Best Part of GR
So far, the best (and only) part of GR for me... has been waiting for EB Games (the Canadian affiliate to GameStop) to ship my pre-order, which its website says won't happen till the 20th...
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
I would have to say interacting with Cleopatra in Nova Praetoria is always great.
It's also nice to see some familar faces though in different roles in game. (Tunnel Rat's arc.)
Haven't done any side switching and doubt that I will.
the best part for me will be when i get a new computer, one that can actually handle the game again...
"When Eric Estrada looked me in the eyes, I thought I would feel different..." Michael Perry
The Frat and the Furious - MA ID 27145
Town of Super People - MA ID 59106
I would have to say interacting with Cleopatra in Nova Praetoria is always great.
Not just the character interaction (tried it twice giving different answers), but the idea of having zowies opens up a lot of possibilities in future arc development.
I'm taking my sweet time with exploring Praetoria and may have to resort to soloing my way through these 20 levels to soak it all in, since most teams are too "next-level hungry" for my needs.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
I'm taking my sweet time with exploring Praetoria and may have to resort to soloing my way through these 20 levels to soak it all in, since most teams are too "next-level hungry" for my needs.
I don't know what my favorite part is. Maybe the optional dialog choices. Those are pretty cool.

For me so far it's been the dialog choices and the updated look. Praetoria looks so much more like a city than the original game ever did.
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
It's all good stuff for me (well, I can't quite come up with an idea for Kinetic Melee, so haven't tried that yet) but the Closest to Completion badge window is beyond awesome.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
The best: a merged market and being able to email items between characters of all alignments.
I do actually quite like all the praetoria content but the enjoyment is tempered by the lack of access to the rest of the game while you are in praetoria (no SG's, no going to the other zones until you hit 20, no task forces until you hit 20) and the fact that the merit rewards for the stuff in praetoria are so pitifull I don't see any reason to run the content much more than once, maybe twice. Often enough to take all the possible branches at least.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Honestly I love the side switching. My widow is now able to move between all zones and present stabbity death on all tf/sf That for me is a dream come true. Well that and taking a screenshot of her on top of City hall in Atlas Park
Lyrina Kyton- Arachnos Widow Lvl-50 Happily
Ivan Spectre- Arachnos Soldier Lvl-50 on
The Grey Guard- BS/Sh Scrapper Lvl- 50 Protector
Ivaniva Spectre- WP/SS Tanker Lvl- 50
Bakuhatsu- DP/DM Corrupter Lvl- 45
Being able to explore new zones and new missions with friends.
"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q
I didn't have an answer until last night - I've been enjoying it ALL - but last night my badger made it over to the Rogue Isles and.... that was so tremendously cool.
The writing is amazing. The Praetorian zones are BEAUTIFUL. How well they've managed to capture the really difficult choices... when you actually take a moment to THINK about what you've just seen or read....
... when you actually take a moment to THINK about what you've just seen or read.... |
I am taking my sig to MWO and MWT. Let them wonder what it means.
The moral choices, and the sinking feeling when you know you've just had to choose the "lesser" of two reasonably evil things. :/ It's such an excellent way of evolving the game. I really - really - hope that much more of this is on the way, and that the hero side (particularly) gets this treatment sooner or later. Since redside already has plenty of great stories, and far better dialog. (and, you don't have to run all over the place to get where you're going there...)
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
My favorite part is the fact that I can now move my characters across this world. No more "I'm only capering in the Rogue Isles on Redside" or "I'm only protecting Paragon City on Blueside" rubbish.
Frankly, I can't wait to see how Praetoria expands.
Oh... And the potential at this point... Prime Earth could go practically ANYWHERE now!
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I'd have to agree with the dialogue branches being my favorite. Now I actually read the text, instead of just skimming it.
New zones are really nice looking, and the branching story arcs make the stories feel more alive.
Every night I log in with like a millions things to do: Do I play my badger? Do I play one of my new praetorians? Do I work on switching sides for someone else?
What do I do?
So very much to do!
Leader of the Paragon Punishers SG and the Phantoms of War SG
So far given the content you've played, what's your favourite part of Going Rogue? A certain story line, a pretty location you found, a power (or powerset) that makes you giggle like a little kid with a cool toy every time you see it?
Please no spoilers for story arcs though -- no 'Luke, I am your father' moments!