How long will the exploits go on?




Originally Posted by Mr_Right View Post
I call Poe's Law on this. I couldn't tell it was a joke because I've seen people post things like that "straight faced" and believe it (or at least defend it and never ever let on they were joking).
Don't you quote Edgar Allen Poe in my apartment!

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
Don't you quote Edgar Allen Poe in my apartment!
Originally Posted by Edgar Allan Poe
In criticism I will be bold, and as sternly, absolutely just with friend and foe. From this purpose nothing shall turn me.
(I'm actually quite surprised by the number of absolutely relevant quotes EAPoe has!)



Originally Posted by jshmoe View Post
I don't see what the big deal is. I agree exploits need to be handled with swiftly, but to be a 78 month vet and THIS is what causes you to not log in? Some spam?
I assume it's a combination of the spam but, larger than that, the complete ambivalence shown so far by the devs which makes the spam possible. This has been going on for weeks and it's be pushing a month provided it's actually fixed on Tuesday. No one believes that there'll be any crack down or anyone losing levels or anything like that. People can sit and openly spam for exploit teams because there's no indication that anyone actually cares. That's the part that gets disheartening; the spam itself is just a symptom.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I assume it's a combination of the spam but, larger than that, the complete ambivalence shown so far by the devs which makes the spam possible. This has been going on for weeks and it's be pushing a month provided it's actually fixed on Tuesday. No one believes that there'll be any crack down or anyone losing levels or anything like that. People can sit and openly spam for exploit teams because there's no indication that anyone actually cares. That's the part that gets disheartening; the spam itself is just a symptom.
Yes more roll backs for exploiters!

Whatever level you started your exaggerated XP climb you'll be rolled back to and your inf, tickets, non event salvage, and recipes will be zeroed out.

No announcement till after though so people can't just trade inf/goodies to save it.

Only thing not lost will be what ever you have in enhancements and slots.


(seriously this type of punishment for over exploitation would crack me up to no end)



Originally Posted by Shadowe View Post
There's a suggestion for our US brethren who want to avoid AE and RMT spam: get an EU account!
Already did the opposite, thx.

Originally Posted by Sun_Runner View Post
Nothing much would change. People in the game will ignore the forums, over half of them not even knowing they exist. People in the forums will continue to remain a vocal minority.

Consequences applied wholesale to the using playerbase would result in COHs already unstable outlook becoming even more unstable ... which means the originator and a few of the most abusive users may suffer, while everyone else goes about their business. You don't ban/punish a significant minority of your playerbase (say, worst case, 15%) unless you have customers to burn. COH doesn't have customers to burn what with its' income this year being rather lower than last year even with the paid expansion numbers ...

Fo Sho



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I assume it's a combination of the spam but, larger than that, the complete ambivalence shown so far by the devs which makes the spam possible. This has been going on for weeks and it's be pushing a month provided it's actually fixed on Tuesday. No one believes that there'll be any crack down or anyone losing levels or anything like that. People can sit and openly spam for exploit teams because there's no indication that anyone actually cares. That's the part that gets disheartening; the spam itself is just a symptom.
Yep. My favorite was the exploit mission filled with "Uncaring NCSoft Employee" NPC's..



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
You seem to be under the impression that this game is a democracy. And actually it might be, but the dev team are the ones with the votes.

In other words it doesn't particularly matter what the Aye and Nay player totals are in the least.
That would make it a democratic republic, rather than a true democracy. So really, there's no way this game is a democracy...

*prays for a successful threadjack*



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I assume it's a combination of the spam but, larger than that, the complete ambivalence shown so far by the devs which makes the spam possible. This has been going on for weeks and it's be pushing a month provided it's actually fixed on Tuesday. No one believes that there'll be any crack down or anyone losing levels or anything like that. People can sit and openly spam for exploit teams because there's no indication that anyone actually cares. That's the part that gets disheartening; the spam itself is just a symptom.
You, and the rest of the complainers, do realize that there are two factors as to why they aren't communicative at this particular time? I mean, you do know right?

A) They've been trying to fix the show-stopper bug for I19 (which has been giving them headaches)
B) It's a Holiday and they too, as fellow human beings (not just slaves to this game), are probably with family and enjoying a vacation.

Just saying.

Life is something that happens while making other plans.



Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
And as far as they're concerned, this would be without warning. And since they were only playing content that - in whole or in part - the devs included in the game, they'd have a legitimate cause to believe they were being punished for "playing the game wrong".

There's nothing in the Mission Architect system, or online in the game, that says, "If you find an arc with a disbalanced rate of return, we may take away the benefits you gain from running that arc". In fact, the game is set up in such a way to REWARD finding and creating such arcs.

I agree with this. Yes it needs to be fixed. Until it is I don't think anyone is doing anything wrong by using it.

I don't see how it is an exploit. I would love somebody to explain exactly how it is a rules violation. The fault is with the Dev's, not the player base.

I agree this thing needs to be fixed. I just don't see how it's players fault. I don't have to do anything different to run this mission than I would if I ran a radio mission. You don't need to logout, ghost, or any of the other tricks people did in past exploits.

I know people don't like it, but I just see this as a Devs mistake. I can't blame people for using it.



Originally Posted by Tiny_H View Post
I don't see how it is an exploit.
The mission involves killing creatures of "underling" rank which somehow give rewards as if they were "boss" rank. This is obviously not correct. It is an exploit because it grants too high rewards for too little effort.

I would love somebody to explain exactly how it is a rules violation.
The EULA everyone signs when they log in, and the devs themselves on multiple occasions, say that it's against the rules to use exploits.

The fault is with the Dev's, not the player base.
No, the fault is clearly with the cheaters and their cheating buddies. The correct way to handle these exploits is to report them as bugs and then leave them alone, not talk about them with anyone and never mention them again.

The correct way is not to make several copies of the same mission with slight changes to try to squeeze some more rewards out of it before it gets removed, playing it over and over again as much as possible, knowing what they are doing is wrong and will eventually be stopped.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Ya know, people can't explain how its an exploit without mentioning an exploit, which is against the forum rules.. so awesome catch 22.



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
The mission involves <WOOPSIE!> This is obviously not correct. It is an exploit because it <OH NOES!>
If people who take advantage of exploits should be punished, as you stated in the thread over in the Suggestions section, then people who explain how exploits work and thereby enable even more exploiters to exploit the exploit should be also punished!

Oh, ho! Hoist on your own petard!

Edited so as not to promulgate the promulgation!



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Ya know, people can't explain how its an exploit without mentioning an exploit, which is against the forum rules.. so awesome catch 22.

I can (and have) used a theoretical mob type/mission to explain it in the past. If I said "Well, use map such-and-such, and populate it with these mobs, custom or otherwise, and you'll go from getting 2 XP each like you would normally to getting 200,000 each!" I'd be mentioning the exploit.

However, if I say "If you set up a situation where, for instance, a Hellion minion gave you 200,000 XP *each* instead of their normal XP, that's a bug. If you then created a map populated with just these and ran it over and over, getting to 50 in two runs," - which is not the exploit, of course, but an example - I'm explaining the sort of thing that would BE an exploit, and may be similar, without giving out the info on how to create or duplicate the exploit.

Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
If people who take advantage of exploits should be punished, as you stated in the thread over in the Suggestions section, then people who explain how exploits work and thereby enable even more exploiters to exploit the exploit should be also punished!

Oh, ho! Hoist on your own petard!
Um, no.



Originally Posted by Aibheil View Post
A) They've been trying to fix the show-stopper bug for I19 (which has been giving them headaches)
B) It's a Holiday and they too, as fellow human beings (not just slaves to this game), are probably with family and enjoying a vacation.

Just saying.
I need to work for NCSoft where they get three weeks off for Thanksgiving!

Just saying. Good point, though!



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
If people who take advantage of exploits should be punished, as you stated in the thread over in the Suggestions section, then people who explain how exploits work and thereby enable even more exploiters to exploit the exploit should be also punished!

Oh, ho! Hoist on your own petard!
I don't even know how it works.

But I suppose you are right. If an entire menagerie of cats weren't out of every possible bag by now I wouldn't have gone into all that detail.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I don't even know how it works.

But I suppose you are right. If an entire menagerie of cats weren't out of every possible bag by now I wouldn't have gone into all that detail.
It's not cats, it's m--

Well played, sir! Well played, indeed.



Originally Posted by Tiny_H View Post
I know people don't like it, but I just see this as a Devs mistake. I can't blame people for using it.
...And this is why they need to crack down hard on the people who are using--and especially propagating--this exploit. It sure would be nice if all players were mature enough for the devs to be able to post a message that says, "Hey all, we don't like it when you do this, it's obviously broken, so please don't do it." They've actually tried that many times before, and it's been repeatedly proven that some people think that "because I CAN" gives them the divine right to do whatever they want regardless of explicit weigh-in from the people who run the game.

If you accidentally left your front door unlocked one day when you left for work, does that mean that I have the right to come into your house/apartment/igloo/hovel and take all of your stuff? When you get home, would you just shake your head and say, "Well, I can't blame someone for coming in and robbing me, after all, it was my mistake" and go your merry way? Or would you call the police and want your stuff back and the person responsible punished? What if someone broke your car window while it was parked one day, and the glass guy told you that it would be next Tuesday before they could work you in and get it fixed? Does that give anyone who wants to the right to hop in, hotwire it, and take it for a spin just because they can? I mean, come on, you know that plastic isn't going to stop anyone with minimal effort from being able to get in.

It is a dev mistake, but unlike you, I most certainly DO blame people for using it. Those people are immature, they don't have the best interest of the game at heart, and as I've said before, if being able to exploit the game without consequence is a condition for someone to remain a subscriber, it makes good business sense to not have them around.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
I need to work for NCSoft where they get three weeks off for Thanksgiving!

Just saying. Good point, though!
Where did this even come from? This shows colossal ignorance.

They aren't off for three weeks. At best, they're probably off for two days. But they very likely did not want to release I19 on Tuesday when they would then be off two days later, with a bunch of people playing and possibly getting PO'd when XYZ turned out to be broken with no devs around to even look into it for four days.

They missed the target of Tuesday last week. The holiday this week means they have to move it to Tuesday next week. There's no three-week vacation involved.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
...And this is why they need to crack down hard on the people who are using--and especially propagating--this exploit. It sure would be nice if all players were mature enough for the devs to be able to post a message that says, "Hey all, we don't like it when you do this, it's obviously broken, so please don't do it." They've actually tried that many times before, and it's been repeatedly proven that some people think that "because I CAN" gives them the divine right to do whatever they want regardless of explicit weigh-in from the people who run the game.

If you accidentally left your front door unlocked one day when you left for work, does that mean that I have the right to come into your house/apartment/igloo/hovel and take all of your stuff?
Your analogy simply does not hold.

The devs have (in theory) completely created this world, all the physics and interactions in it. IMPLICITY - and we can debate the accuracy of the assumption or not, but it's not an unreasonable assumption - what you can do matches what you're allowed to do.

It's implied - albeit, untrue, but certainly implied - that you can't actually do anything that they devs didn't (ultimately, in one form or another) set in place.

And, even if the current events are an exploit - and I don't disagree that they are - it's entirely UNreasonable to expect nobody to use them, on a "good faith" argument. The devs set the reward scale, intentionally or otherwise. The game intentionally rewards finding the highest rungs of the reward scale. The players are not subverting, corrupting, or modifying the code - they're just using the code the devs provided, in exactly the manner the devs provided, and getting the results the devs did not expect.

I think your anger at the people who have "done this" is gravely misplaced and out of scale.

(I'm not suggesting you be mad at the devs, either. This amounts to a "whoops", a patch, and everyone carrying on about their day.)

A parallel situation - Imagine, though a not-entirely-dissimilar error, Brawl was causing immensely more damage than ever intended, along the rate of a factor of a thousand or more.

Is it an "exploit" to use Brawl, now? I suspect you'd say yes, and I suspect I'd agree. In fact, I don't think anyone would genuinely think Brawl was supposed to do that much damage.

But you seem to suggest that you'd expect players not to use Brawl until it was repaired, because the devs clearly didn't mean for it to do that. I'd expect everyone to use Brawl until it was repaired.

One of those positions would bear more resemblance to what would happen than the other one does.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Where did this even come from? This shows colossal ignorance.
Maybe you missed the quoted section where someone was "Just saying" that this was a holiday. My three week vacation remark was sarcasm.

The exploit's been known about for weeks. For someone else to self-righteously inform me that this is a holiday and so I shouldn't think it was disappointing that this exploit still hasn't been fixed (or maybe I just think they're all "slaves"!) showed "colossal ignorance" on his part. Feel free to let him know. Thanks!



Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
But you seem to suggest that you'd expect players not to use Brawl until it was repaired, because the devs clearly didn't mean for it to do that. I'd expect everyone to use Brawl until it was repaired.
...And then if the devs nuked the experience, influence, prestige, and/or other rewards that were gained from people going through the game simply brawling everything, not only would I not mind, but I'd cheer them on. Why? Because maybe next time when such an exploit is discovered and publicized, people would think twice about wasting their time and energy using it.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
...And this is why they need to crack down hard on the people who are using--and especially propagating--this exploit. It sure would be nice if all players were mature enough for the devs to be able to post a message that says, "Hey all, we don't like it when you do this, it's obviously broken, so please don't do it." They've actually tried that many times before, and it's been repeatedly proven that some people think that "because I CAN" gives them the divine right to do whatever they want regardless of explicit weigh-in from the people who run the game.

If you accidentally left your front door unlocked one day when you left for work, does that mean that I have the right to come into your house/apartment/igloo/hovel and take all of your stuff? When you get home, would you just shake your head and say, "Well, I can't blame someone for coming in and robbing me, after all, it was my mistake" and go your merry way? Or would you call the police and want your stuff back and the person responsible punished? What if someone broke your car window while it was parked one day, and the glass guy told you that it would be next Tuesday before they could work you in and get it fixed? Does that give anyone who wants to the right to hop in, hotwire it, and take it for a spin just because they can? I mean, come on, you know that plastic isn't going to stop anyone with minimal effort from being able to get in.

It is a dev mistake, but unlike you, I most certainly DO blame people for using it. Those people are immature, they don't have the best interest of the game at heart, and as I've said before, if being able to exploit the game without consequence is a condition for someone to remain a subscriber, it makes good business sense to not have them around.
That all sounds well & good, but that would only work in a world where the dev team actually reacted in a timely fashion to exploits like this, rather than allowing them to go on for weeks like this one. Sure, you can blame the players, but that is the simplistic way out, and completely ignores the root of the problem. In the end, ALL responsibility for the continual stream of AE exploits rests with the dev & GM teams. They have repeatedly failed to react to these problems.

Don't tell me these arcs haven't been reported dozens of times over the last few weeks. Yet they are still there. It's a very simple question: Why aren't the GM's pulling these arcs and locking the players who publish them out of AE? If they took prompt action against the abuses quickly, we wouldn't have situations like we have now.

It's been like this since day one with AE. Personally, at this point, I've come to the conclusion that the devs really don't care about it. They'll patch it eventually, when they get around to it, but they're simply too apathetic to do more. Which is a terrible mistake, because I can think of few things more harmful to the long term health of an MMO, than to allow it become dominated by a never-ending stream of exploits.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
...And then if the devs nuked the experience, influence, prestige, and/or other rewards that were gained from people going through the game simply brawling everything, not only would I not mind, but I'd cheer them on. Why? Because maybe next time when such an exploit is discovered and publicized, people would think twice about wasting their time and energy using it.

The normal Blissful Meal at O'Donalds is an O'Burger, small fries, and a small soft drink. One fateful day, a bunch of new employees are working and give out a whole bunch of Blissful Meals with O'Burgers with cheese, large fries, and large soft drinks. As the manager, do you:

1. Go around the restaurant taking food away from the customers and even going so far as to shove your finger down the throats of those who have already eaten most of it so they puke up their ill-gotten gains (oh, they knew, they KNEW they were getting too much! Cheating bastiges!), or...

2. Suck it up and take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again.

Remember if you plan to stay
Those who give can take away
Don't bite the hand that feeds you.



Zzzt! This implies that the devs intended to make these exploits available. That's simply not true. It's more like this:

An ATM has a bug that causes the machine to give out $100s instead of $20s. Does the bank:

1. Audit their records to see who discovered this and repeatedly used the ATM to get a crap ton of money and take whatever legal steps are necessary to get it back (oh, they knew, they KNEW they were getting too much! Cheating bastiges!), or...

2. Suck it up and take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. (He withdrew and re-deposited until he had millions. Oopsie! Well, we don't want to lose him as a customer...)

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Zzzt! This implies that the devs intended to make these exploits available. That's simply not true.
How did you reach this shocking conclusion?

BTW - you keep using Real Life CRIMES for examples. I don't think someone gaining a lotta levels hella fast in an MMO is remotely comparable to actual property damage, grand theft auto, or unlawful entry.

Do you?