And Thanks for all the fish, apparently:
I agree, they should just sell the studio and game to someone else. This development team is amazing and yes, hire these people. To all my friends in game, look me up on Xbox under the name Jerikko, (I know big surprise on the name ), just send me a note that you play coh.
Yeah I was so freaking happy last night to have gotten the kirby dots aura - and wheeee look what comes up today.
I'm in tears, I can't even stand this.
I'm on Steam under Zekiran. Catch me there, or on my facebook if you're not already, I'm Zekiran Immortal there too.
We're going to have to do something big, something Badge would want, if he doesn't come back before the end.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
This effin blows, to say the least!
And I do hope another company picks up this game, and the staff associated with it...
If I don't get a chance to run into you all in game, then I want to thank you all! For the good times, for the laughs, for the friends ... Protector and it's playerbase have been my virtual home for the past 7 years. I will miss this place...
"You wear a mask to hide who you are, I wear a mask to show who I am"
Arc ID 91456: The Zombie Apocalypse Task Force:poster 1, poster 2

Yeah I was crying also, my kids came in my room and asked me what was wrong. I felt sort of silly crying over a video game, but then the amount of time invested and friendships made; it is like a family or friend passing away. I posted on facebook and here again, this game saved my life. It kept me grounded while my RL world was falling apart around me. Though I have lately been playing less and less (which is a good thing since I have a great job now) I always kept my subscription up. I will miss all of my friends and cherish my alternate life.
Guess it's time to hang up the cape.
Real life name.
Most depressing news. And such terrible timing...I'm only 2 or 3 tokens from Tier 9!
Protector was with me during some tough times in life. I've met some incredible people here and made some great friends.
I'm going to miss you all.
We're going to have to do something big, something Badge would want, if he doesn't come back before the end.
I really hope someone picks up the game and saves it.
My MA Arcs: [29581 - A Knight to Remember] [107587 - Upgrade] [41834 - Construction Blues]

Playing on: Protector - Guardian - Victory
Gonna miss you guys. Protector was the little server that could. We were the ones that did the crazy **** with less people than it took other servers. It's been an era since I started playing this game...I'm not quite sure what I'll do next.
Farewell, guys.
This just blows. Really depressing news. City will be missed. I hope there is some way to keep it up.
Prey Family Art
My Alts
Mortal Prey II soloing AV's no temp/insps
I know this is only a game but this news is personally the saddest thing I've had come my way since my father passed. I LOVE this game and hope to see it continue on by any means.
BIG BROTHER MIDAS, Ice/Ice Dominator, 1314 Badges
* Any toon you see with Midas in the name is probably me

This is devastating news! While I have not been on as often as I would like recently this is the only game I truly love. Protector has been a second home and a terrific family. I cannot bear to think that I will not be seeing you all!!! Know that Little Yeti is out there thinking of you all and wishing we were on an ITF or badging.
"Many people say the Yeti is only a legend while some people believe in its existence but nobody has been able to prove it,"
Horrible relog...
Might be a Nemesis plot ?
Pleaaaase !
@Banquise, Controller Ice/Storm/Psy
Dan Brereton
I'll miss you guys.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
This game has meant a lot to me. My in game friends have been there for me through some really rough times.
Nooooo This is the only online game I have played and enjoyed, it is a Saturday night regular for me and a way to blow off steam from work. I will miss the game and the people.
Beware the attack cat

Judging from my experience with AC2's final days my enthusiasm to play will probably drop off quite a bit. That said I plan on keeping strike force sundays going for as long as the servers are up and I plan on being on Protector at the end, right up until I get booted.
This sucks. I hate the numbness that this news has brought me.
I will miss all of you.
If anyone want to friend me on facebook or something, please let me know in a private message. I will send you my name and such to make it easy to do so, because anyone on Protector counts as a friend to me.
I hate this feeling.
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
There are so many things I will miss. CoH was my first MMO and has always been "home" regardless of where I have roamed.
It might seem somewhat silly to be so emotional over a collection of ones and zeros, but that the game itself is obviously not the reason for the sadness. Each and every one of you has made Protector special to me.
I came here for the craziness and stayed for the family. Thank you for all of the fun times we have had and the fun times to come. I'll be here until the lights go out for the last time.
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
Not sure why so abrupt, but that's the way things go in the corporate world.
Thanks for coming out everyone.
"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off