HQ is under attack! (SG/VG bases)
1. Base raids were already a feature in the game and disabled because it was so borked, and wasn't popular.
2. Base raids cannot be reactivated because the base pathing was disabled which prevented players from building "illegal" (from a base raiding perspective) base designs.
3. All those "illegal" bases would have to be rebuilt from scratch which will piss off far more players (the base building community) than is worth the effort.
What Forbin said...
Although I do like the idea of an 'Endurance' challenge for a team (/solo), where the idea is to basically see how far you can go before you're defeated (say it's using AE tech and it'll be all okay ).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
1. These aren't base raids. At least not in the sense of being PVP based combat focusing on stealing items from other bases.
2. This is not an issue since decorations become destructible and anything obscuring a hallway can be destroyed.
3. No longer a problem with the above two.
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I like the idea. It would take a complete one hundred and eighty degree change in dev mindset to implement (bases are classified as "legacy code" and they want to only "tread very carefully"). But I can see the fun in it.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
Indeed. The frailty of the current SG base code is the biggest issue with this suggestion. It's hard to live in a house of cards, which is what this suggestion needs.
However... if something like this does get implemented, it would be extremely fun and also open the doors to other ideas. It never quite sat right with me that SG/VG bases were essentially decoration, especially when an important part of those bases is how they provide a support beam for upholding justice/villainy that is readily available to attack.
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Eh, just give us a combat practice room type already. ;-)
If the devs were ever going to consider something like this the only way they could do it would be by completely tearing out the current base feature and building a new one from scratch with this designed into it from the get go.
They would also have to find a way to insure the players with current bases don't lose anything they currently have in their bases along with compensating them for anything earned/lost under the current base feature.
The OP's idea doesn't even take into consideration the fact that thousands of the existing bases are Solo SG's. Nor does the idea take into account how unpopular zone events are with the player base and how unhappy players will be when they can't use their bases because a raid is going on.
So in addition to the raids the devs would have to also add an option that allowed SG Leaders to opt out of the raids.
If the devs were ever going to consider something like this the only way they could do it would be by completely tearing out the current base feature and building a new one from scratch with this designed into it from the get go.
They would also have to find a way to insure the players with current bases don't lose anything they currently have in their bases along with compensating them for anything earned/lost under the current base feature. |
The OP's idea doesn't even take into consideration the fact that thousands of the existing bases are Solo SG's. Nor does the idea take into account how unpopular zone events are with the player base and how unhappy players will be when they can't use their bases because a raid is going on. |
So in addition to the raids the devs would have to also add an option that allowed SG Leaders to opt out of the raids. |
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
BTW, I'm not sure what game you were playing during the brief time raids were up but in City of Heroes there were plenty of people that got a kick out of doing those (in spite of, what at the time were, some very severe limits and problems).
Now you may have been friends with a handful of people that liked base raids but don't come here trying to pretend it was even remotely popular with the overall player base.
To be fair, I imagine most of the reason base raids were largely ignored were precisely because they were PVP, while the OP's idea sounds strictly PvE. I, for one, would love for there to be another reason than the CoP trial (and decoration) to have a mission computer in my base (assuming this is a planned thing, and not random annoyance like certain obnoxious mini-games shoveled into otherwise decent games).
That said, there are numerous issues to account for, most of which have been named already. And fixing those issues is likely too much work for what would be a small number of people that would take advantage of it.
Why not just make it a new instance/trial for all levels?
I've playing City of Heroes for roughly 8 years straight, the game where 75-90% of the player base avoids PvP, the Arena, and Base Raids like the plague.
Now you may have been friends with a handful of people that liked base raids but don't come here trying to pretend it was even remotely popular with the overall player base. |
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Where do you get your data (or do you just enjoy making percentages up)? During the last player summit, the devs asked for a show of hands of ppl who would pvp if it were fixed. I assure you the percentange of ppl who sat on their hands was not 75%-90%. For the brief time they were around, Base raids were a heck of lot more popular than say Praetoria or AE buildings are today I'd wager and both of those things had to built from the ground up. The failure of the things you mention are dev design failures more so than player avoidance. It does work elsewhere and used to work here. But this is off topic for the sugguestion at hand (an NPC based attack/defend system). Have I heard all your best arguments about that?
ROFL! What next? Are you going to argue that redside has more players than Blueside?

Since this is a PVE event and not PVP and no permanent results to the base occur, it could be fun. Just have a base option for SG/VG that don't want to participate to not be attacked. Have it happen only on certain days and times or just have it be an event started by the SG/VG leaders. Also have a minimum number of members currently online to trigger it. I think it would be neat to have bases be more than homemade eye candy. Those that don't want to be in it, wouldn't.
If the devs were ever going to consider something like this the only way they could do it would be by completely tearing out the current base feature and building a new one from scratch with this designed into it from the get go.
They would also have to find a way to insure the players with current bases don't lose anything they currently have in their bases along with compensating them for anything earned/lost under the current base feature. The OP's idea doesn't even take into consideration the fact that thousands of the existing bases are Solo SG's. Nor does the idea take into account how unpopular zone events are with the player base and how unhappy players will be when they can't use their bases because a raid is going on. So in addition to the raids the devs would have to also add an option that allowed SG Leaders to opt out of the raids. |
Ah... I see. A lot of the confusion seems to come from my usage of the term "event". You'll have to excuse me, since I am only so good at English (also please take note that there are more definitions for the word "event" than how it is used in CoX to describe zone events). These "events" are planned missions that that a team can choose to do. Having various personally adjustable options along with three different game modes doesn't make any sense for a random attack, after all, let alone the ability to quit during these attacks.
In light of that, the rest of the issues fall in line. The only time they would have to edit current bases is if that actual base is undergoing the mission in real time. Rather, a much simpler method would be to duplicate the bases in an instance. Though I am not sure if the technology is available to allow SGs to access their inspiration and item reserves in real time in an instanced mission... but this is an acceptable loss.
With the mission in an instance, any player not taking part in the event would still have unlimited access to their SG base. Solo bases aren't a concern, since the SG that hosts the event can invite non-SG members to join them in the base attack. Solo bases probably can't even host their own unless their base is capable of supporting a mission computer. There would be no need to opt out of anything, since a base attack can't be started unless a team forms and chooses base defense from their mission computer, and with the simpler instanced duplicate mission no access to the base would be restricted.
The only reason for a randomized event (which would be a new feature in CoX to have an instanced mission with a limited timeframe to participate) would be if the system could be abused in some way. Since I currently have no rewards for base attacks, there is very little to abuse.
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ROFL! What next? Are you going to argue that redside has more players than Blueside?
![]() |
Not that they were PVP players or anything. Just that they'd entered the zones and used the arena.
I'd suspect that i13 put a major dent in these numbers.
Ah... I see. A lot of the confusion seems to come from my usage of the term "event". You'll have to excuse me, since I am only so good at English (also please take note that there are more definitions for the word "event" than how it is used in CoX to describe zone events). These "events" are planned missions that that a team can choose to do. Having various personally adjustable options along with three different game modes doesn't make any sense for a random attack, after all, let alone the ability to quit during these attacks.
In light of that, the rest of the issues fall in line. The only time they would have to edit current bases is if that actual base is undergoing the mission in real time. Rather, a much simpler method would be to duplicate the bases in an instance. Though I am not sure if the technology is available to allow SGs to access their inspiration and item reserves in real time in an instanced mission... but this is an acceptable loss. With the mission in an instance, any player not taking part in the event would still have unlimited access to their SG base. Solo bases aren't a concern, since the SG that hosts the event can invite non-SG members to join them in the base attack. Solo bases probably can't even host their own unless their base is capable of supporting a mission computer. There would be no need to opt out of anything, since a base attack can't be started unless a team forms and chooses base defense from their mission computer, and with the simpler instanced duplicate mission no access to the base would be restricted. The only reason for a randomized event (which would be a new feature in CoX to have an instanced mission with a limited timeframe to participate) would be if the system could be abused in some way. Since I currently have no rewards for base attacks, there is very little to abuse. |
You are correct that clarification on "event" and "raid" makes a huge difference in what I was thinking you were suggesting. I'm all in favor of adding more things to do with the Mission Computer. Thanks for taking the time to point out what I was misunderstanding.
I know there are all kinds of reasons for this not to happen, but it sounds fun to me, so make it so. Also, some of the most fun I've had on games was defending the SG base against raids. Fun stuff so I wish that could make a comeback as well.
"Some people get their kicks stompin on a dream" - The Chairman of the Board
"I learned long ago, never wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it" - George Bernard Shaw
ROFL! What next? Are you going to argue that redside has more players than Blueside?
It's pretty simple... if you want the business you grow the business. People are going to do what they perceive as fun (and to a lesser extent for rewards). Base raids were an absolute mess in terms of both logistics and mechanics. But you know what? They were still an absolute hoot to do for me and to others. Best times in my seven year CoH gameplay. There are lots of lair raid based games out there that do just fine (pvp and pve). This one could too. It's a flat out shame that the devs could not grow the business with base raids. If a PvE attack/defend system can somehow provide half the fun value long term as base raids did for a very short time it would be a success... at least as much of a success as what some of the other niche communities have enjoyed with what we have received lately.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
Where are the cries that people are "avoiding the redside and Praetoria like the plague" and it's past time to stomp them out? How about AE? How about hardcore marketeers? How about any other niche?

Your strategy appears to be to find reasons on how bad something is so you can pretty much reject good ideas out of hand. Ok if that makes you feel better. |

The devs have said that, at its height, about 10% of the population had entered a PVP zone.
Not that they were PVP players or anything. Just that they'd entered the zones and used the arena. I'd suspect that i13 put a major dent in these numbers. |
So...what happened in i13 as that's when I previously "retired"?
This is an SG based mission (because "event" is a problem word apparently). A randomly chosen enemy group will assault the base, and it is the job of the SG or VG and whomever they invite to defend the base. There will be several modes in which your base is assaulted. While inside, enemies will try their best to basically wreck whatever is around as they wander through the base, making a beeline toward offensive towers, inspiration sellers, the hospital, generators, control, teleporters, and all of that interesting stuff, until they are distracted by players, decorations, and all of that stuff.
For the list of rules:
Game modes!
Other things:
There are in no way the final numbers nor is this suggestion all encompassing of every single aspect that may go into bases getting attacked. I... just REALLY want this to happen. I don't care if no additional rewards are added later to completing these things. They will be awesome, and I would like the opportunity to do this.
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