Farewell and thanks for the fish.




Unfortunately, with my new job and promotion. I will be unable to attend the last day/night of this game.

Let me just say. The past 7 years have been great. I am made several friends, some short term, others long term.

Some of you may know that when I started playing, I was not in the best shape; mentally; having just ending a 10 year relationship with my high school sweetheart...I was not in the best of places. This game and friends....no heroes, saved me. I don't mean that in the I was going to end it all way, but I would not be who I would be today in not for you all.

So with that. Thank you all. You are my heroes.

Fast forward 7 years. I am now a boss! Remarried to a wonderful woman (who also plays), have a new child (now 5), a teenage daughter who was only 5 when I started playing; and new direction in life.

I am sad as to how this game ended (unfairly in my opinion), and wish and hope still that it could end differently. However, this seems not to be the case which brings me to this.

I don't want to say goodbye, but I will. The death of this game is sad. I have gone through more grieving than I though one should or would over a game; but it is more than a game to me....and I know to all of you. I doubt I will play another mmo again, but one doesn't know. You all can find me on xbox of course under my same name and perhaps we will run into each other one day again in the skies.

So I sadly hang up my cape. The future ahead is bright and may you all have a wonderful future.

Dan S.



/e salute

If you're not already on the facebook pages, there are plenty of us on those, and Steam and the like. We don't need our family here broken up completely!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!