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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LineNoise View Post
    Why did you bother making this thread if you weren't actually going to read any of the replies?
    Actually, I'm handwaving the two reasons I could already think of why cross-server teaming would be superior to free unlimited server transfers, to see if there's a more convincing basis than "I don't want to lose my name" and "I don't want to lose my SG".

    Not that those aren't good reasons; they're perfectly good reasons. My names are crucial to me; I wouldn't want to lose them. (SGs less so, but that's a personal preference.) I'm pretty sure, in fact, those are the reasons that "cross-server teaming" is being worked on.

    It just seems to me that "ensuring that people who are on lower-population servers who want to team are able to without losing their name or SG membership" is a pretty thin reason for a project that, it's been implied, has already eaten a fair bit of development time, and would likely eat a fair bit more to get to a functional state.


    Now, that's all right; I'm not excited about Water Blast, or Circle of Thorns costumes, either. But there, at least I get why those things are exciting to people.

    Cross-server teaming just leaves me cold, and I was hoping someone with real enthusiasm for it could explain it's benefits in a convincing manner, so I'd be able to get on board; there's so much enthusiasm, I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

    Thus far, they haven't convinced me of their passion; again, that's fine - different strokes, n' such.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Combat View Post
    Issue 2X would fix continuity, spelling/grammar errors, and other technical problems associated with game stories. Issue 20X+1 would redo all of the early story-arcs, Hero and Villainside, to be both unique and decently well written (read: interesting).

    Spend I2X+2 revamping the IO system.

    I2X+3 would be powerset rebalancing...

    I'd also do pretty major revamps of legacy zones such as Boomtown, Perez Park, and others, making some Villain-exclusive. Most major would be the Shadow Shard, which would be the end-game zone. Tons of new story, enemy types, and QoL improvements for the Shadow Shard.
    So, these Power Points. Do I just, like, push them through the screen at you to buy this stuff, or is there some other mechanic in place...?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    See there's my disconnect. I play on "Nebula" all the time and I don't have trouble finding teams...
    I'm on your side on this one.

    Originally Posted by Ad Astra
    Given that the vast majority of our content is "instanced", I'm confused as to what you are talking about above. The only content that isn't instance-based are the events such as the current Nemesis invasion and random street hunts (which are generally loathed by the player base).

    What is your definition of a "lot of content" that isn't instanced?
    Well, I was thinking of even the Task Forces that have hunts, for instance; how would they work? Or travel from one mission to another? Or, as I mentioned above, RP, or Costume Contests (which are not "content", per se, granted)?

    Okay, so, maybe it's not a lot. But the loss of the "open world" part would really throw me off, personally.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
    All that combines to a VERY good reason for me to look forward to a system that allows me to maintain characters on my main server, in my VG/SG ranks but still be able to team from a unified pool of players from any server for quick pick up teaming when the mood hits, then go back to my server with my same characters once done.
    Alright, I've read the pro-crossing arguments, and respectfully, they're unconvincing (not yours, personally, Seldom; yours just made a nice quote).

    Though, I'm comparing "free and unlimited server transfers", which seems pretty simple to execute but solves 90% of the problems, to "cross-server teaming", which seems pretty complicated to address that last 10%.

    Comparing "the current situation" to "cross-server teaming". I'll admit cross-server teaming is better than what we have now, even if it doesn't personally appeal.)

    So, as I said, the arguments are unconvincing... ...except this one:

    Originally Posted by Zybron1
    I would imagine it's quite a bit simpler to temporarily transfer your character to an instance server (such as for an iTrial or DFB) while on that particular team or league, than it would be to temporarily transfer your character to another server entirely.
    IF the Standard Code Rant leads the Devs to the conclusion that cross-server instanced-only teaming (...which leaves a lot of content out, really...) is less server-strain / drawback / downside / whatever than opening up free & unlimited character transfers would be, then it makes sense, I suppose.

    But even so, there would seem (to me) to be a lot of stuff that "cross-server instance-based teaming" leaves out in the cold.

    Edit to add -
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    I don't want to take Hyperstrike, move him to "Nebula" only to find there's a Hyperstrike already there and I have to rename him. Or worse, have someone snatch Hyperstrike from me on my "home" server while I'm away, meaning I have to rename when I get back. No, no, hell the **** no.
    Agreed; that's why I said, "Pretend the Naming Problem was solved". It's clear from you and others I should expand that to, "And the SG one, too; pretend it's solved, while we're at it".

    Of course, now as I type that, I'll bet you it's the SG Problem and the Naming Problem that are leading to the Cross-Server Teaming solution, but that seems like an awfully huuuuge (and time and money intensive) hammer to use on such a wee little proud nail.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
    Alter the defense and resistance cap system. Nobody would be able to reach soft- or hard-caps without external buffs. Non-melee ATs would selfcap at 20% defense/30% resist. Scrappers/stalkers would selfcap at 30% defense/50% resist, brutes would selfcap at 35% defense/60% resist, and tankers would selfcap at 40% defense/75% resist. This would include all IO set bonuses and self-inspiration use.

    There's so much more, but one has to stop somewhere.
    I suspect this one smells way better than it'd taste, but other than disagreements on what the capped totals would be and what would count against them, I like the idea.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    Some people like being on sparsely populated servers but there are times they can't find a team. Why should they switch to a server they don't want to be on just to team up for one play session?
    Nope, okay, see, right there is my disconnect.

    Let's say I'm on Nebula, the "nobody's here" server. (See? You've never even heard of it, that's how few people are on Nebula!) I want to team. I click "Transfer to Other Server", make my choice, and within moments, bam. Teams. Invites. Costume Contests. More players than I can shake an Endurance bar at.

    I have my bit of fun, and when I'm done, if I want, I click, "Go Home", and bam, I'm back to Nebula and solo-style play.

    That seems like a lot less coding for the Devs than "cross server teaming", but accomplishes about 95%+ of the same things in my mind.

    It does vastly reduce the "server transfer token" use, but wouldn't cross-server teaming mostly do that anyway?

    Again, I'm not trying to be difficult. I honestly feel like I'm some sort of blind fool, who can't see how obviously awesome cross-server teaming is, because I can't think it's much more than "free unlimited server transfers".

    Memphis_Bill - Valid points, I suppose. But again, those can be addressed by making those properties "sticky" when you click "transfer to other server" button.
  7. Please understand first of all - my request here is genuine. This is something I don't understand, and would like to.

    Can someone explain to me the allure of cross-server teaming, as an idea?

    What I'm unclear of is this: What problem does cross-server teaming address, that inexpensive (free is better) and immediate server transfers doesn't? Assume you could solve "The Name Problem" (which I agree is an immense, intractable mess of a problem, but pretend there's a mythical everyone's-happy solution to it, for a moment).

    I'm asking because the Survey seemed to imply that cross-server teaming was potentially a Next Big Thing for the game, into which the Devs were willing / able to pour not-inconsiderable work.

    While I understand that server transfers are probably a current revenue stream, it seems like an absolute waste of time to me. Can someone who chose / suggested cross-server teaming as a high priority explain why, or why cross-server teaming is a "better" solution than reduced-priced transfers?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    4. Max listing cap on items in the AH based on rarity. I personally have billions in inf, so it is not about me. It is more about capitalism run amok.

    5. All t9 Armor powers would switch to a function like the old quantum flight. When you click it it is 0 end for the first 60-120 seconds. After that the end cost increases by .5 for every 10 seconds that you continue to have it up. There would be no max cost, so it could in theory go up to 200 end per tick.
    #4 would do the opposite of what you want it to. I completely understand your intention and agree with your desired outcome, but this is not the way to get there from here.

    #5 would be a beautiful thing.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
    ... I'd go through all the IO sets and cut all the defense and recharge bonuses in half. As a consolation, we'd make the debt reduction bonuses bigger.
    I'd also hate you, but I'd think it was an excellent design decision.

    Well, change "debt reduction" to "resistance", and then it'd be an excellent design decision.

    Wee, this is fun!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Diminishing Returns in PvE.

    ... /Signed.

    Personally, I'd ramp Inf numbers way, way, way down. Like, to a hundredth or a thousandth, or ten thousandth of what it is right now, so the high numbers aren't quite so high. Get it to the point where a mid-double-digit millionaire is filthy, filthy rich, rather than almost-trillionaires.

    I think after the initial gnashing and clawing people would prefer a market where reasonable numbers of Inf have some value, as opposed to currently, where the prices on "the really good stuff" are in the multi-millions (tends to hover around 200 million, I've found).

    I'd also make Salvage available for very-high-but-set prices off-market. Enough that you can market them and make Inf still, but if the RNG hates you and the market's empty, you can pop over to the "Supplies Store". Note this is already essentially true at the AE buildings.

    Also, I'd totally introduce "nemesis plotlines", where there's a single recurring opponent (partially chosen / designed by you, a la AE) that has a hate on for your character, and whom you have to thwart every N 5 levels, to continue advancing.
  11. /signed, for certain values of signed.

    I'm all for either Converters (where it totally makes sense for them to have this ability) or Catalysts (where it makes no sense, but they totally need to have some use) to be able to change the level of a recipe.

    I don't think it should be "only up"; I think it should be "up or down", maybe +/- 5 per catalyst; you choose "up" or "down", and it randomly rolls how far to move the recipe., yeah, signed. Ish.
  12. A good selection of hair, or faces and hair, would be well worth a Costume Pack worth of points (say, 400, ish).

    So, /signed!
  13. ThatGuyThere

    RE: Gauntlet

    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    We're never going to get a chain of people answering the same question longer than four in this thread, are we?
    We could...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    And when you bring the "mechanically underperforming" sets up to par...
    This can't happen. Thought experiment.

    Imagine you change the lowest-performing set of each archetype, so that it was universally recognized to be the highest-performing set (yes, I realize this is impossible, bear with me).

    You have not removed the lowest-performing set. You've simply changed it's name (and brought it's performance up, at least somewhat). There's still a "worst set", and there always will be.

    So you repeat the process, taking the second lowest-performing set, and make it the new best set. Well, you've only done the same thing - there's still a best set, and there's still a worst set.

    And so on.

    The current situation - with virtually every archetype having a range of "good-better-best" powersets (...and maybe the occasional "bad") - is, in that sense, optimal.

    Note that I'm not arguing against bringing up significantly underperforming powersets (or archetypes, like Blasters). That's a different question. Everything should be within spittin' distance of "average", for certain undefinable values of "spittin' distance".
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
    Game modes!
    • Endurance. This is a nonstop match where enemies will continually spawn until you call it quits or failure is achieved. Every 5 minutes the enemies gain 1 level shift, growing indefinitely in power.
    Yes. Please. Maybe in AE. Or something. But yes.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by slythetic View Post
    Echoing another sentiment, I'd like masterminds to get improved pet ai and control.
    Oh, yeah, meant to say this too.

    The fact that MMs would be noticeably stronger if the pet AI was fixed is a problem, and shouldn't be ignored. A fixed Pet AI could absolutely be the focused bug-fix of an issue, and both masterminds and the game would be better for it.
  17. Blasters need a serious look. Potentially top-down. They currently don't have a role, per se, and don't perform the role they have very well.

    Unless that role is, "Be squishy". They're actually pretty good at that.

    Tankers need somewhat more HP, and to be able to prevent "unpreventable" damage in some way. I don't think they need more damage; I think that creates an uncomfortable tension.

    But I do think Tankers need to absolutely be the Kings of durability, which is currently at least "in question". Even if they're currently in the lead, it needs to be a stronger / larger lead.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
    This could be solved by changing the character select screen so that instead of pages of names, all your characters are displayed in the form of a costume contest under the statue of atlas and you select the one you want to play by clicking on it there. I'm not a programmer but I think this would be trivial to implement.
    /signed. Please forward this suggestion straight to the Devs.

    Make sure all the characters are doing random emotes while waiting for you to pick, too.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    This has less to do with storytelling, although it's still related, and more to do with the fact that I just hate lose conditions.
    Personal observation from years of table-top RPGs:

    If you can't lose, "winning" loses much of it's potential emotional impact.

    If there was no way to lose, you haven't truly "won" - you've sat down and had a story told to you. Which is fun, too, but activates a whole different part of the brain from the "playing a game" and "winning" parts.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    so the jist of this thread is:

    okay....done with this thread.
    What if the jist is, "Since the fix, nobody does Hamidon trials anymore, here's a potentially-very-easy way to make the Hamidon trial tempting again..."?

    Because that's the jist I got.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    I like having buttons that keep me on my feet or put me back on my feet
    Isn't that what Inspirations are for?

    I don't only play willpower. It's just my "default". I just prefer stuff taking damage when I push buttons, over me healing.
  22. Willpower. Just set it and forget it, and never need to worry about Mez again.

    More recently, I'm having to make reasons not to have Street Justice.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    My guess is that if they could show that virtually every time someone wins a lottery it turns out horribly bad for them they would be stopped regardless of how much "good" the lottery was doing.
    I suspect you guess wrong.

    But it doesn't turn out terribly for most of them, anyway.
  24. Hami-O's with 50% enhancement values (preferably along with new "triple Hamis" with 33% boosts) would complicate, in fun and interesting ways, builds.

    Frankenslotting with Hami-Os versus IO sets would shift toward "viable" for high-end play, making high-end builds choices between IO'd and Optimized. And choices between options of roughly-equal power are interesting.

    (In my opinion. On my builds, at least.)

    So, signed.
  25. New to the Stalker World, but love it so far.

    My intuition tells me to put the Stalker ATO Hide proc on Assassin's Strike. Is this a good idea? Why or why not?