.

I'm not going to a VIP server. I know how to /ignore folks that annoy me. So at the end of the day, I'm not getting big changes to my play other than Galaxy.



I might have missed it but is the VIP only server going to be one of the existing ones or a brand new one?

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
I might have missed it but is the VIP only server going to be one of the existing ones or a brand new one?
Brand new, from what I've seen.

And in other news, I have decided that nothing has changed for me. Screw all the rest of what going on, I'll leave Protector when they shut off the power for good, and not a moment before, even if I'm the only one left. And if I am, I'll be the guy who turns off the lights and puts the chairs up on the table.

If nothing else, this change in system will allow me to stay longer, in case my finances go downhill. Otherwise I will continue to pay for an awesome game that has entertained me for years.

The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...



Originally Posted by Saint View Post
Brand new, from what I've seen.

And in other news, I have decided that nothing has changed for me. Screw all the rest of what going on, I'll leave Protector when they shut off the power for good, and not a moment before, even if I'm the only one left. And if I am, I'll be the guy who turns off the lights and puts the chairs up on the table.

If nothing else, this change in system will allow me to stay longer, in case my finances go downhill. Otherwise I will continue to pay for an awesome game that has entertained me for years.

And lets all bow our heads.... Amen.

Now, lets talk about something important...like giving all your spare cash to the juggler on the corner near Ms. Liberty.....

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Time Manipulation
I’m curious about this. My initial guess is that we’ll have plenty of slow effects, probably haste effects, and at least one hold, possibly an immobilize too. As a Defender, I’m not really that excited. Though that may be my Defender ennui. Aside: I have so many stalled Defenders; Sonics, Kinetics, Radiation, Trick Arrow, about the only one that gets attention when I log in is my Empath. I put powers in my search comment so people know what I’m playing, and "moar hlz" seems to win over the other spectacular options. Darn it Protector, love your other Defenders. Ok, aside over. Back on point, imagine Time with something like Gravity on a Controller. Oh my, the fun one could have. Slow, plus anything to stack containment is awesome. I’m just speculating, but will probably be a great Controller set, not sure about Defenders. Second aside, can we get some more secondaries for Blasters already?



Life goes on.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



What others have said.

Until/unless they give the F2P'ers access to global channels or sending tells, they might as well not be there. Which is both good and bad, really.

Good, because it lets us avoid the RMT'ers and unsavory trolls, but not so good in that it'll block actual nice people from making connections within the game.



I am tentatively optimistic about the change. If it is like that ring game that I've played for years (not nearly as long as cox but a good chunk of time) there has been nothing but improvement once the initial overload of players was dealt with. They disappeared in less than a month from the ring game. I can wait that long.

The way I see it I'm going to eventually be able to buy the steampunk pack and the beast pack without spending more than my monthly sub fee - It's not a priority in terms of spending even though I drool over them a lot and it gives me choices in my upgrades while taking absolutely nothing away from me.



Really? I think that it's probably best to reserve judgement. I know my gut reaction is that this could go horribly wrong, but it could also have the reverse effect, and end up making this game even greater than WoW. (Odds of that happening are roughly the same as my spontaneously taking my bosses position. If that should happen, *EVIL GRIN*)

The Time Manipulation set has caught most of my attention with this announcement, anyway.

"Don't you know dead is spelled m-e-n-t-a-l in CoH? - SapphireShot



Initially? ****...

Retrospect? Saw it coming.

Presently? I've already been paying for the game for years now, makes no real difference to me. Cept maybe when I go on hiatus I can still pop back in now and again.

Honestly, the one thing that caught my attention is that only eight archetypes will be playable for free/returning players. There's fourteen total, four Epic Archetypes, which leaves our ten regular ATs. That means one AT on each side (Hero/Villain) is going to be restricted to free players.

Who wants to bet Free Heroes don't get Controllers?

Edit: Nevermind, looks like that was already answered.

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Masterminds and Controllers (and HEATs and VEATs). They can purchase these separately, or become a VIP Subscriber and get access to all AT's.



I'm a feeling a bit conflicted.

This is probably needed so that the game can continue for a few more years.
They are promising new content on a more frequent basis; great news if they can deliver.

Free accounts look a lot like extended trials, no harm/no foul there. I like newbs.

It is sad to see the game reach this stage.
it isn't quite clear what will happen to my pre-existing toons when I come back for a peek.



Originally Posted by ClancyClown View Post
it isn't quite clear what will happen to my pre-existing toons when I come back for a peek.
Actually, they've answered that.

When your account lapses, all of your characters lock, but you get two tokens to unlock them no matter what (or make new characters). Then you get an additional token for every slot you've either bought or unlocked through the VET system.

I imagine if you reactivate the account and let it lapse again, you can probably change which characters you unlock too.



I'll be here til the end! I hope this bring in new players. AND they get some people who decide to go VIP from F2P. I also hope that its somewhat easy for F2P peoples to earn SG privileges. A good SG (Like Mean Girls for example! =P) is really helpful esp starting out.

I'm going to look at this as something positive.


also - FAT BABY sighting! +1! Y U NO TEAM?