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  1. Thanks for the heads up Yeti, I'll keep an eye out for it.

    Long story short, I'm currently having issues in my relationship that are gaming related, so at this time receiving cards from fellow players will just be pouring salt into an open wound.

    And I appreciate the mental card hyper lol I'll be seeing you on the Titan network.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StormVyxen View Post
    Osmosis explained the situation to me privately. While I'm not at liberty to give details, as much as I'm sure you'd love to send a card as a kindhearted gesture, I'm strongly advising against it Hyper.
    Thanks Storm.
  3. Ozmosis

    Where I'll be

    Just sent you a FB friend request under the name of "Osborne"

    I'll keep an eye out for you on CO. Tho keep in mind I may only play once a week.

    War Z is great, and they are talking about adding PvE servers, hopefully that will happen.
  4. Due to situations out of my control, I will need to have my name removed from the mailing list. Hopefully I got to this in time before someone sent me any cards!

    Thank you all tho for the chance to participate, I just not in a position to do so this year.

    Hopefully this will keep going on the Titan Network or the facebook pages!
  5. Ozmosis

    My last post...

    Well... figured I'd get this over with while I still had time.

    I just wanted to thank you all for the good times over the past 7 years. This game has given me so much; a creative outlet, a means to vent, fun times and most important of all a way to meet good friends. And I'm proud to say that 99% of those 7 years were spent on Protector. So cheers to you all, you mixed bag of nuts you!

    So much has happened in my life because of this game, both good and bad. Who would have ever thought a video game would have had so much impact on your life. I wont go into details cause I'll be here all day, and I'm sure there are a million other good bye posts by now. Besides I dont need to get teary eyed at work.

    For all it's worth, I'll be around, mostly on the Titan Network doing my best to help out with their current project. I'll be on other games as well, I currently got CO (Name there is _Zero_), DCUO (name there is Ozmosis78 or OzmosisCoH, can't remember) and WarZ (OzmosisCoH). Might also check out that Star Wars game going free to play soon.

    I want you all to take care of yourselves now, and take it easy out there.
  6. All this negativity and hopelessness... am I going to have to break out the sargent again! ;P

    Don't give up peeps, all this message says is that we got their attention, we hurt them and they are asking us to stop. All I have to say is, take off the white gloves, and put on the brass knuckles.
  7. Create a VIP account for my GF's daughter so we could play together.

    Followed by much happiness and dancing!

  8. Put it this way, just because NCSoft dropped the ball doesnt mean someone else wont pick it up
  9. Just sent an email to valve and all the other contacts listed above.
  10. Ozmosis


    Thank you for the info Posi, it's really appreciated.

    Tho now I'm seeing all this negativity and sappy remarks about how this is a bad sign, and that this just prooves the games is going under...
    I didn't want to do this, but you guys leave me no choice...

    (WARNING; possible profanity and strong language)

    /emote soapbox
    /emote costumechange


    Well I'll be, if I ever saw a more sad looking bunch of maggots, THEN MAY GOD STRIKE ME DOWN WHERE I STAND!!!

    *looks left*
    *looks right*


    I know things look bleak, I know things look bad, BUT WE ARE STILL HERE, AND WE ARE STILL FIGHTING!!! Are you gonna just lie down and let some corporation just push you around LIKE A BUNCH OF PANSIES!?!?! ARE YOU GOING TO LET THEM INTIMIDATE YOU!?!?! I’M TELLING YOU THIS NOW SOLDIER, the only 2 things you are allowed to be afraid of in life, ARE ME AND GOD!!! I SWEAR, IF I SEE ANY OF YOU GIVE UP, I WILL HAVE YOUR TOONS WALK AROUND ATLAS PARK IN A PINK TU-TU WHILE SINGING I’M A LITTLE TEAPOT!!!

    Now I know we have not gotten a lot of intel from the higher ups, BUT WE HAVE RECENTLY GOTTEN CONFIRMATION THAT OUR VOICES HAVE BEEN HEARD!! And the “enemy” has recently broken radio silence! SO WE MUST NOT SLOW OUR EFFORTS!! We have been campaigning for ONLY 2 and a half weeks so far, AND WE HAVE ATTRACTED ATTENTION FROM AROUND THE WORLD! People are talking about us in Canada, Europe, Australia and all around the U S of A! AND WE STILL HAVE OVER 2 MONTHS TO GO!

    SO FROM NOW ON, YOU WILL DO EVERYTHING YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD CAN THINK OF TO PROMOTE OUR CAUSE!!! You will talk about CoH to all your friends/family! You will post/share/tweet/blog or whatever god darn means of communication you kids have nowadays about CoH! You will continue to march/protest/gather in-game! You will play the game until your fingers/eyes bleed! You will continue to pass the petition around! You will dress up as Positron/War Witch/Matt Miller for Halloween! You will ask for CoH for Christmas! You will dream about playing Coh, and you will Have CoH with your cereal for breakfast!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME!!!


    /emote soapbox
    /emote costumechange

    I hope I have inspired some, and amused all.

    We are heroes, this is what we do.

    Now take it easy, breath, and get out there!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
    So, funny story with that helicopter. I was assigned as the everything designer for the neutral tutorial, which meant designing the zone, missions, layout, powers, etc. World design wise, I wanted to get a sense of danger in the area and that a lot of things were going on. The first thing I thought of was, wouldn't it be cool if there were helicopters and jets flying around?

    I talked to one of our animators, and this was on a Friday when no producers were around (<_< >_>). He grabbed the helicopter geometry we already had and animated the blades to spin. I spent a while trying to figure out how to get the thing to patrol on a regular path. I used all the new techniques we had developed - patrol routes, unique behaviors, etc. But in the end, the helicopter patrol just wasn't smooth enough; it was jerky and would stop at each patrol point for 1/10th of a second, but that was long enough to bug me. I was banging my head against my desk trying to figure out HOW to get a smooth patrol path. Then, it hit me. Not the desk, but a realization.

    The blimp in Atlas Park.

    I did some archaeological digging and found out how that blimp worked, and discovered it was a simple but robust system. Soon enough, I had helicopters and jets flying around in the tutorial. And then, just to help add to the idea that things are going down, I added the helicopter into Atlas. To keep it consistent, I also added (I'm pretty sure) another one in Perez Park, since it's supposed to be flying over to Galaxy City.

    It's a small thing, but it was something that I was really excited when I found out how it worked and that it could be used in a lot of different ways to help worlds feel more alive.
    I KNEW IT! I knew I wasnt crazy!!!

    I was running around AP yesterday taking snapshots and happen to see a helicopter in the sky while trying to take pics of the Blimp. I thought that was so cool!
  12. I lost all of my earlier screenshots due to a hard drive meltdown. However I have a bunch of screen shorts from issue 6-7ish and beyond!

    I'll try to come by and post them once I'm home.
  13. OMG! I hadn't even considered the iPhone/apps possibility!

    They could make like a hero builder app, or like some one said a costume editor, or even an offline wiki that you could update.

    The possibilities are endless, an I would pay for all of them!!!

    Keep the ideas coming peeps! Odds are even if we can't make NCSoft see a profit in this we might convince someone else.
  14. Another thing that was added after launch that made my life so much easier was the mailing system...

    Oh, and a funny thing that was added was the ragdoll anymations! LOL
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Wow. I knew it bombed in Korea, but I didn't realize it didn't make it past the head start preview.
    Ya, I didnt realise that either... that must have sucked!

    Do we know if it was an exact copy of what we had? Or was it different in some way to what we had? I know the characters were different, and that 2 of them got ported over to this game.
  16. You know, reading all of that just made me miss the game even more! LOL

    Additional point you could add, we get benefits/buffs for logging off in certain areas (day jobs).

    Alot of the games out there might have stuff we don't have, but if you added up all of their options, and I'm sure they wouldnt have half of what we have...
  17. I've been spending the last week just running around in game, taking screen shots of everything... got over 1k right now.

    I'm not deleting anything. I'm still holding out on hope.
  18. Not sure how this will work, but I'll give it a shot!
  19. keep the ideas coming! :P

    For the servers: I didnt realise that the 16 "realms" we had might have been only one server. That might shoot down that idea. However, if the possibility of doing would save money and they would consider it, I would be all for it. Even if I did loose my name/base/friend list. Cause it's either loosing that, or loosing the game entirely.

    For the different accounts: This seems the most popular idea so far. As long as the current account types are not changed, I see this as having the least impact on the community and the biggest impact on the income.

    In game adds: I knew there was a reason it didnt work! LOL I wouldnt count this one out yet tho, I,m sure there are ways to implement something like this and make it profitable. Like how they changed the mannequins at the Icon store and replaced them with mannequins wearing purchasable costumes, that was a great way to advertise items from the store! Maybe do ingame adds for items we can buy from the store?
  20. I know at this point we all feel like NCSoft just shot our dog, heck even I do, but I would like to keep this thread flame free and constructive. The truth is, there were 2 ways this could have gone down: either NCSoft turned off CoH, or NCSoft itself shut down. Either the case we would loose CoH.

    With all the information that has been put out there, either on these forums, facebook or other website interviews, it seems the possible reason CoH is getting shut down is because CoH was not as profitable as NCSoft needed it to be. I'm creating this thread as a brainstorming for possible options to increase the profitability of CoH.

    I know, you might be thinking what power do we have over that? More than you think actually! You have to realise that WE are the source of their cash flow. However, NCSoft might not have been willing to try certain options out of fear of scaring off clients. I'm hoping they will read this thread, and see what we, as their customer, are willing to do.


    Alot of people on Facebook and on these forums are suggesting that they increase the cost of subscriptions. Heck, even I would pay an extra 5-10$ a month if it meant it would save this game!

    However, this option could also alienate other players, who can't afford to pay more per month. So by doing this they could end up loosing subs, and scaring off potential new customers.

    Here's what I suggest: add a new account type.

    Currently we have (to my knowledge, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) Free, Premium and VIP. What I'm suggesting would be something like Free, Premium, VIP and Gold. All current account types would be there, so players would not loose the options they already have. The new account type would cost more to allow NCSoft to charge more money and allow the players who do have the extra cash to choose this option. As for what the different benefits this new gold account would have, I'll leave that up to others to speculate. But the ideas are out there, like maybe a freeform character perserver for that account, Or personal nemesis.


    Adding in game advertisement is something that was mentioned in the past. I don't know why it was not implemented, or if it was and it just flopped, but maybe this needs to be revisited. Maybe reduce the cost for in game adds? a little money is better than no money, right? Or NCSoft can use it for free advertising of their other games.

    I remember the community being up in arms and saying it would break game immersion, that they didnt want to pay for this game if reall world advertisements were going to be included, etc,etc,etc. At this point, I'm sure people would rather have in game adds breaking immersion than not having immersion period!


    The monetary impact of this would be minimal, but 2 fold.

    First, having/maintaining a server costs money. It consumes electricity, it needs hardware, it needs room, etc. Currently we have 16 servers. If we reduce the number of servers to 8, we would ideally be reducing the cost of running these by half.

    Second, community would be modified. In the past, merging servers was a great debate; some people wanted it, others didnt. Again, at this point, I believe we would agree to merge servers, over not having servers to log on to, period. Tho an increase in numbers/players on every server would defenetly look more appealing to new players, so this might help attract new customers.


    CoH is known for adding new and free content. Over the years they added 23 free issues, which were awesome and we love you guys for doing so. But now I believe that it's time to have us pay for it, because paid for content is better than no content at all.

    What I would suggest is a model similar to DCUO, when they have download packs of content, and that must be paid for. This would allow people to keep playing the game, even if they pay for the content or not. It would work like CoV did; you buy it, you have access to it, you don't, you can't acces it but can still play CoH.

    This is all that I had off the top of my head. Feel free to add more ideas.